Модуль:Cite IUCN — Вікіпедія

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{{#invoke:Cite IUCN|назва функції}}

require('strict'); local getArgs = require ('Module:Arguments').getArgs;  local amendment_pattern = '%s*%(amended version of (%d%d%d%d) assessment%)'; local errata_pattern = '%s*%(errata version published in (%d%d%d%d)%)'; local green_status_pattern = '%s*%((Green Status assessment)%)';   --[[--------------------------< I U C N _ I D E N T I F I E R S _ G E T >--------------------------------------  cs1|2 templates cite single sources;  when the identifiers in |doi=, |id=, and |page= are different from each other then the template is attempting to cite multiple sources.  This function evaluates the identifier portions of these parameters. returns seven values: identifyier parts (or nil when parameter not used) and a message (nil on success, error message else)  the identifier portions of the several parameters must be properly formed  ]]  local function iucn_identifiers_get (args, error_msgs_t) 	local doi_taxon_ID, doi_assesment_ID 	local page_taxon_ID, page_assesment_ID 	local url_taxon_ID, url_assesment_ID  	if args.doi then 		local lang_tag 		doi_taxon_ID, doi_assesment_ID, lang_tag = args.doi:match ('[Tt](%d+)[Aa](%d+)%.(%l%l)$') 		if not doi_taxon_ID or not ({['en'] = true, ['es'] = true, ['fr'] = true, ['pt'] = true})[lang_tag] then 			table.insert (error_msgs_t, 'неправильно сформований ідентифікатор |doi='); 		end 	end 	if args.page then 		page_taxon_ID, page_assesment_ID = args.page:match ('^[eE]%.[Tt](%d+)[Aa](%d+)$') 		if not page_taxon_ID then 			table.insert (error_msgs_t, 'неправильно сформований ідентифікатор |page='); 		end 	end 	if args.url then 		if args.url:match ('https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/') then			-- must be a 'new-form' url 			url_taxon_ID, url_assesment_ID = args.url:match ('/species/(%d+)/(%d+)') 			if not url_taxon_ID then 				table.insert (error_msgs_t, 'неправильно сформований ідентифікатор |url='); 			end 		end 	end  	if not error_msgs_t[1] then 		if doi_taxon_ID and page_taxon_ID then 			if (doi_taxon_ID ~= page_taxon_ID or ((doi_assesment_ID ~= page_assesment_ID) and not args.errata)) then 				table.insert (error_msgs_t, '|doi= / |page= не збігаються'); 			end 		end 		if doi_taxon_ID and url_taxon_ID then 			if (doi_taxon_ID ~= url_taxon_ID or ((doi_assesment_ID ~= url_assesment_ID) and not args.errata)) then 				table.insert (error_msgs_t, '|doi= / |url= не збігаються'); 			end 		end 		 		if page_taxon_ID and url_taxon_ID then 			if (page_taxon_ID ~= url_taxon_ID or ((page_assesment_ID ~= url_assesment_ID) and not args.errata)) then 				table.insert (error_msgs_t, '|page= / |url= не збігаються'); 			end 		end 	end  	return doi_taxon_ID, doi_assesment_ID, page_taxon_ID, page_assesment_ID; end   --[[--------------------------< I U C N _ V O L U M E _ C H E C K >--------------------------------------------  compares volume in |volume= (if present) against year in |date= or |year= (if present) against volume in |doi= (if present)  returns nil if all that are present are correct; message else  ]]  local function iucn_volume_check (args, maint_msgs_t) 	local vol = args.volume; 	local date = args.date or args.year; 	local doi = args.doi and args.doi:match ('[Ii][Uu][Cc][Nn]%.[Uu][Kk]%.(%d%d%d%d)')  	if vol and date and (vol ~= date) then 		table.insert (maint_msgs_t, '|volume= / |date= не збігаються'); 	end  	if vol and doi and ((vol ~= doi) and not args.amends) then 		table.insert (maint_msgs_t, '|volume= / |doi= не збігаються'); 	end  	if date and doi and ((doi ~= date) and not args.amends) then 		table.insert (maint_msgs_t, '|date= / |doi= не збігаються'); 	end end   --[[--------------------------< C I T E >----------------------------------------------------------------------  Wraps {{cite journal}}:      takes cite journal parameters but updates old style url using electronic page number      page should be in format e.T13922A45199653      the url uses                13922/45199653      so we need to extract the number between T and A (taxon ID) and the number after A (assessment ID)      the target url is https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/13922/45199653      usage: {{#invoke:iucn|cite}}      template: {{Template:Cite iucn}}  ]]  local function cite (frame) 	local error_msgs_t = {};													-- holds error messages for rendering 	local maint_msgs_t = {};														-- holds hidden maint messages for rendering 	local namespace = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().namespace;						-- used for categorization 	local args = getArgs (frame);												-- local copy of template arguments  	if args.title and (args.title:match (errata_pattern) or args.title:match (amendment_pattern)) then 		table.insert (error_msgs_t, 'title має зайвий текст');					-- announce that this template has has errata or amendment text 	end  	local doi_taxon_ID, doi_assesment_ID;										-- all of these contain the same identifying info in slightly 	local page_taxon_ID, page_assesment_ID;										-- different forms. when any combination of these is present,  	doi_taxon_ID, doi_assesment_ID, page_taxon_ID, page_assesment_ID = iucn_identifiers_get (args, error_msgs_t);  	args.id = nil																-- unset; not supported  	local url_taxon_ID = page_taxon_ID or doi_taxon_ID;							-- select for use in url that we will create 	local url_assesment_ID = page_assesment_ID  or doi_assesment_ID; 	 	local url = args.url; 	if url then 		if url:find ('iucnredlist.org/details/', 1, true) then					-- old-form url 			if url_taxon_ID then												-- when there is an identifier 				url = nil														-- unset; we'll create new url below 			else																-- here when old-form but no identifier that we can use to create new url 				args.url = args.url:gsub ("http:", "https:")					-- sometimes works with redirect on iucn site 			end 			table.insert (maint_msgs_t, 'old-form url')							-- announce that this template has has an old-form url 		elseif url:find ('iucnredlist.org/species/', 1, true) then				-- new-form url --			table.insert (maint_msgs_t, 'new-form url')				--TODO: restore this line when most new-form urls have been removed from article space		-- announce that this template has has an new-form url 		else 			table.insert (error_msgs_t, 'невідомий url')							-- emit error message 		end 	end  	if not url then																-- when no url or unset old-form url 		if url_taxon_ID then 			args.url = "https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/" .. url_taxon_ID .. '/' .. url_assesment_ID 		else 			table.insert (error_msgs_t, 'без ідентифікатора')						-- emit error message 		end 	end  	-- add journal if not provided (TODO decide if this should override provided value) 	if not args['journal'] and not args['work'] then 		args['journal'] = "[[IUCN Red List|IUCN Red List of Threatened Species]]" 	end 	 	iucn_volume_check (args, maint_msgs_t);										-- |volume=, |year= (|date=), |doi= must all refer to the same volume  	if not args.volume and (args.year or args.date) then 		args.volume = args.year or args.date 	end 	 	if args.errata then 		args['orig-date'] = 'errata version of ' .. (args.year or args.date or args.volume) .. ' assessment'; 		args.date = args.errata;												-- update publication data to errata year 		args.year = nil;														-- unset these as no longer needed 		args.errata = nil; 	elseif args.amends then 		args['orig-date'] = 'amended version of ' .. args.amends .. ' assessment'; 		args.amends = nil;														-- unset as no longer needed 	end 																				-- add free-to-read icon to mark a correctly formed doi 	args['doi-access'] = args.doi and args.doi:match ('10%.2305/[Ii][Uu][Cc][Nn].+[Tt]%d+[Aa]%d+%.%a%a') and 'free' or nil 	 	local out_t = {}; 	if error_msgs_t[1] then 		table.insert (out_t, ' <span class="error" style="font-size:100%">{{[[Шаблон:cite iucn|cite iucn]]}}: помилка: '); 		table.insert (out_t, table.concat (error_msgs_t, ', ')); 		table.insert (out_t, ' ([[Шаблон:Cite iucn#Повідомлення про помилки|допомога]])'); 		if (0 == namespace) then 			table.insert (out_t, '[[Категорія:Помилки cite IUCN]]'); 		end 		table.insert (out_t, '</span>'); 	end  	if maint_msgs_t[1] then 		table.insert (out_t, '<span class="citation-comment" style="display: none; color: #33aa33; margin-left: 0.3em;">'); 		if not error_msgs_t[1] then 			table.insert (out_t, '{{[[Шаблон:cite iucn|cite iucn]]}}: ') 			table.insert (out_t, table.concat (maint_msgs_t, ', ')); 			table.insert (out_t, ' ([[Шаблон:Cite iucn#Повідомлення про обслуговування|допомога]])'); 			if (0 == namespace) then 				table.insert (out_t, '[[Категорія:Обслуговування cite IUCN]]'); 			end 		end 		table.insert (out_t, '</span>'); 	end  	if (not args['doi-access']) and (0 == namespace) then 		table.insert (out_t, '[[Категорія:cite IUCN без doi]]'); 	end 	 	return frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'cite journal', args = args } ..							-- the template 		table.concat (out_t);																		-- error and maint messages and categories end   --[=[-------------------------< E T _ A L _ P A T T E R N S >--------------------------------------------------  This adapted from Module:Citation/CS1/Configuration  This table provides Lua patterns for the phrase "et al" and variants in a name.  ]=]  local et_al_patterns = { 	"[;,]? *[\"']*%f[%a][Ee][Tt]%.? *[Aa][Ll][%.;,\"']*$",						-- variations on the 'et al' theme 	"[;,]? *[\"']*%f[%a][Ee][Tt]%.? *[Aa][Ll][Ii][AaIi][Ee]?[%.;,\"']*$",		-- variations on the 'et alia', 'et alii' and 'et aliae' themes (false positive 'et aliie' unlikely to match) 	"[;,]? *%f[%a]and [Oo]thers",												-- an alternative to et al. 	}   --[[---------------------< N A M E _ H A S _ E T A L >--------------------------  This adapted from Module:Citation/CS1  Evaluates the content of a name for variations on the theme of et al.  If found, returns true; nil else  ]]  local function name_has_etal (name) 	local etal;  	if name then																-- name can be nil in which case just return 		name = name:gsub ('%b<>', '');											-- remove any html markup (typically <i>...</i>) 		for _, pattern in ipairs (et_al_patterns) do							-- loop through all of the patterns 			if name:match (pattern) then										-- if this 'et al' pattern is found in name 				return true;													-- has etal, so return true 			end 		end 	end end   --[[--------------------------< A U T H O R _ L I S T _ M A K E >----------------------------------------------  creates a list of individual |authorn= parameters from the list of names provided in the raw iucn citation.  names must have the form: Surname, I. (more than one 'I.' pair allowed but no spaces between I. pairs)  assumes that parenthetical text at the end of the author-name-list is a collaboration 	Name, I.I., & Name, I.I. (Colaboration name)  assumes that <i>et al.</i> is the last name in a list of names  ]]  --local function author_names_get (raw_iucn_cite) local function author_names_get (raw_iucn_cite, params_t)						-- EXPERIMENT 	local list = {};															-- table that holds name list parts 	local author_names = raw_iucn_cite:match ('^([^%d]-)%s+%d%d%d%d');			-- extract author name-list from raw iucn citation 	local collaboration = author_names:match ('%s*(%b())$');					-- get collaboration name if it exists  	if collaboration then														-- when there is a colaboration 		collaboration = collaboration:gsub ('[%(%)]', '');						-- remove bounding parentheses 		author_names = author_names:gsub ('%s*(%b())$', '');					-- and remove collaboration from author-name-list 	end 	 	local names = author_names:gsub ('%.?,?%s+&%s+', '.|');						-- replace 'separators' (<optional dot><optional comma><space><ampersand><space>) with <dot><pipe> 	names = names:gsub ('%.,%s*', '.|');										-- replace 'separators' (<dot><comma><optional space>) with <dot><pipe> 	names = names:gsub ('(%.%u),', '%1.|');										-- special case for when last initial is missing its trailing dot 	list = mw.text.split (names, '|');											-- split the string on the pipes into entries in list{} 	 	if 0 == #list then 		params_t['author'] = author_names;										-- EXPERIMENT 		return table.concat ({'|author=', author_names}), params_t;				-- EXPERIMENT		-- no 'names' of the proper form; return the original as a single |author= parameter --		return table.concat ({'|author=', author_names})						-- no 'names' of the proper form; return the original as a single |author= parameter 	else 		for i, name in ipairs (list) do											-- spin through the list and  			if name_has_etal (name) then										-- if this name has some form of 'et al' 				params_t['display-authors'] = 'etal';							-- EXPERIMENT 				list[i] = '|display-authors=etal';								-- add |dispaly-authors=etal parameter and  				break;															-- assume that the etal was the last 'name' so stop processing names 			else 				params_t['author' .. i] = name;									-- EXPERIMENT 				list[i] = table.concat ({'|author', (i == 1) and '' or i, '=', name});	-- add |authorn= parameter names; create |author= instead of |author1= 			end 		end 		if collaboration then 			params_t['collaboration'] = collaboration;							-- EXPERIMENT 			table.insert (list, table.concat ({'|collaboration', '=', collaboration}));	-- add |collaboration= parameter 		end 		return table.concat (list, ' ');										-- make a big string and return that 	end end   --[[--------------------------< T I T L E _ G E T >------------------------------------------------------------  extract and format citation title; attempts to get the italic right  ''binomen'' (amended or errata title) ''binomen'' ''binomen'' ssp. ''subspecies'' ''binomen'' subsp. ''subspecies'' ''binomen'' var. ''variety'' ''binomen'' subvar. ''subvariety''  all of the above may have trailing amended or errata text in parentheses  TODO: are there others?  ]]  local function title_get (raw_iucn_cite) 	local title = raw_iucn_cite:match ('%d%d%d%d%.%s+(.-)%s*%. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species');  	local patterns = {															-- tables of string.match patterns [1] and string.gsub patterns [2] 		{'(.-)%sssp%.%s+(.-)%s(%b())$', "''%1'' ssp. ''%2'' %3"},				-- binomen ssp. subspecies (zoology) with errata or amended text 		{'(.-)%sssp%.%s+(.+)', "''%1'' ssp. ''%2''"},							-- binomen ssp. subspecies (zoology) 		{'(.-)%ssubsp%.%s+(.-)%s(%b())$', "''%1'' subsp. ''%2'' %3"},			-- binomen subsp. subspecies (botany) with errata or amended text 		{'(.-)%ssubsp%.%s+(.+)', "''%1'' subsp. ''%2''"},						-- binomen subsp. subspecies (botany) 		{'(.-)%svar%.%s+(.-)%s+(%b())$', "''%1'' var. ''%2'' %3"},				-- binomen var. variety (botany) with errata or amended text 		{'(.-)%svar%.%s+(.+)', "''%1'' var. ''%2''"},							-- binomen var. variety (botany) 		{'(.-)%ssubvar%.%s+(.-)%s(%b())$', "''%1'' subvar. ''%2'' %3"},			-- binomen subvar. subvariety (botany) with errata or amended text 		{'(.-)%ssubvar%.%s+(.+)', "''%1'' subvar. ''%2''"},						-- binomen subvar. subvariety (botany) 		{'(.-)%s*(%b())$', "''%1'' %2"},										-- binomen with errata or amended text 		{'(.+)', "''%1''"},														-- binomen 		} 	 	for i, v in ipairs (patterns) do											-- spin through the patterns 		if title:match (v[1]) then												-- when a match 			title = title:gsub (v[1], v[2]);									-- add italics  			break;																-- and done 		end 	end  --	return table.concat ({' |title=', title});									-- return the |title= parameter 	return title;																-- return the formatted title end   --[[--------------------------< M A K E _ C I T E _ I U C N >--------------------------------------------------  parses apart an iucn-format citation copied from their webpage and reformats that into a {{cite iucn}} template for substing  automatic substing by User:AnomieBOT/docs/TemplateSubster  ]]  local function make_cite_iucn (frame) 	local args_t = getArgs (frame); 	local raw_iucn_cite = args_t[1];  	local template_t = {'{{cite iucn '};										-- sequence that holds the {{cite iucn}} template as it is being assembled; for nowiki'd output 	local params_t = {};														-- table of parameter/value pairs for substing 	 	local year, volume, page, doi, accessdate;  	year = raw_iucn_cite:match ('^%D+(%d%d%d%d)'); 	volume, page = raw_iucn_cite:match ('(%d%d%d%d):%s+(e%.T%d+A+%d+)%.%s?'); 	doi = raw_iucn_cite:match ('10%.2305/IUCN%.UK%.[%d%-]+%.RLTS%.T%d+A%d+%.%a%a');  	accessdate = raw_iucn_cite:match ('Accessed on (.-)%.?$') or raw_iucn_cite:match ('Downloaded on (.-)%.?$');	-- 'Downloaded' → 'Accessed' change occured December 2021; 	accessdate = accessdate:gsub ('^0', '');									-- strips leading 0 in day 01 January 2020 -> 1 January 2020  	table.insert (template_t, author_names_get (raw_iucn_cite, params_t));		-- add author name parameters; as a single string to <template_t>; as individual entries to <params_t>  	table.insert (template_t, table.concat ({' |year=', year}));				-- add formatted year 	params_t.year = year; 	 	local title = title_get (raw_iucn_cite); 	local type_p = title:match (green_status_pattern); 	if type_p then 		title = title:match ('^([^%(]+)%s*%('); 		table.insert (template_t, table.concat ({' |type=', type_p}));			-- add formatted errata 		params_t.type = type_p; 	end  	local errata = title:match (errata_pattern);								-- nil unless IUCN citation has errata annotation; else year that this errata published (|date=) 	if errata then 		table.insert (template_t, table.concat ({' |errata=', errata}));		-- add formatted errata 		params_t.errata = errata; 		title = title:gsub (errata_pattern, '');								-- remove errata annotation 	end 	local amends = title:match (amendment_pattern);								-- nil unless IUCN citation has amendment annotation; else year that this assessment amends (|orig-date=) 	if amends then 		table.insert (template_t, table.concat ({' |amends=', amends}));		-- add year of assessment that this assessment amends 		params_t.amends = amends; 		title = title:gsub (amendment_pattern, '');								-- remove amendment annotation 	end  	table.insert (template_t, table.concat ({' |title=', title}));				-- add formatted title 	params_t.title = title; 	table.insert (template_t, table.concat ({' |volume=', volume}));			-- add formatted volume 	params_t.volume = volume; 	table.insert (template_t, table.concat ({' |page=', page}));				-- add formatted page 	params_t.page = page; 	table.insert (template_t, table.concat ({' |doi=', doi}));					-- add formatted doi 	params_t.doi = doi;  	table.insert (template_t, table.concat ({' |access-date=', accessdate}));	-- add formatted access-date 	params_t['access-date'] = accessdate;  	table.insert (template_t, '}}');											-- close the template  	if args_t[2] then															-- if anything in args_t[2], write a nowiki'd version that editors can copy into <ref> tags 		return frame:preprocess (table.concat ({'<syntaxhighlight lang="wikitext" inline="1">', table.concat (template_t), '</syntaxhighlight>'})); -- caveat lector: if left long enough anomiebot will subst this 	end  	if args_t['ref'] then														-- enable subst of ref tags with name 		return frame:preprocess ('<ref name=' .. args_t['ref'] .. '>' .. table.concat (template_t) .. '</ref>') 	end  	return frame:preprocess (table.concat (template_t));						-- render {{cite iucn}} template; substable end   --[[--------------------------< E X P O R T E D   F U N C T I O N S >------------------------------------------ ]]  return { 	cite = cite, 	make_cite_iucn = make_cite_iucn, 	}