Файл:A history of all nations from the earliest times; being a universal historical library (1905) (14591061008).jpg — Википедия

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Identifier: historyofallnati08wrig (find matches)
Title: A history of all nations from the earliest times; being a universal historical library
Year: 1905 (1900s)
Authors: Wright, John Henry, 1852-1908
Subjects: World history
Publisher: (Philadelphia, New York : Lea Brothers & company
Contributing Library: University of California Libraries
Digitizing Sponsor: Internet Archive

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hreatened the future of the Teutonic civilization. Tlius the leader-ship in the development of the Carolingian empire was restored tothe German element. The unity of the empire was henceforth outof the question, and Lothairs plans to execute what his father hadtried in vain were utterly impracticable. It was not merely thestrife of the descendants of Charlemagne that was decided at Fonte-nay ; the gravest racial, religious, and political questions were alsoset upon the hazard. Even the people of that time were consciousof this, and saw in the result of the fratricidal conflict a judgmentof God. Lothair. however, did not consider himself absolutely conquered;and he slnaidv from no means of prolonging the contest. He did notVol.. VIII.—y 130 FROM LOUIS THE PIOUS TO THE DIVISION OF THE EMPIRE. scruple to excite the Saxon peasants, who had fallen into servitude,against the nobles, who had attained wealth and power; he evenallied himself with the Danes in order to divide Louiss strength.
Text Appearing After Image:
Fig. 25.— Frankish Warriors. Ivory carving on a book cover of the ninth century.Paris, Louvre. (Gaz. archeol.) The motive is taken from 2 .Sam. ii. 12 ff. Inthe upper field, Abner, before the walls of Gibeon, meeting Joab: below, thetwelve young men of the tribe of Benjamin, in the garb and armor of Frankishwarriors; at the bottom the pool of Gibeou, with a ship and waterfowl. LOUIti AND CHARLES UNITED. 131 But his policy still lacked purpose and decision. From the Rhine,where he had been threatening Louis without venturing battle, hemarched asrain toward the west in order to check Charles, who wasadvancing toward the Meuse. But Louis, in his turn, advanced fromthe Rhine; and Lothair was forced to escape to Aix-la-Chapelle, sothat his antagonists were again able to unite their forces. In Febru-ary, 842, Louis and Charles encamped at Strasburg; there they re-newed their alliance in the presence of their troops by swearing to befaithful to each other, to treat one another like brother

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Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.


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  • bookid:historyofallnati08wrig
  • bookyear:1905
  • bookdecade:1900
  • bookcentury:1900
  • bookauthor:Wright__John_Henry__1852_1908
  • booksubject:World_history
  • bookpublisher:_Philadelphia__New_York___Lea_Brothers___company
  • bookcontributor:University_of_California_Libraries
  • booksponsor:Internet_Archive
  • bookleafnumber:153
  • bookcollection:cdl
  • bookcollection:americana
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