Black Brant (ganso) – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre

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Black Brant

O Black Brant ou Pacific Brent Goose, (Branta bernicla nigricans), é uma sub espécie de ganso do tipo Brent Goose que se reproduz no Alasca, e no inverno na Baixa Califórnia. Estima-se que existam 115.000 black brants no Mundo, e cerca de 14.000 são abatidos por caçadores anualmente. A predação dos ovos por raposas também é significativa, e em 2006, os Estados Unidos, iniciaram um programa de 5 anos para a remoção dessas raposas. A população dos black brants já foi de 200.000 em 1981 e chegou a apenas 100.000 em 1987.[1]

  • Millington, Richard (1997) Separation of Black Brant, Dark-bellied Brent Goose and Pale-bellied Brent Goose Birding World 10(1):11–15; an identification paper
  • Syroechkovski, E. E., C. Zöckler and E.Lappo (1998) Status of Brent Goose in northwest Yakutia British Birds 93(2):94–97; this paper presented claims that Black Brant and Dark-bellied Brent Goose were interbreeding extensively in the Russian Arctic
  • Sangster, George (2000) Taxonomic status of bernicla and nigricans Brent Goose British Birds 91(12):565–572; a critical re-evaluation of the claims made in the above paper by Syroechkovski et al.
  • Bloomfield, Andrew and James McCallum (2001) Changing fortunes of the Black Brant Birding World 14(2):66–68; discusses the history of Black Brants in Europe, and the history of hybridisation between Black Brant and Dark-bellied Brent Goose
  • Martin, John (2002) From the Rarities Committee's files: Unusual Brent Geese in Norfolk and Hampshire British Birds 95(3):129–136; this article discusses two Brent Geese, seen in Norfolk and Hampshire in 1998/99, which showed some but not all characters of Black Brant; photographs of both accompany the article
  • Wynn, Russell (2002) Brants – the hybrid problem Birdwatch 118:16–18; an examination of possible hybrid Black Brant × Dark-bellied Brent Goose, based on wintering birds in Hampshire
  • Black Brant Geese, an indicator of wildlife sustainability in the Georgia Basin Environment Canada. Retrieved October 10, 2006

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