Jerry Ahern
Jerry Ahern (născut Jerome Morrell Ahern; n. , Chicago, Illinois, SUA – d. , Jefferson(d), Georgia, SUA) a fost un autor american de literatură științifico-fantastică și de acțiune cel mai cunoscut pentru seria sa de romane pulp post-apocaliptice de supraviețuire The Survivalist. Cărțile din această serie sunt pline cu descrieri ale armelor pe care protagoniștii le utilizează pentru a supraviețui în perioada pre-apocaliptică.
[modificare | modificare sursă]- Total War (1981)
- The Nightmare Begins (1981)
- The Quest (1981)
- The Doomsayer (1981)
- The Web (1983)
- The Savage Horde (1983)
- The Prophet (1984)
- The End Is Coming (1984)
- Earth Fire (1984)
- The Awakening (1984)
- The Reprisal (1985)
- The Rebellion (1985)
- Pursuit (1986)
- The Terror (1986)
- Overlord (1987)
- The Arsenal (1987)
- The Ordeal (1988)
- The Struggle (1989)
- Final Rain (1989)
- Firestorm (1989)
- To End All War (1990)
- Brutal Conquest (1991)
- Call To Battle (1992)
- Blood Assassins (1992)
- War Mountain (1993)
- Countdown (1993)
- Death Watch (1993)
- Mid-Wake (1988)
- The Legend (1990)
- The Takers (1984) (cu Sharon Ahern)
- River of Gold (1985)
- Summon the Demon (2001) (cu Sharon Ahern)
- The Battle Begins (1988)
- The Killing Wedge (1988)
- Out of Control (1988)
- Decision Time (1988)
- Entrapment (1989)
- Escape (1989)
- Vengeance (1989)
- Justice Denied (1989)
- Deathgrip (1989)
- The Good Fight (1990)
- The Challenge (1990)
- No Survivors (1990)
Surgical Strike
- Surgical Strike (1988)
- Assault on the Empress (1988)
- Infiltrator (1990)
Alte romane
- The Freeman (1986) (cu Sharon Ahern)
- Miamigrad (1987) (cu Sharon Ahern)
- Yakusa Tattoo (1988) (cu Sharon Ahern)
- Brandywine (1989)
- WerewolveSS (1990) (cu Sharon Ahern)
- The Kamikaze Legacy (1990) (witcu h Sharon Ahern)
- The Golden Shield of the IBF (1999) (cu Sharon Ahern)
- The Illegal Man (2003) (cu Sharon Ahern)
- Written in Time (2010) (cu Sharon Ahern)
Series Contributed to Track
- The Ninety-Nine (1984)
- Atrocity (1984)
- The Hard Way (1984)
- Armageddon Conspiracy (1984)
- Origin of a Vendetta (1985)
- Certain Blood (1985)
- Master of D.E.A.T.H. (1985)
- Revenge of the Master (1985)
- The D.E.A.T.H. Hunters (1985)
- Cocaine Run (1985)
- CCW: Carrying Concealed Weapons: How to Carry Concealed Weapons and Know When Others Are (1996)
- Survive!: The Disaster, Crisis and Emergency Handbook (2010)
Povestiri scurte
- Roll Call (1993) (cu Sharon Ahern) - apărute în Antologia Confederacy of the Dead
- ...For I Have Sinned (1995) (cu Samantha Ahern și Sharon Ahern) - apărute în Antologia More Phobias