
Stratiomys chamaeleon
Scientific classification Edit this classification
Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Diptera
Family: Stratiomyidae
Subfamily: Stratiomyinae
Tribe: Stratiomyini
Genus: Stratiomys
Geoffroy, 1762[1]
Type species
Musca chamaeleon
  • Amauromyia Pleske, 1922[3]
  • Diademomyia Pleske, 1922[3]
  • Electrolophidion Pleske, 1922[3]
  • Eustratiomyia Pleske, 1922[3]
  • Hemipyrrhoceromyia Pleske, 1922[3]
  • Hirtea Scopoli, 1763[4]
  • Holopyrrhoceromyia Pleske, 1922[3]
  • Hoplomyia Zeller, 1842[5]
  • Hoptomyia Loew, 1846[6]
  • Laternigera Pleske, 1922[3]
  • Metastratiomyia Pleske, 1922[3]
  • Oreomyia Pleske, 1922[3]
  • Parastratiomyia Pleske, 1922[3]
  • Poecilothorax Pleske, 1922[3]
  • Ssratiomys Panzer, 1792[7]
  • Stereoxantha Pleske, 1922[3]
  • Stiatiomyia Pleske, 1922[3]
  • Strariomyia Shi, 1992
  • Stratiomia Hunter, 1900[8]
  • Stratiomicrodon Papavero, 1998[9]
  • Stratiomiis Scopoli, 1777[4]
  • Stratiomis Walckenaer, 1802[10]
  • Stratiomya Schiner, 1868[11]
  • Stratiomyia Agassiz, 1846[12]
  • Stratiomyia Macquart, 1838[13]
  • Stratiomyis Ôuchi, 1940
  • Stratiomyx Rossi, 1794[14]
  • Stratiotomyia Arribálzaga, 1883[15]
  • Stratiotomyia Rye, 1879[16]
  • Stratioyms Ôuchi, 1940
  • Stratomyia Bigot, 1887[17]
  • Stratyomis Batsch, 1789[18]
  • Stratyomys Gray, 1832[19]
  • Strutiomys Walker, 1864[20]
  • Thyreodonta Bezzi, 1903[21]
  • Thyreodonta Marschall, 1873[21]
  • Thyreodontha Rondani, 1863[22]

Stratiomys is a genus of flies in the family Stratiomyidae.[23]




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