Thomas Alexander Browne

Thomas Alexander Browne

Thomas Alexander Browne, noto anche con lo pseudonimo di Rolf Boldrewood (Londra, 6 agosto 1826Melbourne, 11 marzo 1915), è stato uno scrittore australiano.

È noto soprattutto per il romanzo Robbery under arms (1888) che descrive con un'inimitabile drammaticità la vita in Australia.

  • My Run Home (1874)
  • The Squatter's Dream: A Story of Australian Life (1875) [aka Ups and Downs : A Story of Australian Life]
  • A Colonial Reformer (1876)
  • Babes in the Bush (1877) [aka An Australian Squire]
  • Robbery Under Arms (1882)
  • The Sealskin Coat (1884–1885) [aka The Sealskin Mantle]
  • The Crooked Stick, or, Pollie's Probation (1885) [aka The Final Choice, or, Pollie's Probation]
  • The Sphinx of Eaglehawk: A Tale of Old Bendigo (1887)
  • A Sydney-Side Saxon (1888)
  • Nevermore (1889–90)
  • The Miner's Right : A Tale of the Australian Goldfields (1890)
  • A Modern Buccaneer (1894)
  • Plain Living: A Bush Idyll (1898)
  • War to the Knife', or Tangata Maori (1899)
  • The Ghost-Camp, or, The Avengers (1902)
  • The Last Chance: A Tale of the Golden West (1905)

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