Yakiv Ostryanyn

Jakiv Ostranin
Known forOstryanyn uprising
PartnerMałgorzata from Bnina Łódz coat of arms
ChildrenIskra Ivan Yakovych

Yakov Stepanovich Iskra of the Kopacz coat of arms,[1] also known as Ostrzanin or Ostranica (uk. Яків Остряниця, d. 6 May 1641), was a Cossack hetman and leader of the Ostryanyn uprising. He was descended from the noble family of Iskra of Ostera.[1]



The first references to him relate to his participation in the Polish-Russian war in 1633, where he served as a colonel of the Registered Cossacks.[2] In 1638 he was elected hetman of the non-registered Cossacks and in the same year initiated an uprising against the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth. After losing the Battle of Zhovnyn, he fled to the Russian Empire, where he settled.[3] In Chuguev, the settlers under the command of Ostryanin participated in the fight against the Tatars, who were raiding the southern borders of the Russian state.[4] Yakov died on 6 May 1641, killed by Cossacks during a riot caused by conflicts between privates and Cossacks starshyna.[5]

Kopacz coat of arms


  1. ^ a b Искра дворянский род accessed [2024-07-19]
  2. ^ OSTRIANIN (OSTRIANITSA) Yakov // Firov PT Hetmans of the Ukrainian Cossacks. Biographical information - Sevastopol: Publishing house of SevNTU. 2005. - 64 p. Date of access: December 30, 2007. Archived December 24, 2010.
  3. ^ Romuald Romański (January 2009). Książę Jeremi Wiśniowiecki. Bellona. pp. 256–259. ISBN 978-83-11-11524-8.
  4. ^ Ostryanin // Great Soviet Encyclopedia  : [in 30 volumes]  / ch. ed. A. M. Prokhorov . — 3rd ed. - M.:  Soviet Encyclopedia, 1969-1978. Great Soviet Encyclopedia  - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978.
  5. ^ проф. Д. Багалей, Д. Миллер. Том первый (XVII-XVIII вв.) // История города Харькова за 250 лет его существования (с 1655-го по 1905-й год). Историческая монография / Паровая типография и литография М.Зильберберг и С-вья. — 1-е изд. — Х.: Издательство Харьковскаго городского общественнаго управления,(in Russian) 1905. — Т. 1. — 568 с. — 11 000 (1993) экз