路面電車與輕軌系統列表 ,列出世界 各城市 營運中的路面電車 與輕軌 系統。由于不同地区对路面電車、輕軌等中低运量轨道交通分类标准不同,本列表分类,以当地分类为準。
请注意:為方便起見,所有位於俄羅斯 境內的系統,包括亞洲內的系統,都列於此條目的#歐洲 部分,埃及 境内也基于相同理由列于此条目的#非洲 部分。
為方便起見,所有位於哈萨克斯坦 及土耳其 境內的系統,包括歐洲內的系統,都列於此條目的#亞洲 部分。
^ 1.0 1.1 Khadige, Béatrice. Le tramway d'Alger est enfin entré en service [The Algiers tramway finally opens for service] . Paris: Agence France-Presse . 8 May 2011 [5 July 2013] (法语) . ^ Constantine tramway opens . Railway Gazette International . 5 July 2013 [2015-09-23 ] . (原始内容存档 于2019-06-20). ^ "Oran tramway opens for business, with more Algerian LRT to come" (June 2013). Tramways & Urban Transit magazine, p. 212. LRTA Publishing (UK). ^ Alioua, Houria. Le tramway de Ouargla mis en service [Ouargla tramway put into service] . El Watan (SPA El Watan Presse). 20 March 2018 [2018-03-21 ] . (原始内容存档 于2018-03-20) (法语) . ^ First tram line inaugurated in the city of Sétif, Algeria . www.globalrailnews.com. Rail Media Company. 9 May 2018 [2018-05-11 ] . (原始内容 存档于2018-05-09). ^ Sidi Bel Abbès opens for business . Tramways & Urban Transit (LRTA Publishing Ltd). 8 August 2017 [2017-11-05 ] . (原始内容存档 于2021-02-28). ^ About APTA . Alexandria Passenger Transportation Authority (APTA). [2015-11-14 ] . (原始内容存档 于2016-07-25). ^ Lücker, Christian. Mega-City mit Rumpel-Tram [Mega-city with rumble tram]. Straßenbahn Magazin. No. 7/18 (GeraMond Verlag GmbH). 22 June 2018: 36–39. ISSN 0340-7071 (德语) . ^ Ilbert, Robert. Heliopolis: Colonial Enterprise and Town Planning Success (PDF) . Evin, Ahmet (编). The Expanding Metropolis: Coping with the Urban Growth of Cairo. Singapore: Concept Media/Aga Khan Award for Architecture. 1985: 36–37 [2018-03-04 ] . (原始内容 (PDF) 存档于2021-12-23) –通过archnet.org . ^ Addis Ababa light rail opens . Railway Gazette International . 21 September 2015 [2015-09-23 ] . (原始内容存档 于2015-09-26). ^ Republic of Mauritius- Commercial operation service of Metro Express kicks off today . www.govmu.org. [2021-03-19 ] . (原始内容存档 于2020-06-04). ^ Mauritius Metro Express starts revenue service! . Urban Transport Magazine. 2020-01-10 [2021-03-19 ] . (原始内容存档 于2020-04-23) (美国英语) . ^ Royal opening launches Casablanca trams . Railway Gazette International . 14 December 2012 [2015-09-23 ] . (原始内容存档 于2020-11-26). ^ 14.0 14.1 Rabat Trams: Routes and times . Railways Africa Magazine. 14 June 2011 [2013-07-12 ] . (原始内容存档 于2013-12-13). ^ Tunis Light Rail Development, Tunisia . Railway-Technology.com. [2015-09-23 ] . (原始内容存档 于2021-05-18). ^ Getting Around Dalian . TravelChinaGuide.com. [2013-09-02 ] . (原始内容存档 于2019-06-26). ^ 17.0 17.1 17.2 17.3 17.4 17.5 Chen, Chia-Lin. Modern Tram and Public Transport Integration in Chinese Cities: A case study of Suzhou (pdf) . International Transport Forum (ITF) : 15. July 2017 [2018-03-17 ] . (原始内容存档 (PDF) 于2021-03-08). ^ Getting Around Changchun . TravelChinaGuide.com. [2013-09-02 ] . (原始内容存档 于2020-12-01). ^ A quiet revolution: China’s new city tramways . Tramways & Urban Transit (LRTA Publishing Ltd). 14 April 2015 [2018-03-17 ] . (原始内容存档 于2021-02-28). ^ Beijing Subway Blueprint: Beijing opens 3 new subway lines . 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(原始内容 存档于2021-01-20) (中文) . ^ 浙江首条有轨电车一期工程示范段今天开通 出站徒步10分钟可到南湖纪念馆_城生活_新民网 . newsxmwb.xinmin.cn. 2021-06-25 [2021-06-25 ] . (原始内容 存档于2021-06-25). ^ 30.0 30.1 Hong Kong Tramways, Limited . Hong Kong Tramways, Limited. 2011 [2013-07-13 ] . (原始内容存档 于2015-05-10). ^ 31.0 31.1 MTR - Getting Around - Light Rail & Bus Services . MTR. 2011 [2013-07-13 ] . (原始内容存档 于2014-05-15). ^ First section of Danhai Light Rail System opens . Taipei Times (The Liberty Times Group). 24 December 2018 [2018-12-23 ] . (原始内容存档 于2021-02-25). ^ Terada, Hirokazu. データブック日本の私鉄 [Databook: Japan's Private Railways]. Neko Publishing. 19 January 2013: 79. ISBN 978-4-7770-1336-4 (日语) . ^ 34.00 34.01 34.02 34.03 34.04 34.05 34.06 34.07 34.08 34.09 34.10 34.11 34.12 34.13 34.14 34.15 Utsunomiya, Kiyohito. When will Japan choose Light Rail Transit? (PDF) . Japan Railway & Transport Review. No. 38 (EJRCF - East Japan Railway Culture Foundation). March 2004: 2 [2018-02-20 ] . (原始内容 (pdf) 存档于2016-05-01). ^ Hiroshima HIRODEN streetcars . [2009-08-01 ] . (原始内容 存档于2007-09-27). ^ Toden Arakawa Line . www.japanvisitor.com. [2018-02-20 ] . (原始内容存档 于2018-06-12). ^ Phipps, Andrew; Schwandl, Robert. Metros & Trams in Japan 1 . Robert Schwandl Verlag. 1 July 2016: 80. ISBN 978-3-936573-47-3 . ^ Hakodate city tram . [2009-08-01 ] . (原始内容 存档于2007-12-23). ^ 39.0 39.1 Koyama, Tetsuro. Light rail finds home in Toyama . The Japan Times (株式会社 ジャパン タイムズ [The Japan Times, Ltd.]). 2 November 2007 [2018-02-20 ] . (原始内容存档 于2020-11-30). ^ Fukutetsu (Japanese) . [2019-06-04 ] . (原始内容存档 于2021-05-13). ^ Terada, Hirokazu. データブック日本の私鉄 [Databook: Japan's Private Railways]. Neko Publishing. 19 January 2013: 175. ISBN 978-4-7770-1336-4 (日语) . ^ Bone, Simon. Trams . www.pyongyang-metro.com. [2018-05-14 ] . (原始内容 存档于2017-10-26). ^ 43.0 43.1 Systems Factfile No.87 - Pyongyang, North Korea . Tramways & Urban Transit . No. 924 (LRTA Publishing Ltd.). December 2014: 511–515 [2018-05-14 ] . ISSN 1460-8324 . (原始内容 (pdf) 存档于2018-05-15) –通过www.applrguk.co.uk. ^ Systems Factfile No.87 - Pyongyang, North Korea . Tramways & Urban Transit . No. 924 (LRTA Publishing Ltd.). December 2014: 512 [2018-05-14 ] . ISSN 1460-8324 . (原始内容 (pdf) 存档于2018-05-15) –通过www.applrguk.co.uk. ^ History . The Calcutta Tramways Company Limited (CTC). 2014 [2015-08-17 ] . (原始内容存档 于2021-03-02). ^ About the City (mentions tram) . [2019-06-04 ] . (原始内容 存档于2013-07-06). ^ 47.0 47.1 47.2 Tramway operation resumes in Öskemen . Tramways & Urban Transit (LRTA Publishing Ltd). 6 June 2018 [2019-02-10 ] . (原始内容存档 于2021-02-28). ^ Abugaliyeva, Meruyert. Two new eco-friendly trams added to ‘tram capital of Kazakhstan’ . The Astana Times (Svezhaya Pressa LLP). 26 February 2018 [2018-05-13 ] . (原始内容存档 于2021-02-26). ^ Trams start to run in Samarkand . www.uzdaily.com. April 15, 2017 [2017-04-16 ] . (原始内容存档 于2017-04-17). ^ Citypass - Jerusalem Light Rail . Citypass. [2013-09-02 ] . 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