Código | País | Federación |
AFG | Afganistán | Afganistán Volleyball Association |
ASM | Samoa Americana | American Samoa Volleyball Association |
AUS | Australia | Australia Volleyball Federation |
BGD | Bangladesh | Bangladesh Volleyball Federation |
BTN | Bután | Bhutan Volleyball Federation |
BHR | Bahréin | Bahrain Volleyball Association |
BRN | Brunéi | Brunei Amateur Volleyball Association |
KHM | Camboya | Cambodia Volleyball Federation |
CHN | China | China Volleyball Association |
COK | Islas Cook | Cook Islands Volleyball Association |
FJI | Fiyi | Fiji Volleyball Federation |
FSM | Estados Federados de Micronesia | Federated States of Micronesia Volleyball Association |
GUM | Guam | Guam Volleyball Federation |
HKG | Hong Kong | Volleyball Association of Hong Kong, China |
INA | Indonesia | The National Volleyball Federation of Indonesia |
IND | India | Volleyball Federation of India |
IRI | Irán | Volleyball Federation Islamic Republic of Iran |
IRQ | Iraq | Iraq Center Volleyball Federation (Sospesa) |
JOR | Jordania | Jordan Volleyball Federation |
JPN | Japón | Japan Volleyball Association |
KAZ | Kazajistán | Volleyball Federation of Republic of Kazakhstan |
KGZ | Kirguistán | Kirigistan Volleyball Federation |
KIR | Kiribati | Kiribati Volleyball Federation |
KOR | Corea del Sur | Korea Volleyball Association |
KSA | Arabia Saudita | Arabia Saudita Volleyball Federation |
KUW | Kuwait | Kuwait Volleyball Association |
LAO | Laos | Lao Volleyball Federation |
LIB | Líbano | Lebanese Volleyball Federation |
MAC | Macao | Amateur Volleyball Association of Macao |
MYS | Malasia | Malaysia Amateur Volleyball Association |
MDV | Maldivas | Volleyball Association of Maldives |
MGL | Mongolia | Volleyball Federation of Mongolia |
MHL | Islas Marshall | Republic of the Marshall Islands Volleyball Federation |
MMR | Myanmar | Myamar Volleyball Federation |
NEP | Nepal | Nepal Volleyball Association |
NIU | Niue | Niue Island Volleyball Association |
NRU | Nauru | Nauru Volleyball Association |
NZL | Nueva Zelanda | Volleyball New Zealand |
OMN | Omán | Oman Volleyball Association |
PAK | Pakistán | Pakistan Volleyball Federation |
PLW | Palaos | Palau Amateur Volleyball Association |
PHI | Filipinas | Philippine Amateur Volleyball Association |
PSE | Palestina | Palestine Volleyball Association |
PNG | Papúa Nueva Guinea | Papua New Guinea Amateur Volleyball Federation |
PRK | Corea del Norte | The Volleyball Association of the D.P.R. Korea |
QAT | Qatar | Qatar Volleyball Association |
MNP | Islas Marianas del Norte | Saipan Amateur Volleyball Association |
WSM | Samoa | Western Samoa Volleyball Association |
SGP | Singapur | Volleyball Assocaition of Singapore |
SLB | Islas Salomón | Solomon Islands Volleyball Federation |
SRI | Sri Lanka | Sri Lanka Volleyball Federation |
SYR | Siria | Syrian Arab Volleyball Federation |
PYF | Tahití | Volleyball Federation of Tahiti |
TON | Tonga | Tonga National Volleyball Association |
THA | Tailandia | The Amateur Volleyball Association of Thailand |
TJK | Tayikistán | Volleyball Federation of Tadjikistan |
TKM | Turkmenistán | Turkmenistan Volleyball Federation |
TPE | China Taipéi | Chinese Taipei Volleyball Association |
TUV | Tuvalu | Federation De Volleyball De Tuvalu |
UAE | Emiratos Árabes Unidos | United Arab Emirates Volleyball Association |
UZB | Uzbekistán | Uzbekistan Volleyball Federation |
VUT | Vanuatu | Vanuatu Amateur Volleyball |
VIE | Vietnam | Volleyball Federation of Vietnam |
YEM | Yemen | Yemen Volleyball Association |
La Polinesia Francesa participa bajo la federación de su isla más importante, Tahití. Para las Islas Marianas del Norte se refiere a la federación de Saipán. |