Telmo Aldaz de la Quadra-Salcedo

Telmo Aldaz de la Quadra-Salcedo
Born1970 (age 53–54)
Madrid, Spain
Known foradventurer, media star
Political partyCarlism

Telmo Aldaz de la Quadra-Salcedo (born 1970) is a Spanish globetrotter, sailor, media personality and politician. He is best known as host and participant of various TV reality shows and series of geography-related documentary programs, in which he appears as bushcraft expert, adventurer and traveller. Earlier he took part in re-enactments of historical Hispanic naval voyages. He is also organizer and manager of an annual education project España Rumbo al Sur, focused on Africa and intended for the youth. As a politician he supports the Traditionalist cause. From 2018 to 2020 he headed the Acción Social section of Comunión Tradicionalista Carlista; from 2020 to 2022 he presided over the CTC executive, Junta Nacional.

Family and youth

Pamplona, early 20th century
Pamplona, early 20th century

The Aldaz family is of Basque origin,[1] ennobled since the 17th century;[2] it got very branched, especially in the Pamplona county. Telmo's grandfather Cecilio Aldaz Urricelqui (1887-1944) was born to a petty bourgeoisie family; following education in the Pamplonese Escuela de Artes y Oficios[3] he worked in the La Agrícola bank.[4] His son Cecilio Aldaz Elso[5] (1913-1987)[6] worked as teacher[7] and was a locally recognized sportsman.[8] Though a Republican and left-winger,[9] according to his son he volunteered to requeté;[10] he later deserted and joined the Republican guerilla unit, active in 1937-1938 as Batallón de Montaña Pirenaico.[11] On exile in France, in 1939 he applied for refuge in Mexico[12] and later lived in Dominicana.[13] His later fate is not clear; according to his son, Aldaz Elso witnessed the Pearl Harbor attack.[14] From 1943 to 1945 he served in the US Army[15] and reportedly fought in Europe.[16] Afterwards he joined a merchant navy of an unspecified country and following decades of service, he grew to a captain. His status in the Francoist Spain is not clear.[17] In the 1940s he was formally purged from teaching;[18] In the 1950s, he was reportedly fishing with Hemingway in the trout rivers of Navarre.[19]

When in his 50s Aldaz Elso met Ana María Quadra-Salcedo Gayarre (1935-2012), born in Irún but resident in Madrid.[20] She was descendant to a few distinguished Basque families; her paternal great-grandfather owned a large mayorazgo in Biscay and served as local deputy in the 1860s;[21] another one was a longtime member of Isabelline Cortes,[22] while others were Navarrese entrepreneurs.[23] Her maternal grandfather Miguel Gayarre Espinal was a well-known psychiatrist, member of the so-called Madrid School of Psychiatry.[24] Her father was an agriculture specialist employed by the Madrid diputación; he volunteered to requeté and perished in 1938.[25] Ana Maria herself became a known archeologist and led a number of excavation projects across all Spain.[26] Cecilio and Ana Maria married in the late 1960s; they settled in Madrid. The couple had 3 children, born in the early 1970s,[27] all initially educated by their mother within the homeschooling framework.[28]

At the turn of the 1980s and 1990s Aldaz studied law at Universidad Complutense; he then specialized in maritime law at Université Montesquieu in Bordeaux.[29] He has never practiced; since the early 1990s he started to make a living as co-organizer of adventure projects, commencing with Ruta Quetzal in 1993.[30] In 2006[31] Aldaz married Isabel Ussia Hornedo,[32] daughter to well-known publisher Alfonso Ussía Muñoz-Seca and great-granddaughter to Pedro Muñoz Seca.[33] It is not clear whether the couple have any children. Numerous of his more distant relatives were public figures; sister of his maternal grandmother Carmen Gayarre Galbete counted among pioneers in paedology, while brother of his maternal grandfather José Miguel Quadra-Salcedo is recognized as an architect. The cousin of his mother Tomás Quadra-Salcedo served as minister in the 1980s and 1990s. The best known relative was his maternal uncle Miguel Quadra-Salcedo Gayarre. Initially an athlete and reporter, since the 1970s he became a media celebrity as a globetrotter.[34]


replica ship of Nao Victoria

Son to a merchant marine captain and nephew to an adventure media celebrity, already during his teenage years Telmo took part in numerous travelling projects; some were related to a friend of his father and another Navarrese maritime explorer and public personality, known in Spain as Capitán Etayo.[35] In 1992 he was formally employed by his uncle as logistics coordinator for the subsequent edition of Ruta Quetzal; at the time the project was sponsored by the Secretariat of State for International Cooperation and Ibero-America and the Ibero-American General Secretariat. Aldaz served in the same role also during the 1994 edition[36] and took part in cross-Atlantic journeys on replica of the original Niña caravel.[37] In 1995 he embarked on his first own major travelling project, re-enactment of the historical 1503 Columbus-related paddling journey from Jamaica to Hispaniola in canoes. The enterprise lasted a few weeks and became a media scoop in Spain.[38] In the second half of the 1990s he travelled on the Amazon and the Orinoco in canoe and took part in other re-enactment sails of replica ships Niña III and Nao Victoria, e.g. in 1998 as part to the round-the-world journey.[39] Most of these undertakings were part of media projects, and Aldaz systematically provided his correspondence to contracted agencies. In 1997 he canoed on the Congo river across Zaire, but the project was abandoned mid-course due to the outbreak of the civil war.[40] At the turn of the centuries Aldaz was again working for Ruta Quetzal, e.g. in 2002 and 2003.

exploring Morocco (sample)

In 2006 Aldaz launched his trademark project, Madrid Rumbo al Sur (eng. "Madrid Southbound").[41] Reportedly inspired by the provincial Madrid authorities,[42] it was designed as an education project for older teenagers. Formatted as a holiday outdoor exploration tour and focused on Africa, it was supposed and until today is being marketed as an exercise in survival, volunteering, ecology, education, research, culture, sports, business entrepreneurship, adventure and international cooperation.[43] In 2007 Aldaz with some family members registered Fundación Madrid Rumbo al Sur, the legal entity which from then on became the formal operator of subsequent editions of Rumbo al Sur; he became its president.[44] From then on, the program has been repeated in annual subsequent editions; they were organized mostly in Morocco, though at times also in Central Africa (Ethiopia, Cameroon, Senegal, Mali, Mauritania) and few times in southern Africa (Swaziland (since 2018 renamed to Eswatini), Republic of South Africa, Mozambique).[45] Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 edition was formatted as a sailing voyage between Andalusia and Morocco; following few editions in 2014 the project was renamed to España Rumbo al Sur and is currently no longer catering to the Madrid youth only. The project is financed partially by institutional and commercial sponsors, by various foundations (e.g. Fundación Mutua Madrileña), and partially by the participants, with crowdfunding the preferred means of collecting money.[46] Each year there were over 100 youngsters taking part;[47] until today there have been more than 1,000 youngsters participating.[48]

Media personality

Discovery Max logotype

From the onset Aldaz commenced co-operation with the press and kept providing ongoing correspondence from his voyages to selected media. In 1997 he worked as correspondent of Diario de Navarra to Zaire and covered the ongoing civil war in the mid-1990s.[49] Already at the time some newspapers featured him as “explorador del siglo XXI”[50] and especially the Madrid titles kept referring to him as to organizer of adventure trips for the youth.[51] In the mid-2000s Aldaz tried his hand in film-making industry. In 2004-2005 he served as trainee production assistant during the making of Capitán Alatriste by Agustín Díaz Yanes, the second most expensive Spanish movie ever.[52] Shortly afterwards he was employed as a location runner for Goya’s Ghosts by Miloš Forman.[53] Having gained experience Aldaz started to produce video materials from his Rumbo al Sur editions, first floated in social media.[54] and then professionally made programs intended for commercial media. His documentary broadcast in the local Telemadrid channel earned him the Fundación Codespa prize in periodismo category in the year 2009.[55]

In the early 2000s Aldaz signed a contract with the Spanish branch of DMax, the European television channel and part of the Discovery network. He became host of a reality show series titled 40º Norte, la tierra del lobo, aired in 2015 by Telemadrid. It featured 10 madrileños who under Aldaz’ guidance were supposed to manage on their own in the wilderness of Sierra de Guadarrama;[56] the best of them was awarded the title of “the alfa wolf” and a financial reward.[57] It was followed by another series, also produced for DMax and titled Mares: Telmo en el Estrecho. It adhered to a somewhat different formula; instead of reality show, it resembled rather a traditional documentary[58] and explored the live at sea between the coast of Andalusia and this of Morocco. The series was aired in 2016 and proved fairly successful; production of another season followed shortly afterwards.[59] In 2017 Aldaz himself became the protagonist of an episode in the popular Radiotelevisión Española series Ochentame... otra vez; titled Sangre de aventureros, it featured modern-day Spanish travelers and adventurers.[60] He floated accounts of his other voyages in social media and featured in single episodes of other reality shows.[61]

The Atlantic Ocean off the Andalusian coast

Thanks mostly to his TV ventures in the 2010s Aldaz became a publicly recognizable figure. Newspapers and web portals were publishing interviews and featured materials, in which he appeared as “navigator and adventurer”,[62] “a Navarrese Viking”,[63] “lawyer and adventurer”,[64] “bold explorer”,[65] “expert mariner”,[66] “popular adventurer”,[67] “guardian of the Miguel de la Quadra Salcedo legacy”[68] and even sort of a maritime Don Quijote.[69] Most of these pieces dwelled on his iconic movie look and noted athletic figure, picturesque beard and almost 2 meters of height.[70] When interviewed Aldaz advocated life in pursuit of own dreams and ideas, not to be discouraged by meager problems. His focus was on adventure and joy,[71] though also with an important ingredient of hard work, learning, overcoming of challenges, meeting people and protecting the environment.[72]


Capitán Etayo

Aldaz’ maternal ancestors were distinguished Carlists; his great-great-grandfather José Miguel Arrieta-Mascarua served in 1843–1871 in the Cortes,[73] while another one Andrés Bruno Quadra-Salcedo acted as high legitimist Biscay official during the Third Carlist War. His great-grandfather Tomás Pedro de la Quadra-Salcedo was a fuerista,[74] while his grandfather Estanislao de la Quadra-Salcedo along 4 brothers volunteered to requeté; 4 of the siblings were either killed in action or executed by the Republicans.[75] His mother was an ardent Carlist, active in the female organization Margaritas.[76] Aldaz later claimed that growing up a Traditionalist was a natural way of maturing for him,[77] that since childhood he participated in annual rallies at Montejurra, Montserrat or Isuskiza, and that as a boy he knew many Carlist Navarrese personalities.[78] One of them, Amadeo Marco Ilincheta, was his godfather. It is not clear what was the role of the early Republican record of his father; as a mariner he later befriended Carlist mariners, in particular Marco Ilincheta and Capitán Etayo.[79]

In his media appearances Aldaz steered clear of political, ideological or religious issues and has never been subject to any related controversy. His appeal remained ambiguous. On the one hand, the threads related to crossing cultural frontiers, ecology and combating prejudice might have evoked left-wing leaning; on the other, the focus on Hispanidad, stress on discipline and male virtues might have appealed to the right-wing audience. The ambiguity commenced to fade away in 2013, when Aldaz started to appear as a Carlist in the Dando caña TV program.[80] He became a regular guest of a Ring podcast, produced by Diario Ya; he featured along attendees clearly associated with political right, like Santiago Abascal or Rafael López Dieguez.[81] In 2014 and with few other Carlists he fielded his candidature to the European Parliament on the coalition list named Impulso Social;[82] across Spain the list gathered around 0,1% of the votes and failed to win a single seat.[83]

Carlist standard

In 2018 Aldaz took part in the XIII Congress of Comunión Tradicionalista Carlista and was elected secretario de Acción Social de la Comunión.[84] In 2019 he assumed a high-profile when hosting a Carlist media event in the Madrid Gran Hotel España; it was designed as a handover between the former CTC president, María Cuervo-Arango Cienfuego-Jovellanos, and the new one, Javier Garisoain Otero.[85] His term as head of social section expired in December 2020, when CTC held its extraordinary congress. During the session Comunión elected its new executive and Aldaz was voted as the new president of Junta Nacional; it is not clear whether he had any counter-candidates and how many votes he obtained. Aldaz’ first message contained numerous religious references and declared faith in the ultimate triumph of "Santa Causa del Carlismo".[86] In his later interviews, published already in 2021, he stated that his key objectives would be to overcome internal divisions of Carlism and to “make it known”.[87] He did not stand in elections of October 2022 and as the CTC leader he was replaced by Javier Garisoain.[88]

See also



  1. ^ oldest known references to the Aldaz family are related to the Navarrese village of Izurdiaga, Alberto García Carraffa, Arturo García Carraffa, El solar vasco navarro, Pamplona 1996, pp. 235-236
  2. ^ Aldaz entry, [in:] Heraldry Institute service, available here
  3. ^ for 1895 see La Lealtad Navarra 26.06.95, available here, for 1907 see El Eco de Navarra 21.06.07, available here
  4. ^ Josu Chueca Intxusta, El nacionalismo vasco en Navarra (1931-1936), Vitoria 1999, ISBN 9788483731437, p. 420
  5. ^ Cecilio Aldaz Elso entry, [in:] Geni genealogical service, available here
  6. ^ Cecilio Aldaz (1913-1987) entry, [in:] Sysoon service, available here
  7. ^ Exilio español folder, [in:] Memórica Mexico service, available here, p. 168
  8. ^ e.g. in 1933 he was noted as taking part in swimming competition, Diario de Navarra 13.6.33
  9. ^ in 1934 a Navarrese section of Asociación Católica de Padres de Familia gathered information on teachers in public schools in terms of their ideological and political preferences. Though Cecilio Aldaz was classified as “n/a” against religiosity, morality and press rubrics, he was defined as “leftist/republican” in terms of his political preferences, María Reyes Berruezo Albéniz, Juan José Casanova Landivar, Francisco Javier Ema Fernández, Francisco Soto Alfaro, Religiosidad, moralidad, prensa y filiación. La frontera del magisterio navarro, agosto de 1936, [in:] Príncipe de Viana 80/273 (2019), p. 438
  10. ^ at least this is the claim of his son; Telmo Aldaz de la Quadra-Salcedo apuesta por la Tradición Católica frente al timo de la modernidad, [in:] Ahora Información service 25.01.21, available here
  11. ^ Cecilio and his twin brother Juan Aldaz Elso are referred to as “brothers Aldaz”, who served in a guerilla unit named “Batallón Alpino”, "Batalló de Muntanya Basc-Catalá" or "Batallón de Montaña Pirenaico". They were entrusted with procuring arms in France, Francisco Manuel Vargas Alonso, Navarros contra el Alzamiento. Memoria documental de una lucha (1936-1939), [in:] Gerónimo de Uztariz 9-10 (1994), p. 183
  12. ^ on April 10, 1939 Cecilio and Juan Aldaz Elso resided in Dax; they wrote a letter, intended for the Mexican consular service in France. They applied for residence permit in Mexico hoping that their teaching credentials would be honored there. They introduced themselves as Republican officers and “maestros nacionales que tenian sus escuelas en la provincia de Navarra, escuelas que tuvieron que abandonar al ser llamados por Franco en 1.936 y que desertando de las fuerzas de este, para pasar a prestar sus servicios militares en el ejercito de la Republica, donde fuimos organizadores de las Columnas Alpinas y capitanes de las mismas”, Exilio español folder, [in:] Memórica Mexico service, available here, p. 168
  13. ^ both twins, Cecilio and Juan, are listed as exiled teachers who between 1939 and 1945 lived in the Dominican Republic; however, none of them practiced as teacher, Juan B. Alfonseca Giner de los Ríos, Escenarios dominicanos de la escuela republicana en el exilio, 1939-1945, [in:] Historia y Memoria de la Educación 9 (2019), p. 213
  14. ^ No hay nada más humano y natural que el Carlismo. Entrevista a Telmo Aldaz de la Quadra-Salcedo en El Mundo, [in:] Carlistas service 18.01.21, available here
  15. ^ in US military records Cecilio Aldaz is registered as enlisted on Feb 3, 1943, and as discharged on April 23, 1945, see Cecilio Aldaz entry, [in:] Fold3 service, available here
  16. ^ according to his son, Cecilio Aldaz "survived four wars", Edurne Urreta, Telmo Aldaz: sobrino de Miguel de la Quadra-Salcedo, aventurero y nuevo líder del carlismo, [in:] El Mundo 16.01.21, available here. One of these wars would be the Spanish Civil War and another World War Two, but it is not clear what other wars are referred to
  17. ^ also the fate of Telmo's grandfather is unclear. He is on the list of Navarrese emigrees who at unspecified time fled the country when facing the Francoist repression, see Censo Provisional del Exilio Navarro, [in: ] Paz Y Convivencia service, available here. However, a Geni genealogical service claims he died in Pamplona 1945
  18. ^ in 1942 Cecilio Aldaz and his twin brother were suspended indefinitely without pension, categorized by the administration as “inhabilitación para el desempeño de interinidades”, Berruezo, Casanova, Ema, Soto 2019, p. 438
  19. ^ Telmo Aldaz: “Ser moderno está pasado de moda”, [in:] Centinela service 21.05.18, available here
  20. ^ see necrology note of Ana María de la Quadra-Salcedo, [in:] Esquelas en Prensa service 06.01.13, available here
  21. ^ see Andrés Bruno de la Quadra-Salcedo y Trevilla entry, [in:] Euskalnet service, available here
  22. ^ José Miguel de Arrieta-Mascarua y Sarachaga served in the Cortes in the 1840s, 1850s and 1860s
  23. ^ Marcelino Gayarre Urzainqui was a “comerciante” in Pamplona, Joseán Garrues, Mérito y problema de las eléctricas pioneras: Arteta, 1893/98-1936, [in:] Historia Industrial 31 (2006), p. 99; Vicente Galbete Campión was a textile entrepreneur, Miguel Angel Riezu Boj, El nacimiento de la banca moderna en Navarra, 1863-1864, Pamplona 1994, pp. 4, 5 and passim
  24. ^ Juan Medrano, Hace ya algún tiempo: Miguel Gayarre Espinal (1866-1936), [in:] Norte de Salud Mental 17/64 (2021), pp. 123-129
  25. ^ Esquela requeté Estanislao de la Quadra Salcedo y Arrieta Mascurua, [in:] Todo Colección service, available here
  26. ^ Ana María de la Quadra Salcedo y Gayarre, [in:] Arquelogas service, available here
  27. ^ initially the siblings were identified as Telmo, Mar and Leonel, ABC 01.11.77, available here. However, later the children were identified as Telmo, Mar and Vito, ABC 06.01.13, available here
  28. ^ No hay nada más humano y natural que el Carlismo. Entrevista a Telmo Aldaz de la Quadra-Salcedo en El Mundo, [in:] service Carlistas 18.01.21, available here
  29. ^ Juanma Fernández, El lobo de mar, [in:] El Español service 14.09.16, available here
  30. ^ Fernández 2016
  31. ^ Enlace Isabel Ussía-Telmo Aldaz, en la iglesia parroquial de San Adrián de Ruiseñada, [in:] El Diario Montañes 07.05.06, available here
  32. ^ Isabel de Ussia Hornedo entry, [in:] Geneanet genealogical service, available here
  33. ^ Repertorio Familiar service, link blocked by WP
  34. ^ he gained particular attention as manager of adventure and education projects for the youth, intended to strengthen the global Hispanic community, Miguel de la Quadra-Salcedo y Gayarre entry, [in:] Real Academia de la Historia service, available here
  35. ^ José de Armas Díaz, La Niña III y el Capitán Etayo. Un ejemplo de militancia contrarrevolucionaria, [in:] Anales de la Fundación Francisco Elías de Tejada 12 (2006), pp. 65-78
  36. ^ Telmo Aldaz de la Quadra-Salcedo, [in:] EcoTeuve service, available here
  37. ^ Aldaz de la Quadra-Salcedo, Telmo entry, [in:] Auñamendi Eusko Entziklopedia, available here
  38. ^ ABC 18.10.95, available here
  39. ^ Aldaz de la Quadra-Salcedo, Telmo entry, [in:] Auñamendi Eusko Entziklopedia, available here
  40. ^ Telmo Aldaz de la Quadra-Salcedo, [in:] EcoTeuve service, available here
  41. ^ Juanma Fernández, El lobo de mar, [in:] El Español service 14.09.16, available here
  42. ^ Telmo Aldaz de la Quadra-Salcedo, [in:] Tierra 174 (2009), p. 14
  43. ^ objectives of the project are specified as “giving the opportunity to teenagers between 16 and 17 years old to live a practical training on different topics as international cooperation, volunteering, solidarity, sports, early business entrepreneurship, ecology; respect, environmental knowledge and research, knowledge of other cultures, the study of history on the ground and the very important lesson that knowing and living with missionaries, NGOs and people who give their lives to help those most in need represents”, Spain southbound, an initiatory journey, [in:] Diplomat Magazine 21.05.21, available here
  44. ^ BOE 109 (2007), available here
  45. ^ compare the official España Rumbo al Sur website, available here
  46. ^ Programa “España Rumbo al Sur”, [in:] Juventud Gijón service 03.05.14, available here
  47. ^ ABC 10.09.13, available here
  48. ^ Más de 1.000 jóvenes se apuntan a Madrid Rumbo al Sur, [in:] Famma service 09.04.12, available here
  49. ^ Telmo Aldaz de la Quadra-Salcedo, [in:] EcoTeuve service, available here
  50. ^ ABC 15.06.97, available here
  51. ^ ABC 02.06.06, available here
  52. ^ Capitán Alatriste, [in:] IMDb service, available here
  53. ^ Goya’s Ghosts, [in:] IMDb service, available here
  54. ^ compare numerous Rumbo al Sur materials at YouTube service, available here
  55. ^ ABC 05.12.09, available here
  56. ^ 40 Grados Norte, [in:] TeleMadrid service, available here
  57. ^ Telemadrid ficha a Telmo Aldaz de la Quadra-Salcedo para presentar el reality '40º Norte, la tierra del lobo, [in:] FormulaTV service 26.09.14, available here
  58. ^ Telmo Aldaz de la Quadra-Salcedo vuelve a Discovery MAX con una nueva entrega de 'Mares, [in:] FormulaTV service 28.07.16, available here
  59. ^ titled Mares: Telmo y los Hombres del Mar, Documental: Mares: Telmo y los Hombres del Mar, [in:] El Mundo service, available here
  60. ^ Ochentáme... otra vez. Sangre de aventureros, [in:] IMDb service, available here
  61. ^ in 2018 he took part in El conquistador del fin del mundo series episode, titled El conquistador del Caribe II; it was set in Colombia
  62. ^ Entrevista a Telmo Aldaz de la Quadra Salcedo, [in:] PaseaMundo service 05.12.16, available here
  63. ^ Miguel Angel Alfonso, Un vikingo navarro, [in:] El Correo 05.08.16, available here
  64. ^ Cristina Galafate, El fin de semana perfecto de Telmo Aldaz de la Quadra-Salcedo, [in:] Expansión service 08.11.19
  65. ^ Martín de Cáceres, Telmo Aldaz de la Quadra Salcedo: "El viaje y la cooperación son la mejor universidad para los jóvenes", [in:] El Mundo 10.07.16, available here
  66. ^ Discovery MAX ficha al marino Telmo Aldaz de la Quadra-Salcedo, [in:] EuropaPress service 10.07.15, available here
  67. ^ Miguel Angel Alfonso, Telmo Aldaz de la Quadra-Salcedo: «Ni soy gracioso, ni tengo salero», [in:] Diario Vasco 25.09.15, available here
  68. ^ Juanma Fernández, El lobo de mar, [in:] El Español service 14.09.16, available here
  69. ^ Alfonso 2015
  70. ^ Juanma Fernández, El lobo de mar, [in:] El Español service 14.09.16, available here
  71. ^ some interviews adhered to gossip media format and approached Aldaz as media celebrity; he dwelled on his personal issues, like preference for cinema genres, literature (Valle-Inclán, Baroja, Unamuno, Quevedo, Conrad) or music (habaneras, jotas, música clásica, rap, merengue), compare Cristina Galafate, El fin de semana perfecto de Telmo Aldaz de la Quadra-Salcedo, [in:] Expansión service 08.11.19, available here
  72. ^ see e.g. ABC 10.09.13, Diario Vasco 25.09.15, El Mundo 10.07.16, El Correo 05.08.16, El Español 14.09.16, Naiz 31.10.16, PaseaMundo 05.12.16, Tetuan 30 Días 06.02.17, Diario de Navarra 22.07.2017, Diario de Sevilla 14.08.17, Diario de Navarra 09.06.18, El Mundo 25.06.18, La Razón 03.08.18, Diario Palentino 07.04.19, El Mundo 19.07.19, La Información 26.07.19, Expansión 08.11.19, and many others
  73. ^ Arrieta Mascaura y Sarachaga, José Miguel de entry, [in:] official senate website, available here
  74. ^ in 1903 Tomás Pedro de la Quadra-Salcedo y Zabálburu ran in local elections on the Basque nationalist ticket, Javier Corcuera Atienza, The Origins, Ideology, and Organization of Basque Nationalism, 1876-1903, Bilbao 2008, ISBN 9781877802775, p. 473
  75. ^ Alfonso Ussía, La calle que vendrá, [in:] La Razón 26.05.16, available here, see also Esquela requeté Estanislao de la Quadra Salcedo y Arrieta Mascurua, [in:] Todo Colección service, available here
  76. ^ she also wrote Carlism-related pieces, see Ana De la Quadra Salcedo, Evocación apasionada del Carlismo en Conrad con el recuerdo del Capitán Etayo y sus tripulantes surcando el Atlántico a bordo de la Carabela "Niña III", [in:] Aportes 9/24 (1994), pp. 115-118
  77. ^ No hay nada más humano y natural que el Carlismo. Entrevista a Telmo Aldaz de la Quadra-Salcedo en El Mundo, [in:] Carlistas service 18.01.21, available here
  78. ^ Javier Navascués, Telmo Aldaz de la Quadra-Salcedo apuesta por la Tradición Católica frente al timo de la modernidad, [in:] Gloria TV service 25.01.21, available here
  79. ^ see e.g. Aldaz’ post and photo from his christening ceremony on Twitter service, available here
  80. ^ El Irrintzi service 29.07.13, available here
  81. ^ Telmo Aldaz de la Quadra-Salcedo nombrado presidente de la CTC, [in:] Diario Ya service, available here
  82. ^ BOE 29.04.14, available here
  83. ^ Impulso Social entry, [in:] Elecciones service, available here
  84. ^ Discurso de Telmo Aldaz de la Quadra-Salcedo en el XIII Congreso CTC, [in:] Tradición Viva service 02.12.18, available here
  85. ^ "La hispanidad", a cargo de Telmo Aldaz, [in:] El Comercio 19.03.19, available here
  86. ^ Carta del nuevo presidente de la Comunión Tradicionalista Carlista, Telmo Aldaz, [in:] Ahora Información service 04.01.21, available here
  87. ^ Telmo Aldaz: sobrino de Miguel de la Quadra-Salcedo, aventurero y nuevo líder del carlismo, [in:] El Mundo 16.01.21, available here
  88. ^ Celebrado el XIV Congreso de la Comunion Tradicionalista, [in:] Ahora Informacion 17.10.2022, available here

Further reading

  • Ana de la Quadra Salcedo, Evocación apasionada del Carlismo en Conrad con el recuerdo del Capitán Etayo y sus tripulantes surcando el Atlántico a bordo de la Carabela "Niña III", [in:] Aportes 9/24 (1994), pp. 115–118
  • Carla Pulin, Orgullo en canoa, [in:] Cambio 16 1275 (1996), pp. 82–85