Ülke | Kısaltma | Fon | Varlık (Milyar $)[3] | Başlangıç | Köken |
Norveç | GPF | Government Pension Fund - Global | &0000000000000871.100000871,1[4] | 1990 | Petrol |
Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri Abu Dabi | ADIA | Abu Dhabi Investment Authority | &0000000000000792.000000792 | 1976 | Petrol |
Çin | CIC | China Investment Corporation | &0000000000000746.700000746,7 | 2007 | Mal dışı |
Suudi Arabistan | SAMA | SAMA Foreign Holdings | &0000000000000598.400000598,4 | 1952 | Petrol |
Kuveyt | KIA | Kuwait Investment Authority | &0000000000000592.000000592 | 1953 | Petrol |
Çin | SAFE | SAFE Investment Company | &0000000000000474.000000474 | 1997 | Mal dışı |
Hong Kong | HKMA | Hong Kong Monetary Authority Investment Portfolio | &0000000000000442.400000442,4 | 1993 | Mal dışı |
Singapur | GIC | Government of Singapore Investment Corporation | &0000000000000344.000000344 | 1981 | Mal dışı |
Türkiye | TVF | Türkiye Varlık Fonu | 302[5] | 2016 | Doğal kaynaklar & emtia |
Katar | QIA | Katar Yatırım Otoritesi | &0000000000000256.000000256 | 2003 | Petrol |
Çin | NSSF | National Social Security Fund | &0000000000000236.000000236 | 2000 | Mal dışı |
Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri Dubai | ICD | Investment Corporation of Dubai | &0000000000000196.000000196 | 2006 | Petrol |
Singapur | TH | Temasek Holdings | &0000000000000193.600000193,6 | 1974 | Mal dışı |
Suudi Arabistan | PIF/Sanabil | Public Investment Fund ve Sanabil Investments[6] | &0000000000000160.000000160 | 2008 | Petrol |
Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri Abu Dabi | ADIC | Abu Dhabi Investment Council | &0000000000000110.000000110 | 2007 | Petrol |
Avustralya | AFF | Future Fund[7] | &0000000000000095.00000095 | 2006 | Mal dışı |
Güney Kore | KIC | Korea Investment Corporation | &0000000000000091.80000091,8 | 2005 | Mal dışı |
Kazakistan | S-K JSC | Samruk-Kazına JSC | &0000000000000085.10000085,1 | 2008 | Mal dışı |
Kazakistan | KNF | Kazakhstan National Fund | &0000000000000077.00000077 | 2000 | Petrol |
Rusya | RNWF | Rusya Milli Servet Fonu | &0000000000000073.50000073,5 | 2008 | Petrol |
Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri Abu Dabi | IPIC | International Petroleum Investment Company | &0000000000000066.30000066,3 | 1984 | Petrol |
Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri Abu Dabi | MDC | Mubadala Development Company | &0000000000000066.30000066,3 | 2002 | Petrol |
Libya | LIA | Libyan Investment Authority | &0000000000000066.00000066 | 2006 | Petrol |
Rusya | RRF | Russian Reserve Fund | &0000000000000065.70000065,7 | 2008 | Petrol |
İran | NDF | National Development Fund | &0000000000000062.00000062 | 1999 | Petrol |
ABD Alaska | APF | Alaska Permanent Fund[8] | &0000000000000053.90000053,9 | 1976 | Petrol |
Cezayir | RRF | Revenue Regulation Fund | &0000000000000050.00000050 | 2000 | Petrol |
Brunei | BIA | Brunei Investment Agency | &0000000000000040.00000040 | 1983 | Petrol |
ABD Teksas | PSF | Permanent School Fund | &0000000000000037.70000037,7[9][10] | 1854 | Kamu arazileri |
Azerbaycan | SOFAZ | State Oil Fund of the Republic of Azerbaijan 7 Ağustos 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde arşivlendi. | &0000000000000037.30000037,3 | 1999 | Petrol |
Malezya | KN | Khazanah Nasional | &0000000000000034.90000034,9 | 1993 | Mal dışı |
Umman | SGRF | State General Reserve Fund | &0000000000000034.00000034 | 1980 | Petrol & Benzin |
Fransa | SIF | Strategic Investment Fund | &0000000000000025.50000025,5 | 2008 | Mal dışı |
İrlanda | NPRF | National Pensions Reserve Fund | &0000000000000023.50000023,5 | 2001 | Mal dışı |
Yeni Zelanda | NZSF | New Zealand Superannuation Fund | &0000000000000020.20000020,2 | 2003 | Mal dışı |
ABD New Mexico | NMSIC | New Mexico State Investment Council | &0000000000000019.80000019,8 | 1958 | Mal dışı |
Kanada Alberta | AHSTF | Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund[11] | &0000000000000017.50000017,5 | 1976 | Petrol |
ABD Teksas | PUF | Permanent University Fund | &0000000000000017.20000017,2[12] | 1876 | Kamu arazileri |
Doğu Timor | TLPF | Timor-Leste Petroleum Fund | &0000000000000016.90000016,9 | 2005 | Petrol & Benzin |
Şili | SESF | Social and Economic Stabilization Fund | &0000000000000015.20000015,2 | 2007 | Bakır |
Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri (Federal) | EIA | Emirates Investment Authority | &0000000000000015.00000015 | 2007 | Petrol |
Rusya | RDIF | Russian Direct Investment Fund | &0000000000000013.00000013 | 2011 | Mal dışı |
Finlandiya | - | Solidium | &0000000000000011.50000011,5[13] | 2008 | Mal dışı |
Bahreyn | MHC | Mumtalakat Holding Company | &0000000000000011.10000011,1 | 2006 | Petrol |
Peru | FSF | Fiscal Stabilization Fund | &0000000000000009.2000009,2 | 1999 | Mal dışı |
Şili | PRF | Pension Reserve Fund | &0000000000000007.9000007,9 | 2006 | Bakır |
Meksika | ORSFM | Oil Revenues Stabilization Fund of Mexico | &0000000000000006.0000006 | 2000 | Petrol |
Umman | OIF | Oman Investment Fund | &0000000000000006.0000006 | 2006 | Petrol |
İtalya | ISF | Italian Strategic Fund | &0000000000000006.0000006 | 2011 | Mal dışı |
Botsvana | PF | Pula Fund | &0000000000000005.7000005,7 | 1996 | Elmas & Mineraller |
ABD Wyoming | PWMTF | Permanent Wyoming Mineral Trust Fund | &0000000000000005.6000005,6 | 1974 | Mineraller |
Trinidad & Tobago | HSF | Heritage and Stabilization Fund | &0000000000000005.5000005,5 | 2007 | Petrol |
Brezilya | SFB | Sovereign Fund of Brazil | &0000000000000005.3000005,3 | 2008 | Mal dışı |
Çin | CADF | China-Africa Development Fund | &0000000000000005.0000005 | 2007 | Mal dışı |
Angola | FSDEA | Fundo Soberano de Angola | &0000000000000005.0000005 | 2012 | Petrol |
ABD Kuzey Dakota | NDLF | North Dakota Legacy Fund | &0000000000000003.2000003,2 | 2011 | Petrol & Benzin |
ABD Alabama | ATF | Alabama Trust Fund | &0000000000000002.5000002,5 | 1985 | Petrol & Benzin |
Kazakistan | NIC | National Investment Corporation | &0000000000000002.0000002 | 2012 | Petrol |
Nijerya (Bayelsa Eyaleti) | BDIC | Bayelsa Development and Investment Corporation | &0000000000000001.5000001,5 | 2012 | Mal dışı |
Nijerya | NSIA | Nigeria Sovereign Investment Authority | &0000000000000001.4000001,4 | 2011 | Petrol |
ABD Louisiana | LEQTF | Louisiana Education Quality Trust Fund | &0000000000000001.3000001,3 | 1986 | Petrol & Benzin |
Panama | FAP | Fondo de Ahorro de Panama | &0000000000000001.2000001,2 | 2012 | Mal dışı |
Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri Resü'l-Hayme | RIA | RAKIA | &0000000000000001.2000001,2 | 2005 | Hükûmet kredileri |
Bolivya | FINPRO | Fund for Productive Industrial Revolution | &0000000000000001.2000001,2 | 2012 | Mal dışı |
ABD Oregon | CSF | Oregon Common School Fund | &0000000000000001.2000001,2[14] | 1859 | Kamu arazileri |
Senegal | SSIF | Senegal Strategic Investment Fund - FONSIS | &0000000000000001.0000001 | 2012 | Mal dışı |
Irak | DFI | Development Fund for Iraq | &0000000000000000.9000000,9 | 2003 | Petrol |
Filistin | PIF | Palestine Investment Fund | &0000000000000000.8000000,8 | 2003 | Mal dışı |
Venezuela | FEM | FEM - Macroeconomic Stabilization Fund | &0000000000000000.8000000,8 | 1998 | Petrol |
Kiribati | RERF | Revenue Equalization Reserve Fund | &0000000000000000.6000000,6 | 1956 | Fosfat |
Vietnam | SCIC | State Capital Investment Corporation | &0000000000000000.5000000,5 | 2006 | Mal dışı |
Ghana | GPF | Ghana Petroleum Funds | &0000000000000000.4500000,45 | 2011 | Petrol |
Gabon | GSWF | Sovereign Fund of the Gabonese Republic | &0000000000000000.4000000,4 | 1998 | Petrol |
Endonezya | GIU | Government Investment Unit of Indonesia (Pusat Investasi Pemerintah (PIP)) | &0000000000000000.3000000,3 | 2006 | Mal dışı |
Moritanya | NFHR | National Fund for Hydrocarbon Reserves | &0000000000000000.3000000,3 | 2006 | Petrol & Benzin |
Avustralya Batı Avustralya | WAFF | Western Australian Future Fund | &0000000000000000.3000000,3 | 2012 | Mineraller |
Moğolistan | FSF | Fiscal Stability Fund | &0000000000000000.3000000,3 | 2011 | Mining |
Ekvator Ginesi | FFG | Fund for Future Generations | &-1000000000000000.0800000,08 | 2002 | Petrol |
Papua Yeni Gine | PNGSWF | Papua New Guinea Sovereign Wealth Fund | X | 2011 | Benzin |
Türkmenistan | TSF | Turkmenistan Stabilization Fund | X | 2008 | Petrol & Benzin |
ABD Batı Virjinya | WVFF | West Virginia Future Fund | X | 2014 | Petrol & Benzin |
Meksika | FMP | Fondo Mexicano del Petroleo para la Estabilizacion y el Desarrollo | X | 2014 | Petrol & Benzin |