Dit artikel gaat over de film in het jaar 1911.
- Aida (USA) .
- Alkali Ike's Auto (USA, korte film) .
- As in a Looking Glass .
- Les aventures de baron de Munchhausen (FR, aka Baron Munchausen's Dream) .
- The Adventures of Billy (korte film) .
- The Adventures of Lieutenant Daring (UK) .
- The Aerial Anarchists (UK) .
- Baseball and Bloomers (USA) .
- Bobby, the Coward (korte film) .
- Brown of Harvard (USA) .
- De bannelingen (NL) .
- The Battle (USA, korte film) .
- The Black Arrow: A Tale of the Two Roses (USA, aka The Black Arrow) .
- The Blind Princess and the Poet (korte film) .
- The Broken Cross (korte film) .
- The Buddhist Priestess (USA) .
- A Country Cupid (USA, korte film) .
- Cally's Comet (USA) .
- Conscience (korte film) .
- Courting Across the Court (USA) .
- The Chief's Daughter (korte film) .
- The Coffin Ship (USA) .
- The Colonel and the King (USA) .
- The Cowboy and the Lady (USA) .
- The Crooked Road (korte film) .
- A Decree of Destiny (USA, korte film) .
- Dan the Dandy (USA, korte film) .
- Defence of Sevastopol (RU, aka Oborona Sevastopolya) .
- The Diamond Star (USA, korte film) .
- Enoch Arden: Part I (korte film) .
- Enoch Arden: Part II (korte film) .
- Fate's Turning (korte film) .
- Fighting Blood (korte film) .
- Fisher Folks (korte film) .
- Flames and Fortune (USA) .
- Flaming Arrows .
- For Her Sake (USA) .
- Friday the 13th (USA) .
- The Failure (korte film) .
- Gunga Din (USA) .
- The Godfather (USA) .
- Heart Beats of Long Ago (korte film) .
- Her Awakening (korte film) .
- Her Crowning Glory (USA) .
- Her Sacrifice (korte film) .
- His Daughter (korte film) .
- His Mother's Scarf (korte film) .
- His Trust (USA, korte film) .
- His Trust Fulfilled (USA, korte film) .
- How She Triumphed (korte film) .
- The Heart of a Savage .
- The Higher Law (USA) .
- In the Days of '49 (korte film) .
- Italian Blood (korte film) .
- L'Inferno (IT) .
- The Indian Brothers (korte film) .
- The Italian Barber (korte film) .
- The Jealous Husband (korte film) .
| - A Knight of the Road (USA, korte film) .
- Life As It Is (FR, aka La vie telle qu'elle est) .
- Little Nemo (USA, animatie, korte film) .
- Love in the Hills (korte film) .
- The Last Drop of Water (korte film) .
- The Last of the Mohicans (USA) .
- The Lily of the Tenements (korte film) .
- The Lonedale Operator (USA, korte film) .
- The Long Road (korte film) .
- Der Müller und sein Kind (AT) .
- Madame Rex (korte film) .
- The Making of a Man (korte film) .
- The Miser's Heart (korte film) .
- The New Dress (korte film) .
- Ontrouw (NL) .
- Out from the Shadow (korte film) .
- The Old Confectioner's Mistake (korte film) .
- Paradise Lost (korte film) .
- Princess Clementina (UK) .
- The Pasha's Daughter (USA) .
- The Poor Sick Men (korte film) .
- The Primal Call (korte film) .
- A Romany Tragedy (USA, korte film) .
- The Railroad Builder (USA) .
- The Revenue Man and the Girl (korte film) .
- The Rose of Kentucky (korte film) .
- The Ruling Passion (korte film) .
- Saved from Himself (korte film) .
- Sunshine Through the Dark (korte film) .
- Sweet Memories (USA) .
- Swords and Hearts (korte film) .
- The Sisters (UK) .
- The Smile of a Child (korte film) .
- The Smuggler (USA) .
- The Sorrowful Example (korte film) .
- The Spanish Gypsy (korte film) .
- The Squaw's Love (korte film) .
- The Stuff Heroes Are Made Of (korte film) .
- A Tale of Two Cities (USA, korte film) .
- A Terrible Discovery (USA) .
- Teaching Dad to Like Her (korte film) .
- That's Happiness (USA) .
- The Thief and the Girl (korte film) .
- The Trail of Books (korte film) .
- The Two Paths (korte film) .
- The Two Sides (korte film) .
- Three Sisters (korte film) .
- Through Darkened Vales (USA, korte film) .
- The Unveiling (korte film) .
- The Voice of the Child (korte film) .
- A Woman Scorned (USA, korte film) .
- A Wreath of Orange Blossoms (USA) .
- The White Rose of the Wilds (korte film) .
- Was He a Coward? (USA, korte film) .
- What Shall We Do with Our Old? (USA, korte film) .
- When a Man Loves (korte film) .
- Won by Wireless (USA) .