DoubleWellSolitonAntisoliton.gif (705 × 177 ピクセル、ファイルサイズ: 3.21メガバイト、MIME タイプ: image/gif、ループします、800 フレーム、48秒)
ウィキメディア・コモンズのファイルページにある説明を、以下に表示します。 |
解説DoubleWellSolitonAntisoliton.gif | English: Solution to in 1+1 dimensionsional spacetime. v = 0.05, |
原典 | Own work by uploader (source code below, click "show" to see) |
作者 | Cyp |
C++ source code - click on "show" on the right to view |
C++ source code - click on "show" on the right to view |
<nowiki> #include <cstdio> #include <stdint.h> #include <vector> #include <string> #include <stdexcept> #include <cmath> #include <cassert> struct Pixel { Pixel() { col[0] = 1; col[1] = 1; col[2] = 1; } Pixel(double r, double g, double b) { col[0] = r; col[1] = g; col[2] = b; } Pixel const &operator +=(Pixel const &p) { col[0] += p.col[0]; col[1] += p.col[1]; col[2] += p.col[2]; return *this; } Pixel operator -() const { return Pixel(-col[0], -col[1], -col[2]); } Pixel operator *(float v) const { return Pixel(col[0]*v, col[1]*v, col[2]*v); } float col[3]; }; inline int quant(int v) { //return (v>>4)*0x11; return v; } struct BytePixel { BytePixel() { col[0] = 0xFF; col[1] = 0xFF; col[2] = 0xFF; } BytePixel(Pixel const &p) { col[0] = quant(std::max(0, std::min<int>(255, 256*p.col[0]))); col[1] = quant(std::max(0, std::min<int>(255, 256*p.col[1]))); col[2] = quant(std::max(0, std::min<int>(255, 256*p.col[2]))); } uint8_t col[3]; }; class Image { public: Image(unsigned x, unsigned y, double x1_, double y1_, double x2_, double y2_) : sx(x), sy(y), x1(x1_), y1(y1_), x2(x2_), y2(y2_), facx(sx/(x2-x1)), facy(sy/(y2-y1)), pixx((x2-x1)/sx), pixy((y2-y1)/sy) { data.resize(x*y); //#pragma omp parallel for } void save(std::string const &name) { std::vector<BytePixel> byteData(data.begin(), data.end()); std::string filename = name+".ppm"; FILE *f = fopen(filename.c_str(), "wb"); if(f == NULL) throw std::runtime_error("Couldn't open file \""+filename+"\" for writing."); std::fprintf(f, "P6\n%u %u\n255\n", sx, sy); std::fwrite(&byteData[0], 3*sx*sy, 1, f); std::fclose(f); } void addRect(double xa, double ya, double xb, double yb, Pixel const &p) { if(xa > x2 || xb < x1 || ya > y2 || yb < y1) return; double txa = std::max<double>(0, (xa-x1)*facx); double tya = std::max<double>(0, (ya-y1)*facy); double txb = std::min<double>(sx, (xb-x1)*facx); double tyb = std::min<double>(sy, (yb-y1)*facy); unsigned uxa = txa; unsigned uya = tya; unsigned uxb = std::min<unsigned>(sx-1, txb); unsigned uyb = std::min<unsigned>(sy-1, tyb); double xstart = txa-uxa; // Left edge missing in pixels. double ystart = tya-uya; // Top edge missing in pixels. double xend = uxb+1-txb; // Right edge missing in pixels. double yend = uyb+1-tyb; // Bottom edge missing in pixels. if(uxb < uxa || uyb < uya) return; // Degenerate rectangle. for(unsigned y = uya; y != uyb+1; ++y) { double yamount = 1; if(y == uya) yamount -= ystart; if(y == uyb) yamount -= yend; for(unsigned x = uxa; x != uxb+1; ++x) { double xamount = 1; if(x == uxa) xamount -= xstart; if(x == uxb) xamount -= xend; data[x + y*sx] += p * (xamount*yamount); } } } double getDx() const { return pixx; } double getDy() const { return pixy; } private: unsigned sx, sy; double x1, y1, x2, y2; double facx, facy; double pixx, pixy; std::vector<Pixel> data; }; void render(Image &img, std::vector<double> const &func, double xa, double xb, Pixel const &p) { double dx = (xb-xa)/(func.size()-1); double lx = img.getDx()*.75; // 1/2 brush width. double ly = img.getDy()*.75; // 1/2 brush height. double invRectPix = 1./(1.5*1.5); // Reciprocal area of brush in pixels. double px = 1/img.getDx(); double py = 1/img.getDy(); double pdx = dx*px; // dx in pixels. double x = xa+dx*.5; //printf("test %zu %lf %lf\n", func.size(), lx, ly); for(unsigned i = 0; i != func.size()-1; ++i) { double dy = func[i+1]-func[i]; double pdy = dy*py; // dy in pixels. double y = (func[i]+func[i+1])*-.5; img.addRect(x-lx, y-ly, x+lx, y+ly, p*(invRectPix*sqrt(pdx*pdx + pdy*pdy))); //if(i == func.size()/2) // printf("%lf %lf %lf %lf %lf\n", x-lx, y-ly, x+lx, y+ly, (invRectPix*sqrt(pdx*pdx + pdy*pdy))); x += dx; } } void setTanh(std::vector<double> &func, std::vector<double> &dfuncdt, double xa, double xb) { double dx = (xb-xa)/(func.size()-1); double x = xa; for(unsigned i = 0; i != func.size(); ++i) { func[i] = tanh(x); x += dx; } dfuncdt.assign(func.size(), 0); } void setDiTanh(std::vector<double> &func, std::vector<double> &dfuncdt, double xa, double xb) { double dx = (xb-xa)/(func.size()-1); double x = xa; for(unsigned i = 0; i != func.size(); ++i) { func[i] = tanh(x+4) - tanh(x-4) - 1; x += dx; } dfuncdt.assign(func.size(), 0); } void setDiTanhBump(std::vector<double> &func, std::vector<double> &dfuncdt, double xa, double xb) { dfuncdt.assign(func.size(), 0); double dx = (xb-xa)/(func.size()-1); double x = xa; for(unsigned i = 0; i != func.size(); ++i) { double v1 = 0.05; // Velocity of leftmost bump. (Exact velocity = sinh(v1).) double v2 = -0.05; // Velocity of rightmost bump. double tanh1 = tanh((x+6)*cosh(v1)); double tanh2 = tanh((x-6)*cosh(v2)); func[i] = tanh1 - tanh2 - 1;// + 0.2*exp(-((x+1)*(x+1))); dfuncdt[i] = (1-tanh1*tanh1)*-sinh(v1) + (1-tanh2*tanh2)*sinh(v2); x += dx; } } // \mathcal{L} = \partial_\mu\phi\partial^\mu\phi - (\phi^2 - 1)^2 // d²f/dt² = d²f/dx² - 2f(f²-1)² void stepTime(std::vector<double> &func, std::vector<double> &dfuncdt, double xa, double xb, double dt) { assert(func.size() == dfuncdt.size()); double dx = (xb-xa)/(func.size()-1); double dtinvdx2 = dt/(dx*dx); dfuncdt[0] = (func[1] - func[0]) / dt; for(unsigned i = 1; i != func.size()-1; ++i) dfuncdt[i] += dtinvdx2*(func[i+1] + func[i-1] - 2*func[i]) - 2*dt*func[i]*(func[i]*func[i] - 1); dfuncdt[func.size()-1] = -(func[func.size()-1] - func[func.size()-2]) / dx; for(unsigned i = 0; i != func.size(); ++i) func[i] += dt*dfuncdt[i]; } int main() { double fxa = -208; // Function min x. double fxb = 208; // Function max x. unsigned fxr = 20000; // Function resolution. double imxa = -8; // Display min x. double imxb = 8; // Display max x. double imya = -2; // Display min f(x). double imyb = 2; // Display max f(x). Image img(801, 201, imxa, imya, imxb, imyb); img.addRect(-1000, 0-img.getDx(), 1000, 0+img.getDx(), -Pixel(1, 1, 1)); img.addRect(-1000, 1-img.getDx(), 1000, 1+img.getDx(), -Pixel(.5, 1, 1)*.5); img.addRect(-1000, -1-img.getDx(), 1000, -1+img.getDx(), -Pixel(.5, 1, 1)*.5); std::vector<double> func(fxr); std::vector<double> dfuncdt(fxr); setTanh(func, dfuncdt, fxa, fxb); render(img, func, fxa, fxb, -Pixel(1, 1, .75)); img.save("soliton"); setDiTanhBump(func, dfuncdt, fxa, fxb); for(unsigned frame = 0; frame != 800; ++frame) { Image imgf(801, 201, imxa, imya, imxb, imyb); imgf.addRect(-1000, 0-img.getDx(), 1000, 0+img.getDx(), -Pixel(1, 1, 1)); imgf.addRect(-1000, 1-img.getDx(), 1000, 1+img.getDx(), -Pixel(.5, 1, 1)*.5); imgf.addRect(-1000, -1-img.getDx(), 1000, -1+img.getDx(), -Pixel(.5, 1, 1)*.5); render(imgf, func, fxa, fxb, -Pixel(1, 1, .75)); for(unsigned i = 0; i != 1000; ++i) stepTime(func, dfuncdt, fxa, fxb, 1./2000); //render(imgf, func, -8, 8, -Pixel(1, .75, 1)); //render(imgf, dfuncdt, -8, 8, -Pixel(.75, 1, .75)*.25); char str[100]; std::sprintf(str, "disoliton%03u", frame); imgf.save(str); } } </nowiki> |
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日付と時刻 | サムネイル | 寸法 | 利用者 | コメント | |
現在の版 | 2020年3月30日 (月) 10:05 | 705 × 177 (3.21メガバイト) | Bürgerentscheid | resized to fit 100 MP limit | |
2008年9月29日 (月) 21:44 | 801 × 201 (2.54メガバイト) | Cyp | {{Information |Description={{en|1=Solution to <math>\mathcal{L} = \partial_\mu\phi\partial^\mu\phi - (\phi^2 - 1)^2</math> in 1+1 dimensionsional spacetime. v = 0.05,<br /> <math>\phi_0(x, t) = \tanh x</math>,<br /> <math>\phi_\pm(x, t) = \phi_0(x\cosh v |
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