Dosya:The First Page of Mçita Murutshi, November 1929.jpg - Vikipedi

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English: The First Page of Mçita Murutshi, the first Laz language newspaper, dated November 1929.
Yazar İskender Tsitaşi vd.


Public domain
This is an image of a page or pages from a collective work such as a newspaper, magazine or encyclopedia that is in the public domain in its country of origin (Georgia) and in the United States. All the pictures, legible text and other creative elements in the page image(s) are either known to be in the public domain, or are assumed to be in the public domain if the collective work was published more than 120 years ago.


Bu dosyanın temsil ettiği şeyin tek satırlık açıklamasını ekleyin.
The First Page of Mçita Murutshi, the first Laz language newspaper, dated November 1929.

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güncel20.03, 10 Şubat 202520.03, 10 Şubat 2025 tarihindeki sürümün küçültülmüş hâli1.643 × 2.349 (5,12 MB)RimeUploaded a work by İskender Tsitaşi vd. from with UploadWizard

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