勞拉·布里奇曼 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书

Laura Dewey Lynn Bridgman
漢諾瓦 (新罕布夏州)
墓地Dana Cemetery, 漢諾瓦 (新罕布夏州)

勞拉·杜威·林恩·布里奇曼(Laura Dewey Lynn Bridgman,1829 年 12 月 21 日 - 1889 年 5 月 24 日)被稱為美國第一位接受英語語言教育的盲聾兒童,比著名的海倫·凱勒早了50年。[1]布里奇曼因感染猩红热在兩歲時失明。她到柏金斯啟明學校接受教育,在薩繆爾·格里德利·豪英语Samuel Gridley Howe(Samuel Gridley Howe)指導下,她學會以盲文查爾斯·米歇爾·德·利比英语Charles-Michel de l'Épée(Charles-Michel de l'Épée)開發的手語字母表閱讀和交流。 [2]


布里奇曼大约在1855年拍攝的銀版照片,Southworth & Hawes攝




安德烈·紀德田園交響曲》中有提及布里奇曼的境遇。 [4]

自由輪SS Laura Bridgman英语SS Laura Bridgman」便是以她的名字命名。 [5]




  • Elliott, Maud Howe and Florence Howe Hall. Laura Bridgman: Dr. Howe's Famous Pupil and What He Taught Her, Boston, 1903.
  • Freeberg, Ernest. The Education of Laura Bridgman : First Deaf and Blind Person to Learn Language, 2001. ISBN 0-674-00589-9ISBN 0-674-00589-9
  • Gitter, Elisabeth. The Imprisoned Guest: Samuel Howe and Laura Bridgman, the Original Deaf-Blind Girl, 2001. ISBN 0-374-11738-1ISBN 0-374-11738-1
  • Hayward, John. "A Gazetteer of Massachusetts", Boston, 1847.
  • Hunter, Edith Fisher. Child of the Silent Night, 1963. ISBN 0-395-06835-5ISBN 0-395-06835-5
  • Jerusalem, Wilhelm. "Laura Bridgman. Education of a Deafblind. A Psychological Study", Vienna, 1890.
  • Lamson, Mary Swift (1878) Life and Education of Laura Dewey Bridgman (Boston, Houghton Mifflin)
  • Richards, Laura E.. Laura Bridgman: The Story of an Opened Door, D. Appleton & Company. 1928.




  1. ^ However, there are accounts of deaf-blind people communicating in tactile sign language before this time, as deaf-blind Victorine Morriseau (1789–1832) had successfully learned French as a child some years earlier.
  2. ^ Mahoney, Rosemary. The Education of Laura Bridgman. Slate. May 2014 [May 29, 2016]. (原始内容存档于2018-10-03). 
  3. ^ Gitter, p. 281.
  4. ^ Lawrence E. Harvey. The Utopia of Blindness in Gide's "Symphonie Pastorale". Modern Philology. February 1958, 55 (3): 188–197. JSTOR 434963. doi:10.1086/389215. 
  5. ^ Laura Bridgman. ShipSpotting.com. [6 November 2014]. (原始内容存档于2021-10-10).