Virgile travesti

Virgile travesti is a parody of the Aeneid written by Paul Scarron in 1648. It was inspired by Giovanni Battista Lalli's L'Eneide travestita (The Aeneid Disguised, 1633).[1] This early example of French burlesque literature[2] is notable for introducing the word travesty[3] into English.[4] Produced in eight volumes, the last book in the work was not published until 1659.[5]


  1. ^ Morillot, Paul (1888). Scarron: étude biographique et littéraire. Paris: Lecène et Oudin. pp. 191–193.
  2. ^ "Le Virgile travesti".
  3. ^ Terry, Richard G. (2005). Mock-heroic from Butler to Cowper: An English Genre and Discourse. Ashgate. ISBN 9780754606239.
  4. ^ "Travesty - literature".
  5. ^ Yale French studies. Yale French Studies. 1967. Retrieved 5 June 2018.