Hesperotestudo – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre

Intervalo temporal:
PaleogenoPleistoceno Superior
33,9–0,0117 Ma
Hesperotestudo orthopygia
Classificação científica e
Domínio: Eukaryota
Reino: Animalia
Filo: Chordata
Classe: Reptilia
Ordem: Testudines
Subordem: Cryptodira
Superfamília: Testudinoidea
Família: Testudinidae
Gênero: Hesperotestudo
Williams, 1950
Hesperotestudo osborniana
(Hay, 1904)

Hesperotestudo ("tartaruga ocidental") é um extinto gênero de tartaruga que viveu do Mioceno ao Pleistoceno. Seus vestígios são conhecidos na América do Norte, América Central e Bermuda.[1][2] Outros espécimes identificáveis ​​apenas para o gênero foram encontrados em El Salvador (TEWG, 2015).[3]

A lista de espécies é baseada em Rhodin et al. 2015[3]

  • Hesperotestudo Williams 1950[4]
    • Eupachemys Leidy 1877 (nomen oblitum)
    • Hesperotestudo Williams 1950:25
      • Caudochelys Auffenberg 1963:69
  • Hesperotestudo annae (Hay 1923)[5]
    • Testudo annae Hay 1923:114 (Pleistoceno Inferior, Irvingtonian, EUA (Texas))
      • Testudo francisi Hay 1923:116 [Pleistoceno Inferior, EUA (Texas)]
  • Hesperotestudo bermudaeMeylan e Sterrer 2000[1]
    • Hesperotestudo bermudae Meylan e Sterrer 2000: 51 [Pleistoceno Médio, Bermuda], c. 310.000 anos antes do presente (YBP) - Tamanho: CL c. 50 cm
  • Hesperotestudo campester (Hay 1908)[6]
    • Testudo campester Hay 1908:455 [Plioceno Superior a Pleistoceno Inferior, Blancan, EUA (Texas)] - Tamanho: CL c. > 100 cm
      • Testudo rexroadensis Oelrich 1952:301 [Plioceno tardio, Early Blancan, EUA (Kansas)]
  • Hesperotestudo crassiscutata (Leidy 1889)[7]
    • Eupachemys obtusus Leidy 1877:232 (Pleistoceno, EUA (Carolina do Sul)) (nomen oblitum) - Tamanho: CL c. 120–125 cm
    • Eupachemys rugosus Leidy 1889:29 (Pleistoceno Superior - Holoceno Inferior, Rancholabrean, EUA (Flórida)) (ex errore para Eupachemys obtusus)
    • Testudo crassiscutata Leidy 1889b:31
      • Testudo ocalana Hay 1916:45 (Pleistoceno Superior, EUA (Flórida))
      • Testudo distans Hay 1916:48 (Pleistoceno Superior, EUA (Flórida))[8]
      • Testudo sellardsi Hay 1916:49 (Pleistoceno Superior, EUA (Flórida))[8]
      • Testudo luciae Hay 1916:52 (Pleistoceno Superior, EUA (Flórida))[8]
  • Hesperotestudo equicomes (Hay 1917) [9]
    • Testudo equicomes Hay 1917:41
  • Hesperotestudo incisa (Hay 1916)[8]
    • Testudo incisa Hay 1916:46
  • Hesperotestudo johnstoni (Auffenberg 1962)[10]
    • Geochelone johnstoni Auffenberg 1962:627
  • Hesperotestudo mlynarskii (Auffenberg 1988)[11]
    • Geochelone mlynarskii Auffenberg 1988:592
  • Hesperotestudo oelrichi (Holman 1972)[12]
    • Geochelone (Hesperotestudo) oelrichi Holman 1972:59
  • Hesperotestudo percrassa (Cope 1899)[13]
    • Clemmys percrassus Cope 1899:194
  • Hesperotestudo turgida (Cope 1892)[14]
    • Testudo turgida Cope 1892:127
  • Hesperotestudo wilsoni (Milstead 1956)[15]
    • Testudo wilsoni Milstead 1956:168 (Late Pleistocene, Late Wisconsinan, US (Texas)], 14C age: c. 11,040 YBP, 9090 BC,(Late Pleistocene to Early Holocene, until c. 9050 BC, c. 11,000 YBP) - Size: CL c. 23 cm


  1. a b Meylan, P. A.; Sterrer, W. (janeiro de 2000). «Herperotestudo (Testudines: Testudinidae) from the Pleistocene of Bermuda, with comments on the phylogenetic position of the genus». Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 128 (1): 51–76. doi:10.1111/j.1096-3642.2000.tb00649.x 
  2. Olson, S. L.; Meylan, P. A. (dezembro de 2009). «A Second Specimen of the Pleistocene Bermuda Tortoise, Hesperotestudo bermudae Meylan and Sterrer». Chelonian Conservation and Biology. 8 (2): 211–212. doi:10.2744/CCB-0766.1. Consultado em 12 de abril de 2012 
  3. a b Rhodin, A.G.J.; Thomson, S.; Georgalis, G.; Karl, H.-V.; Danilov, I.G.; Takahashi, A.; de la Fuente, M.S.; Bourque, J.R.; Delfino M.; Bour, R.; Iverson, J.B.; Shaffer, H.B.; van Dijk, P.P.; et al. (Turtle Extinctions Working Group) (2015). «Turtles and tortoises of the world during the rise and global spread of humanity: first checklist and review of extinct Pleistocene and Holocene chelonians.» (PDF). Chelonian Research Monographs. 5(8):000e.1–66. doi:10.3854/crm.5.000e.fossil.checklist.v1.2015 
  4. Williams , E.E. 1950. Testudo cubensis and the evolution of Western Hemisphere tortoises. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 95:1–36.
  5. Hay, O.P. 1923. Characteristics of sundry fossil vertebrates. Pan-American Geologist 39:114–120.
  6. Hay, O.P. 1908. The Fossil Turtles of North America. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Publication 75:1–568.
  7. Leidy, J. 1889. Description of vertebrate remains from Peace Creek, Florida. Transactions of the Wagner Free Institute of Science of Philadelphia 2:19–31.
  8. a b c d Hay, O.P. 1916. Descriptions of some Floridian fossil vertebrates, belonging mostly to the Pleistocene. Annual Report of the Florida State Geological Survey 8:39–76.
  9. Hay, O.P. 1917. On a collection of fossil vertebrates made by Dr. F.W. Dragin in the Equus beds of Kansas. Kansas University Science Bulletin 10:39–51.
  10. Auffenberg, W. 1962. A new species of Geochelone from the Pleistocene of Texas. Copeia 1962(3):627–636.
  11. Auffenberg, W. 1988. A new species of Geochelone (Testudinata: Testudinidae) from the Pleistocene of Florida (U.S.A.). Acta Zoologica Cracoviensia 31:591–604.
  12. Holman, J.A. 1972. Amphibians and reptiles. In: Skinner, M.F. and Hibbard, C.W. (Eds.). Early Pleistocene pre-glacial and glacial rocks and faunas of north-central Nebraska. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 148(1):55–148.
  13. Vertebrate remains from Port Kennedy bone deposit. Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia (2)11:193–267.
  14. Cope, E.D. 1892. A contribution to the vertebrate palaeontology of Texas. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 30:123–131.
  15. Milstead , W.W. 1956. Fossil turtles of Friesenhahn Cave, Texas, with the description of a new species of Testudo. Copeia 1956(3):162–171.