List of Ramsar Wetlands of International Importance

Ramsar sites are protected under by the Ramsar Convention, an international treaty for the conservation and sustainable use of wetlands, recognizing the fundamental ecological functions of wetlands and their economic, cultural, scientific, and recreational value. The convention establishes that "wetlands should be selected for the list on account of their international significance in terms of ecology, botany, zoology, limnology or hydrology." Over the years, the Conference of the Contracting Parties has adopted more specific criteria interpreting the convention text.[1]

The Ramsar List organizes the Ramsar sites according to the contracting party that designated each to the list. Contracting parties are grouped into six "regions": Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin American and the Caribbean, North America, and Oceania.[2] As of October 2024, 171 states have acceded to the convention and designated 2,521 sites to the list, covering 257,317,367 hectares (635,845,060 acres); one other state has acceded to the convention but has yet to designate any sites. The complete list of the wetlands is accessible on the Ramsar Sites Information Service website.[3]




Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Aulnaie de Aïn Khiar 180 440
Chott Aïn El Beïda 6,853 16,930
Chott de Zehrez Chergui 50,985 125,990
Chott de Zehrez Gharbi 52,200 129,000
Chott Ech Chergui 855,500 2,114,000
Chott El Beïdha-Hammam Essoukhna 12,223 30,200
Chott El Hodna 362,000 890,000
Chott Melghir 551,500 1,363,000
Chott Merrouane et Oued Khrouf 337,700 834,000
Chott Oum El Raneb 7,155 17,680
Chott Sidi Slimane 616 1,520
Chott Tinsilt 2,154 5,320
Complexe de zones humides de la plaine de Guerbes-Sanhadja 42,100 104,000
Dayet El Ferd 3,323 8,210
Garaet Annk Djemel et El Merhsel 18,140 44,800
Garaet El Taref 33,460 82,700
Garaet Guellif 24,000 59,000
Garaet Timerganine 1,460 3,600
Grotte karstique de Ghar Boumâaza 20,000 49,000
Gueltates Afilal 20,900 52,000
Ile de Rachgoun 66 160
La Réserve Naturelle du Lac des Oiseaux 120 300
La Vallée d'Iherir 6,500 16,000
Lac de Fetzara 20,680 51,100
Lac de Télamine 2,399 5,930
Lac du barrage de Boughezoul 9,058 22,380
Le Cirque de Aïn Ouarka 2,350 5,800
Les Gueltates d'Issakarassene 35,100 87,000
Les Salines d'Arzew 5,778 14,280
Marais de Bourdim 11 27
Marais de la Macta 44,500 110,000
Marais de la Mekhada 8,900 22,000
Oasis de Moghrar et de Tiout 195,500 483,000
Oasis de Ouled Saïd 25,400 63,000
Oasis de Tamantit et Sid Ahmed Timmi 95,700 236,000
Oglat Ed Daïra 23,430 57,900
Oum Lâagareb 729 1,800
Réserve Intégrale du Lac El Mellah 2,257 5,580
Réserve Intégrale du Lac Oubeïra 3,160 7,800
Réserve Intégrale du Lac Tonga 2,700 6,700
Réserve Naturelle du Lac de Béni-Bélaïd 600 1,500
Réserve Naturelle du Lac de Réghaïa 842 2,080
Sebkha d'Oran 56,870 140,500
Sebkhet Bazer 4,379 10,820
Sebkhet El Hamiet 2,509 6,200
Sebkhet El Melah 18,947 46,820
Site classé Sebkhet Ezzmoul 6,765 16,720
Site Ramsar du Lac Boulhilet 856 2,120
Tourbière du Lac Noir 5 12
Vallée de l'oued Soummam 12,453 30,770


Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Basse Vallée de l'Ouémé, Porto-Novo Lagoon, Lake Nokoué 652,760 1,613,000
Basse Vallée du Couffo, Lagune Côtiere, Chenal Aho, Lac Ahémé 524,289 1,295,550
Site Ramsar du Complexe W 895,480 2,212,800
Zone Humide de la Rivière Pendjari 144,774 357,740


Hippos in the Okavango Delta, Botswana
Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Okavango Delta System 5,537,400 13,683,000

Burkina Faso

Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Barrage de Bagre 36,793 90,920
Barrage de la Kompienga 16,916 41,800
Barrage de la Tapoa 3,419 8,450
Barrage de Samandéni 68,202 168,530
Barrage de Tougouri 1,221 3,020
Barrage de Yalgo 4,522 11,170
Bassin du Nakanbé-Mané 19,477 48,130
Complexe du Parc Urbain Bãngr – Weoogo et du lac des trois barrages 945 2,340
Complexe d'Aires Protégées Pô-Nazinga-Sissili 301,972.6 746,191
Cône d'épandage de Banh 10,003 24,720
Corridor forestier de la Boucle du Mouhoun 134,553 332,490
Forêt Galerie de Léra 451 1,110
La Forêt Classée et Réserve Partielle de Faune Comoé-Léraba 124,500 308,000
La Mare aux Hippopotames 19,200 47,000
La Mare d'Oursi 45,000 110,000
La Vallée du Sourou 20,926 51,710
Lac Bam 2,693 6,650
Lac de Tingrela 494 1,220
Lac Dem 1,354 3,350
Lac Higa 1,514 3,740
Mare de Darkoye 1,716 4,240
Mare de Yomboli 834.5 2,062
Parc National d'Arly 219,485 542,360
Parc National du W 235,000 580,000
Zone de confluence Mouhoun-Sourou 23,300 58,000


Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Parc National de la Rusizi 10,673 26,370
Parc National de la Ruvubu 50,800 126,000
Paysage Aquatique Protégé du Nord 16,242 40,130
Réserve Naturelle de la Malagarazi 800 2,000


Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Barombi Mbo Crater Lake 415 1,030
Estuaire du Rio del Rey 165,000 410,000
Partie Camerounaise du Fleuve Ntem 39,848 98,470
Partie Camerounaise du fleuve Sangha 6,200 15,000
Partie Camerounaise du Lac Tchad 12,500 31,000
Waza Logone Floodplain 600,000 1,500,000
Zone Humide d'Ebogo 3,097 7,650

Cape Verde

Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Curral Velho 600 1,500
Lagoa de Pedra Badejo 200 490
Lagoa de Rabil 300 740
Salinas of the English Port 535 1,320

Central African Republic

Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Les Rivières de Mbaéré-Bodingué 101,300 250,000
Riviere Sangha située en République Centrafricaine 275,000 680,000


Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Lake Fitri 195,000 480,000
Partie tchadienne du lac Tchad 1,648,168 4,072,710
Plaine de Massenya 2,526,000 6,240,000
Plaines d'inondation des Bahr Aouk et Salamat 4,922,000 12,160,000
Plaines d'inondation du Logone et les dépressions Toupouri 2,978,900 7,361,000
Réserve de faune de Binder-Léré 135,000 330,000


Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Lake Dziani Boundouni 30 74
Le Karthala 13,000 32,000
Le Mont Ntringui 3,000 7,400

Congo (Republic of the Congo)

Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Bas-Kouilou-Yombo 55,124 136,210
Cayo-Loufoualeba 15,366 37,970
Conkouati-Douli 504,950 1,247,800
Grands affluents 5,908,074 14,599,170
La Réserve Communautaire du Lac Télé/Likouala-aux-Herbes 438,960 1,084,700
Leketi-Mbama 774,965 1,914,980
Les Rapides du Congo-Djoué 2,500 6,200
Libenga 59,409 146,800
Loubetsi-Nyanga 251,151.08 620,607.8
Sangha-Nouabalé-Ndoki 1,525,000 3,770,000
Site Ramsar Ntokou-Pikounda 427,200 1,056,000
Site Ramsar Odzala Kokoua 1,300,000 3,200,000
Site Ramsar Vallée du Niari 1,581,000 3,910,000
Tchicapika-Owando 970,165.83 2,397,332.0

Côte d'Ivoire

Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Complexe Sassandra-Dagbego 10,551 26,070
Fresco 15,507 38,320
Grand Bassam 40,210 99,400
Iles Ehotilé-Essouman 27,274 67,400
N'Ganda N'Ganda 14,402 35,590
Parc national d'Azagny 19,400 48,000

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Lake Mai-Ndombe at Tumba-Ngiri-Maindombe, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Bassin de la Lufira 4,470,993 11,048,060
Ngiri-Tumba-Maindombe 6,569,624 16,233,890
Mangroves National Park 66,000 160,000
Virunga National Park 800,000 2,000,000


Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Haramous-Loyada 3,000 7,400


Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Lake Bardawil 59,500 147,000
Lake Burullus 46,200 114,000
Lake Qarun Protected Area 134,042 331,220
Wadi El Rayan Protected Area 175,790 434,400

Equatorial Guinea

Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Annobón 23,000 57,000
Muni Estuary Natural Reserve 80,000 200,000
Ntem River and Campo River 33,000 82,000


Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Hawane Dam and Nature Reserve 232 570
Sand River Dam 764 1,890
Van Eck Dam 187 460


Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Bas Ogooue 862,700 2,132,000
Chutes et Rapides sur Ivindo 132,500 327,000
Parc National Akanda 54,000 130,000
Parc National Pongara 92,969 229,730
Petit Loango 480,000 1,200,000
Rapides de Mboungou Badouma et de Doume 59,500 147,000
Setté Cama 220,000 540,000
Site Ramsar des Monts Birougou 536,800 1,326,000
Wongha-Wonghé 380,000 940,000


Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Baobolon Wetland Reserve 20,000 49,000
Niumi National Park 4,940 12,200
Tanbi Wetland Complex 6,304 15,580


Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Densu Delta 5,892.99 14,561.9
Keta Lagoon Complex 101,022.69 249,632.5
Muni-Pomadze Ramsar Site 9,461.12 23,378.9
Owabi 7,260 17,900
Sakumo Ramsar Site 1,364.35 3,371.4
Songor Lagoon 51,133.33 126,353.2


Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Bafing-Falémé 517,300 1,278,000
Bafing-Source 317,200 784,000
Gambie-Koulountou 281,400 695,000
Gambie-Oundou-Liti 527,400 1,303,000
Ile Alcatraz 1 2.5
Ile Blanche 10 25
Iles Tristao 85,000 210,000
Konkouré 90,000 220,000
Niger Source 180,400 446,000
Niger-Mafou 1,015,450 2,509,200
Niger-Niandan-Milo 1,046,400 2,586,000
Niger-Tinkisso 400,600 990,000
Rio Kapatchez 20,000 49,000
Rio Pongo 30,000 74,000
Sankarani-Fié 1,015,200 2,509,000
Tinkisso 896,000 2,210,000


Name Area (ha)
Archipel Bolama-Bijagós 1046950
Lagoa de Cufada 39098
Lagune de Wendu Tcham 14970.18
Parc Naturel des Mangroves du Fleuve Cacheu (PNTC) 88615


Lake Baringo in Kenya
Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Lake Baringo 31,469 77,760
Lake Bogoria 10,700 26,000
Lake Elmenteita 10,880 26,900
Lake Naivasha 30,000 74,000
Lake Nakuru 18,800 46,000
Tana River Delta Ramsar Site 163,600 404,000


Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Lets'eng-la-Letsie 434 1,070


Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Gbedin Wetlands 25 62
Kpatawee Wetlands 835 2,060
Lake Piso 76,091 188,020
Marshall Wetlands 12,168 30,070
Mesurado Wetlands 6,760 16,700


Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Ain Elshakika 33 82
Ain Elzarga 50 120


Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Barrière de Corail Nosy Ve Androka 91,445 225,970
Complexe des lacs Ambondro et Sirave (CLAS) 14,481.5 35,785
Complexe des lacs de Manambolomaty 7,491 18,510
Complexe des Zones Humides de Bemanevika 10,000 25,000
Iles Barren 463,200 1,145,000
Lac Kinkony 13,800 34,000
Lac Sofia 1,650 4,100
Le Lac Alaotra : Les Zones Humides et Bassins Versants 722,500 1,785,000
Mangroves de la Baie d'Ambaro 54,000 130,000
Mangroves de Tsiribihina 47,218 116,680
Marais de Torotorofotsy avec leurs bassins versants 9,993 24,690
Parc de Tsarasaotra 5 12
Parc national Tsimanampesotse 203,740 503,500
Rivière Nosivolo et affluents 358,511 885,900
Site Bioculturel d'Antrema 20,620 51,000
Zone Humide de Mandrozo 15,145 37,420
Zones Humides Ankarafantsika (CLSA) 33,145 81,900
Zones humides d'Ambondrobe 13,000 32,000
Zones humides de Bedo 1,962 4,850
Zones humides de l'Onilahy 42,950 106,100
Zones Humides de Sahamalaza 24,049 59,430


Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Elephant Marsh 61,556 152,110
Lake Chilwa 224,800 555,000


Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Delta Intérieur du Niger 4,119,500 10,180,000
Lac Magui 24,740 61,100
Lac Wegnia 3,900 9,600
Plaine Inondable du Sourou 56,500 140,000


Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Chat Tboul 15,500 38,000
Lac Gabou et le réseau hydrographique du Plateau du Tagant 9,500 23,000
Parc National du Banc d'Arguin 1,200,000 3,000,000
Parc National du Diawling 15,600 39,000


Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Blue Bay Marine Park 353 870
Pointe d'Esny Wetland 22 54
Rivulet Terre Rouge Estuary Bird Sanctuary 26 64


Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Aguelmams Sidi Ali - Tifounassine 600 1,500
Archipel et dunes d'Essawira 4,000 9,900
Assif Mgoun 1,400 3,500
Assifs Ahançal-Melloul 1,385 3,420
Assifs Réghaya-Aït Mizane 830 2,100
Baie d'Ad-Dakhla 40,000 99,000
Baie de Khnifiss 20,000 49,000
Barrage Al Massira 14,000 35,000
Barrage Mohammed V 5,000 12,000
Cap des Trois Fourches 5,000 12,000
Cap Ghir-Imsouane 6,800 17,000
Complexe de Sidi Moussa-Walidia 10,000 25,000
Complexe du bas Loukkos 3,600 8,900
Complexe du bas Tahaddart 11,000 27,000
Côte Aftissate-Boujdour 11,700 29,000
Côte des Bokkoyas 5,530 13,700
Embouchure de la Moulouya 3,000 7,400
Embouchure de l'oued Dr'a 10,000 25,000
Embouchures des oueds Chbeyka-Al Wa'er 8,000 20,000
Haut Oued Lakhdar 2,200 5,400
Lac d'Afennourir 800 2,000
Lacs d'Imouzzer du Kandar 512 1,270
Lacs Isly-Tislite 800 2,000
Lagune et barrage de Smir 837 2,070
Littoral de Jebel Moussa 500 1,200
Marais et côte du Plateau de Rmel 1,300 3,200
Merja de Fouwarate 502 1,240
Merja Sidi Boughaba 650 1,600
Merja Zerga 7,300 18,000
Moyenne Dr'a 45,000 110,000
Oasis du Tafilalet 65,000 160,000
Oued Assaquia Al Hamra à La'youne 9,500 23,000
Oued Tizguite 606 1,500
Sebkha Bou Areg 14,000 35,000
Sebkha Zima 760 1,900
Sebkhat Imlili 1,774 4,380
Zones humides de l'oued El Maleh 1,200 3,000
Zones humides de Souss-Massa 1,000 2,500


Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Lake Niassa and its Coastal Zone 1,363,700 3,370,000
Zambezi Delta 3,171,172 7,836,140


Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Bwabwata-Okavango Ramsar Site 46,964 116,050
Etosha Pan, Lake Oponono and Cuvelai drainage 600,000 1,500,000
Orange River Mouth 500 1,200
Sandwich Harbour 16,500 41,000
Walvis Bay 12,600 31,000


African elephants in W National Park, Niger
Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Complexe Kokorou-Namga 66,829 165,140
Dallol Bosso 376,162 929,520
Dallol Maouri 318,966 788,180
Gueltas et Oasis de l'Aïr 2,413,237 5,963,240
La Mare de Dan Doutchi 25,366 62,680
La Mare de Lassouri 26,737 66,070
La Mare de Tabalak 7,713 19,060
Lac de Guidimouni 338.4 836
Lac de Madarounfa 524.3 1,296
Lac Tchad 340,423 841,200
Oasis du Kawar 368,536 910,670
Parc National du W 235,000 580,000
Zone humide du moyen Niger 88,050 217,600
Zone Humide du Moyen Niger II 65,850 162,700


Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Ado-Awaye (Iyake) Suspended Lake Wetland 165.3 408
Apoi Creek Forests 29,213 72,190
Baturiya Wetland 101,095 249,810
Dagona Sanctuary Lake 344 850
Foge Islands 4,229 10,450
International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) 53 130
Lake Chad Wetlands in Nigeria 607,354 1,500,800
Lower Kaduna-Middle Niger Floodplain 229,054 566,000
Maladumba Lake 1,860 4,600
Nguru Lake (and Marma Channel) complex 58,100 144,000
Oguta Lake 572 1,410
Pandam and Wase Lakes 19,742 48,780
Upper Orashi Forest 25,165 62,180


Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Rugezi-Bulera-Ruhondo 0 0

Sao Tome and Principe

Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Ilots Tinhosas 23 57


The Saloum Delta in Senegal
Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Kalissaye 30,014 74,170
Parc National de la Langue de Barbarie 2,000 4,900
Parc National des Oiseaux du Djoudj 16,000 40,000
Parc national du Delta du Saloum 73,000 180,000
Réserve Naturelle Communautaire de Palmarin 10,430 25,800
Réserve Naturelle Communautaire de Tocc Tocc 273 670
Réserve Naturelle d'Intérêt Communautaire de la Somone 700 1,700
Réserve Spéciale de Faune de Gueumbeul 720 1,800
Réserve Spéciale de Faune de Ndiaël 10,000 25,000


Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Aldabra Atoll 43,900 108,000
Mare Aux Cochons High altitude freshwater wetlands 1 2.5
Port Launay Coastal Wetlands 124 310

Sierra Leone

Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Sierra Leone River Estuary 295,000 730,000

South Africa

Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Barberspan 3,118 7,700
Berg Estuary Ramsar Site 1,162.8 2,873
Blesbokspruit 1,858 4,590
Bot - Kleinmond Estuarine System 1,350 3,300
Dassen Island Nature Reserve 737 1,820
De Berg Nature Reserve 1,265.4 3,127
De Hoop Vlei 750 1,900
De Mond 918 2,270
Dyer Island Provincial Nature Reserve and Geyser Island Provincial Nature Reserve 288 710
False Bay Nature Reserve 1,542 3,810
Ingula Nature Reserve 8,084 19,980
Kgaswane Mountain Reserve 4,952.4 12,238
Kosi Bay 10,982 27,140
Lake Sibaya 7,750 19,200
Langebaan 6,000 15,000
Makuleke Wetlands 7,757 19,170
Middelpunt Nature Reserve 510.3 1,261
Natal Drakensberg Park 242,813 600,000
Ndumo Game Reserve 10,117 25,000
Ntsikeni Nature Reserve 9,200 23,000
Nylsvley Nature Reserve 3,970 9,800
Orange River Mouth 2,000 4,900
Prince Edward Islands 37,500 93,000
Seekoeivlei Nature Reserve 4,754 11,750
St Lucia System 155,500 384,000
Turtle Beaches/Coral Reefs of Tongaland 39,500 98,000
uMgeni Vlei Nature Reserve 958 2,370
Verloren Valei Nature Reserve 5,891 14,560
Verlorenvlei 1,500 3,700
Wilderness Lakes 1,300 3,200

South Sudan

Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Sudd 5,700,000 14,000,000


Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Dinder National Park 1,084,600 2,680,000
Dongonab Bay-Marsa Waiai 280,000 690,000
Khor Abu Habil Inner Delta 946,409 2,338,630
Suakin-Gulf of Agig 1,125,000 2,780,000


Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Bassin versant Oti-Mandouri 425,000 1,050,000
Parc national de la Keran 163,400 404,000
Reserve de faune de Togodo 31,000 77,000
Zones Humides du Littoral du Togo 591,000 1,460,000


Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Ain Dahab 560 1,400
Bahiret el Bibane 39,266 97,030
Barrage de Sidi El Barrak 2,734 6,760
Barrage de Sidi Saad 8,650 21,400
Barrage Lebna 1,147 2,830
Barrage Merguellil 714 1,760
Barrage Mlaabi 98 240
Barrage Oued El Hajar 254 630
Barrage Oued Ermal 620 1,500
Barrage Sidi Abdelmoneem 31 77
Chott El Jerid 586,187 1,448,500
Chott Elguetar 7,400 18,000
Complexe des zones humides de Barrage Ghdir El Goulla et Barrage El Mornaguia 273 670
Complexe des zones humides de Sebkhet Oum Ez-Zessar et Sebkhet El Grine 9,195 22,720
Complexe des zones humides des Chott el Guetayate et Sebkhet Dhreia et Oueds Akarit, Rekhama et Meleh 4,845 11,970
Complexe Lac de Tunis 2,243 5,540
Djerba Bin El Ouedian 12,082 29,860
Djerba Guellala 2,285 5,650
Djerba Ras Rmel 1,856 4,590
Garâa Sejenane 4,322 10,680
Garaet Sidi Mansour 2,426 5,990
Golfe de Boughrara 12,880 31,800
Ichkeul 12,600 31,000
Iles Kerkennah ou L'archipel de Kerkennah 15,000 37,000
Iles Kneiss avec leurs zones intertidales 22,027 54,430
Lac et tourbière de Mejen Ech Chitan 7 17
Lagune de Ghar el Melh et Delta de la Mejerda 10,168 25,130
Lagunes du Cap Bon oriental 504 1,250
Les Gorges de Thelja 675 1,670
Les Tourbières de Dar Fatma 13 32
Marais d'eau douce Garaet Douza 1,400 3,500
Oued Dekouk 5,750 14,200
Réserve naturelle de Saddine 2,610 6,400
Salines de Monastir 1,000 2,500
Salines de Thyna 3,343 8,260
Sebkhet Halk Elmanzel et Oued Essed 1,450 3,600
Sebkhet Kelbia 8,732 21,580
Sebkhet Noual 17,060 42,200
Sebkhet Sejoumi 2,979 7,360
Sebkhet Sidi Elhani 36,000 89,000
Sebkhet Soliman 880 2,200
Zones humides oasiennes de Kebili 2,419 5,980


Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Lake Bisina Wetland System 54,229 134,000
Lake George 15,000 37,000
Lake Mburo-Nakivali Wetland System 26,834 66,310
Lake Nabugabo wetland system 22,000 54,000
Lake Nakuwa Wetland System 91,150 225,200
Lake Opeta Wetland System 68,912 170,290
Lutembe Bay Wetland System 98 240
Mabamba Bay Wetland System 2,424 5,990
Murchison Falls-Albert Delta Wetland System 17,293 42,730
Nabajjuzi Wetland system 1,753 4,330
Rwenzori Mountains Ramsar Site 99,500 246,000
Sango Bay-Musambwa Island-Kagera Wetland System (SAMUKA) 55,110 136,200


Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Kilombero Valley Floodplain 796,735 1,968,780
Lake Natron Basin 224,781 555,450
Malagarasi-Muyovozi Wetlands 3,250,000 8,000,000
Rufiji-Mafia-Kilwa Marine Ramsar Site 596,908 1,474,990


Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Bangweulu Swamps 1,100,000 2,700,000
Busanga Swamps 200,000 490,000
Kafue Flats 600,500 1,484,000
Luangwa Flood Plains 250,000 620,000
Lukanga Swamps 260,000 640,000
Mweru wa Ntipa 490,000 1,200,000
Tanganyika 230,000 570,000
Zambezi Floodplains 900,000 2,200,000


Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Chinhoyi Caves Recreational Park 33.35 82.4
Cleveland Dam 1,050 2,600
Driefontein Grasslands 201,194 497,160
Lake Chivero and Manyame 29,260 72,300
Mana Pools 0 0
Monavale Wetland 507 1,250
Victoria Falls National Park 1,750 4,300




Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Hawar Islands 5,200 13,000
Tubli Bay 1,610 4,000


Mudflats in Sundarbans Reserved Forest in Bangladesh
Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Sundarbans Reserved Forest 601,700 1,487,000
Tanguar Haor 9,500 23,000


Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Bumdeling 142 350
Gangtey-Phobji 970 2,400
Khotokha 114 280


Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Boeng Chhmar and Associated River System and Floodplain 28,000 69,000
Koh Kapik and Associated Islets 12,000 30,000
Middle Stretches of Mekong River North of Stoeng Treng 14,600 36,000
Prek Toal Ramsar Site 21,342 52,740
Stung Sen Wildlife Sanctuary 9,293 22,960


Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Anhui Shengjin Lake National Nature Reserve 33,340 82,400
Beijing Yeya Lake Wetlands 4,007.8 9,903
Bitahai Wetland 1,985 4,910
Chongming Dongtan Nature Reserve, Shanghai 32,600 81,000
Dafeng National Nature Reserve 78,000 190,000
Dalai Lake National Nature Reserve, Inner Mongolia 740,000 1,800,000
Dalian National Spotted Seal Nature Reserve 11,700 29,000
Dashanbao 5,958 14,720
Dong dongting hu 190,000 470,000
Dongfanghong Wetland National Nature Reserve 31,538 77,930
Dongzhaigang 5,400 13,000
Eerduosi National Nature Reserve 7,680 19,000
Eling Lake 65,907 162,860
Fujian Minjiang River Estuary Wetlands 2,100 5,200
Fujian Zhangjiangkou National Mangrove Nature Reserve 2,358 5,830
Gansu Dunhuang Xihu Wetlands 192,287 475,150
Gansu Gahai Wetlands Nature Reserve 247,431 611,420
Gansu Yanchiwan Wetlands 29,876.2 73,826
Gansu Yellow River Shouqu Wetlands 132,067 326,340
Guangdong Guangzhou Haizhu Wetlands 751.4 1,857
Guangdong Haifeng Wetlands 11,591 28,640
Guangdong Nanpeng Archipelago Wetlands 35,679 88,160
Guangdong Shenzhen Futian Mangrove Wetlands 367.6 908
Guangxi Beihai Jinhaiwan Mangrove Wetlands 1,357.8 3,355
Guangxi Beilun Estuary National Nature Reserve 3,000 7,400
Guangxi Guilin Huixian Karst Wetlands 586.8 1,450
Hangzhou Xixi Wetlands 325 800
Heilongjiang Grand Khingan Jiuqushibawan Wetlands 4,929 12,180
Heilongjiang Grand Khingan Shuangheyuan Wetlands 8,712 21,530
Heilongjiang Hadong Yanjiang Wetlands 9,973.6 24,645
Heilongjiang Nanweng River National Nature Reserve 229,523 567,160
Heilongjiang Qixing River National Nature Reserve 20,000 49,000
Heilongjiang Youhao Wetlands 60,687 149,960
Heilongjiang Zhenbaodao Wetland National Nature Reserve 44,364 109,630
Henan Minquan Yellow River Gudao Wetlands 2,303.5 5,692
Honghe National Nature Reserve 21,836 53,960
Hubei Chen Lake Wetland Nature Reserve 11,579 28,610
Hubei Dajiu Lake Wetland 9,320 23,000
Hubei Gong'an Chong Lake Wetlands 1,259.7 3,113
Hubei Honghu Wetlands 43,450 107,400
Hubei Wang Lake 20,495 50,640
Hubei Xiantao Sha Lake Wetlands 2,167.4 5,356
Huidong Harbor Sea Turtle National Nature Reserve 400 990
Hunan Chongling Wetlands 2,401.7 5,935
Hunan Maoli Lake Wetlands 4,776 11,800
Inner Mongolia Bila River Wetlands 56,604 139,870
Inner Mongolia Grand Khingan Hanma Wetlands 107,348 265,260
Jiangsu Huai'an Baima Lake Wetlands 2,796.1 6,909
Jiangxi Poyang Lake Nanji Wetlands 33,300 82,000
Jilin Hani Wetlands 3,571.5 8,825
Jilin Momoge National Nature Reserve 144,000 360,000
Lashihai Wetland 3,560 8,800
Mai Po Marshes and Inner Deep Bay 1,540 3,800
Maidika 43,496 107,480
Mapangyong Cuo 73,782 182,320
Nan Dongting Wetland and Waterfowl Nature Reserve 168,000 420,000
Napahai Wetland 2,083 5,150
Niaodao 53,600 132,000
Poyanghu 22,400 55,000
Qinghai Longbaotan Wetlands 9,529 23,550
San Jiang National Nature Reserve 164,400 406,000
Shandong Jining Nansi Lake 50,761.6 125,435
Shandong Yellow River Delta Wetland 95,950 237,100
Shanghai Yangtze Estuarine Wetland Nature Reserve for Chinese Sturgeon 3,760 9,300
Shankou Mangrove Nature Reserve 4,000 9,900
Shuangtai Estuary 128,000 320,000
Sichuan Changshahongma Wetlands 669,800 1,655,000
Sichuan Ruoergai Wetland National Nature Reserve 166,570 411,600
Sichuan Seda Nilaba Wetlands 60,760 150,100
Tianjin Beidagang Wetlands 1,130 2,800
Tibet Selincuo Wetlands 1,893,630 4,679,300
Tibet Trari Nam Co Wetlands 142,982 353,320
Xi dongting lake nature reserve 35,000 86,000
Xianghai 105,467 260,610
Xingkai Lake National Nature Reserve 222,488 549,780
Yancheng National Nature Reserve 453,000 1,120,000
Yunnan Huize Nianhu Wetlands 453,000 1,120,000
Zhaling Lake 64,920 160,400
Zhalong 210,000 520,000
Zhangye Heihe Wetland National Nature Reserve 41,164.56 101,719.8
Zhanjiang Mangrove National Nature Reserve 20,279 50,110
Zhejiang Pingyang Nanji Islands Wetlands 19,892.9 49,156


Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Aghanashini Estuary 4,801 11,860
Ankasamudra Bird Conservation Reserve 98.8 244
Ansupa Lake 231 570
Asan Conservation Reserve 444.4 1,098
Ashtamudi Wetland
A chain of brackish Kerala backwaters lagoons and lakes lying parallel to the Arabian Sea Malabar Coast of Kerala
61,400 152,000
Bakhira Wildlife Sanctuary 2,894 7,150
Beas Conservation Reserve 6,428.9 15,886
Bhindawas Wildlife Sanctuary 412 1,020
Bhitarkanika Mangroves
India's second largest mangrove are home of olive ridley turtle in India's Odisha state in the Brahmani river and Baitarani river delta
65,000 160,000
Bhoj Wetland
Consists of the two lakes, Bhojtal and Lower Lake, located in Bhopal in Madhya Pradesh state,
3,201 7,910
Chandra Taal
Situated in the Spiti valley of the Lahul and Spiti district of Himachal Pradesh
49 120
Chilika Lake
Spread over the Puri district, Khurda district and Ganjam districts of Odisha at the mouth of the Daya River, flows into the Bay of Bengal
116,500 288,000
Chitrangudi Bird Sanctuary 260.5 644
Deepor Beel
4,000 9,900
East Calcutta Wetlands 12,500 31,000
Gulf of Mannar Marine Biosphere Reserve 52,671.9 130,155
Haiderpur Wetland 6,908 17,070
Harike Wetland 4,100 10,000
Hirakud Reservoir 65,400 162,000
Hokera Wetland
Located at the northwest Himalayan biogeopgraphic province of Kashmir, near the snow-draped Pir Panjal.
1,375 3,400
Hygam Wetland Conservation Reserve 801.8 1,981
Kabartal Wetland 2,620 6,500
Kanjirankulam Bird Sanctuary 96.9 239
Kanjli Wetland 183 450
Karaivetti Bird Sanctuary 453.7 1,121
Karikili Bird Sanctuary 58.4 144
Kazhuveli Bird Sanctuary 5,151.6 12,730
Keoladeo National Park 2,873 7,100
Keshopur-Miani Community Reserve 343.9 850
Khijadia Wildlife Sanctuary 511.7 1,264
Kolleru Lake 90,100 223,000
Koonthankulam Bird Sanctuary 72 180
Loktak Lake 26,600 66,000
Lonar Lake 427 1,060
Longwood Shola Reserve Forest 116 290
Magadi Kere Conservation Reserve 54.4 134
Nagi Bird Sanctuary 205.8 509
Nakti Bird Sanctuary 332.6 822
Nal Sarovar Bird Sanctuary 12,000 30,000
Nanda Lake 42 100
Nandur Madhameshwar 1,437 3,550
Nangal Wildlife Sanctuary 116 290
Nanjarayan Bird Sanctuary 125.9 311
Nawabganj Bird Sanctuary 224.6 555
Pala Wetland 1,850 4,600
Pallikaranai Marsh Reserve Forest 1,247.5 3,083
Parvati Arga Bird Sanctuary 722 1,780
Pichavaram Mangrove 1,478.6 3,654
Point Calimere Wildlife and Bird Sanctuary 38,500 95,000
Pong Dam Lake 15,662 38,700
Ranganathittu Bird Sanctuary 517.7 1,279
Renuka Lake 20 49
Ropar Wetland 1,365 3,370
Rudrasagar Lake 240 590
Sakhya Sagar 248 610
Saman Bird Sanctuary 526.3 1,301
Samaspur Bird Sanctuary 799.4 1,975
Sambhar Lake 24,000 59,000
Sandi Bird Sanctuary 308.5 762
Sarsai Nawar Jheel 161.3 399
Sasthamkotta Lake 373 920
Satkosia Gorge 98,196.7 242,649
Shallbugh Wetland Conservation Reserve 1,675 4,140
Sirpur Wetland 161 400
Suchindram Theroor Wetland Complex 94.2 233
Sultanpur National Park 142.5 352
Sundarban Wetland 423,000 1,050,000
Sur Sarovar 431 1,070
Surinsar-Mansar Lakes 350 860
Tampara Lake 300 740
Tawa Reservoir 20,050 49,500
Thane Creek 6,521.1 16,114
Thol Lake Wildlife Sanctuary 699 1,730
Tso Kar Wetland Complex 9,577 23,670
Tsomoriri 12,000 30,000
Udhayamarthandapuram Bird Sanctuary 43.8 108
Upper Ganga River 26,590 65,700
Vaduvur Bird Sanctuary 112.6 278
Vedanthangal Bird Sanctuary 40.3 100
Vellode Bird Sanctuary 77.2 191
Vembanad-Kol Wetland 151,250 373,700
Vembannur Wetland Complex 19.7 49
Wadhvana Wetland 630 1,600
Wular Lake 18,900 47,000
Yashwant Sagar 822.9 2,033


Danau Sentarum in Indonesia
Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Berbak 162,700 402,000
Danau Sentarum 80,000 200,000
Menipo Nature Recreational Park 2,449.5 6,053
Pulau Rambut Wildlife Reserve 90 220
Rawa Aopa Watumohai National Park 105,194 259,940
Sembilang National Park 202,896 501,370
Tanjung Puting National Park 408,286 1,008,900
Wasur National Park 413,810 1,022,500


Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Alagol, Ulmagol and Ajigol Lakes 1,400 3,500
Amirkelayeh Lake 1,230 3,000
Anzali Wetland Complex 15,000 37,000
Bujagh National Park 3,177 7,850
Choghakhor Wetland 1,687 4,170
Deltas of Rud-e-Gaz and Rud-e-Hara 15,000 37,000
Deltas of Rud-e-Shur, Rud-e-Shirin and Rud-e-Minab 45,000 110,000
Fereydoon Kenar, Ezbaran & Sorkh Ruds Ab-Bandans 5,427 13,410
Gavkhouni Lake and marshes of the lower Zaindeh Rud 43,000 110,000
Gomishan Lagoon 17,700 44,000
Govater Bay and Hur-e-Bahu 75,000 190,000
Hamun-e-Puzak, south end 10,000 25,000
Hamun-e-Saberi & Hamun-e-Helmand 50,000 120,000
Kanibarazan Wetland 927 2,290
Khuran Straits 100,000 250,000
Lake Gori 120 300
Lake Kobi 1,200 3,000
Lake Parishan and Dasht-e-Arjan 6,200 15,000
Lake Urmia or Orumiyeh 483,000 1,190,000
Miankaleh Peninsula, Gorgan Bay and Lapoo-Zaghmarz Ab-bandan 100,000 250,000
Neiriz Lakes & Kamjan Marshes 108,000 270,000
Shadegan Marshes & mudflats of Khor-al Amaya & Khor Musa 400,000 990,000
Sheedvar Island 870 2,100
Shurgol, Yadegarlu & Dorgeh Sangi Lakes 2,500 6,200


Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Central Marshes 219,700 543,000
Hammar Marsh 180,000 440,000
Hawizeh Marsh 137,700 340,000
Sawa Lake 500 1,200


Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
En Afeq Nature Reserve 66 160
Hula Nature Reserve 300 740


Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Akan-ko 1,318 3,260
Akiyoshidai Groundwater System 563 1,390
Akkeshi-ko and Bekambeushi-shitsugen 5,277 13,040
Arao-higata 754 1,860
Biwa-ko 65,984 163,050
Fujimae-higata 323 800
Furen-ko and Shunkuni-tai 6,139 15,170
Higashiyoka-higata 218 540
Hinuma 935 2,310
Hizen Kashima-higata 57 140
Hotokenuma 222 550
Hyo-ko 24 59
Imuta-ike 60 150
Izu-numa and Uchi-numa 559 1,380
Izumi Wintering Habitat of Cranes 478 1,180
Kabukuri-numa and the surrounding rice paddies 423 1,050
Kasai Marine Park 366.9 907
Katano-kamoike 10 25
Kejo-numa 34 84
Keramashoto Coral Reef 8,290 20,500
Kiritappu-shitsugen 2,504 6,190
Kuju Bogatsuru and Tadewara-shitsugen 91 220
Kushimoto Coral Communities 574 1,420
Kushiro-shitsugen 7,863 19,430
Kutcharo-ko 1,607 3,970
Lower Maruyama River and the surrounding rice paddies 1,094 2,700
Manko 58 140
Mikata-goko 1,110 2,700
Miyajima 142 350
Miyajima-numa 41 100
Nagura Ampuru 157 390
Nakaikemi-shicchi 87 210
Nakaumi 8,043 19,870
Notsuke-hanto and Notsuke-wan 6,053 14,960
Oku-Nikko-shitsugen 260 640
Onuma 1,236 3,050
Oyama Kami-ike and Shimo-ike 39 96
Oze 8,711 21,530
Sakata 76 190
Sarobetsu-genya 2,560 6,300
Shinji-ko 7,652 18,910
Shizugawa-wan 5,793 14,310
Streams in Kume-jima 255 630
Tateyama Midagahara and Dainichidaira 574 1,420
Tofutsu-ko 900 2,200
Tokai Hilly Land Spring-fed Mires 23 57
Uryunuma-shitsugen 624 1,540
Utonai-ko 510 1,300
Watarase-yusuichi 2,861 7,070
Yakushima Nagata-hama 10 25
Yatsu-higata 40 99
Yonahawan 704 1,740
Yoshigadaira Wetlands 887 2,190


Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Azraq Oasis 7,372 18,220
Fifa Nature Reserve 6,100 15,000


Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Alakol-Sasykkol Lakes System 914,663 2,260,180
Ili River Delta and South Lake Balkhash 976,630 2,413,300
Koibagar-Tyuntyugur Lake System 58,000 140,000
Kulykol-Taldykol Lake System 8,300 21,000
Lakes of the lower Turgay and Irgiz 348,000 860,000
Lesser Aral Sea and Delta of the Syrdarya River 330,000 820,000
Naurzum Lake System 139,714 345,240
Tengiz-Korgalzhyn Lake System 353,341 873,120
Ural River Delta and adjacent Caspian Sea coast 111,500 276,000
Zharsor-Urkash Lake System 41,250 101,900


Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Mubarak Al-Kabeer Reserve 50,948 125,900


Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Chatyr Kul 16,100 40,000
Son-Kol Lake 36,869 91,110
The Issyk-kul State Nature Reserve with the Issyk-kul Lake 626,439 1,547,960


Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Beung Kiat Ngong Wetlands 2,360 5,800
Xe Champhone Wetlands 12,400 31,000


Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Aammiq Wetland 280 690
Deir el Nouriyeh cliffs of Ras Chekaa 0 0
Palm Islands Nature Reserve 415 1,030
Tyre Beach 380 940


Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Kuching Wetlands National Park 6,610 16,300
Lower Kinabatangan-Segama Wetlands 78,803 194,730
Pulau Kukup 647 1,600
Sungai Pulai 9,126 22,550
Tanjung Piai 526 1,300
Tasek Bera 38,446 95,000
Kota Kinabalu Wetland Centre 24 59


Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Ayrag Nuur 45,000 110,000
Har Us Nuur National Park 321,360 794,100
Lake Achit and its surrounding wetlands 73,730 182,200
Lake Buir and its surrounding wetlands 104,000 260,000
Lake Ganga and its surrounding wetlands 3,280 8,100
Lake Uvs and its surrounding wetlands 585,000 1,450,000
Lakes in the Khurkh-Khuiten river valley 42,940 106,100
Mongol Daguur 210,000 520,000
Ogii Nuur 2,510 6,200
Terhiyn Tsagaan Nuur 6,110 15,100
Valley of the Lakes 45,600 113,000


Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Gulf of Mottama 161,030 397,900
Indawgyi Wildlife Sanctuary 47,884.38 118,324.9
Inlay Lake Ramsar Site 5,797.6 14,326
Meinmahla Kyun Wildlife Sanctuary 50,000 120,000
Moeyungyi Wetland Wildlife Sanctuary 10,359 25,600
Nanthar Island and Mayyu Estuary 3,608 8,920
Pyu Lake 234 580


Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Beeshazar and Associated Lakes 3,200 7,900
Ghodaghodi Lake Area 2,563 6,330
Gokyo and associated lakes 7,770 19,200
Gosaikunda and Associated Lakes 1,030 2,500
Jagadishpur Reservoir 225 560
Koshi Tappu 17,500 43,000
Lake Cluster of Pokhara Valley 26,106 64,510
Mai Pokhari 90 220
Phoksundo Lake 494 1,220
Rara Lake 1,583 3,910

North Korea

Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Mundok Migratory Bird Reserve 3,715 9,180
Rason Migratory Bird Reserve 3,526 8,710


Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Al Ansab Wetland 54 130
Qurm Nature Reserve 106.83 264.0
Wetlands Reserve in Al Wusta Governorate 213,714.9 528,101


Astola Island in Pakistan
Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Astola Island 5,000 12,000
Chashma Barrage 34,099 84,260
Deh Akro-II Desert Wetland Complex 20,500 51,000
Drigh Lake 164 410
Haleji Lake 1,704 4,210
Hub Dam 27,000 67,000
Indus Delta 472,800 1,168,000
Indus Dolphin Reserve 125,000 310,000
Jiwani Coastal Wetland 4,600 11,000
Jubho Lagoon 706 1,740
Kinjhar Lake 13,468 33,280
Miani Hor 55,000 140,000
Nurri Lagoon 2,540 6,300
Ormara Turtle Beaches 2,400 5,900
Runn of Kutch 566,375 1,399,540
Tanda Dam 405 1,000
Taunsa Barrage 6,576 16,250
Thanedar Wala 4,047 10,000
Uchhali Complex 1,243 3,070


Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Agusan Marsh Wildlife Sanctuary 14,836 36,660
Las Piñas–Parañaque Critical Habitat and Ecotourism Area 175 430
Naujan Lake National Park 14,568 36,000
Olango Island Wildlife Sanctuary 5,800 14,000
Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park 22,202 54,860
Sasmuan Pampanga Coastal Wetlands 3,667.3 9,062
Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park 96,828 239,270
Negros Occidental Coastal Wetlands Conservation Area 89,607.8 221,426

South Korea

Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
1100 Altitude Wetland 13 32
Daebudo Tidal Flat 453 1,120
Dongbaekdongsan 59 150
Dongcheon Estuary 540 1,300
Du-ung Wetland Ramsar Site 6 15
Ganghwa Maehwamarum Habitat 1 2.5
Gochang and Buan Tidal Flats 4,550 11,200
Han River-Bamseom Islets 27 67
Hanbando Wetland Ramsar Site 191.5 473
Jangdo Wetland 9 22
Janghang Wetland 595.8 1,472
Jeungdo Tidal Flat 3,130 7,700
Moojechineup 4 9.9
Muan Tidal Flat 3,589 8,870
Muljangori-oreum wetland 63 160
Mulyeongari-oreum Ramsar Site 31 77
Mungyeong Doline Wetland 49.4 122
Odaesan National Park Wetlands 2 4.9
Pyeongdume Wetland 2.3 5.7
Seocheon Tidal Flat 1,530 3,800
Songdo Tidal Flat 611 1,510
Sumeunmulbaengdui Ramsar Site 117.5 290
Suncheon Bay 3,550 8,800
The High Moor, Yongneup of Mt. Daeam 106 260
Ungok Wetland 180 440
Upo Wetland 854 2,110

Sri Lanka

Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Annaiwilundawa Tanks Sanctuary 1,397 3,450
Bundala 6,210 15,300
Kumana Wetland Cluster 19,011 46,980
Maduganga 915 2,260
Vankalai Sanctuary 4,839 11,960
Wilpattu Ramsar Wetland Cluster 165,800 410,000


Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Sabkhat al-Jabbul Nature Reserve 10,000 25,000


Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Karakul Lake 36,400 90,000
Kayrakum Reservoir 52,000 130,000
Lower part of Panj River 0 0
Shorkul and Rangkul Lakes 2,400 5,900
Zorkul Lake 3,800 9,400


Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Bung Khong Long Non-Hunting Area 2,214 5,470
Don Hoi Lot 87,500 216,000
Had Chao Mai Marine National Park - Ta Libong Island Non-Hunting Area - Trang River Estuaries 66,313 163,860
Kaper Estuary - Laemson Marine National Park - Kraburi Estuary 122,046 301,580
Khao Sam Roi Yot Wetland 6,892 17,030
Ko Kra Archipelago 374 920
Ko Ra-Ko Phra Thong Archipelago 19,648 48,550
Krabi Estuary 21,299 52,630
Kuan Ki Sian of the Thale Noi Non-hunting Area Wetlands 494 1,220
Kut Ting Marshland 2,200 5,400
Lower Songkhram River 5,504.5 13,602
Mu Koh Ang Thong Marine National Park 10,200 25,000
Nong Bong Kai Non-Hunting Area 434 1,070
Phang Nga Bay Marine National Park 40,000 99,000
Princess Sirindhorn Wildlife Sanctuary 20,100 50,000


Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Turkmenbashy Bay 267,124 660,080

United Arab Emirates

Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Al Wathba Wetland Reserve 500 1,200
Al-Zora Protected Area 195 480
Bul Syayeef 14,505 35,840
Hatta Mountain Reserve 2,100 5,200
Jabal Ali Wetland Sanctuary 2,002 4,950
Mangrove and Alhafeya Protected Area in Khor Kalba 1,494 3,690
Ras Al Khor Wildlife Sanctuary 620 1,500
Sir Bu Nair Island Protected Area 4,964 12,270
Wadi Wurayah National Park 12,700 31,000
Wasit Nature Reserve 86 210


Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Aydar-Arnasay Lakes system 527,100 1,302,000
Lake Dengizkul 31,300 77,000
Sudochye lake system 84,000 210,000
Tudakul and Kuymazar Water Reservoirs 32,000 79,000


Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Ba Be National Park 10,048 24,830
Bau Sau Wetlands and Seasonal Floodplain 13,759 34,000
Con Dao National Park 19,991 49,400
Lang Sen Wetland Reserve 4,802 11,870
Mui Ca Mau National Park 41,862 103,440
Tram Chim National Park 7,313 18,070
U Minh Thuong National Park 8,038 19,860
Van Long Wetland Nature Reserve 2,736 6,760
Xuan Thuy Natural Wetland Reserve 12,000 30,000


Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Detwah Lagoon 580 1,400




Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Albanian Prespa Lakes 15,119 37,360
Butrint 13,500 33,000
Karavasta Lagoon 20,000 49,000
Lake Shkodra and River Buna 49,562 122,470


Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Parc naturel de la vallée de Sorteny 1,080 2,700
Parque Natural Comunal de los Valles del Comapedrosa 1,543 3,810
Vall de Madriu-Perafita-Claror 4,247 10,490


Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Khor Virap Marsh 50 120
Lake Arpi 3,230 8,000
Lake Sevan 490,231 1,211,390


Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Autertal - St. Lorenzener Hochmoor 48 120
Bayerische Wildalm and Wildalmfilz 133 330
Donau-March-Thaya-Auen 36,090 89,200
Güssing Fishponds 148 370
Hörfeld-Moor 137 340
Lafnitztal 2,180 5,400
Lendspitz - Maiernigg 77.6 192
Mires of Pass Thurn 190 470
Mires of the Sauerfelder Wald 119 290
Mires of the Schwarzenberg 267 660
Mires of the Überling 265 650
Moor- und Seenlandschaft Keutschach-Schiefling 543 1,340
Moore am Nassköhr 211 520
Nationalpark Kalkalpen 18,532 45,790
Neusiedlersee, Seewinkel & Hanság 44,229 109,290
Pürgschachen Moor 62 150
Rheindelta 2,065 5,100
Rotmoos im Fuschertal 58 140
Sablatnigmoor 96 240
Stauseen am Unteren Inn 870 2,100
Untere Lobau 915 2,260
Upper Drava River 1,029 2,540
Waldviertel ponds, peat bogs & floodplains 13,000 32,000
Wilder Kaiser 3,781 9,340


Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Agh-Ghol 500 1,200
Ghizil-Agaj 99,060 244,800


Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Berezinsky Biosphere Reserve 85,149 210,410
Dikoe Fen Mire 23,145 57,190
Dnieper River Floodplain 29,352.94 72,532.7
Drozbitka-Svina 6,727.2 16,623
Duleby Islands-Zaozerye 30,772 76,040
Golubickaya Puscha 18,240 45,100
Iput River Floodplain 3,501.8 8,653
Kotra 10,584 26,150
Kozyansky 26,060 64,400
Mid-Pripyat State Landscape Zakaznik 90,447 223,500
Morochno 5,845 14,440
Olmany Mires Zakaznik 94,219 232,820
Osveiski 22,600 56,000
Podvelikiy Moh 10,647 26,310
Polesye Valley of River Bug 23,159 57,230
Pripyatsky National Park 88,553 218,820
Prostyr 9,500 23,000
Servech [be] 9,068 22,410
Sporovsky Biological Reserve 19,384 47,900
Stary Zhaden 17,048 42,130
Svislochsko-Berezinskiy 18,341 45,320
Vigonoshchanskoe 54,182 133,890
Vileity 8,452 20,890
Vydritsa 21,292 52,610
Yelnia 23,200 57,000
Zvanets 15,873 39,220


Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
De Ijzerbroeken te Diksmuide en Lo-Reninge 2,360 5,800
Grotte des Emotions 3 7.4
Kalmthoutse Heide 2,200 5,400
Les Hautes Fagnes 9,974 24,650
Marais d'Harchies 557.06 1,376.5
Schorren van de Beneden Schelde 420 1,000
Vallée de la Haute-Sûre 29,000 72,000
Vlaamse Banken 1,900 4,700
Zwin 530 1,300

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Bardaca Wetland 3,500 8,600
Hutovo Blato 7,411 18,310
Livanjsko Polje 45,868 113,340


Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Atanasovo Lake 1,404 3,470
Belene Islands Complex 18,330 45,300
Dragoman Marsh Karst Complex 14,967 36,980
Durankulak Lake 350 860
Ibisha Island 3,365 8,320
Lake Shabla 404 1,000
Poda 307 760
Pomorie Wetland Complex 922 2,280
Ropotamo Complex 5,500 14,000
Srébarna 1,463.75 3,617.0
Vaya Lake 2,900 7,200


Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Crna Mlaka Fishponds 756 1,870
Lonjsko Polje Nature Park 51,218 126,560
Nature Park Kopacki rit 23,126.3 57,146
Neretva River Delta 12,742 31,490
Vransko Lake 5,748 14,200


Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Larnaca Salt Lake 1,107 2,740
Limassol Salt Lake

Czech Republic

Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Jizera Headwaters 2,303 5,690
Krkonošská rašeliniště 230 570
Krušnohorská rašeliniště 11,224 27,740
Lednické rybníky 650 1,600
Liběchovka and Pšovka Brooks 350 860
Litovelské Pomoraví 5,122 12,660
Mokřady dolního Podyjí 11,525 28,480
Novozámecký a Brehyňský rybník 923 2,280
Poodří 5,450 13,500
Pramenné vývěry a rašeliniště Slavkovského lesa 3,223 7,960
Punkva subterranean stream 1,571 3,880
Šumavská rašeliniště 6,371 15,740
Třeboňská rašeliniště 1,100 2,700
Třeboňské rybníky 10,165 25,120


Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Aqajarua 22,350 55,200
Eqalummiut Nunaat and Nassuttuup Nunaa 579,530 1,432,000
Ertholmene 1,266 3,130
Filso 4,270 10,600
Heden 252,390 623,700
Hirsholmene 3,714 9,180
Hochstetter Forland 184,820 456,700
Horsens Fjord & Endelave 42,737 105,610
Ikkattoq and adjacent archipelago 44,880 110,900
Karrebæk, Dybso and Avno Fjords 18,860 46,600
Kilen 51,280 126,700
Kitsissunnguit 6,910 17,100
Kitsissut Avalliit 4,470 11,000
Kuannersuit Kuussuat 5,190 12,800
Læso 66,548 164,440
Lille Vildmose 7,393 18,270
Lillebælt 35,189 86,950
Maribo Lakes 3,823 9,450
Mykines 2,300 5,700
Nærå Coast and Æbelo area 13,161 32,520
Nakskov Fjord and Inner Fjord 8,552 21,130
Naternaq 184,010 454,700
Nissum Bredning with Harboore and Agger Tange 12,786 31,590
Nissum Fjord 10,952 27,060
Nólsoy 2,197 5,430
Nordre Ronner 2,993 7,400
Ørsted Dal, Pingel Dal and Enhjørningen Dal 218,000 540,000
Præsto Fjord, Jungshoved Nor, Ulvshale and Nyord 24,778 61,230
Qínnquata Marraa and Kuussuaq 6,480 16,000
Randers and Mariager Fjords and the adjacent sea 39,190 96,800
Ringkobing Fjord 27,652 68,330
Sejro Bugt, Nekselo Bugt & Saltbæk Vig 44,111 109,000
Skuvoy 1,790 4,400
South Funen Archipelago 38,329 94,710
Stadil and Veststadil Fjords 6,932 17,130
Stavns Fjord and adjacent waters 15,533 38,380
Ulvedybet and Nibe Bredning 18,575 45,900
Vadehavet 151,080 373,300
Vejlerne and Logstor Bredning 43,534 107,570
Waters between Lolland and Falster including Rodsand, Guldborg sound, and Boto Nor 34,812 86,020
Waters north of Anholt 11,616 28,700
Waters South of Zealand, Skælskor Fjord, Glæno and adjacent wetlands 18,577 45,900
Waters southeast of Fejø and Femo Islands 41,826 103,350


Vilsandi National Park in Estonia
Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Agusalu 11,000 27,000
Alam-Pedja 34,220 84,600
Emajoe Suursoo Mire and Piirissaar Island 32,600 81,000
Endla 10,110 25,000
Haapsalu-Noarootsi Wetland Complex 27,450 67,800
Hiiumaa islets and Käina Bay 17,700 44,000
Laidevahe Nature Reserve 2,424 5,990
Leidissoo Nature Reserve 8,178 20,210
Lihula 6,620 16,400
Luitemaa 11,240 27,800
Matsalu Nature Reserve 48,610 120,100
Muraka 13,980 34,500
Nigula Nature Reserve 6,398 15,810
Puhto-Laelatu-Nehatu Wetland Complex 4,640 11,500
Sookuninga Nature Reserve 5,869 14,500
Soomaa 39,639 97,950
Vilsandi National Park 24,100 60,000


Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Aspskär Islands 728 1,800
Bird Wetlands of Haapavesi 3,616 8,940
Bird Wetlands of Hailuoto Island 6,512 16,090
Bird Wetlands of Hanko and Tammisaari 55,196 136,390
Bird Wetlands of Lapväärtti 1,224 3,020
Bird Wetlands of Siikajoki 2,691 6,650
Bird Wetlands of Vanajavesi Area 702 1,730
Bird-lakes of Rääkkylä and Kitee 1,227 3,030
Bird-Lakes of Rantasalmi 1,109 2,740
Björkör and Lågskär Archipelago 6,309 15,590
Kainuunkylä Islands 1,005 2,480
Kauhaneva–Pohjankangas National Park 6,849 16,920
Kirkon-Vilkkiläntura Bay 194 480
Koitelainen Mires 48,938 120,930
Krunnit Islands 4,435 10,960
Lake Kirkkojärvi and Lupinlahti Bay 649 1,600
Lake Kirkkojärvi Area 305 750
Lake Kutajärvi Area 1,051 2,600
Lake Läppträsket 199 490
Lake Sysmäjärvi 734 1,810
Lakes Aittojärvi and Kongasjärvi 703 1,740
Lakes Heinä-Suvanto and Hetejärvi 1,224 3,020
Lätäseno-Hietajoki Mires 43,367 107,160
Lemmenjoki National Park 285,990 706,700
Levaneva Mires 3,343 8,260
Liminganlahti Bay Area 12,275 30,330
Martimoaapa - Lumiaapa - Penikat Mires 14,086 34,810
Olvassuo Mires 27,073 66,900
Oulanka National Park 29,390 72,600
Patvinsuo National Park 12,727 31,450
Pernajanlahti Bay 1,143 2,820
Pilvineva Mires 3,667 9,060
Porvoonjoki Estuary - Stensböle 958 2,370
Quark Archipelago 63,699 157,400
Riisitunturi National Park 12,461 30,790
River Luiro Mires 12,345 30,510
Salamajärvi National Park 9,261 22,880
Sammuttijänkä - Vaijoenjänkä Mires 51,749 127,870
Signilskär-Märket Archipelago 22,566 55,760
Siikalahti Bay Area 682 1,690
Söderskär and Långören Archipelago 18,219 45,020
Sotkavuoma Mires 2,602 6,430
Suurenaukeansuo - Isosuo Mires and Lake Pohjalampi 1,640 4,100
Teuravuoma - Kivijärvenvuoma Mires 5,788 14,300
Torronsuo National Park 3,093 7,640
Valkmusa National Park 1,710 4,200
Vanhankaupunginlahti, Laajalahti 508 1,260
Vassorfjärden Bay 1,537 3,800
Veneneva-Pelso Mires 12,039 29,750


Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Baie d'Audierne 2,396 5,920
Baie de Somme 17,320 42,800
Baie du Mont Saint-Michel 62,000 150,000
Basse-Mana 59,000 150,000
Basses Vallees Angevines 6,450 15,900
Bassin d'Arcachon - Secteur du delta de l'Eyre 5,175 12,790
Camargue 85,000 210,000
Estuaire du fleuve Sinnamary 28,400 70,000
Étang de Biguglia 1,790 4,400
Étang de Palo 212 520
Étang de Saint-Paul 485 1,200
Étang de Salses-Leucate 7,637 18,870
Étang des Salines 207 510
Étang d'Urbino 790 2,000
Étangs de la Champagne humide 255,800 632,000
Étangs de la Petite Woëvre 5,300 13,000
Étangs du Lindre, forêt du Romersberg et zones voisines 5,308 13,120
Étangs palavasiens 5,797 14,320
Golfe du Morbihan 23,000 57,000
Grand Cul-de-Sac Marin de la Guadeloupe 29,500 73,000
Grande Briere 19,000 47,000
Ile d'Europa 205,800 509,000
Impluvium d'Evian 3,275 8,090
La Brenne 140,000 350,000
La Dombes 47,659 117,770
La Petite Camargue 37,000 91,000
La Vasière des Badamiers 115 280
Lac de Grand-Lieu 6,300 16,000
Lac du Bourget - Marais de Chautagne 5,500 14,000
Le Pinail 923 2,280
Lagon de Moorea 5,000 12,000
Le Marais audomarois 3,726 9,210
Les étangs de Villepey 255 630
Les étangs littoraux de la Narbonnaise 12,334 30,480
Les Lacs du Grand Sud Neo-Caledonien 43,970 108,700
Marais Breton, Baie de Bourgneuf, Ile de Noirmoutier et Forêt de Monts 55,826 137,950
Marais d'Orx et zones humides associées 962 2,380
Marais de Kaw 137,000 340,000
Marais de Sacy 1,073 2,650
Marais du Cotentin et du Bessin, Baie des Veys 32,500 80,000
Marais du Fier d'Ars 4,452 11,000
Marais et tourbières des montagnes du Bugey 1,049.9 2,594
Marais et tourbières des vallées de la Somme et de l'Avre 13,100 32,000
Marais Poitevin 69,034 170,590
Marais salants de Guérande et du Més 5,200 13,000
Marais Vernier et Vallée de la Risle maritime 9,564.46 23,634.3
Mares temporaires de Tre Padule de Suartone 218 540
Réserve Naturelle Nationale des Terres Australes Francaises 2,270,000 5,600,000
Rhin Supérieur / Oberrhein 22,413 55,380
Rives du Lac Léman 1,915 4,730
Salins d'Hyères 900 2,200
Tourbière de Moltifao 33 82
Tourbières et lacs de la Montagne jurassienne 12,156 30,040
Vallées de la Scarpe et de l'Escaut 27,622 68,260
Zones humides et marines de Saint-Martin 2,997 7,410


Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Bugdasheni Lake 119.3 295
Ispani Mire 770 1,900
Madatapa Lake 1,398 3,450
Wetlands of Central Kolkheti 33,710 83,300


Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Aland-Elbe-Niederung und Elbaue Jerichow 8,605 21,260
Ammersee 6,517 16,100
Bayerische Wildalm 7 17
Lake Constance: Wollmatinger Ried - Giehrenmoos & Mindelsee 1,286 3,180
Chiemsee 8,660 21,400
Diepholzer Moorniederung 15,060 37,200
Donauauen & Donaumoos 8,000 20,000
Dümmer 3,600 8,900
Elbauen, Schnackenburg-Lauenburg 7,560 18,700
Galenbecker See 1,015 2,510
Hamburgisches Wattenmeer 11,700 29,000
Helmestausee Berga-Kelbra 1,453 3,590
Ismaninger Speichersee & Fischteichen 955 2,360
Krakower Obersee 870 2,100
Lech-Donau-Winkel 4,014 9,920
Mühlenberger Loch 675 1,670
Niederelbe, Barnkrug-Otterndorf 11,760 29,100
Niederung der Unteren Havel/Gülper See/Schollener See 8,920 22,000
Oberrhein / Rhin Supérieur 25,117 62,070
Ostseeboddengewässer Westrügen-Hiddensee-Zingst 25,800 64,000
Ostufer Müritz 4,830 11,900
Peitzer Teichgebiet 1,060 2,600
Rheinauen zwischen Eltville und Bingen 566 1,400
Rieselfelder Münster 233 580
Rosenheim Basin Bogs 1,039.2 2,568
Schleswig-Holstein Wadden Sea and adjacent areas 454,988 1,124,300
Starnberger See 5,720 14,100
Steinhuder Meer 5,730 14,200
Unterer Inn, Haiming-Neuhaus 1,955 4,830
Unterer Niederrhein 25,000 62,000
Unteres Odertal, Schwedt 5,400 13,000
Wattenmeer, Elbe-Weser-Dreieck 38,460 95,000
Wattenmeer, Jadebusen & westliche Wesermündung 49,490 122,300
Wattenmeer, Ostfriesisches Wattenmeer & Dollart 121,620 300,500
Weserstaustufe Schlüsselburg 1,600 4,000


Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Amvrakikos Gulf 23,649 58,440
Artificial Lake Kerkini 10,996 27,170
Axios, Loudias, Aliakmon Delta 11,808 29,180
Evros Delta 9,267 22,900
Kotychi lagoons 6,302 15,570
Lake Mikri Prespa 5,078 12,550
Lake Vistonis, Porto Lagos, Lake Ismaris & adjoining lagoons 24,396 60,280
Lakes Volvi & Koronia 16,388 40,500
Messolonghi lagoons 33,687 83,240
Nestos delta & adjoining lagoons 21,930 54,200


Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Baradla Cave System and related wetlands 2,056 5,080
Béda-Karapancsa 8,668.9 21,421
Biharugra Fishponds 2,791 6,900
Bodrogzug 4,220 10,400
Borsodi-Mezöség 18,470.9 45,643
Csongrád-Bokrosi Sóstó sodic-alkaline pans 865 2,140
Fishponds and Marshlands south of Lake Balaton 9,483 23,430
Gemenc 19,770 48,900
Hortobágy 32,037 79,170
Ipoly Valley 2,303.7 5,693
Kis-Balaton 14,659 36,220
Lake Balaton 59,800 148,000
Lake Fehér at Kardoskút 492 1,220
Lake Fertö 8,432 20,840
Lake Kolon at Izsák 3,059 7,560
Lakes by Tata 1,897 4,690
Mártély 2,324 5,740
Montág-puszta 2,203 5,440
Nyirkai-Hany 419 1,040
Ócsai Turjános 1,145.8 2,831
Pacsmag Fishponds Nature Conservation Area 439.4 1,086
Pusztaszer 5,000 12,000
Rába valley 9,552.3 23,604
Rétszilas Fishponds Nature Conservation Area 1,494 3,690
Szaporca 289.5 715
Upper Kiskunság Alkaline Lakes 7,393.8 18,270
Upper Kiskunság alkaline steppes 13,177 32,560
Upper Tisza (Felsö-Tisza) 26,871 66,400
Velence and Dinnyés Nature Conservation Area 1,354.5 3,347


Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Andakíll Protected Habitat Area 3,086 7,630
Grunnafjörður 1,470 3,600
Guðlaugstungur Nature Reserve 40,160 99,200
Mývatn-Laxá region 20,000 49,000
Snæfell and Eyjabakkar Area 26,450 65,400
Þjórsárver 37,500 93,000


Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Baldoyle Bay 203 500
Ballyallia Lough 308 760
Ballycotton Bay 92 230
Ballymacoda 375 930
Bannow Bay 958 2,370
Blacksod Bay and Broadhaven 683 1,690
Blackwater Estuary 468 1,160
Castlemaine Harbour 2,973 7,350
Clara Bog 460 1,100
Coole Lough & Garryland Wood 364 900
Cork Harbour 1,436 3,550
Cummeen Strand 1,491 3,680
Dundalk Bay 4,768 11,780
Dungarvan Harbour 1,041 2,570
Easky Bog 607 1,500
The Gearagh 307 760
Inner Galway Bay 11,905 29,420
Killala Bay/Moy Estuary 1,061 2,620
Knockmoyle/Sheskin 1,198 2,960
Lough Barra Bog 176 430
Lough Corrib 17,728 43,810
Lough Derravaragh 1,120 2,800
Lough Ennell 1,404 3,470
Lough Gara 1,742 4,300
Lough Glen 81 200
Lough Iron 182 450
Lough Oughter 1,464 3,620
Lough Owel 1,032 2,550
Meenachullion Bog 194 480
Mongan Bog 127 310
North Bull Island 1,436 3,550
Owenboy 397 980
Owenduff catchment 1,382 3,410
Pettigo Plateau 900 2,200
Pollardstown Fen 130 320
Raheenmore Bog 162 400
Raven, The 589 1,460
Rogerstown Estuary 195 480
Sandymount Strand/Tolka Estuary 654 1,620
Slieve Bloom Mountains 2,230 5,500
The Broadmeadow Estuary 546 1,350
Tralee Bay 861 2,130
Tramore Backstrand 367 910
Trawbreaga Bay 1,003 2,480
Wexford Wildfowl Reserve 194 480


Laguna di Orbetello in Italy
Name Area (ha) Area (acre)
Bacino dell'Angitola 875 2,160
Biviere di Gela 256 630
Busatello marsh 443 1,090
Isola Boscone 201 500
Lago dei Monaci 94 230
Lago di Barrea 303 750
Lago di Burano 410 1,000
Lago di Caprolace 229 570
Lago di Fogliano 395 980
Lago di Nazzano 265 650
Lago di Sabaudia 1,474 3,640
Lago di San Giuliano 2,118 5,230
Lago di Tovel 37 91
Laguna di Marano: Foci dello Stella 1,400 3,500
Laguna di Orbetello 887 2,190
Laguna di Venezia: Valle Averto 500 1,200
Lagustelli di Percile 256 630
Le Cesine 620 1,500
Massaciuccoli lake and marsh 11,135 27,520
Oasi del Sele-Serre Persano 174 430
Oasi di Castelvolturno o Variconi 195 480
Ortazzo e Ortazzino 440 1,100
Palude Brabbia 459 1,130
Palude del Brusà Le Vallette 171 420
Palude della Diaccia Botrona 2,500 6,200
Palude di Bolgheri 518 1,280
Palude di Colfiorito 157 390
Palude di Ostiglia 123 300
Pantano di Pignola 172 430
Piallassa della Baiona e Risega 1,630 4,000
Pian di Spagna - Lago di Mezzola 1,740 4,300
Posada River Mouth 736 1,820
Punte Alberete 480 1,200
Sacca di Bellocchio 223 550
Saline di Cervia 785 1,940
Saline di Margherita di Savoia 3,871 9,570
Stagno di Cábras 3,575 8,830
Stagno di Cagliari 3,466 8,560
Stagno di Corru S'Ittiri, Stagni di San Giovanni e Marceddì 2,610 6,400
Stagno di Mistras 680 1,700
Stagno di Molentargius 1,401 3,460
Stagno di Pauli Maiori 287 710
Stagno di Sale Porcus 330 820
Stagno di S'Ena Arrubia 223 550
Torbiere d'Iseo 325 800
Torre Guaceto 940 2,300
Trapani and Paceco salt ponds 971 2,400
Trappola Marshland - Ombrone River Mouth 536 1,320
Valle Bertuzzi 3,100 7,700
Valle Campotto e Bassarone 1,363 3,370
Valle Cavanata 243 600
Valle di Gorino 1,330 3,300
Valle Santa 261 640
Valli del Mincio 1,082 2,670
Valli residue del comprensorio di Comacchio 13,500 33,000
Vendicari 1,450 3,600
Vincheto di Cellarda 99 240

