Solidarity Prize

The Solidarity Prize
Nagroda Solidarności
Awarded forPromotion and protection of democracy and civil liberties
First awarded2014
Last awarded2015

The Solidarity Prize (Polish: Nagroda Solidarności) – Polish award for promotion and protection of democracy and civil liberties. The prize has been established by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland.[1][2]

Selection process


The selection of the laureate is a two-stage process. Fifteen nominators, are presenting their candidates. Among nominators are Nobel Peace Prize Laureates, Polish minister of foreign affairs: current and former and globally recognized authorities in the field of democracy and human rights.[3] Every year 1/3 of nominators is changed. The final decision on awarding the prize is made by the chapter of award,[4] which in 2014 has been chaired by Poland's former president Lech Wałęsa.

Nominating committee




Each Laureate receives a statuette. The prize has also financial dimension: 1 mln EUR in total:

  • 250,000 EUR is the cash is for the laureate;
  • 50,000 EUR is allocated to finance the laureate's participation in the award ceremony and study visit to Poland for the laureate or a group of persons selected by him/her;
  • 700 000 EUR is to be allocated to finance development cooperation projects, indicated by the laureate.
Mustafa Dzhemilev




  1. ^ "4 czerwca po raz pierwszy przyznana zostanie Nagroda Solidarności, depesza PAP z 16 stycznia 2014 r." (in Polish). Polish MFA. 2014.
  2. ^ Minister of Foreign Affairs (of the Republic of Poland) (22 January 2014). "Dziennik Urzędowy Ministra Spraw Zagranicznych poz. 2 Zarządzenie Ministra Spraw Zagranicznych z dnia 15 stycznia 2014 r. w sprawie ustanowienia Nagrody Solidarności za działania na rzecz promocji i ochrony demokracji oraz wolności obywatelskich" (PDF) (in Polish). Archived from the original (PDF) on 31 May 2014.
  3. ^ "Wybitne osobistości wskażą kandydatów do Nagrody Solidarności" (in Polish).
  4. ^ "W środę poznamy laureata Nagrody Solidarności".
  5. ^ "Osoby nominujące kandydatów do Nagrody Solidarności 2014" (in Polish).
  6. ^ "Mustafa Dżemilew pierwszym laureatem Nagrody Solidarności" (in Polish).
  7. ^ "Zhanna Nemtsova awarded Lech Walesa Solidarity Prize for 2015". Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 17 July 2015. Retrieved 20 July 2015.