Movimiento de la Diosa , la enciclopedia libre

Una versión del símbolo de la Diosa Espiral del moderno neopaganismo

El movimiento de la Diosa es una tendencia general en las creencias o prácticas religiosas o espirituales que surgieron de la segunda ola feminista, sobre todo en América del Norte, Europa Occidental, Australia y Nueva Zelanda en la década de 1970.



De acuerdo a los partidarios y partidarias de este movimiento, al ser la sociedad estimulada por siglos de religiones organizadas dominadas por los varones (o por adorar a una deidad suprema mencionada por pronombres masculinos, como "él"), algunas mujeres y varones decidieron buscar y abrazaron la idea de un culto a una deidad femenina como deidad principal; ya que un culto con estas características estaría más de acuerdo con las creencias feministas tradicionales y el poder mostrar el valor inherente de la mujer a través de la creencia religiosa. Un tema unificador del movimiento fue el de postular que el género de una deidad caracterizaría un sesgo político de género dentro de la religión; ya que una religión que adora como deidad principal a una Diosa seria considerada matriarcal y en cambio una religión que adora a un "Dios" sería considerado patriarcal dentro de la doctrina de este movimiento.

Literatura relacionada


Véase también

El símbolo lunar de la Triple Diosa


  • Bailey, Douglass. (2005). Prehistoric Figurines: Representation and Corporeality in the Neolithic. Routledge Publishers. ISBN 0-415-33152-8
  • Bolen, Jean Shinoda, Goddesses in Everywoman: A New Psychology of Women, 1984
  • _________, Goddesses in Older Women: Archetypes in Women over Fifty, 2001
  • Budapest, Z., The Holy Book of Women's Mysteries, Part II, Susan B. Anthony Books, 1980 and later editions.
  • Christ, Carol P., "Musings on the Goddess and Her Cultural Despisers--Provoked by Naomi Goldenberg", 2005 on Archivado el 15 de diciembre de 2004 en Wayback Machine. accessed 1/25/06.
  • _________, Rebirth of the Goddess, Addison-Wesley, 1997.
  • _________, She Who Changes, Palgrave MacMillan, 2003.
  • _________, The Laughter of Aphrodite, Harper & Row, 1987.
  • _________, "Why Women Need The Goddess", in Womanspirit Rising, Harper & Row, 1979, p. 273.
  • Cohen, Daniel, "Iphigenia: A Retelling", in Christ, 1997, p. 179.
  • Daly, Mary, Beyond God The Father, Beacon Press, 1978.
  • ___________, Gyn/Ecology, Beacon Press, 1978.
  • Dashu, Max,"Knocking Down Straw Dolls: A critique of Cynthia Eller's The Myth of Matriarchal Prehistory",, accessed 12/30/05; posted in 2000.
  • Dexter, Miriam Robbins, Whence the Goddesses, Pergamon Press,1990.
  • Dexter, Miriam Robbins, "Earth Goddess" In Mallory, J.P. and Douglas Q. Adams, eds., The Encyclopedia of Indo-European Culture. London and Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, 1997: 174.
  • Diner, Helen, Mothers and Amazons, (Introduction by Joseph Campbell, trans. John Philip Lundin), Julian Press, 1965.
  • Eisler, Riane, The Chalice and the Blade, Harper, 1987.
  • Eller, Cynthia, The Myth of Matriarchal Prehistory, Beacon Press, 2000.
  • Fisher, Elizabeth, "Rise Up and Call Her Name" curriculum,
  • Gimbutas, Marija, The Gods and Goddesses of Old Europe, Thames and Hudson 1974 [1982].
  • _____________, The Language of the Goddess, (Foreword by Joseph Campbell), HarperCollins 1991 [1989].
  • Goddess Alive UK print publication with online presence.
  • Goddess Pages Archivado el 14 de junio de 2023 en Wayback Machine. UK online publication.
  • Goldenberg, Naomi, The Changing of the Gods, Beacon Press, 1979.
  • Göttner-Abendroth, Heide, Matriarchal Mythology in Former Times and Today (pamphlet), Crossing Press, 1987.
  • Greer, Mary K., Women of the Golden Dawn, Park Street Press, 1995.
  • Harding, M. Esther, MD, Woman's Mysteries, Longmans, Green and Co., 1935.
  • Henning, Jan and Cohen, Daniel, Hawk and Bard Reborn: Revisions of Old Tales, Wood and Water, 1988.
  • Hodder, Ian, "Catalhoyuk", Scientific American, January 2004.
  • Hutton, Ronald, The Pagan Religions in the Ancient British Isles, 1991.
  • Jayran, Shan, presentation at Goddess Studies Colloquium, Bristol U.K, 2000.
  • Laura, Judith, Goddess Spirituality for the 21st Century, RTP/Open Sea, 1997.
  • __________, "Naming Ourselves," in The Beltane Papers,27:1, Spring 2002.
  • __________, She Lives!The Return of Our Great Mother, Crossing Press, 1989
  • Lerner, Gerda, The Creation of Partriarchy, Oxford University Press, 1987.
  • Long, Asphodel P., In A Chariot Drawn By Lions, Crossing Press, 1993.
  • ____________, "The One or the Many--The Great Goddess Revisited," Archivado el 27 de septiembre de 2011 en Wayback Machine. presented at the Feminist Theology Annual Conference, Dublin, Ireland, July 1996.
  • Marler, Joan, "Correcting the Picture", Letter to the Editor of Scientific American, Awakened Woman, March 2004 at .Accedido el 1/25/06.
  • ____________, "The Myth of Universal Patriarchy", posted 2003 on (enlace roto disponible en Internet Archive; véase el historial, la primera versión y la última). . Accedido el 1/25/06.
  • MatriFocus A cross-quarterly web magazine for and by Goddess women, 2001-2009 archived at
  • Mellaart, James, Catal Huyuk, McGraw-Hill, 1967.
  • Meskell, Lynn, "Twin Peaks: The Archaeologies of Çatalhöyuk" in Goodison, Lucy and Christine Morris (ed.) Ancient Goddesses, 1998
  • Monaghan, Patricia. "Encyclopedia of Goddesses and Heroines" (2010) Santa Barbara, California: Greenwood Press.
  • Monaghan, Patricia, The Goddess Path, Llewellyn Worldwide, 1999.
  • Pollack, Rachel, The Body of the Goddess, Element, 1997.
  • Ramprasad Sen (1720–1781) Grace and Mercy in Her Wild Hair : Selected Poems to the Mother Goddess. (ISBN 0-934252-94-7)
  • Ranck, Shirley Ann, Cakes for the Queen of Heaven, Delphi Press, 1995.
  • Ranck, Shirley Ann, Cakes for the Queen of Heaven curriculum, UU Women and Religion, 2007-8,
  • Rigoglioso, Marguerite, "Women's Spirituality Scholars Speak Out: A Report on the 7th Annual Gender and Archeology Conference at Sonoma State", 2002, on Archivado el 15 de abril de 2003 en Wayback Machine., accessed 1/25/06.
  • Ruickbie, Leo, Witchcraft Out of the Shadows, Robert Hale, 2004.
  • SageWoman U.S.print magazine with online presence
  • Sjoo, Monica and Mor, Barbara The Great Cosmic Mother : Rediscovering the Religion of the Earth, Harper and Row, 1987.
  • Spretnak, Charlene, Lost Goddesses of Ancient Greece, Beacon, 1978.
  • Starhawk, "Starhawk's Response to Charlotte Allen's Article", Letter to the Editor of the Atlantic Monthly, January 5, 2001 on Archivado el 19 de octubre de 2006 en Wayback Machine.. Accedido el 1/25/06.
  • Starhawk, The Spiral Dance, Harper, 1979 and later editions.
  • _________, Truth or Dare, HarperCollins, 1988.
  • The Beltane Papers U.S.print magazine with online presence
  • Tringham, Ruth & Conkey, Margaret, "Rethinking Figurines: A Critical View from Archaeology of Gimbutas, the 'Goddess' and Popular Culture" in Goodison, Lucy (ed.) Ancient Goddesses, 1998

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