Weaponization of antisemitism
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The exploitation of accusations of antisemitism, especially to counter anti-Zionism and criticism of Israel,[1] may be described as weaponization of antisemitism, politicization of antisemitism, instrumentalization of antisemitism, or playing the antisemitism card.[2] Accusations of antisemitism made in bad faith against Israel's critics have been described as a form of smear tactics.[3] Some writers have compared them to "playing the race card".[4][5]
Accusations of weaponization have been raised in the context of the Arab–Israeli conflict,[6] in various organizations' adoptions of the controversial working definition of antisemitism,[7] and in the controversy surrounding antisemitism in the British Labour Party.[6][8]
The charge of weaponization has itself been criticized, with scholars of contemporary antisemitism identifying it as a common rhetorical device and trope employed across the political spectrum, though particularly in anti-Zionist discourses on the left. It has been criticized as an antisemitic ad hominem attack that reflexively dismisses complaints of antisemitism, assumes bad faith on the part of Jews raising concerns about racism, and impedes productive discourse on antisemitism and the Israel–Palestine conflict.[9][10][11][12]
In The Fateful Triangle (1983), Noam Chomsky wrote that criticism of Israel was often countered by accusations that the criticisms themselves were antisemitic. Citing research by Christopher Sykes, Chomsky said the phenomenon began in 1943, when David Ben-Gurion criticized a British court "that had implicated Zionist leaders in arms-trafficking". Sykes described the incident as beginning "a new phase in Zionist propaganda".[13] Chomsky added that it was "in the post-1967 period that the tactic has been honed to a high art, increasingly so, as the policies defended became less and less defensible".[13]
In the early 1950s, American journalist Dorothy Thompson, a former advocate of Zionism, was called antisemitic after she began to write against Zionism, and as a result of these accusations "she lost friends, work, and political influence."[a] Thompson's transition to anti-Zionism began after a trip to Palestine in 1945, and she became an advocate for Palestinian refugees displaced in the 1948 Palestinian expulsion and flight.[19][20] In 1950 Thompson wrote a controversial article in Commentary magazine accusing American Zionists of dual loyalty.[21][22] Historian Oscar Handlin wrote a response to Thompson's article wherein he dismissed her concerns of dual loyalty, but said that he was "in perfect agreement with Miss Thompson as to the dangers of labeling anti-Semitic anyone who is not a Zionist".[23] Professor Lyndsey Stonebridge writes that "today, many see the silencing of a bold humanitarian advocate in her story, and it is not difficult to understand why", but also that "there can be no doubt that anti-Semitism was a theme in Thompson's later writing."[24]
In his 1956 memoir, British military officer John Bagot Glubb denied accusations of antisemitism for his criticism of Israel, writing: "It does not seem to me to be either just or expedient that similar criticisms directed against the Israeli government should brand the speaker with the moral stigma generally associated with anti-Semitism."[25][26] Israeli historian Benny Morris said that this was due to a "tendency among Israelis and Jews abroad to identify strong criticism of Israel as tantamount to, or as at least stemming from, anti-Semitism", although Morris also said Glubb's anti-Zionism was "tinged by a degree of anti-Semitism".[26]
According to Cheryl Rubenberg, in the 1980s, journalists Anthony Lewis, Nicholas von Hoffman, Joseph C. Harsch, Richard Cohen and Alfred Friendly; authors Gore Vidal, Joseph Sobran, and John le Carré;[27] and American politicians Charles Mathias and Pete McCloskey[28] were among those whom pro-Israeli groups called antisemites. In 1989, Rubenberg wrote of Mathias and McCloskey: "The labeling of individuals who disagree with the lobby's positions as 'anti-Semitic' is a common practice among Israel's advocates."[28] In 1987, journalist Allan Brownfeld wrote in the Journal of Palestine Studies: "One cannot be critical of the Israeli prime minister, concerned about the question of the Palestinians, or dubious about the virtue of massive infusions of U.S. aid to Israel without subjecting oneself to the possibility of being called 'anti-Semitic'."[29]
In 1992, American diplomat George Ball wrote in his book The Passionate Attachment: America's involvement with Israel that AIPAC and other pro-Israel groups "employ the charge of 'anti-Semitism' so carelessly as to trivialize it", and: "Any Jewish American who equates that term with critical comments on transient Israeli policy implicitly acknowledges that he cannot defend Israel's practices by rational argument."[30]
The journalist Ben White and English scholar Matthew Abraham (in his book Out of Bounds: Academic Freedom and the Question of Palestine) suggest that international Israeli advocacy groups have charged prominent individuals expressing pro-Palestinian sentiment with antisemitism. Abraham gives Jimmy Carter and Desmond Tutu as examples.[31][32] Alan Dershowitz and David Bernstein called Tutu antisemitic for his comments about "the Jewish lobby", calling Jews a "peculiar people", and accusing "'the Jews' of causing many of the world's problems".[33][34][35][36][37]
Chomsky and the academics John Mearsheimer, Stephen Walt, and Norman Finkelstein have said accusations of antisemitism increase after Israel acts aggressively: following the Six-Day War, the 1982 Lebanon War, the First and Second Intifadas, and the bombardments of Gaza.[38][39][40] Chomsky said in 2002: "With regard to anti-Semitism, the distinguished Israeli statesman Abba Eban pointed out the main task of Israeli propaganda (they would call it exclamation, what's called 'propaganda' when others do it) is to make it clear to the world there's no difference between anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism. By anti-Zionism he meant criticisms of the current policies of the State of Israel."[41]
Mearsheimer and Walt wrote in 2008 that the charge of antisemitism can discourage others from defending in public those against whom the charge has been made.[42] They suggested that rhetorical accusations of antisemitism put a burden of proof on the accused person, putting them in the "difficult" position of having to prove a negative.[43] They also wrote that accusations of antisemitism resonate in Jewish communities, "many of whom still believe that anti-Semitism is rife".[44] While allowing that "we should all be disturbed by the presence of genuine anti-Semitism in parts of the Arab and Islamic world (and in other societies—e.g., Russia) as well as its lingering presence in some segments of European and American societies", they suggested that "playing the anti-Semitism card stifles discussion" and "allows myths about Israel to survive unchallenged".[45] Reviewing Mearsheimer and Walt's The Israel Lobby in 2007, Jeffrey Goldberg responded to its claim that "While the charge of anti-Semitism can be an effective smear tactic, it is usually groundless", writing: "No, not all criticism of Israel or AIPAC is anti-Semitic. But the idea that no criticism of Israel or AIPAC is anti-Semitic is just as ridiculous".[46]
In 2010, Kenneth L. Marcus wrote that although Mearsheimer and Walt called such accusations "the Great Silencer", they had not themselves been silenced, having received a wide audience for their book and appearances. Marcus also wrote that many pro-Israel commentators who had condemned what they viewed as antisemitism in anti-Zionist rhetoric had also taken pains to say that much criticism of Israel is not antisemitic.[47]
While warning in 2010 against denying or minimizing antisemitism, Kenneth L. Marcus also cautioned against overuse of the "anti-Semitism card", paralleling concerns raised by Richard Thompson Ford with the broader misuse of "the race card": that it can be dishonest and mean-spirited, risks weakening legitimate accusations of bigotry, risks distracting socially concerned organizations from other social injustices, and hurts outreach efforts between Jewish and Arab or Muslim groups.[5] Scholars such as John Mearsheimer, Stephen Walt, and Matthew Abraham have suggested that the charge of antisemitism is becoming less effective when applied to criticisms of Israel.[48][49]
Anti-antisemitism in Germany has been criticized as weaponizing antisemitism and compared to McCarthyism. German political scientist Gert Krell has said that Jews are deplatformed and accused of antisemitism "because they once had contact with someone who knew somebody who was supposed to be a supporter of BDS".[50][51][52]
In 2021, Atalia Omer of the University of Notre Dame said that weaponization of antisemitism is bad for all involved, including Israel and the broader Jewish community.[53] Nick Reimer of the University of Sydney wrote in 2022 that antisemitism "provides the excuse for a heavy-handed and highly irrational assault on fundamental democratic liberties".[54]
Israel and Zionism
In 2004, Joel Beinin wrote that the "well-established ploy" of conflating criticism of Israel with antisemitism exposes Jews to attack by suggesting they are responsible for the Israeli government's actions.[55] Various writers have suggested that charges of antisemitism raised in discussions of Israel can have a chilling effect, deterring criticism of Israel due to fear of being associated with beliefs linked to antisemitic crimes against humanity such as the Holocaust.[56][57][58] In his 2005 book Beyond Chutzpah: On the Misuse of Anti-Semitism and the Abuse of History, Finkelstein wrote that use of "the anti-Semitism card" attempts to displace "fundamental responsibility for causing the conflict from Israel to the Arabs, the issue no longer being Jewish dispossession of Palestinians but Arab 'opposition' to Jews".[59] In 2008, Finkelstein wrote that some of what "the Israel lobby" suggests is antisemitism is in fact "exaggeration and fabrication" and "mislabeling legitimate criticism of Israeli policy".[60]
Raz Segal writes that not distinguishing between the State of Israel and Jews is part of the weaponization of antisemitism discourse, designed to protect Israel from criticism.[61] In 2019, Joshua Leifer, an editor of Dissent magazine, wrote that campaigns that consider anti-Zionism antisemitic aim to shift criticisms of the Israeli government "beyond the pale of mainstream acceptability".[62] In December 2023, antisemitism expert David Feldman said that, while "some anti-Zionism takes an antisemitic form", the context must be considered when differentiating antisemitism from legitimate discourse and that there is "a long history of Israel and its supporters portraying anti-Zionism and other criticisms of Israel as antisemitic" in order to delegitimize them.[63]
On 17 February 2025, a coalition of Australian Muslim organizations, including mainstream groups and the fundamentalist Islamist group Hizb ut-Tahrir, published a statement saying two nurses who were filmed saying they would kill Israeli patients were targets of "calculated, politically motivated outrage". The coalition said the nurses, who were broadly condemned and placed under police investigation, were victims of the weaponization of antisemitism, which it said was part of a "pattern of gaslighting by Zionist lobby groups and their friends within government and media circles".[64][65][66]
2022 Amnesty apartheid report
Claims of weaponization of antisemitism have also been made in relation to claims of Israeli apartheid.[67] On 1 February 2022, Amnesty International published a report in which it said Israel was committing apartheid in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories,[b] which Israeli officials condemned as "false and biased" and antisemitic.[71][72] Amnesty secretary general Agnes Callamard dismissed the Israeli officials' responses as "baseless attacks, barefaced lies, fabrications on the messenger".[73][74] Human rights advocates[75][76] and Jeff Handmaker[77] subsequently argued that the criticism of the report constituted weaponization of antisemitism.
Israel–Palestine conflict
Activists and scholars have said that weaponization of antisemitism, and new antisemitism in particular, has been used to stifle criticism of Israel.[78][79][80] Norman Finkelstein says that organizations such as the Anti-Defamation League have advanced charges of new antisemitism since the 1970s "to exploit the historical suffering of Jews in order to immunize Israel against criticism".[81][82]
In 2018, Jewish Voice for Peace authored an open letter signed by over 40 left-wing Jewish organizations saying that activists were the subject of "cynical false accusations of antisemitism" to protect Israel.[78][79] In 2020, Ronnie Kasrils compared claims of antisemitism against those who criticize Israel in Britain to rhetorical strategies employed against the anti-apartheid movement by supporters of the South African government.[83] Finkelstein compared use of "the anti-Semitism card" to Communist parties' denunciations of principled criticism during the Cold War as "anti-Soviet".[59] Harvard Kennedy School professor Marshall Ganzsaid the "tactics" of weaponization against Israel's critics "are remarkably similar to those used by Senator Joseph McCarthy".[84]
Multiple scholars have said that allegations of weaponization of antisemitism have been made against pro-Palestinian protesters.[c] University of Arizona professor of English Matthew Abraham wrote that accusations of antisemitism against those criticizing Israel's violations of Palestinian human rights have increased since the beginning of the Second Intifada in 2000. Abraham wrote:
Israel's supporters have sought to make the argumentative leap that criticism of Israel as the Jewish state is anti-Semitic precisely because Israel is the home of all Jews for all time. However, this argument does not work since there are many anti-Zionist Jews who reject Israel's attempts to speak in the name of Judaism. The traditional response to this problem has been to label anti-Zionist Jews as "self-hating Jews," which requires a suspension of rationality and sound judgement.[85]
According to Mitchel Plitnick and Sahar Aziz, a presumption that all Muslims are antisemitic has been "increasingly deployed by Zionist groups to eliminate critical debate inclusive of Palestinian experiences".[86] Scholar Raz Segal, former Harvard Hillel executive director Bernie Steinberg, and former Israeli negotiator Daniel Levy have said that the weaponization of antisemitism claims has been used to silence pro-Palestinian voices, especially in regard to Israel's human rights abuses.[89][87][90]
Critics have also alleged weaponization of antisemitism against university campus demonstrations about the Israel–Palestine conflict or in support of Palestine.[91][78] In May 2024, in reference to the 2024 pro-Palestinian protests on university campuses, Segal wrote, "the blanket assertion by pro-Israel advocates is intended as a political cudgel: weaponizing antisemitism to shield Israel from criticism of its attack on Gaza".[91] In 2023, during the Israel–Hamas war, Steinberg wrote in The Harvard Crimson: "It is not antisemitic to demand justice for all Palestinians living in their ancestral lands."[90] The Associated Press reported that the April 2024 Israel–Hamas war protests on university campuses had been "branded" as antisemitic, "while Israel's critics say it uses those allegations to silence opposition".[92] Before Columbia University President Minouche Shafik appeared before the House Committee on Education and the Workforce, 20 Jewish Columbia and Barnard professors wrote her an open letter stating their objection to the weaponization of antisemitism.[93][94] After Harvard appointed antisemitism scholar Derek Penslar to head a task force on the issue, Slate columnist Emily Tamkin said his critics were weaponizing antisemitism.[95]
In 2011, the UK's University and College Union Congress debated a motion to formally reject the IHRA's working definition.[96] According to antisemitism scholar David Hirsh, the definition was "denounced as a bad-faith attempt to say that criticism of Israel was antisemitic".[97]
In 2019 and 2024, Kenneth S. Stern, one of the authors of the definition, said it had become weaponized by Donald Trump and right-wing Jewish groups in ways that threatened to suppress and limit free speech in the U.S. Stern said Trump's Executive Order on Combating Anti-Semitism, aimed at university campuses in particular, would "harm not only pro-Palestinian advocates, but also Jewish students and faculty, and the academy itself".[98][99][100]
In 2022, responding to widespread criticism that the definition classifies legitimate speech on Israel as antisemitic, Bernard Harrison said such criticism was unfounded.[101]
A 2023 report by the British Society for Middle Eastern Studies[102] analyzed 40 cases where UK university staff and/or students were accused of antisemitism on the basis of the IHRA definition between 2017 and 2022, and found that in 38 cases, the accusations were dismissed, with two yet to be resolved. According to the report, false accusations of antisemitism have caused staff and students severe stress.[103]
In 2023, Nathan J. Brown and Daniel Nerenberg said that the definition, created in good faith, had been weaponized by groups including the Zionist Organization of America, the American Jewish Committee, and the Brandeis Center.[104] In 2024, Holocaust scholar Raz Segal wrote, "The weaponization of antisemitism by Israel and its allies, including the U.S. government, draws on the deeply problematic 'working definition of antisemitism' adopted in 2016 by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA)."[105] Jonathan Hafetz and Sahar Aziz made a similar argument about the definition's use against critics of Israel's actions during its war on Gaza.[106]
International organizations
Referring to rumors that the ICC was preparing arrest warrants for Israeli officials, including Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Aryeh Neier said that Netanyahu's assertion[107] "that ICC indictments would be antisemitic is indicative of his promiscuous use of antisemitism allegations".[108] Shortly afterward, on 20 May 2024, the ICC announced that it was seeking arrest warrants against Israeli leaders, and Netanyahu called chief prosecutor Karim Khan one of the "great antisemites in modern times", saying that Khan was "callously pouring gasoline on the fires of antisemitism that are raging across the world".[109] Kenneth Roth described what Netanyahu said as a "common last resort for defenders of Israel" and said that it endangers Jews: "if people see the charge of antisemitism as a thin cover for Israeli war crimes, it will cheapen the concept at a time when a strong defense is needed."[110]
In February 2024, Israeli officials accused the International court of Justice of antisemitism following South Africa's genocide case against Israel.[111] Writing in Declassified UK, Anthony Lerman noted the officials' "deployment of weaponised antisemitism to deflect criticism" and said that "using past experience of anti-Jewish persecution to neutralise criticism of, and generate sympathy for, the Jewish state [...] is decades old."[112]
Scholars David Schraub, Dov Waxman and Adam Hosein have said that accusations of bad faith are often made about those who raise charges of antisemitism—especially Jews—because "antisemitism today is not always easy to identify or even define".[6] They suggest that accusations of bad faith may be defused by clarifying which of the potential understandings of antisemitism is being invoked, and that "persons who encounter a Jewish claim of antisemitism [should] at least adopt a presumptive disposition towards taking that claim seriously and considering it with an open mind".[6]
Multiple scholars have said that accusing someone of weaponizing antisemitism aims to delegitimize complaints of anti-Jewish sentiment.[113][11] Lars Rensmann suggests that while complaints about "illegitimate racism charges" are generally unacceptable in society, accusations that Jews are weaponizing antisemitism are instead "almost ubiquitous" and "virtually without empirical evidence".[114] Robert Fine says there is an "extensive literature on the allegedly illicit uses of the word 'antisemitism' in political argument" that "casts doubt on the motives of those who claim to experience or witness it".[113] Schraub says the charge of weaponization is "a first-cut response that presents marginalized persons as inherently untrustworthy, unbelievable, or lacking in the basic understandings regarding the true meaning of discrimination".[11] John Hyman and Anthony Julius connect "the 'Antisemitism as smear' trope" to the "established antisemitic defamation" that Jews are dishonest, as polemicized by Martin Luther in On The Jews and Their Lies and Heinrich von Treitschke's declaration that "Jews stand for 'Lug und Trug' [lying and cheating]."[115]
Hate speech scholar Matthias J. Becker echoes Goldfeder's analysis of the instrumentalization charge as related to Jewish stereotypes about power, dishonesty, and greed. Becker links the charge that Jews "instrumentalize antisemitism" for political or financial gain to the claim that they "instrumentalize the Holocaust", a position he argues can, in extreme cases, lead to Holocaust distortion and denial. He writes that the charges, which he calls a topos, "became prevailing concepts in post-1945 discourses" and were not common before the Holocaust due to antisemitism's widespread social acceptability. Becker interprets the presence of the "instrumentalization" trope in post-WWII German and Austrian society (in German, die Antisemitismus- oder Auschwitz-Keule schwingen, lit. 'wielding the antisemitism or Auschwitz club') as a "collective reflex" in the context of the reckoning with Nazi history. Becker cites Norman Finkelstein's The Holocaust Industry as an example of the trope's currency in mainstream discourses about Jews and antisemitism, while in radical discourses it is often accompanied by denial of the Holocaust.[116]
The charge of weaponization has been used across the political spectrum, especially in the anti-Zionist discourses of the left and right.[117][118][12] Rensmann says that some on the left do not "recognize current antisemitism" but only the "chilling effect" of "bad-faith" charges of antisemitism.[d] Izabella Tabarovsky makes a comparison between contemporary left-wing antisemitism and Soviet antisemitic campaigns that sought to accuse Zionists of "complain[ing] about antisemitism in order to smear the left" between 1967 and 1988.[120][121] Sina Arnold and Blair Taylor say charges of weaponization are a common way of "shutting down" discussions of antisemitism in the contemporary American Left. They say that the left often responds to discussions of antisemitism by changing the subject to Israel or right-wing antisemitism, or by dismissing complaints of antisemitism as a "smear". Arnold and Taylor attribute this to "unexamined political assumptions", and ignorance about the nature of antisemitism rather than "conscious antisemitic intent".[122]
Among the German far-right, scholars have also identified claims of "using the Antisemitismuskeule (lit. 'antisemitism club')" in relation to new antisemitism, nationalism, and neo-Nazism.[118][123] Caroline Pearce describes it as a "common far-right term" in contemporary German politics.[123] For example, Jörg Meuthen initially described criticism of Wolfgang Gedeon's writings—which have been widely described as antisemitic—as attempts by political opponents to wield the Antisemitismuskeule against the AfD. He later reversed his position, calling Gedeon's statements "crystal clearly anti-Semitic".[117] Gideon Botsch says that, in Germany, far-right claims of weaponization of antisemitism, especially in relation to criticisms of Israel, are often overlooked because of a tendency to attribute anti-Israel antisemitism to the left and Islam, and to treat far-right antisemitism as a separate, historic phenomenon.[118]
Israel and anti-Zionism
Werner Bonefeld has said that antisemitism is often rejected "as an expression of bad faith—a camouflage for insulating Israel from criticism" by those who view antisemitism as "a phenomenon of the past that merely casts its shadow on the present but has itself no longer any real existence in it".[124] Shany Mor says the statements "anti-Zionism is not the same as antisemitism" and "it is not antisemitic to criticize Israel or its policies", while true, are often said with "less than honest intent."[125] David Schraub says that the statement "criticism of Israel is not inherently antisemitic" implies that "any non-trivial number of individuals" must believe the opposite, reframing discussions of antisemitism from Jewish victims to the way charges of antisemitism are "allegedly abused to victimise innocent bystanders".[126] Ben Cohen says that "with growing frequency, it is assumed that the real victims of what is called 'antisemitism' are not Jews, but those who are unfairly branded as antisemites".[127] Efraim Sicher said the weaponization argument is a common straw man and ad hominem in postcolonial discourses on Israel.[128][129]
Fine and Philip Spencer say that while antisemitism may be weaponized to stifle criticism of Israel in some cases, "the reverse is more plausible: that there are many who cry 'Israel' in order to shut down debate on antisemitism".[130] Brendan O'Neill says that "accusations of weaponization" dehumanize Jews as "such a soulless, mercenary people that they'll even sell their own suffering for political gain".[131] In a 2025 report for the Toda Peace Institute, Lisa Schirch wrote, "both the weaponization of antisemitism and the left's dismissal of antisemitism disrupt solidarity and coalition building" in regard to the Israel–Palestine conflict.[12]
Rensmann says that some on the left do not "recognize current antisemitism" but only the "chilling effect" of "bad-faith" charges of antisemitism.[e] Sina Arnold and Blair Taylor say charges of weaponization are a common way of "shutting down" discussions of antisemitism in the contemporary American Left. They say that the left often responds to discussions of antisemitism by changing the subject to Israel or right-wing antisemitism, or by dismissing complaints of antisemitism as a "smear". Arnold and Taylor attribute this to "unexamined political assumptions", and ignorance about the nature of antisemitism rather than "conscious antisemitic intent".[122]
Rensmann says that one characteristic of "modernized antisemitism" is "the trope that criticism of Israel is 'suppressed' or 'taboo' in society". Instead, he says, antisemitic tropes are applied to Israel and then their antisemitic character is denied, leading to "charges of bad faith against Jews who allegedly exploit the problem of antisemitism... and even use the Holocaust for their own collective interests".[114] Bernard Harrison says this "stock" rebuttal attempts to portray complaints of antisemitism as "putatively absurd".[132][133] Derek Spitz says this "denial of antisemitism" is "a form of victim blaming" that forces Jews into the "defensive posture of having to justify the very making of the allegation of antisemitism".[133] John Hyman and Anthony Julius say "the 'Antisemitism as smear' trope" is "especially burdensome to Jews today".[115] Holocaust historian Kenneth Waltzer says such claims of "bad faith" are themselves antisemitic.[134] Mark Goldfeder says that antisemitism is unique in that "even attempts to describe or define the phenomenon are often themselves rejected by antisemites using classic antisemitic tropes about Jewish power".[f]
The Livingstone Formulation
In 2005, sociologist David Hirsh coined the term "the Livingstone Formulation" for "responding to an accusation of antisemitism with a counter-accusation of Zionist bad faith".[g] The term is named for former London mayor Ken Livingstone, who said "the accusation of antisemitism has been used against anyone who is critical of the policies of the Israeli government" after he was called antisemitic for saying a Jewish journalist behaved like "a German war criminal".[h] Hirsh says the Formulation "long pre-dates antizionist antisemitism",[141] and gives as examples in comments by former President of Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, American white supremacist David Duke, British National Party leader Nick Griffin, and American aviator Charles Lindbergh,[138] as well as passages from 19th-century German antisemites Heinrich von Treitschke and Wilhelm Marr.[141] Efraim Sicher and Linda Weinhouse state that the Livingstone Formulation's history goes back to The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, which accused Jews of "inventing or being the cause of antisemitism".[129]
Lars Rensmann describes the Formulation as a "discursive ideological strategy to immunize antisemitism from antisemitism charges".[142] Daniel Sugarman of the Board of Deputies of British Jews said the Livingstone Formulation was an "almost Pavlovian reaction".[143] Lesley Klaff, speaking of British politics (particularly on discourses involving Holocaust inversion), says the Livingstone Formulation amounts to a "denial of contemporary antisemitism commonplace in Britain".[144][145] Sugarman and others—such as Ernest Sternberg, Sina Arnold and Jacob Blumenfeld—have said the Livingstone Formulation is particularly common on the left.[i]
In the Labour Party
David Hirsh wrote in 2015 on antisemitism on the "Corbyn faction" of the British Labour Party that "It is difficult to engage in a reasoned and evidenced discussion about contemporary antisemitism, but it is easy to mobilise the issue of antisemitism as an indicator of political cleanliness. In our time a person who raises the issue of antisemitism is more clearly recognisable as belonging to the wrong crowd than a person who stumbles into actual antisemitism."[150]
In 2018, in light of accusations of antisemitism in the British Labour Party under Jeremy Corbyn's leadership, Communities Secretary Sajid Javid called a debate on antisemitism in Parliament. Jewish Labour MPs Luciana Berger and Ruth Smeeth spoke at the debate on being accused of weaponizing their experiences of antisemitism.[151] In 2020, the Equality and Human Rights Commission investigated claims of antisemitism in the UK Labour Party. The EHRC said investigators should treat complaints of antisemitism in good faith according to the Macpherson principle,[j] and that dismissing reports of antisemitism without investigation could itself be antisemitic.[139][140] It said that party agents who suggested complaints of antisemitism were "fake or smears" could be guilty of "unlawful harassment". It also said that Jewish members, in particular, were accused of trying to "undermine the Labour Party" with reports of antisemitism, and that this "ignores legitimate and genuine complaints of antisemitism in the Party".[140] Similarly, the Antisemitism Policy Trust's 2020 report on antisemitism in the UK Labour Party noted that some Labour activists had "dismissed [Anti-Jewish hatred] as a 'smear' or as being 'weaponised' by its victims for political ends", which they said was against the Macpherson principle and not supported by the evidence.[153]
Lesley Klaff says Jewish Labour MP Luciana Berger experienced online antisemitic and misogynistic harassment by supporters of Jeremy Corbyn who saw her "as deliberately manufacturing a crisis within the Labour Party by making false accusations about antisemitism".[154] Anthony Lerman says that "many hyperbolic claims" were made against Corbyn himself and that such claims politicized antisemitism and emptied the word of utility.[155]
Forde report
In 2022, Corbyn's successor as Labour leader, Keir Starmer, commissioned the Forde Inquiry,[156] which said antisemitism had been used as a "factional weapon" between the party's anti-Corbyn and pro-Corbyn factions.[157][158][159] The report describes several cases where factionalism "hampered the party's ability to deal with antisemitism complaints effectively", including "wholly misleading media reports" originating in the anti-Corbyn faction that suggested Corbyn's staff had interfered with investigations.[160][159][161]
See also
- Anti-antisemitism
- Anti-Palestinianism
- Islamophobia
- Fascist (insult)
- Nexus Task Force
- Palestine Exception
- Playing the victim
- Self-hating Jew
- Nazi analogies
- Three Ds of antisemitism
- ^ See the following:[14][15][16][17][18]
- ^ [68][69][70]
- ^ See:[85][86][87][88]
- ^ Rensmann says: "Judith Butler and some (post-)Marxist fellow travelers do not recognize current antisemitism... but only detect 'the charge of antisemitism' with its allegedly 'chilling effects' on debates, as they charge those who raise it with bad faith and argue that they ought to be combatted politically."[119]
- ^ Rensmann says: "Judith Butler and some (post-)Marxist fellow travelers do not recognize current antisemitism... but only detect 'the charge of antisemitism' with its allegedly 'chilling effects' on debates, as they charge those who raise it with bad faith and argue that they ought to be combatted politically."[119]
- ^ He further explains: "Instead of believing or acknowledging the experiences of Jewish people who have been targeted and subject to abuse, and dispensing with any notion of good faith, the antisemitic rejectionists instead blame and smear the victims themselves, accusing the Jews/Zionists of once again organizing their secret cabal to act maliciously and manipulate others into doing their bidding and silencing others."[135]
- ^ See also:[136][10][137][138]
- ^ [11][10][137][139][140]
- ^ See the following:[143][146][122][147][148][149]
- ^ This is the principle that all complaints of racism should be recorded and investigated as such when the complainant or someone else perceives them as acts of racism.[152]
- ^ Illustrative examples:
- Landy, Lentin & McCarthy 2020, p. 15: "The weaponizing of antisemitism against US critics of Israel was evidenced in 2019 when Florida's upper legislative chamber unanimously passed a bill that classifies certain criticism of Israel as antisemitic"
- Consonni, Manuela (1 March 2023). "Memory, Memorialization, and the Shoah After 'the End of History'". In Keren Eva Fraiman, Dean Phillip Bell (ed.). The Routledge Handbook of Judaism in the 21st Century. Taylor & Francis. p. 170. ISBN 9781000850321.
In 2013, the Committee on Antisemitism addressing the troubling resurgence of antisemitism and Holocaust denial produced two important political achievements: the 'Working Definition of Holocaust Denial and Distortion'...and the 'Working Definition of Antisemitism'....The last motion raised much criticism by some scholars as too broad in its conflation of anti-Zionism with antisemitism. The exploitation, the instrumentalization, the weaponization of antisemitism, a concomitant of its de-historicization and de-textualization, became a metonymy for speaking of the Jewish genocide and of anti-Zionism in a way that confined its history to the court's benches and research library and its memory to a reconstruction based mostly on criteria of memorial legitimacy for and against designated social groups.
- Medico International; Rothberg, Michael (15 February 2024). "The Interview :We need an ethics of comparison". Medico International.
'I do not doubt that antisemitism exists across German society, including among Muslims, but the politicization of the definition of antisemitism—for example, the way that the IHRA definition is used to stifle criticism of Israeli policies—makes it very difficult to reach consensus on what is and what is not antisemitic.' 'The far-right instrumentalization of antisemitism and solidarity with Israel is one of the most disturbing developments of recent years.'
- Roth-Rowland, Natasha (28 July 2020). "False charges of antisemitism are the vanguard of cancel culture". +972 Magazine.
Increasingly, however, those canards coexist with right-wing actors — above all those in power — increasingly labeling Jews as perpetual victims who must be protected, even as these same actors invoke well-worn antisemitic tropes elsewhere. By and large, these charges of antisemitism — especially as they relate to Israel — are made in order to gain political currency, even if the controversy at hand has no bearing on actual threats to Jews. Using the antisemitism label so vaguely and liberally not only stunts free speech, but also makes actual threats to Jewish people harder to identify and combat. This weaponizing of antisemitism is not only 'cancelling' Palestinian rights advocates and failing to make Jews any safer; it's also using Jews to cancel others.
- Abraham 2014, p. 171: "As rhetoricians, we should be concerned by this possible misuse of history in these debates; indeed, the charge of anti-Semitism, if it is to be taken seriously, must be leveled with precision and not as a scatter-shot propaganda device for scoring cheap political points. In this discursive environment, every statement introduced into the debate contains a hidden motive, or at least a hidden rhetorical or historical resonance whereby nothing can be interpreted as being offered in good faith: 'You claim that the Rachel Corrie Courage in the Teaching of Writing Award is about X (rewarding courage, risk-taking, innovation, etc.) but it is really about Y (anti-Israelism, pro-Palestinian politics, and anti-Semitism).' It is this displacement of a particular conception of anti-Semitism, a conception that had a particular meaning and resonance at a particular point in history, which tends to confuse participants in contemporary debates about the Middle East. As rhetoricians, we should be much more vigilant about the prospects of importing this flawed conception of anti-Semitism into the field of rhetorical studies, particularly when doing so has the potential to hurt possibilities for dialogue and understanding."
- ^ Examples of the term "antisemitism card":
- Finkelstein 2008, pp. 15–16
- Hirsh 2010
- Bronfman, Roman (19 November 2003). "Fanning the Flames of Hatred". Haaretz.
...when the waves of hatred spread and appeared on all the media networks around the world and penetrated every home, the new-old answer surfaced: anti-Semitism. After all, anti-Semitism has always been the Jews' trump card because it is easy to quote some crazy figure from history and seek cover. This time, too, the anti-Semitism card has been pulled from the sleeve of explanations by the Israeli government and its most faithful spokespeople have been sent to wave it. But the time has come for the Israeli public to wake up from the fairy tale being told by its elected government.
- ^ Examples of criticism as smear tactics:
- White 2020: "Delegitimizing Solidarity: Israel Smears Palestine Advocacy as Anti-Semitic"
- Mearsheimer & Walt 2008, pp. 9–11: "THE LOBBY'S MODUS OPERANDI... Yet because [former U.S. President Jimmy Carter] suggests that Israel's policies in the Occupied Territories resemble South Africa's apartheid regime and said publicly that pro-Israel groups make it hard for U.S. leaders to pressure Israel to make peace, a number of these same groups launched a vicious smear campaign against him. Not only was Carter publicly accused of being an anti-Semite and a "Jew-hater," some critics even charged him with being sympathetic to Nazis."
- Amor 2022: "...if the UN were to endorse the IHRA WDA, the harm would be exponentially greater... human rights defenders and organizations challenging Israel's violations would be fully exposed to smear campaigns based on bad-faith allegations of antisemitism"
- Steinberg 2023: "Smearing one's opponents is rarely a tactic employed by those confident that justice is on their side. If Israel's case requires branding its critics antisemites, it is already conceding defeat."
- ^ Quigley 2021, p. 251-252: "A difficulty in attributing anti-Zionist views to anti-Semitism is that such views are held by Jews... Opposition to Israel is depicted as a product of anti-Semitism. Anti-Semitism is 'weaponized' to silence criticism of Israel. 'Shameless exploitation of anti-Semitism delegitimizes criticism of Israel,' wrote one analyst, and 'makes Jews rather than Palestinians the victims.' If anti-Semitism is invoked too loosely, allegations of anti-Semitism may come to be regarded with a jaundiced eye. The term 'race card' has been applied to this phenomenon in a related context... The same risk is present with inappropriate charges of anti-Semitism. 'False charges of antisemitism,' warned Special Envoy Forman, 'can hinder the real fight against hate.' Amnesty International expressed concern that 'conflating antisemitism with legitimate criticism of Israeli government policy is detrimental not only to ending serious crimes under international law, but also to efforts to address and end antisemitism.'"
- ^ a b Marcus 2010, pp. 68–69: "Nevertheless, it must be acknowledged that overplaying the 'anti-Semitism card' must be avoided for several reasons. These are, generally speaking, a subset of the risks of playing 'the race card' that Stanford Law Professor Richard Thompson Ford catalogued in his important recent book of that name. First, it is dishonest (at least if it is done intentionally)... Second, it is shortsighted and dangerous in the way of the boy who cried wolf. It may be regretted if it is needed later, especially if others become wary of false or exaggerated claims. Third, it can be mean-spirited because it involves the use of charges that in some cases can have serious repercussions. In addition, there are two other dangers that Ford does not discuss. Even if true, an overplayed "anti-Semitism card" may distract socially concerned individuals and organizations from other pressing problems, including social injustices facing other groups. Finally, it may disrupt or retard outreach efforts to other groups, including Arab and Muslim groups, with whom partnership efforts may be jeopardized."
- ^ a b c d Waxman, Schraub & Hosein 2022.
- ^ Hirsh, David (2023). "Contemporary antisemitism". In Weitzman, Mark; Williams, Robert J.; Wald, James (eds.). The Routledge history of antisemitism. The Routledge histories. London; New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. pp. 47–48. ISBN 978-1-138-36944-3.
- ^ Hernon, I. (2020). Anti-Semitism and the Left. Amberley Publishing. ISBN 978-1-3981-0224-8. Retrieved 25 October 2024.
The Jewish Socialists Group said that anti-Semitism accusations were being 'weaponised' in order to attack the Jeremy Corbyn–led Labour party
- ^ Sources include:
- Klaff, Lesley D. (2013). "Political and Legal Judgment: Misuses of the Holocaust in the UK". SSRN Electronic Journal. doi:10.2139/ssrn.2284423. ISSN 1556-5068. S2CID 154755601.
- Guhl, Jakob; Mering, Sabine von (22 March 2022). ""Everyone I Know Isn't Antisemitic"". Antisemitism on Social Media. Routledge. ISBN 978-1-000-55429-8.
- Allington, Daniel (1 August 2018). "'Hitler had a valid argument against some Jews': Repertoires for the denial of antisemitism in Facebook discussion of a survey of attitudes to Jews and Israel". Discourse, Context & Media. 24: 129–136. doi:10.1016/j.dcm.2018.03.004. ISSN 2211-6958. S2CID 149815128.
- R. Vaughan, James (17 December 2021), Rawnsley, Gary D.; Ma, Yiben; Pothong, Kruakae (eds.), "The media, antisemitism, and political warfare in Jeremy Corbyn's Labour Party, 2015-2019", Research Handbook on Political Propaganda, Edward Elgar Publishing, doi:10.4337/9781789906424.00023, ISBN 978-1-78990-642-4, retrieved 14 January 2024
- ^ a b c Hirsh 2010
- ^ a b c d Schraub, David (2016). "Playing with Cards: Discrimination Claims and the Charge of Bad Faith". Social Theory and Practice. 42 (2): 285–303. doi:10.5840/soctheorpract201642216. ISSN 0037-802X. JSTOR 24871344.
- ^ a b c Institute, Toda Peace. "Winning Coexistence: Six New Nonviolent Tactics for Palestine and Israel". Toda Peace Institute. Retrieved 23 February 2025.
- ^ a b Chomsky 1983, p. 18: "The Perlmutters deride those who voice 'criticism of Israel while fantasizing countercharges of anti-Semitism,' but their comment is surely disingenuous. The tactic is standard. Christopher Sykes, in his excellent study of the pre-state period, traces the origins of this device ('a new phase in Zionist propaganda') to a 'violent counterattack' by David Ben-Gurion against a British court that had implicated Zionist leaders in arms-trafficking in 1943: 'henceforth to be anti-Zionist was to be anti-Semitic.' It is, however, primarily in the post-1967 period that the tactic has been honed to a high art, increasingly so, as the policies defended became less and less defensible." The events of 1943 mentioned by Chomsky were reported at the time as follows: Sedgwick, A. C. (18 August 1943). "PALESTINE ISSUES SHARPEN AT TRIAL; British Effort to Stamp Out Gun-Running Brings Conflict With Zionists to Fore". The New York Times.
Mr. Ben-Gurion described Maj. R. B. Verdin's much-discussed address to the court, in which, acting as counsel, he sought leniency for his two British soldier clients on the ground that they had been ensnared by the gun-running ring, as 'characteristic of the lowest type of anti-Semitism.' Many find it hard not to consider such a description exaggerated, especially when the Nazi excesses in Berlin and Warsaw are borne in mind. There are many, too, who feel that any charge of anti-Semitism in its accepted sense is most noticeably incompatible with the military court proceedings against the Jewish defendants, which are carried out with a scrupulousness and courtesy designed to preclude any such castigation, and where every consideration is accorded to the defense, even to the point of one judge's offering his cushion to one of the defendants, who looked uncomfortable on the hard wooden bench.
Christopher Sykes described this as follows in 1965: Sykes, Christopher (1965). Cross Roads to Israel. Mentor books. Collins. p. 247.This provoked Ben-Gurion, understandably exasperated by the publicity organized by British information services, to a violent counterattack in which he asserted that the court had acted under anti-Semitic influence. In keeping with the new spirit of absolute uncompromise, he opened a new phase in Zionist propaganda which lasted to the end of the mandate: henceforth to be anti-Zionist was to be anti-Semitic; to disapprove of Jewish territorial nationalism was to be a Nazi.
- ^ Stonebridge, Lyndsey (2017). "Humanitarianism Was Never Enough: Dorothy Thompson, Sands of Sorrow, and the Arabs of Palestine". Humanity. 8 (3): 441–465. doi:10.1353/hum.2017.0027. ISSN 2151-4372. S2CID 152073268.
For Thompson, there was a clear moral and political continuity between her support of Jewish refugees in the late 1930s and her advocacy for the Palestinians in the early 1950s. Others disagreed. Amid accusations of anti-Semitism, she lost friends, work, and political influence. Today, many see the silencing of a bold humanitarian advocate in her story, and it is not difficult to understand why." - "Her later anti-Zionism and pro-Arab stance, and the accusations of anti-Semitism that both attracted, have clouded the fact that her understanding of the politics of the refugee situation was remarkably consistent.
- ^ Robins, Walker. "Weizmann to her was God": Dorothy Thompson's Journey to and from Zionism." American Jewish History 106, no. 1 (2022): 55-80. https://dx.doi.org/10.1353/ajh.2022.0003. "Furthermore—and of personal concern to Thompson—Zionists were working to police speech about Israel by equating criticism of Israel with antisemitism, which amounted to "making anti-Semites, by appointment, of everybody who either does not believe in Zionism or criticizes any phase of Zionist and Israeli policy." [Footnote (#113): Thompson, "America Demands," 218]"
- ^ American Cassandra: The Life of Dorothy Thompson (1990), Peter Kurth. "As the decade progressed, Dorothy became so widely identified with the opposition to Israel in America that it was not unusual to hear her described as "a traitor" in the Jewish press. She was "a Goebbels-minded publicity agent," according to Rabbi Baruch Korff [...], "a mercenary, ill-motivated agent for the heirs of Nazism." A correspondent for the Jewish Advocate in Boston went so far as to call Dorothy a "Jezebel," "a haggard witch," a "Lady Macbeth." For her part, Dorothy believed that she had been made the victim of "a campaign of character assassination" unexampled in her thirty years of journalism." (pages 222-223) — "Her mail, which had once been filled with right-wing frothing about her "Jew-loving" tendencies, was now replete with accusations that she had turned traitor, that she was "anti-Semitic," that she had become, in the words of one hysterical reader, "the apostle of the Hitlerian technique," whose "filthy incitements to pogroms" would no longer be tolerated by New York's Jews. It was an organized campaign, and Dorothy knew it." (page 383)
- ^ Maguire, Gil (April 28, 2015) Obama's role model to journalists – Dorothy Thompson – turned against Zionism and was silenced US Politics". Mondoweiss. Quotations: "As Thompson began to increase her criticism of Zionist policies, she was shunned by the Jewish community and by many of her life-long Jewish friends [...]" - "Thompson’s editors warned her that in the American press a hostility toward Israel was “almost a definition of professional suicide.” Nonetheless, she would not be intimidated and said, “I refuse to become an anti-Semite by appointment”, and refused “to yield to this type of blackmail.” The campaign against her strengthened and she began to be dropped from other papers. Her once-lucrative speaking career began to dry up because of the organized campaign to label her as an anti-Semite, a label that stuck for the rest of her career."
- ^ Brownfeld 1987, p. 63-64: "The tactic of using the term anti-Semitism as a weapon against dissenters from Israeli policy is not new. Dorothy Thompson, the distinguished journalist who was one of the earliest enemies of Nazism, found herself criticizing the policies of Israel shortly after its creation. Despite her valiant crusade against Hitler she, too, was subject to the charge of anti-Semitism. In a letter to the Jewish Newsletter (6 April 1951) she wrote: 'Really, I think continued emphasis should be put upon the extreme damage to the Jewish community of branding people like myself as anti-Semitic... every time one yields to such pressure, one is filled with self-contempt and this self-contempt works itself out in resentment of those who caused it.
- ^ Robins, Walker. "Weizmann to her was God": Dorothy Thompson's Journey to and from Zionism." American Jewish History 106, no. 1 (2022): 55-80. https://dx.doi.org/10.1353/ajh.2022.0003. "Because of Thompson’s previous renown as an advocate for Jews and Zionism, the question of what caused her shift took on outsized significance. [...] Scholars have likewise offered varying explanations, with most centered on Thompson’s first substantial exposure to the Arab perspective during a 1945 trip to Palestine. [Footnote (#8): Both of Thompson’s biographers emphasize the role of Thompson’s 1945 trip and the backlash against her criticism of Zionist actions in pushing her towards anti- Zionism.]"
- ^ Stonebridge 2017
- ^ Thompson, Dorothy (March 1, 1950). "Do Israeli Ties Conflict with U.S. Citizenship?: America Demands a Single Loyalty". Commentary
- ^ Stonebridge 2017, "In March 1950, just a few months before Sands of Sorrow went into production, she published a now infamous article in Commentary magazine, “Do Israeli Ties Conflict with U.S. Citizenship? America Demands Single Loyalty.” The theme of double loyalty [...]"
- ^ Robins, Walker. "Weizmann to her was God": Dorothy Thompson's Journey to and from Zionism." American Jewish History 106, no. 1 (2022): 55-80. https://dx.doi.org/10.1353/ajh.2022.0003. Handlin quotation cited to: Handlin, "American Recognizes Diverse Loyalties," 226.
- ^ Stonebridge 2017 "There can be no doubt that anti-Semitism was a theme in Thompson's later writing. Pathologizing Jewishness, in particular, became habitual for her in the 1950s. By May 25, 1950, she is writing to Maury M. Travis, darkly, of the 'tragic psychosis of the Jew'... In the Commentary piece she warns: 'We bring on what we fear. Any psychologist will tell you that a primary neurosis is the fear of rejection and that when that neurosis takes hold of a person he unconsciously strives to create the conditions for that rejection.' The reference is to Jewish 'neurosis,' but the passage also rather elegantly describes the logic of Thompson's own fears. In what well may be a case of knowing your addressee, Thompson wrote to Winston Churchill in 1951: 'I have become convinced that the Jews, phenomenally brilliant individually and especially in the realm of abstract thought, are collectively the stupidest people on earth. I think it must come from cultural inbreeding—perhaps physical inbreeding also—in a desire to retain a homogenous, in-group society in the midst of 'aliens."
- ^ Sir John Bagot Glubb, A Soldier With the Arabs (1956), p.7: "In the course of this narrative, I have voiced criticisms of the actions of various governments, notably those of Britain, the United States, France, the Arab countries and Israel... Criticism of the Israeli government does, however, require a particular explanation. A number of people, both Jews and Gentiles, are apt to refer to any criticism of Israeli policy as 'offensive anti-Semitism', an accusation implying a definite moral lapse. I wish to defend myself against such a charge. 'Anti-Semitism', I assume, is an emotion of hatred or dislike towards Jews as a whole, whether considered from the point of view of race or religion. I can state categorically and with all sincerity that I feel no such emotion. But it is of the essence of Western democracy to allow free criticism of the government, a right freely exercised against the governments of the U.S.A., Britain, France and other free countries. It does not seem to me to be either just or expedient that similar criticisms directed against the Israeli government should brand the speaker with the moral stigma generally associated with anti-Semitism."
- ^ a b Benny Morris (3 October 2003). The Road to Jerusalem: Glubb Pasha, Palestine and the Jews. I.B.Tauris. pp. 19–. ISBN 978-1-86064-989-9.
Over the decades there has been a tendency among Israelis and Jews abroad to identify strong criticism of Israel as tantamount to, or as at least stemming from, anti-Semitism. Zionists routinely branded Glubb an 'anti semite', and he was keenly aware of this.
- ^ Brownfeld 1987, pp. 56, 57, 62: "In an article entitled 'J'Accuse' (Commentary, September 1983), Podhoretz charged America's leading journalists, newspapers, and television networks with anti-Semitism because of their reporting of the war in Lebanon and their criticism of Israel's conduct. Among those so accused were Anthony Lewis of The New York Times; Nicholas von Hoffman and Joseph Harsch of The Christian Science Monitor; Rowland Evans, Robert Novak, Richard Cohen, and Alfred Friendly of The Washington Post; and a host of others... More recently, Podhoretz excited much discussion with attacks on two writers, the liberal Gore Vidal and the conservative Joseph Sobran-both guilty, he charged, not only of anti-Semitism but of a variety which is 'naked,' 'brazen,' and 'vicious... Another target of those who see anti-Semitism in all discussions of the Middle East that do not wholly support the position of the government of Israel is novelist John Le Carre'"
- ^ a b Rubenberg 1989, p. 358: "The labeling of individuals who disagree with the lobby's positions as 'anti-Semitic' is a common practice among Israel's advocates. For example, when Senator Charles Mathias [R., Maryland] voted in favor of the AWACs sale to Saudi Arabia, a Jewish newspaper in New York commented: 'Mr. Mathias values the importance of oil over the well-being of Jews and the State of Israel. The Jewish people cannot be fooled by such a person, no matter what he said, because his act proved who he was.' Former Congressman Paul 'Pete' McCloskey [R., California] also has had the charge of anti-Semitism leveled at him: 'When I ran for reelection in 1980, I was asked a question about peace in the Middle East, and I said if we were going to have peace in the Middle East we members of Congress were going to have to stand up to our Jewish constituents and respectfully disagree with them on Israel. Well, the next day the Anti-Defamation League of the B'nai B'rith accused me of fomenting anti-Semitism, saying that my remarks were patently anti-Semitic.' Indeed, it may be that the weapon of greatest power possessed by the pro-Israeli lobby is its accusation of anti-Semitism. George Ball comments: 'They've got one great thing going for them. Most people are terribly concerned not to be accused of being anti-Semitic, and the lobby so often equates criticism of Israel with anti-Semitism. They keep pounding away at that theme, and people are deterred from speaking out.' In Ball's view, many Americans feel a 'sense of guilt' over the Holocaust, and the result of their guilt is that the fear of being called anti-Semitic is 'much more effective in silencing candidates and public officials than threats about campaign money or votes.'"
- ^ Brownfeld 1987, p. 53: "Today, more and more, anti-Semitism has been redefined as anything that opposes the policies and interests of the state of Israel. One cannot be critical of the Israeli prime minister, concerned about the question of the Palestinians, or dubious about the virtue of massive infusions of U.S. aid to Israel without subjecting oneself to the possibility of being called 'anti-Semitic'."
- ^ Ball & Ball 1992, pp. 217–218: "Efforts to Suppress Independent Opinion... AIPAC and other groups have assiduously claimed that opposition to Israeli policy equals anti-Zionism, and anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism. Viewed objectively, it seems astonishing that Jewish organizations and Israeli spokesmen should employ the charge of 'anti-Semitism' so carelessly as to trivialize it. 'Anti-Semitism' is a term freighted with a long and ugly history. It conjures up images of vicious civic discrimination, the religious persecutions of the Inquisition, the Russian pogroms, and the ultimate horror of the Holocaust. Any Jewish American who equates that term with critical comments on transient Israeli policy implicitly acknowledges that he cannot defend Israel's practices by rational argument. Is it anti-Semitic, for example, to point out repeated Israeli violations of the 1949 Geneva Conventions? Or to suggest, as the State Department did from 1979 to 1981, that the implanting of settlements in the Occupied Areas was illegal? The overuse of the term 'anti-Semitism' gives the practitioners of real anti-Semitism a quasi-respectability, just as Joseph McCarthy devalued the term 'Communist' by recklessly applying it to anyone whose views deviated from his own. In addition, the haphazard use of this odious term is clearly intended to stifle criticism of American policies in the Middle East."
- ^ White 2020, p. 67: "Israeli officials, as well as Israel advocacy organizations internationally, have a long history of charging Palestinians and their allies, as well as Israel's critics and human-rights campaigners, with anti-Semitism. Prominent individuals are not exempted."
- ^ Abraham 2014, p. 179: "If to state that 'Israel is in violation of international law' is beyond the pale, reflecting that one harbors anti-Semitic animus, then it is completely understandable why public figures such as Jimmy Carter and Desmond Tutu are so often accused of engaging in anti-Israel rhetoric. This tendency to condemn criticism and critics of Israeli policy as anti-Semites enforces a type of political correctness at the cost of refusing to promote greater understanding about the conditions producing conflict in the Israel-Palestine conflict."
- ^ Dershowitz, Alan (29 December 2021). "Bishop Tutu was the most influential anti-Semite of our time". JNS.org. Retrieved 31 October 2024.
- ^ Bernstein, David (2 January 2022). "The Late Bishop Desmond Tutu, Antisemite". Reason.com. Retrieved 31 October 2024.
- ^ Dadoo, Suraya (30 December 2021). "Desmond Tutu's inconvenient pro-Palestine legacy". The New Arab. Retrieved 31 October 2024.
Almost as enduring as Tutu's support of the Palestinian liberation struggle has been smear campaigns against him, accusing the Archbishop of anti-Semitism. Tutu took on the pro-Israel lobby and the weaponisation of anti-Semitism head-on. Tutu wrote plainly: '...the Israeli government is placed on a pedestal and to criticise it is to be immediately dubbed anti-Semitic. People are scared in the US to say 'wrong is wrong' because the pro-Israeli lobby is powerful - very powerful. Well, so what?...' In doing so, Tutu angered the pro-Israel lobby in the US and in South Africa. In 2009, Alan Dershowitz referred to Tutu as 'a bigot and a racist' ... .
- ^ Rahman, Khaleda (28 December 2021). "Alan Dershowitz Calls Tutu 'Anti-Semite' and 'Bigot' After His Death". Newsweek. Retrieved 31 October 2024.
- ^ Hanau, Shira (26 December 2021). "Desmond Tutu, anti-apartheid leader who identified with Jews and criticized Israel's treatment of Palestinians, dies at 90". Jewish Telegraphic Agency. Retrieved 31 October 2024.
... remarks that some Jewish leaders called antisemitic, earned Tutu criticism from some Jewish leaders. In his 1984 JTS speech, he addressed some of that criticism while further fanning its flames with references to a 'Jewish lobby.' 'I was immediately accused of being antisemitic,' Tutu said in his speech, referring to the reaction to an earlier speech. 'I am sad because I think that it is a sensitivity in this instance that comes from an arrogance—the arrogance of power because Jews are a powerful lobby in this land and all kinds of people woo their support.' In a 1989 visit to Israel and the West Bank, Tutu made the controversial suggestion during a visit to Yad Vashem, Israel's Holocaust memorial, that the Nazis ought to be forgiven for their crimes against the Jewish people.
- ^ Mearsheimer & Walt 2008, pp. 190–191: "Supporters of Israel have a history of using fears of a 'new anti-Semitism' to shield Israel from criticism."
- ^ Muzher, Sherri (27 October 2005). "Beyond Chutzpah: An Interview with Professor Norman Finkelstein". Campus Watch.
Whenever Israel faces a public relations debacle such as the Intifada or international pressure to resolve the Israel-Palestine conflict, American Jewish organizations orchestrate this extravaganza called the 'new anti-Semitism.'
- ^ Chomsky 2002, p. 1.
- ^ Chomsky 2002: "With regard to anti-Semitism, the distinguished Israeli statesman Abba Eban pointed out the main task of Israeli propaganda (they would call it exclamation, what's called 'propaganda' when others do it) is to make it clear to the world there's no difference between anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism. By anti-Zionism he meant criticisms of the current policies of the State of Israel. So there's no difference between criticism of policies of the State of Israel and anti-Semitism, because if he can establish 'that' then he can undercut all criticism by invoking the Nazis and that will silence people. We should bear it in mind when there's talk in the US about anti-Semitism."
- ^ Mearsheimer & Walt 2008, p. 191b
- ^ Mearsheimer & Walt 2008, p. 191-192: "Third, this tactic works because it is difficult for anyone to prove beyond all doubt that he or she is not anti-Semitic, especially when criticizing Israel or the lobby"
- ^ Mearsheimer & Walt 2008, p. 192: "The accusation is likely to resonate among American Jews, many of whom still believe that anti-Semitism is rife."
- ^ Mearsheimer & Walt 2008, p. 196a.
- ^ "The Usual Suspect". The New Republic. ISSN 0028-6583. Retrieved 8 May 2024.
- ^ Marcus 2010, p. 73: "Indeed, Stephen Walt and John Mearsheimer recently called anti-Semitism allegations the 'Great Silencer'."
- ^ Abraham 2014, p. 51: "The usual charge that critics of Israel are motivated by anti-Semitism is no longer as effective a weapon in distracting the public from the relevant criticisms of Israel's behavior."
- ^ Mearsheimer & Walt 2008, p. 196: "The obvious reason is that increasing numbers of people recognize that this serious charge keeps getting leveled at individuals who are not anti-Semites but who are merely questioning Israeli policies or pointing out that the lobby promotes policies that are not always in the U.S. national interest."
- ^ Krell, Gert (1 May 2024). "Germany, Israel's Security, and the Fight Against Anti-Semitism: Shadows from the Past and Current Tensions". Analyse & Kritik. 46 (1): 141–164. doi:10.1515/auk-2024-2002. ISSN 2365-9858.
- ^ Friese, Heidrun (8 August 2024). "Institutionalized anti-anti-Semitism in Germany and its aporias". European Journal of Social Theory. 28: 6–34. doi:10.1177/13684310241268312. ISSN 1368-4310.
- ^ Elizabeth, Grenier (12 September 2024). "When Germany targets Jewish artists as antisemitic – DW – 09/12/2024". Deutsche Welle. Retrieved 16 September 2024.
- ^ Omer, Atalia (21 January 2021). "Weaponizing Antisemitism is Bad for Jews, Israel, and Peace". Contending Modernities. Retrieved 1 January 2024.
- ^ Riemer 2022, p. 7: "Just as Islamophobia has been politically instrumentalized in the service of neocolonial control of Muslim populations, anti-Semitism currently provides the excuse for a heavy-handed and highly irrational assault on fundamental democratic liberties. This takes the form of the severe legal penalties increasingly leveled against expressions of Palestine solidarity on the grounds that they are instances of racism against Jews, or of witch-hunts against Palestine supporters on the grounds of their supposed anti-Semitism—the vendetta against Jeremy Corbyn in the UK Labour Party being the most flagrant example. Facebook even considers the term 'Zionist' as potentially anti-Semitic—particularly clear evidence of the rational and moral dead end in to which Zionists' efforts to defend their ethno-state inevitably lead. As we will explore in the last chapter of the book, overcomplication and excessive subtlety can easily sound the death knell of progressive politics. So it is important to assert the self-evidence and the lack of nuance with which two simple facts should be stated: anti-Zionism is not the same as anti-Semitism, and objecting to Israel's anti-Palestinian policies, as many Jews do, is not anti-Semitic. It is not anti-Catholic or anti-Latino to criticize the policies of Costa Rica, where Catholicism is a state religion, just as it is not Islamophobic or anti-Shia to criticize Iran or anti-Buddhist or anti-Asian to criticize Cambodia. In just the same way, objecting to Israel's anti-Palestinianism is not anti-Jewish racism. What would be anti-Semitic would be to oppose Israeli policies and measures on principle, simply because they are decided on and enacted by Jews—the exact opposite of the stance adopted by BDS."
- ^ Beinin 2004, p. 112: "Summers may have thought that he was expressing himself in a reasoned way to an academic audience. But the conflation of criticism of Israel and anti-Semitism was an already well-established ploy. The endorsement of this notion by the president of the country's most prestigious institution of higher learning authorised others to go on the political offensive without fear that they would be criticised as boorish enemies of academic freedom... Among these were several high-profile incidents, most of them motivated by opposition to Israel's policies towards the Palestinians. Paradoxically, by failing to make a clear distinction between anti-Semitism, which should always and everywhere be opposed, and anti-Zionism, which is a legitimate political opinion, the ADL and like-minded organisations exposed American Jews to attack because they were identified with Israel."
- ^ Lerner, Rabbi Michael (7 February 2007). "Highest Jewish values sometimes conflict with Israeli policy". The Mercury News.
The impact of the silencing of debate about Israeli policy on Jewish life has been devastating.
- ^ Thompson 2012, p. 12: "They called the charge of anti-Semitism 'the Great Silencer'."
- ^ Alexander, Jeffrey C.; Adams, Tracy (2023). "The return of antisemitism? Waves of societalization and what conditions them". American Journal of Cultural Sociology. 11 (2): 261. doi:10.1057/s41290-023-00184-7.
- ^ a b Finkelstein 2008, pp. 34: "The chief political and ideological advantage of playing the anti- Semitism card, however, was succinctly (if unwittingly) put by one of Israel's most vigorous apologists, Harvard professor Ruth Wisse. 'In the case of the so-called Arab-Israel conflict,' she explained, 'to permit the concept of anti-Semitism into the discussion is to acknowledge that the origins of Arab opposition to the Jewish state are to be located in the political culture of the Arabs themselves, and that such opposition can end only if and when that political culture changes.' It displaces fundamental responsibility for causing the conflict from Israel to the Arabs, the issue no longer being Jewish dispossession of Palestinians but Arab 'opposition' to Jews, and fundamental responsibility for resolving it from Israel ending its occupation to the Arab world ending its irrational hostility toward Jews. Although Israel's apologists claim to allow for criticism of the occasional Israeli 'excess' (what is termed 'legitimate criticism'), the upshot of this allowance is to delegitimize the preponderance of criticism as anti-Semitic—just as Communist parties used to allow for criticism of the occasional Stalinist 'excess,' while denouncing principled criticism as 'anti-Soviet' and therefore beyond the pale."
- ^ Finkelstein 2008, pp. 16: "This shameless exploitation of anti-Semitism delegitimizes criticism of Israel, makes Jews rather than Palestinians the victims, and puts the onus on the Arab world to rid itself of anti-Semitism rather than on Israel to rid itself of the Occupied Territories. A close analysis of what the Israel lobby tallies as anti-Semitism reveals three components: exaggeration and fabrication; mislabeling legitimate criticism of Israeli policy; and the unjustified yet predictable 'spillover' from criticism of Israel to Jews generally..."
- ^ Segal, Raz (15 August 2024). "Settler Antisemitism, Israeli Mass Violence, and the Crisis of Holocaust and Genocide Studies". Journal of Palestine Studies. 53 (2): 50–73. doi:10.1080/0377919X.2024.2384385.
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Today, the Israeli hasbara apparatus's most active front is the attempted redefinition of anti-Zionism as anti-Semitism, with the goal of rendering any opposition to the occupation, Zionism—or even simply Israeli policies themselves—beyond the pale of mainstream acceptability.
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12 Israeli human rights organizations have since expressed "grave concern" about attempts to associate Amnesty's report with antisemitism, and they have rejected the Commission's failure to recognize Israel's apartheid. These organizations argue that weaponizing antisemitism to silence legitimate criticism actually undermines attempts to address rising antisemitism.
Republished from Geddie, Eve (13 March 2023). "EU needs to understand the realities in the West Bank". Politico. Retrieved 19 April 2024. Eve Geddie was writing as the director of Amnesty International's European Institutions Office. - Roth, Kenneth [@KenRoth] (29 February 2024). "This weaponizing of the charge of "antisemitism" to try to stop such perfectly legitimate and accurate criticism of Israel's apartheid in the Palestinian occupied territory is cheapening, and hence harming, the important fight against antisemitism" (Tweet) – via Twitter.
- Handmaker, Jeff (18 February 2022). "Opinion – The Silencing of Amnesty International's Report on Israeli Apartheid". E-International Relations.
Amnesty's report is important and for many advocates it is affirming of what they have been stating all along is a racist regime of systemic discrimination. However, for many longstanding critics of Israel, accusations of Israeli apartheid are not new, nor is the predictable backlash against them whereby antisemitism has been weaponized by Israel and its supporters. This backlash is now been directed against Amnesty International.
- "How a Leading Definition of Antisemitism Has Been Weaponized Against Israel's Critics". The Nation. 27 December 2023.
As Human Rights Watch noted, the first example opens the door to reflexively labeling as antisemitic human rights organizations and lawyers who argue that current Israeli government policies constitute apartheid against Palestinians
- "I Regret to Report There's a New Antisemitism Controversy at Harvard". Slate. 26 January 2024.
There have been a few lines of attack on Penslar, and there are thus a few issues at hand. First, there is the notion that he called Israel a regime of apartheid. & What makes the series of events at Harvard so disheartening is not that the attack on Penslar is unique but that it transparently gives the game away: There is no set of credentials that can prevent a person who is earnestly trying to do work in this space from getting sucked into the politicization and, yes, weaponization of antisemitism. This is the way that current public debates over antisemitism tend to go, in Congress and on debate stages, on social media and between friends, within families and within organizations. But when fact and understanding and nuance of the issue are all considered secondary, what gets sacrificed isn't just an individual's career or standing or time, but comprehension of the actual issue that is antisemitism.
- Geddie, Eve (20 March 2024). "EU needs to acknowledge the reality of Israeli apartheid". Amnesty International.
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- ^ "EU needs to acknowledge the reality of Israeli apartheid". Amnesty International. 20 March 2023.
12 Israeli human rights organizations have since expressed "grave concern" about attempts to associate Amnesty's report with antisemitism, and they have rejected the Commission's failure to recognize Israel's apartheid. These organizations argue that weaponizing antisemitism to silence legitimate criticism actually undermines attempts to address rising antisemitism.
- ^ Ken Roth. x.com https://x.com/KenRoth/status/1763106520303092054.
This weaponizing of the charge of "antisemitism" to try to stop such perfectly legitimate and accurate criticism of Israel's apartheid in the Palestinian occupied territory is cheapening, and hence harming, the important fight against antisemitism.
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(help) - ^ Handmaker, Jeff (18 February 2022). "Opinion – The Silencing of Amnesty International's Report on Israeli Apartheid".
- ^ a b c Arnold, S.; Blumenfeld, J. (2022). From Occupation to Occupy: Antisemitism and the Contemporary American Left. Studies in Antisemitism. Indiana University Press. p. 110. ISBN 978-0-253-06314-4. Retrieved 25 October 2024.
- ^ a b "First-ever: 40+ Jewish groups worldwide oppose equating antisemitism with criticism of Israel". JVP. 17 July 2018.
- ^ Finkelstein, Norman. Beyond Chutzpah: On the Misuse of Anti-Semitism and the Abuse of History, University of California Press, 2005, pp. 21–22, 66–71.
- ^ Finkelstein, Norman. Beyond Chutzpah: On the Misuse of Anti-Semitism and the Abuse of History, University of California Press, 2005, pp. 21–22.
- ^ Finkelstein, Norman. Beyond Chutzpah: On the Misuse of Anti-Semitism and the Abuse of History, University of California Press, 2005, p. 66.
- ^ Kasrils, Ronnie (17 December 2020), Against the Witch Hunt: On the Instrumentalization of Antisemitism in Britain's Labor Party
- ^ Ganz, Marshall (February 2024). "Calling for Respect, Freedom, and Security for All Is Not Antisemitic". The Nation. Retrieved 19 February 2024.
- ^ a b Abraham 2014, pp. 67–68: "With increased attention being brought to Israel's violations of Palestinian human rights in the European press since the beginning of the Second Intifada in September of 2000, US supporters of Israel sought to blame the poor reputation Israel was developing in the international community on the rise of a New Anti-Semitism. As this line of thinking went, Israel had been targeted for criticism not because of what it does to the Palestinians in violation of international law, but because of a resurgent wave of anti-Semitism that has roots in age-old hatreds of the past. Israel's critics, then, were hiding their thinly veiled animus toward the Jewish state behind anti-Zionist arguments and were not motivated by humanitarian they purported to be. To draw this equation between anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism, Israel's supporters have sought to make the argumentative leap that criticism of Israel as the Jewish state is anti-Semitic precisely because Israel is the home of all Jews for all time. However, this argument does not work since there are many anti- Zionist Jews who reject Israel's attempts to speak in the name of Judaism. The traditional response to this problem has been to label anti-Zionist Jews as 'self-hating Jews,' which requires a suspension of rationality and sound judgement."
- ^ a b Plitnick & Aziz 2023, p. 47.
- ^ a b Segal, Raz (31 March 2022). "Israeli Apartheid and Its Apologists". Contending Modernities.
- ^ Finkelstein, Norman. Beyond Chutzpah: On the Misuse of Anti-Semitism and the Abuse of History, University of California Press, 2005, p. 37.
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Israel and its supporters have branded the university protests as antisemitic, while Israel's critics say it uses those allegations to silence opposition. Although some protesters have been caught on camera making antisemitic remarks or violent threats, organizers of the protests, some of whom are Jewish, say it is a peaceful movement aimed at defending Palestinian rights and protesting the war.
- ^ Becher, Debbie. "Jewish faculty reject the weaponization of antisemitism". Columbia Daily Spectator.
- ^ New York Times, In Congress, Columbia's Leaders Try to Please. At Home, They Face Anger [1]
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- ^ Marcus, Kenneth L. (2015). The definition of anti-Semitism. New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-937564-6.
- ^ Hirsh, David (2013). "Struggles over the Boundaries of Legitimate Discourse: Antizionism, Bad-Faith Allegations and The Livingstone Formulation". In Small, Charles Asher (ed.). Global Antisemitism: A Crisis of Modernity. Vol. V: Reflections. Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy.
- ^ Stern, Kenneth (13 December 2019). "I drafted the definition of antisemitism. Rightwing Jews are weaponizing it". The Guardian. Retrieved 4 June 2020.
starting in 2010, rightwing Jewish groups took the 'working definition', which had some examples about Israel (such as holding Jews collectively responsible for the actions of Israel, and denying Jews the right to self-determination), and decided to weaponize it with title VI cases.
- ^ Stern, Kenneth (15 February 2024). "I wrote a definition of antisemitism. It was never meant to chill free speech on campus". The Boston Globe.
There were examples about Israel, not to label anyone an antisemite but because there was a correlation, as opposed to causation, between certain expressions and the climate for antisemitism. But it was never intended to be weaponized to muzzle campus free speech
- ^ "Explainer: The IHRA Working Definition of Anti-Semitism | IMEU". imeu.org. Retrieved 28 January 2025.
- ^ Harrison, Bernard (1 December 2022). "In Defense of the IHRA Definition (Despite Its Defects as a Definition)". Journal of Contemporary Antisemitism. 5 (2). Academic Studies Press: 43–66. doi:10.26613/jca.5.2.115. ISSN 2472-9906.
The IHRA definition of antisemitism has been widely criticized on the alleged ground that it restricts freedom of speech by stigmatizing, as antisemitic, views that critics assert to fall well within the bounds of legitimate political controversy. In several recent papers, my legal colleague Lesley Klaff and I have argued that these criticisms are without foundation.
- ^ Freedom of Speech and Academic Freedom in UK Higher Education: The Adverse Impact of the IHRA Definition of Antisemitism (Report). British Society for Middle Eastern Studies and the European Legal Support Centre. September 2023.
- ^ Gordon, Neve (22 March 2024). "Antisemitism and Zionism: The Internal Operations of the IHRA Definition". Middle East Critique. 33 (3). Taylor & Francis: 345–360. doi:10.1080/19436149.2024.2330821.
- ^ Brown, Nathan J.; Nerenberg, Daniel (13 June 2023). "'Anti-antisemitism' was meant to unite American Jews. Why is it backfiring?". +972 magazine.
What started as an honest attempt to tackle growing antisemitism quickly became weaponized by definitional warriors, among them the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA), the American Jewish Committee (AJC), and the Brandeis Center, all of whom have lobbied institutions and governments to adopt it
- ^ Segal, Raz (14 May 2024). "How Weaponizing Antisemitism Puts Jews at Risk". TIME.
- ^ Hafetz, Jonathan; Aziz, Sahar (27 December 2023). "How a Leading Definition of Antisemitism Has Been Weaponized Against Israel's Critics" – via www.thenation.com.
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Fully explaining the reasons for these positions towards antisemitism within the United States left is beyond the scope of this article, so we can only briefly touch upon them here. However, it is important to stress that, in our analysis, these political patterns do not stem from conscious and open antisemitism. We are not saying these dynamics are motivated by antisemitic hatred, but are rather the result of unexamined assumptions, myopic political analysis, and, importantly, a genuine but inconsistent concern for the suffering of others. Nevertheless, the result is that the left has set an inordinately high bar for what constitutes antisemitism, in effect defining it out of existence – at least on the left. [...] As previously noted, we do not believe this is the result of antisemitic intent but rather unexamined assumptions, faulty political analysis, and social pressure to conform to left conventional wisdom. Nonetheless, the various political blind spots, peculiar bedfellows, and double standards we have addressed stand out by the uncommon prominence, tolerance, and emotional weight the left assigns them.
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- ^ Antisemitism Policy Trust (2020). "Antisemitism and the Labour Party" (PDF).
A number of high-profile Labour figures have made unhelpful, disparaging or dangerous comments in relation to accusations of antisemitism. Anti-Jewish hatred has been dismissed as a 'smear' or as being 'weaponised' by its victims for political ends. Talk of Jewish and/or right-wing media plotting is dangerous and contrary to the British model for addressing hate crime, namely, the Macpherson principle. This translates to treating perceived victims with sensitivity, recording the crimes they report as 'racist' if perceived as such, and investigating claims with due diligence. The Chakrabarti report, detailed below, is explicit: 'any seasoned activist who says that they are completely unaware of any such [antisemitic] discourse must be wholly insensitive or completely in denial'. Nonetheless, these claims are manifold and have continued.
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One example [of the factionalism] given by the report is that staff were 'diverted' to take part in 'validation exercises' ahead of the 2015 and 2016 leadership elections which 'cemented a lack of trust between LOTO and HQ which further hampered the party's ability to deal with antisemitism complaints effectively'.The report says both supporters and internal opponents of Mr Corbyn could be accused of 'weaponising the issue and failing to recognise the seriousness of antisemitism'.
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Further reading
- 'Abd al-Hay, Walid; Al-Zaytouna Centre (14 October 2021). "Israel's Employment of 'Anti-Semitism'". Al-Zaytouna Centre for Studies and Consultations. Retrieved 1 January 2024.
- Becker, Matthias J. (2024). "Instrumentalisation of Antisemitism and the Holocaust". Decoding Antisemitism. Postdisciplinary Studies in Discourse. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland. pp. 273–288. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-49238-9_20. ISBN 978-3-031-49237-2.
- Butler, Judith; Jewish Voice for Peace (2017). On Antisemitism: Solidarity and the Struggle for Justice. G - Reference, Information and Interdisciplinary Subjects Series. Haymarket Books. ISBN 978-1-60846-761-7.
- Cook, Jonathan (22 September 2023). "UK and Israel: Has the fightback against weaponised antisemitism begun?". Middle East Eye. Retrieved 8 January 2024.
- Friedman, Lara (5 September 2023). "Targeting Free Speech & Redefining Antisemitism: How Pro-Israel Actors Are Using US Laws to Attack Palestinian Activism & Solidarity". University of the Pacific Law Review. 54 (4).
- Gould, Rebecca (2023). Erasing Palestine: Free Speech and Palestinian Freedom. Verso Books. ISBN 978-1-83976-902-3.
- Hirsh, David (6 July 2012). "Accusations of malicious intent in debates about the Palestine-Israel conflict and about antisemitism: The Livingstone Formulation, 'playing the antisemitism card' and contesting the boundaries of antiracist discourse". Transveral. 1. Center for Jewish Studies at the Karl-Franzens-University Graz: 47–77. ISSN 1607-629X. Retrieved 3 February 2025.
- Hirsh, David (2013). "Struggles over the Boundaries of Legitimate Discourse: Antisemitism and Bad-Faith Allegations". Global Antisemitism: A Crisis of Modernity (PDF). New York: ISGAP. pp. 89–94. ISBN 978-90-04-26556-1. Retrieved 3 February 2025.
- Hirsh, David (31 December 2019). "Chapter 1. How Raising the Issue of Antisemitism Puts You Outside the Community of the Progressive: The Livingstone Formulation". From Antisemitism to Anti-Zionism. Academic Studies Press. pp. 2–28. doi:10.1515/9781618115669-002. ISBN 978-1-61811-566-9.
- How Israel And Its Allies Weaponize Antisemitism. Al Jazeera. 15 February 2024 – via YouTube.
- Lerman, Antony (14 February 2024). "Weaponising antisemitism: The gift that keeps on giving". Declassified Media Ltd. Retrieved 17 February 2024.
- Levi, Lili (9 April 2023). "Politicizing Antisemitism Amid Today's Educational Culture Wars". Lewis & Clark Law Review. SSRN 4450218.
- Poole, Steven (27 March 2017). "Weaponise! The meaning of 2017's political buzzword". the Guardian. Retrieved 26 February 2025.
- Robinson, William I.; Griffin, M.S.; Falk, R.A. (2017). We Will Not Be Silenced: The Academic Repression of Israel's Critics. AK Press. ISBN 978-1-84935-277-2.
- Walt, Stephen M. (17 December 2012). "The art of the smear". Foreign Policy. Retrieved 19 March 2024.