J. Frank Dobie

James Frank Dobie

James Frank Dobie (26 settembre 188818 settembre 1964) è stato uno scrittore e giornalista statunitense. Era particolarmente celebre per le sue descrizioni della vita rurale del Texas.

  • Weather Wisdom of the Texas-Mexican Border. 1923
  • A Vaquero of the Brush Country. Dallas: The Southwest Press. 1929.
  • Coronado's Children. Dallas: The Southwest Press. 1930.
  • On the Open Range. Dallas: The Southwest Press. 1931.
  • Tongues of the Monte. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday. 1935.
  • The Flavor of Texas. Dallas: Dealey and Lowe. 1936.
  • Tales of the Mustang. Dallas: Rein Co. for The Book Club of Texas. 1936.
  • Apache Gold & Yaqui Silver. Boston: Little, Brown. 1939.
  • John C. Duval. First Texas Man of Letters. Dallas: Southwest Review. 1939.
  • The Longhorns. Boston: Little, Brown and Co. 1941.
  • Guide to Life and Literature of the Southwest. Austin: U.T. Press. 1943.
  • A Texan in England. Boston: Little, Brown. 1945.
  • The Voice of the Coyote. Boston: Little, Brown. 1949.
  • The Ben Lilly Legend. Boston: Little, Brown. 1950.
  • The Mustangs. Boston: Little, Brown. 1952.
  • Tales of Old Time Texas. Boston: Little, Brown & Co. 1955.
  • Up the Trail From Texas. New York: Random House. 1955.
  • I'll Tell You a Tale. Boston: Little, Brown & Co. 1960.
  • Cow People. Boston: Little, Brown. 1964.
  • Some Part of Myself. Boston: Little, Brown. 1967.
  • Rattlesnakes. Boston: Little, Brown & Co. 1965.
  • Out of the Old Rock. Boston: Little, Brown & Co. 1972.
  • Prefaces. Boston: Little, Brown. 1975.
  • Wild and Wily Range Animals. Flagstaff: Northland Press. 1980.

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