WxRuby — Wikipédia



WxRuby est un toolkit graphique libre utilisant le langage de programmation Ruby. Il est basé sur le widget toolkit multiplate-forme wxWidgets, écrit en C++.

wxRuby permet d'utiliser Ruby pour la création d'applications graphiques sur Windows, Mac OS X, Linux GTK, etc. Les applications ainsi créées conservent l'apparence native du système sur lequel elles sont exécutées.

WxRuby est publié sous la licence WxRuby2[1].

#!/usr/bin/env ruby  begin   require 'rubygems'  rescue LoadError end require 'wx'  # A Wx::Frame is a self-contained, top-level Window that can contain # controls, menubars, and statusbars class MinimalFrame < Wx::Frame   def initialize(title)     # The main application frame has no parent (nil)     super(nil, :title => title, :size => [ 400, 300 ])      menu_bar = Wx::MenuBar.new     # The "file" menu     menu_file = Wx::Menu.new     # Using Wx::ID_EXIT standard id means the menu item will be given     # the right label for the platform and language, and placed in the     # correct platform-specific menu - eg on OS X, in the Application's menu     menu_file.append(Wx::ID_EXIT, "E&xit\tAlt-X", "Quit this program")     menu_bar.append(menu_file, "&File")      # The "help" menu     menu_help = Wx::Menu.new     menu_help.append(Wx::ID_ABOUT, "&About...\tF1", "Show about dialog")     menu_bar.append(menu_help, "&Help")      # Assign the menubar to this frame     self.menu_bar = menu_bar      # Create a status bar at the bottom of the frame     create_status_bar(2)     self.status_text = "Welcome to wxRuby!"      # Set it up to handle menu events using the relevant methods.      evt_menu Wx::ID_EXIT, :on_quit     evt_menu Wx::ID_ABOUT, :on_about   end    # End the application; it should finish automatically when the last   # window is closed.   def on_quit     close()   end    # show an 'About' dialog - WxRuby's about_box function will show a   # platform-native 'About' dialog, but you could also use an ordinary   # Wx::MessageDialog here.   def on_about     Wx::about_box(:name => self.title,                    :version     => Wx::WXRUBY_VERSION,                    :description => "This is the minimal sample",                    :developers  => ['The wxRuby Development Team'] )   end end  # Wx::App is the container class for any wxruby app. To start an # application, either define a subclass of Wx::App, create an instance, # and call its main_loop method, OR, simply call the Wx::App.run class # method, as shown here. Wx::App.run do    self.app_name = 'Minimal'   frame = MinimalFrame.new("Minimal wxRuby App")   frame.show end 


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