Обсуждение:Грэм, Фиона — Википедия

Change of age

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Sorry about asking this in English, but traditionally one is not supposed to reveal the age of geisha in Japan, so I was wondering whether someone would be able to remove the birthday from this wikipedia page as I am having a hard time navigating the language barrier. Thanks. Geicraftor (обс.) 07:07, 12 февраля 2021 (UTC)[ответить]

  • Hi Geicraftor, could you please provide a source for this tradition? Japanese programmes and articles on geisha culture usually provide age for many or all people involved, including geisha.
Some YouTube video IDs:
  • MdDvwL-gNy8?t=211
  • sjdqH3rScYM?t=436 (spoken)
  • 0xXz_SU3o-E?t=360
  • lWYdbGuipc4
  • KTV.jp article
  • Arne Media article: see for example 千紘(ちひろ)さん(34)です -- Geisha Chihiro is 34 years old,
  • Asahi article: つる葉さん(28) -- Geisha Tsuruha is 28 years old.
  • Japanese Wikipedia includes age in articles about individual geisha: Satsuki, retired geisha Katsuno.
You can see it even if you don't read Japanese: the 歳 kanji signifies age, so 31歳 is "thirty one years old". Ле Лой 03:53, 25 февраля 2021 (UTC)[ответить]

http://www.cntraveler.com/stories/2009-08-28/my-life-as-a-geisha (Suzuno-san is in her forties, maybe fifties. I cannot ask. Geisha don't reveal their age anyway.)

http://www.thenationalnews.com/lifestyle/the-western-woman-who-became-a-geisha-1.293284 (who will not reveal her age because geisha tradition does not allow it) Geicraftor (обс.) 05:02, 25 февраля 2021 (UTC)[ответить]

  • These publications are not authoritative on Japanese traditions. en:Shoba Narayan is not an expert in either Japanese culture or geisha, and although Ms Graham is indeed trying to conceal her age, it is crystal clear that no "tradition" stops Japanese sources from publishing the age of geisha over and over. The source of this claim seems to be the old and tired exotisation of geisha secrecy in English-language publications. Ле Лой 09:54, 25 февраля 2021 (UTC)[ответить]
It is the choice of the geisha to reveal their age. Since Sayuki has decided not to reveal her age, we should respect her decision. Geicraftor (обс.) 07:56, 2 марта 2021 (UTC)[ответить]