Модуль:Get page content — Википедия


Реализация шаблона {{вставить раздел}}, но может возвращать информацию данными. В этом качестве активно используется модулем Topic monitoring. Модуль может быть дополнен другими функциями.

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local p = {}  local monthNames = {'января', 'февраля', 'марта', 'апреля', 'мая', 'июня', 'июля', 'августа', 'сентября', 'октября', 'ноября', 'декабря'}  if not getArgs then 	getArgs = require('Модуль:Arguments').getArgs end  local pageTitle, pageTitleText, sectionHeading, _frame  --[=[ Helper function that escapes all pattern characters so that they will be treated as plain text. Copied from [[:en:Module:String]]. ]=] local function escapePattern(pattern_str) 	return mw.ustring.gsub(pattern_str, '([%(%)%.%%%+%-%*%?%[%^%$%]])', '%%%1') end  -- Native function can return "Ошибка Lua: PCRE backtrack limit reached while matching pattern '^[	� ]*(.-)[	� ]*$'." -- in case of very long sections. local function trim(str) 	str = mw.ustring.gsub(str, '^[	� ]*', '') 	str = mw.ustring.gsub(str, '[	� ]*$', '') 	return str end  local function cleanSectionHeading(heading) 	-- The following patterns reproduce [[Участник:Jack who built the house/transferHeadingToSummary.js]] 	heading = mw.ustring.gsub(heading, '%[%[:?[^|%]]*|([^%]]*)%]%]', '%1') 	heading = mw.ustring.gsub(heading, '%[%[:?([^%]]*)%]%]', '%1') 	heading = mw.ustring.gsub(heading, "'''(.-)'''", '%1') 	heading = mw.ustring.gsub(heading, "''(.-)''", '%1') 	heading = mw.ustring.gsub(heading, '</?%w+ ?/?>', '') 	heading = mw.ustring.gsub(heading, '<%w+ [%w ]-=[^<>]->', '') 	heading = mw.ustring.gsub(heading, '  +', ' ') 	heading = mw.text.trim(heading) 	return heading end  local function sectionHeadingToLink(sectionHeading) 	local sectionHeadingLink = sectionHeading 	-- The following reproduces processURI function of [[Участник:Jack who built the house/copyWikilinks.js]] 	--[[sectionHeadingLink = mw.ustring.gsub(sectionHeadingLink, '<', '%%3C') 	sectionHeadingLink = mw.ustring.gsub(sectionHeadingLink, '>', '%%3E') 	sectionHeadingLink = mw.ustring.gsub(sectionHeadingLink, '%[', '%%5B') 	sectionHeadingLink = mw.ustring.gsub(sectionHeadingLink, '%]', '%%5D') 	sectionHeadingLink = mw.ustring.gsub(sectionHeadingLink, '{', '%%7B') 	sectionHeadingLink = mw.ustring.gsub(sectionHeadingLink, '|', '%%7C') 	sectionHeadingLink = mw.ustring.gsub(sectionHeadingLink, '}', '%%7D') 	sectionHeadingLink = mw.ustring.gsub(sectionHeadingLink, ' ', '.C2.A0')]] 	return '#' .. sectionHeadingLink end  local function expandTemplate(tname, targs) 	local success, result = pcall( 		_frame.expandTemplate, 		_frame, 		{title = tname, args = targs} 	) 	return success and result or '' end  local function getLastMatchWith2Captures(s, pattern) 	local iterator = mw.ustring.gmatch(s, pattern) 	local lastCapture1, lastCapture2 	for capture1, capture2 in iterator do 		lastCapture1 = capture1 		lastCapture2 = capture2 	end 	return lastCapture1, lastCapture2 end  local function isEmptyClosure(closureContent) 	if closureContent then 		closureContent = closureContent 			:gsub('<includeonly>.-</includeonly>', '') 			:gsub('<!%-%-.-%-%->', '') 		closureContent = mw.text.trim(closureContent) 		if #closureContent < 10 then 			return true 		else 			return false 		end 	else 		return true 	end end  local function killHeadingMarkers(content) 	content = mw.ustring.gsub( 		content, 		string.char(127) .. '\'"`UNIQ%-%-h%-%d+%-%-QINU`"\'' .. string.char(127), 		'' 	) 	return content end  local function parsePage(args, talkpageMode) 	if not _frame then 		_frame = mw.getCurrentFrame() 	end 	 	local yesno = require('Module:Yesno') 	 	local afdMode = yesno(args['режим КУ'], false) 	local pageListMode = yesno(args['режим списков страниц'], false) 	local standardMode 	if not talkpageMode and not afdMode and not pageListMode then 		standardMode = true 	end 	 	local returnAsData = not standardMode or yesno(args['как данные'], false) 	 	local returnAsData_onlyStats 	if returnAsData and args['только статистика'] then 		returnAsData_onlyStats = yesno(args['только статистика'], false) 	else 		returnAsData_onlyStats = false 	end 	 	local subsectionHeading, resultMode 	if standardMode then 		resultMode = yesno(args['итог'], false) 		subsectionHeading = args['подраздел'] 	end 	 	local standardHeading = not standardMode or yesno(args['стандартный заголовок'], false) 	local shortHeadings = talkpageMode and yesno(args['короткие заголовки'], false) 	 	local collapsed = not returnAsData and yesno(args['свернуть'], false) 	local showFrame = collapsed or (not returnAsData and (yesno(args['обрамление']) or (yesno(args['из шаблона'], false) and (args['обрамление'] == nil)))) 	 	local sectionHeadingLink 	if showFrame or (standardHeading or returnAsData_onlyStats) and not talkpageMode then 		sectionHeadingLink = sectionHeadingToLink(sectionHeading) 	end 	 	local renameHeading = args['переименовать раздел'] 	 	local withoutHeading, standardSectionHeading 	if standardHeading then 		withoutHeading = true 		 		if afdMode then 			standardSectionHeading = sectionHeading .. ' <span style="font-size:80%;">← [[' .. pageTitleText .. sectionHeadingLink .. '|' .. pageTitleText .. ']]</span>' 		elseif not talkpageMode then 			standardSectionHeading = '[[' .. pageTitleText .. sectionHeadingLink .. '|' .. ( 					subsectionHeading 					and subsectionHeading .. ' (' .. (renameHeading or sectionHeading) .. ')' 					or (sectionHeading == 'top' and '<i>Преамбула</i>' or renameHeading or sectionHeading) 				) .. ']] <span style="font-size:80%;">← ' .. pageTitleText .. '</span>' 		end 	elseif not talkpageMode and args['заголовок'] then 		withoutHeading = not yesno(args['заголовок'], false) 	else 		withoutHeading = false 	end 	 	local level = tonumber(args['уровень']) or 2  -- базовый уровень при вставке разделов 	local additionalEqualSigns = '' 	if level > 2 then 		for i = 3, level do 			additionalEqualSigns = additionalEqualSigns .. '=' 		end 	end 	 	local showInTOC 	if args['показывать в содержании'] then 		showInTOC = yesno(args['показывать в содержании'], true) 	elseif collapsed then 		showInTOC = false 	else 		showInTOC = true 	end 	 	local showEditLink 	if args['править'] then 		showEditLink = yesno(args['править'], true) 	else 		showEditLink = true 	end 	 	local showStatsLine 	if standardHeading and args['строка статистики'] then 		showStatsLine = yesno(args['строка статистики'], false) 	else 		showStatsLine = false 	end 	 	--local additionalLabels = afdMode or args['дополнительные ярлыки'] 	 	local sectionContent 	local data = {} 	local allData = talkpageMode and {} 	if pageTitle.exists then 		local fullContent = (talkpageMode and '' or '\n== top ==') .. '\n' .. pageTitle:getContent() .. '\n= technical heading =\n' 		fullContent = mw.ustring.gsub('\n' .. fullContent, '(\n(=+)[^\n]-%2[ \t\f\v]*)<!%-%-.-%-%->', '%1') 		 		local iterator 		local rootSectionID 		if talkpageMode then -- соответствие заголовков второго уровня заголовкам вообще для talkpageMode 			rootSectionID = {} 			iterator = mw.ustring.gmatch(fullContent, '\n(=+)[^\n]-%1') 			local i, j = 0, 0 			for equalSigns in iterator do 				i = i + 1 				if equalSigns == '==' then 					j = j + 1 					rootSectionID[j] = i 				end 			end 			 			iterator = mw.ustring.gmatch(fullContent, '\n((==)([^=][^\n]-)==)') 		else 			iterator = mw.ustring.gmatch(fullContent, '\n((=+)([^\n]-)%2)') 		end 		 		local headingNum = 0 		for fullMatch, equalSigns, match in iterator do 			headingNum = headingNum + 1 			data = {} 			match = mw.text.trim(match) 			 			local thisHeading = mw.text.encode(cleanSectionHeading(match), '<>%[%]{|}') 			if thisHeading == sectionHeading or talkpageMode then 				-- получаем содержимое раздела 				local equalSignsPattern = '=' 				for i = 2, #equalSigns do 					equalSignsPattern = equalSignsPattern .. '=?' 				end 				 				sectionContent = 					mw.ustring.match(fullContent, 						   (withoutHeading and '' or '(') 						.. escapePattern(fullMatch) .. '[ \t\f\v]*\n+' 						.. (withoutHeading and '(' or '') 						.. '.-)\n' .. equalSignsPattern .. '[^=][^\n]-=+[ \t\f\v]*\n') or '' --will fail at "===" or the like 				sectionContent = sectionContent:gsub('<onlyinclude>.-</onlyinclude>', '') 				sectionContent = sectionContent:gsub('<includeonly>(.-)</includeonly>', '%1') 				 				local subsectionHeadingNum 				if subsectionHeading then -- withoutHeading тут неактуально — standardHeading всегда true 					local beforeContent 					beforeContent, sectionContent = mw.ustring.match(sectionContent .. '\n= technical heading =\n', '(.-)\n' .. equalSigns .. '=[ \t\f\v]*' .. escapePattern(subsectionHeading) .. '[ \t\f\v]*=+[ \t\f\v]*\n+(.-)\n' .. equalSignsPattern .. '[^=][^\n]-=+[ \t\f\v]*\n') 					subsectionHeadingNum = 0 					for match2 in mw.ustring.gmatch('\n' .. beforeContent, '\n=+[^\n]-=+') do 						subsectionHeadingNum = subsectionHeadingNum + 1 					end 					if not sectionContent then 						sectionContent = '' 					end 				end 				 				local closureHeading, resultMode_closureHeadingNum 				if resultMode then 					local beforeContent, newSectionContent, closureContent 					local closureTitles = {'Итог', 'Окончательный итог', 'Автоитог'} 					if withoutHeading and not standardHeading then 						for i = 1, #closureTitles do -- через or несколько match'ей тут нельзя, так как возвращаются несколько значений 							if i == 1 or not newSectionContent then 								beforeContent, closureHeading, newSectionContent = mw.ustring.match(sectionContent .. '\n= technical heading =\n', '(.*)\n' .. equalSigns .. '=[ \t\f\v]*(' .. closureTitles[i] .. '[^\n]-)[ \t\f\v]*=+[ \t\f\v]*\n+(.-)\n' .. equalSignsPattern .. '[^=][^\n]-=+[ \t\f\v]*\n') 							end 						end 					else 						for i = 1, #closureTitles do -- через or несколько match'ей тут нельзя, так как возвращаются несколько значений 							if i == 1 or not newSectionContent then 								beforeContent, newSectionContent, closureHeading, closureContent = mw.ustring.match(sectionContent .. '\n= technical heading =\n', '(.*)\n(' .. equalSigns .. '=[ \t\f\v]*(' .. closureTitles[i] .. '[^\n]-)[ \t\f\v]*=+[ \t\f\v]*\n(.-))\n' .. equalSignsPattern .. '[^=][^\n]-=+[ \t\f\v]*\n') 							end 						end 					end 					if newSectionContent then 						sectionContent = newSectionContent 						newSectionContent = nil 						resultMode_closureHeadingNum = 0 						for match2 in mw.ustring.gmatch('\n' .. beforeContent, '\n=+[^\n]-=+') do 							resultMode_closureHeadingNum = resultMode_closureHeadingNum + 1 						end 						 						-- проверяем, не пустая ли секция итога 						emptyClosure = isEmptyClosure(closureContent or sectionContent) 						if emptyClosure then 							closureHeading = nil 							 							if not returnAsData_onlyStats then 								sectionContent = "''Похоже, что итога пока нет.''" 							end 						end 					else 						if not returnAsData_onlyStats then 							sectionContent = "''Похоже, что итога пока нет.''" 						else 							sectionContent = '' 						end 					end 				end 				 				-- извлекаем данные: 				-- о сообщениях 				if showStatsLine or returnAsData then 					local iterator2 = mw.ustring.gmatch('\n' .. sectionContent, '\n([^\n]+)((%d%d):(%d%d), (%d%d?) (%w+) (%d%d%d%d)) %(UTC%)') --(%d%d? %w+ %d%d%d%d) 					local msgCount, authors = 0, {} 					local lastMsgDate, lastMsgDateString, lastMsgAuthor 					for precedingText, fullDateString, h, i, d, mesyats, y in iterator2 do 						msgCount = msgCount + 1 						h = tonumber(h) 						i = tonumber(i) 						d = tonumber(d) 						y = tonumber(y) 						local m = 1 						for k, v in pairs(monthNames) do 							if v == mesyats then 								m = k 							end 						end 						 						local patterns = { 							'()%[%[[УуUu]:([^|%]#]+)', 							'()%[%[[Уу]частни[кц]а?:([^|%]#]+)', 							'()%[%[[Uu]ser:([^|%]#]+)', 							'()%[%[[Оо][Уу]:([^|%]#]+)',                     							'()%[%[[Оо]бсуждение[ _]участника:([^|%]#]+)',   							'()%[%[[Uu]ser[ _]talk:([^|%]#]+)', 							'()%[%[Special:Contributions/([^|%]#]+)', -- анонимы 							'()%[%[[^|]+|([^%]]+)%]%]'                -- случаи типа [[w:en:Wikipedia:TWL/Coordinators|The Wikipedia Library Team]] 						} 						local lastPos = 0 						local author 						for k, v in pairs(patterns) do 							pos, mention = getLastMatchWith2Captures(precedingText, v) 							if pos and pos > lastPos then 								lastPos = pos 								author = mention 							end 							 							-- чтобы «обс» / «вкл» и т. п. из последнего паттерна 							-- не вытесняли ники 							if k == #patterns - 1 and author then break end 						end 						if author then 							author = mw.text.encode(author) 						end 						 						if 							   not lastMsgDate 							or (y > lastMsgDate.y) 							or (y == lastMsgDate.y and m > lastMsgDate.m) 							or (y == lastMsgDate.y and m == lastMsgDate.m and d > lastMsgDate.d) 							or (y == lastMsgDate.y and m == lastMsgDate.m and d == lastMsgDate.d and h > lastMsgDate.h) 							or (y == lastMsgDate.y and m == lastMsgDate.m and d == lastMsgDate.d and h == lastMsgDate.h and i > lastMsgDate.i) 						then 							lastMsgDate = {y = y, m = m, d = d, h = h, i = i} 							lastMsgDateString = fullDateString 							lastMsgAuthor = author or '?' 						end 						 						local found = false 						for k, v in pairs(authors) do 							if v == author then 								found = true 								break 							end 						end 						if not found then 							table.insert(authors, author) 						end 					end 					--local authorsList = table.concat(authors, ', ') 					if msgCount > 0 then 						if returnAsData then 							data.msgCount = msgCount 							--data.lastMsgDate = lastMsgDate 							data.lastMsgDateString = lastMsgDateString 							data.lastMsgDateTimestamp = os.time({year = lastMsgDate.y, month = lastMsgDate.m, day = lastMsgDate.d, hour = lastMsgDate.h, min = lastMsgDate.i}) 							data.lastMsgAuthor = lastMsgAuthor 							data.lastMsgAnchor = string.format('%.4d%.2d%.2d%.2d%.2d_%s', lastMsgDate.y, lastMsgDate.m, lastMsgDate.d, lastMsgDate.h, lastMsgDate.i, lastMsgAuthor) 							data.authors = authors 						end 						if showStatsLine then 							sectionContent = '\'\'Последнее сообщение: ' .. lastMsgDateString .. ' от ' .. lastMsgAuthor .. '. Всего ' .. msgCount .. ' {{plural: ' .. msgCount .. '|сообщение|сообщения|сообщений}} от ' .. #authors .. ' {{plural: ' .. #authors .. '|автора|авторов}}.\'\'\n' .. sectionContent 						end 					end 				end 				 				-- ...для ярлыков 				local preclosureHeading, challengedClosureHeading, partialClosureHeading, warningHeading 				if afdMode then 					closureHeading = mw.ustring.match(match, '^<s>.*') 				elseif pageListMode then 					warningHeading = 						   mw.ustring.match(match, '^Предупреждение.*') 						or mw.ustring.match(match, '^Блокировка.*') 						or mw.ustring.match(match, '^Нарушение авторских прав.*') 						or mw.ustring.match(match, '^Нарушение АП.*') 				end 				 				-- экономим ресурсы и совершаем максимум два действия за один обход регуляркой: 				-- извлечение данных для ярлыков и формирование заголовков с корректной ссылкой на правку 				local i = 0 				local emptyClosure 				sectionContent = mw.ustring.gsub('\n' .. sectionContent, '\n((=+)([^\n]-)%2)', function (fullMatch2, equalSigns2, match2) 					i = i + 1 					match2 = mw.text.trim(match2) 					 					if returnAsData and not resultMode and not emptyClosure then 						if not closureHeading and #equalSigns2 == #equalSigns + 1 then 							closureHeading = 								   mw.ustring.match(match2, '^Итог.*') 								or mw.ustring.match(match2, '^Окончательный итог.*') 								or mw.ustring.match(match2, '^Автоитог.*') 								--or mw.ustring.match(match2, '^Автоматический итог.*') 							 							if closureHeading then 								-- проверяем, не пустая ли секция итога 								local closureContent = mw.ustring.match(sectionContent .. '\n= technical heading =\n', '\n===+[ \t\f\v]*Итог[^\n]-[ \t\f\v]*=+[ \t\f\v]*\n+(.-)\n=+[^\n]-=+[ \t\f\v]*\n') 								emptyClosure = isEmptyClosure(closureContent); 								if emptyClosure then 									closureHeading = nil 									challengedClosureHeading = nil 									preclosureHeading = nil 									partialClosureHeading = nil 								end 							end 						end 						if not closureHeading then  -- not closureHeading and additionalLabels 							if afdMode and not partialClosureHeading and #equalSigns2 == #equalSigns + 2 then 								partialClosureHeading = 									   mw.ustring.match(match2, '^Итог.*') 								 	or mw.ustring.match(match2, '^Окончательный итог.*') 								 	or mw.ustring.match(match2, '^Автоитог.*') 									or mw.ustring.match(match2, '^Автоматический итог.*') 							end 							if not challengedClosureHeading and #equalSigns2 == #equalSigns + 1 then 								challengedClosureHeading = 									   mw.ustring.match(match2, '^Оспоренный [иИ]тог.*') 									or mw.ustring.match(match2, '^Опротестованный [иИ]тог.*') 								 --or mw.ustring.match(match2, '^Не [иИ]тог.*') 								if challengedClosureHeading then 									preclosureHeading = nil 									partialClosureHeading = nil 								end 							end 							if not challengedClosureHeading and #equalSigns2 == #equalSigns + 1 then 								preclosureHeading = 									   mw.ustring.match(match2, '^Предварительный итог.*') 									or mw.ustring.match(match2, '^Пред[иы]тог.*') 							end 						end 						if closureHeading and #equalSigns2 == #equalSigns + 1 then 							challengedClosureHeading = 								mw.ustring.match(match2, '^Оспаривание [иИтога]*') 							if challengedClosureHeading then 								closureHeading = nil 							end 						end 					end 					 					local editLink2 					if showEditLink then 						editLink2 = pageTitle:fullUrl('action=edit&section=' .. 							(talkpageMode and rootSectionID[headingNum] + i or headingNum - 1 + i) 						  + (not withoutHeading and -1 or 0) 						  + (resultMode_closureHeadingNum and resultMode_closureHeadingNum or 0) 						  + (subsectionHeadingNum and subsectionHeadingNum or 0) 						) -- «- 1», так как, за исключением talkpageMode, мы вставляем искусственную первую секцию 					end 					return '\n' .. expandTemplate('fake heading', { 						['sub'] = #equalSigns2 + level - 2, 						renameHeading or match2, 						['real heading'] = showInTOC and additionalEqualSigns .. '== ' .. (renameHeading or match2) .. ' ==' .. additionalEqualSigns or '', 						['edit link'] = showEditLink and editLink2 or '', 						['in frame'] = (showFrame and (not withoutHeading or standardHeading) and i == 1 and '1' or '') 					}) 				end) 				 				if returnAsData then 					data.closureHeading = closureHeading 					data.preclosureHeading = preclosureHeading 					data.challengedClosureHeading = challengedClosureHeading 					data.partialClosureHeading = partialClosureHeading 					data.warningHeading = warningHeading 				end 				 				local thisHeadingLink = sectionHeadingLink and sectionHeadingLink or sectionHeadingToLink(thisHeading) 				if returnAsData then 					data.sectionHeadingLink = thisHeadingLink 				end 				 				local editLink 				editLink = pageTitle:fullUrl('action=edit&section=' .. (talkpageMode and rootSectionID[headingNum] or headingNum - 1)) 				if returnAsData then 					data.sectionEditLink = editLink 				end 				 				-- формируем заголовок 				if not returnAsData_onlyStats and standardHeading then 					if talkpageMode then 						if shortHeadings then 							standardSectionHeading = '[[' .. pageTitleText .. thisHeadingLink .. '|' .. thisHeading .. ']]' 						else 							standardSectionHeading = '[[' .. pageTitleText .. thisHeadingLink .. '|' .. thisHeading .. ']] <span style="font-size:80%;">← ' .. pageTitleText .. '</span>' 						end 					elseif afdMode then 						standardSectionHeading = match .. ' <span style="font-size:80%;">← [[' .. pageTitleText .. thisHeadingLink .. '|' .. pageTitleText .. ']]</span>' 					end 					 					sectionContent = expandTemplate('fake heading', { 						['sub'] = 2 + level - 2, 						renameHeading or standardSectionHeading, 						['real heading'] = showInTOC and additionalEqualSigns .. '== ' .. (renameHeading or standardSectionHeading) .. ' ==' .. additionalEqualSigns or '', 						['edit link'] = showEditLink and editLink or '' 					}) .. '\n' .. sectionContent 				end 				 				sectionContent = trim(sectionContent) 				 				if talkpageMode then 					data.sectionHeading = thisHeading 					if not returnAsData_onlyStats then 						data.sectionContent = sectionContent 					end 				else 					break 				end 			end 			if talkpageMode and data.sectionHeading then 				table.insert(allData, data) 			end 		end 		if not talkpageMode and (returnAsData or not returnAsData_onlyStats) then 			if sectionContent == '' then 				if subsectionHeading then 					local sectionNotExistMessage = 'На странице [[' .. pageTitleText .. ']] в разделе «' .. sectionHeading .. '» не найден подраздел «' .. subsectionHeading .. '». Возможно, тема была заархивирована.' 					if returnAsData then 						data.sectionNotExistMessage = sectionNotExistMessage 					end 					if not returnAsData_onlyStats then 						sectionContent = '== ' .. (renameHeading or standardSectionHeading) .. " ==\n''" .. sectionNotExistMessage .. "''" 					end 				elseif not returnAsData_onlyStats then 					sectionContent = '== ' .. (renameHeading or standardSectionHeading) .. " ==\n''<span class=\"error\">Не удалось получить содержимое раздела «' .. sectionHeading .. '» на странице [[' .. pageTitleText .. ']] (хотя он был найден).</span>''" 				end 			end 			if not sectionContent then 				local sectionNotExistMessage = 'На странице [[' .. pageTitleText .. ']] не найден раздел «' .. sectionHeading .. '».' 				if not ( 					   mw.ustring.find(pageTitleText, '^Википедия:К удалению/') 					or mw.ustring.find(pageTitleText, '^Википедия:К восстановлению/') 					or mw.ustring.find(pageTitleText, '^Википедия:К переименованию/') 					or mw.ustring.find(pageTitleText, '^Википедия:К объединению/') 					or mw.ustring.find(pageTitleText, '^Википедия:К разделению/') 					or mw.ustring.find(pageTitleText, '^Википедия:К улучшению/') 				) then 					sectionNotExistMessage = sectionNotExistMessage .. ' Возможно, он был заархивирован.' 				end 				 				if returnAsData then 					data.sectionNotExistMessage = sectionNotExistMessage 				end 				if not returnAsData_onlyStats then 					sectionContent = (standardHeading and '== ' .. (renameHeading or standardSectionHeading) .. ' ==\n' or '') .. "''" .. sectionNotExistMessage .. "''" 				end 			end 		end 	else 		local pageNotExistMessage = 'Страницы [[' .. pageTitleText .. ']] не существует.' 		if not talkpageMode and not returnAsData_onlyStats then 			sectionContent = (standardHeading and '== ' .. (renameHeading or standardSectionHeading) .. ' ==\n' or '') .. "''" .. pageNotExistMessage .. "''" 		end 		if returnAsData then 			if talkpageMode then 				allData.pageNotExistMessage = pageNotExistMessage 			else 				data.pageNotExistMessage = pageNotExistMessage 			end 		end 	end 	 	if returnAsData then 		if talkpageMode then 			return allData 		else 			if not returnAsData_onlyStats then 				data.sectionContent = sectionContent 			end 			return data 		end 	else 		if collapsed then 			sectionContent = 			   	   '<blockquote style="margin:0; padding:0; background:transparent; overflow:visible; font-weight:bold; text-align:center; margin:0 5em;">Содержимое раздела «[[' .. pageTitleText .. sectionHeadingLink .. '|' .. sectionHeading .. ']]» на странице «' .. pageTitleText .. '»</div>' 			   	.. '<table class="collapsible collapsed" style="width:100%; margin-top:-22.4px; border-collapse:collapse;">' 			   	.. '<tr>' 				.. '<th style="padding:0;"></th>' 				.. '</tr>' 				.. '<tr>' 				.. '<td style="padding:0; padding-top:1em;">' 				.. '<div style="border-left:2px solid #a2a9b1; padding-left:0.75em;">' .. sectionContent .. '</div>' 				.. '</td>' 				.. '</tr>' 				.. '</table>' 		elseif showFrame then 			sectionContent = 			      '\'\'Ниже приведено содержимое раздела «[[' .. pageTitleText .. sectionHeadingLink .. '|' .. sectionHeading .. ']]» на странице «' .. pageTitleText .. '»:\'\'' 			   .. '<blockquote style="margin:0; padding:0; background:transparent; overflow:visible; border-left:2px solid #a2a9b1; padding-left:0.75em;">' .. sectionContent .. '</div>' 		end 		return sectionContent 	end end  function p._parse_section_content(args) 	if not args[1] then return '' end 	if type(args[1]) ~= 'table' and args[1]:find('#') then 		pageTitle, sectionHeading = args[1]:match('(.-)#(.+)') 		if pageTitle then 			pageTitle = mw.title.new(pageTitle) 		end 	else 		pageTitle = type(args[1]) == 'table' and args[1] or mw.title.new(args[1]) 		sectionHeading = args[2] 	end 	if pageTitle then 		pageTitle.fragment = '' 		pageTitleText = pageTitle.prefixedText 	end 	 	if not pageTitle or not sectionHeading then return '' end 	 	return parsePage(args, false) end  function p._parse_talkpage_content(args) 	pageTitle = type(args[1]) == 'table' and args[1] or mw.title.new(args[1]) 	if pageTitle then 		pageTitle.fragment = '' 		pageTitleText = pageTitle.prefixedText 	end 	 	if not pageTitle then return '' end 	 	return parsePage(args, true) end  function p.parse_section_content(frame) 	_frame = frame 	local args = getArgs(frame) 	return killHeadingMarkers(frame:preprocess(p._parse_section_content(args))) end  --[[function p.parse_talkpage_content(frame) 	_frame = frame 	local args = getArgs(frame) 	return killHeadingMarkers(frame:preprocess(p._parse_talkpage_content(args))) end]]  return p