ОписаниеGeneral biography; or, Lives, critical and historical, of the most eminent persons of all ages, countries, conditions, and professions, arranged according to alphabetical order (1818) (14761572336).jpg | English: Herod the Great Identifier: generalbiographyv5pt1aiki (find matches) Title: General biography; or, Lives, critical and historical, of the most eminent persons of all ages, countries, conditions, and professions, arranged according to alphabetical order Year: 1818 (1810s) Authors: Aikin, John, 1747-1822 Enfield, William, 1741-1797 Subjects: Biography Publisher: London : Smeeton Contributing Library: University of California Libraries Digitizing Sponsor: Internet Archive View Book Page: Book Viewer About This Book: Catalog Entry View All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: ase, attended with loath-some symptoms, in which a judgment has beenfound by those who search after such supposedmanifestations of the divine displeasure. Apremature report of his death caused a tumultin Jerusalem excited by the zealots, who wereimpatient to demolish a golden eagle which hehad placed over the gate of the temple. Hehad still vigour enough to revenge this afirontby the deposition of the high-priest, and thedeath of the principal mutineers. He ahocaused the sentence against Antipater to be putin execution ; and he bequeathed liis kingilomto his son Archelaus, with tetrarchies to twoother sons. If Josephus may be credited, heplanned a scene of posthumous cruelty whichcould have been conceived only by the hardestand most depraved heart. He had summonedthe chief persons among the Jews to Jericho,where he caused them to be shut up in the cir-cus ; and gave strict orders to his sister Salometo have them all massacred as soon as he sJiould KEROBOTe BriSTORIE:^CC^rec, chap. 22, Text Appearing After Image: ri E R ( 109 ) II E R have drawTi his last breath. Her pruilence orliumanity, however, prevented this horrid actfrom taking place. Herod died B.C. 4, in tlicthirty-fourth year of liis actual reign, and sixty-eighth of his age. He received a most magni-ficent funeral; but his memory has been con-signed to detestation, while his great talents andthe glories of his reign have placeil him liigh inthe rank of sovereigns. Basnage Hist, des y/-Ufiiih-rs. Hist.—A. HRROD-AGRIPPA, see Agrippa. HEROD ANTIlAS, or the tetrareh, son ofthe preceding by his wife Martac, succeeded athis fathers death to the poisession of the greaterpart of Galilee and the countries beyond theJordan. He married for his first wife thedaughter of Aretas, an Arabian king ; but after-wards failing in love with Herodias, the wife ofhis brother Pliilip, and the grandaughter of liisfather, he carried Iier away and married her,having divorced his former wife. This involvedliim in a war with Aretas, whicli lasted fouryears to Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work. |