含笑属 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书

白蘭 Michelia × alba
科学分类 编辑
界: 植物界 Plantae
演化支 维管植物 Tracheophyta
演化支 被子植物 Angiosperms
演化支 木兰类植物 Magnoliids
目: 木兰目 Magnoliales
科: 木兰科 Magnoliaceae
属: 含笑属 Michelia
L., 1753


含笑属学名Michelia)是木兰科下的一个属,为灌木乔木植物。该属共有约50余种,分布于亚洲热带亚热带温带[1]属名Michelia为纪念意大利植物学家Pietro Antonio Micheli(1679-1737)而命名。




  • Michelia aenea Dandy.,原产地为中国和越南,视为Michelia foveolata Merr. ex Dandy by J. Li (1997)[3]的异名
  • 白蘭 Michelia × alba DC. (syn. M. longifolia Blume). White ChampacaWhite Sandalwood是由黄玉兰(Michelia champaca L.)和山含笑(Michelia montana Blume)自然杂交得到
  • 狭叶含笑 Michelia angustioblonga Y.-W. Law & Y.-F. Wu
  • 苦梓含笑 Michelia balansae (A. DC.) Dandy (基本异名:Magnolia balansae A. DC.)
  • 合果木 Michelia baillonii (Pierre) Finet & Gagnep. (基本异名:Magnolia baillonii Pierre)
  • Michelia braianensis Gagnep.
  • 灰岩含笑 Michelia calcicola C.Y. Wu ex Y.-W. Law & Y.-F. Wu (视为Michelia ingrata Chen & Yang by Chen & Nooteboom (1993)[4]的异名)
  • 美毛含笑 Michelia caloptila Y.-W. Law & Y.-F. Wu (dubious taxon, according to Chen & Nooteboom (1993)[4])
  • 平伐含笑 Michelia cavaleriei Finet & Gagnep.
  • 黄玉兰 Michelia champaca L. Champak. 原产地为印度、爪哇岛和菲律宾,小乔木或灌木,高及蓬径3-6米,叶革质,翠绿色,达16厘米长;花芬芳,橙黄色或乳白色,春季开花,可提取精油用於制作香水
  • 乐昌含笑 Michelia chapensis Dandy
  • 烏心石 Michelia compressa (Maxim.) Sarg. (基本异名:Magnolia compressa Maxim.),台湾含笑
  • 西畴含笑 Michelia coriacea Chang & Chen
  • 紫花含笑 Michelia crassipes Y.-W. Law
  • 南亞含笑 Michelia doltsopa Buch.-Ham. ex DC. Large shrubs and trees, growing to 30 meters. Native to the eastern Himalayas and Meghalaya subtropical forests. Varies in form from bushy to narrow and upright. Leathery dark-green leaves, 6 to 17 cm in length. Clusters of creamy white flowers in winter. Growing in popularity as a street tree in coastal California.
  • 雅致含笑 Michelia elegans Y.-W. Law & Y.-F. Wu (视为Michelia cavaleriei Finet & Gagnep. by Chen & Nooteboom (1993)[4]的异名)
  • Michelia elliptilimba Chen & Noot. (视为Michelia sphaerantha C.Y. Wu ex Z.S. Yue by J. Li (1997)[3]的异名)
  • 含笑花 Michelia figo (Lour.) Spreng. (基本异名:Liriodendron figo Lour.) Banana Shrub. A slow growing shrub or small tree that can grow up to 5 meters high and nearly as wide. Densely covered with small glossy green leaves. Bears clusters of large, white, sometimes purple-streaked, flowers with a potent, sweet banana scent. Port Wine is a variety that bears rose to maroon flowers.
  • 素黄含笑 Michelia flaviflora Y.-W. Law & Y.-F. Wu
  • 多花含笑 Michelia floribunda Finet & Gagnep.
  • 金叶含笑 Michelia foveolata Merr. ex Dandy
  • 福建含笑 Michelia fujianensis Q.F. Zheng
  • 亮叶含笑 Michelia fulgens Dandy (视为Michelia foveolata Merr. ex Dandy by Gagnepain (1939))[5]的异名)
  • 棕毛含笑 Michelia fulva Chang & Chen
  • Michelia fuscata (Andrews) Blume ex Wall. (基本异名:Magnolia fuscata Andrews; 视为Michelia figo (Lour.) Spreng. by Baillon (1866)[6])
  • 香子含笑 Michelia gioi (A. Chev.) Sima & H. Yu
  • 广东含笑 Michelia guangdongensis Y. H. Yan, Q. W. Zeng & F. W.Xing
  • 广西含笑 Michelia guangxiensis Y.-W. Law & R.-Z. Zhou
  • 香子含笑 Michelia hedyosperma Y.-W. Law (视为Michelia hypolampra Dandy by Chen & Nooteboom (1993)的异名)
  • Michelia hypolampra Dandy
  • Michelia ingrata Chen & Yang
  • 鼠刺含笑 Michelia iteophylla C.Y. Wu ex Y.-W. Law & Y.-F. Wu (Michelia formosana (Kaneh.) Masam. & Suzuki because the type is the same; M. formosana in its turn is 视为Michelia compressa (Maxim.) Sarg. by Chen & Nooteboom (1993)[4]的异名)
  • 西藏含笑 Michelia kisopa Buch.-Ham. ex DC. Native to Meghalaya subtropical forests
  • Michelia koordersiana Noot.
  • 壮丽含笑 Michelia lacei W.W. Sm.
  • 溜叶含笑 Michelia laevifolia Y.-W. Law & Y.-F. Wu (视为Michelia yunnanensis Franch. ex Finet & Gapnep. by Xia & Deng (2002)[7]的异名)
  • Michelia lanuginosa Wall. Native to Meghalaya subtropical forests
  • 长柄含笑 Michelia leveilleana Dandy
  • 长柄含笑 Michelia longipetiolata C.Y. Wu ex Y.-W. Law & Y.-F. Wu (视为Michelia leveilleana Dandy by Chen & Nooteboom (1993)[4]的异名)
  • 长蕊含笑 Michelia longistamina Y.-W. Law (视为Michelia martinii (H. Lév.) Finet & Gagnep. ex H. Lév. by Chen & Nooteboom (1993)[4]的异名)
  • 长柱含笑 Michelia longistyla Y.-W. Law & Y.-F. Wu (视为Michelia foveolata Merr. ex Dandy; by Chen & Nooteboom (1993)[4])
  • 醉香含笑 Michelia macclurei Dandy
  • 黄心夜合 Michelia martinii (H. Lév.) Finet & Gagnep. ex H. Lév. (基本异名:Magnolia martinii H. Lév.)
  • 屏边含笑 Michelia masticata Dandy
  • 深山含笑 Michelia maudiae Dunn
  • 白花含笑 Michelia mediocris Dandy
  • Michelia microtricha (视为Michelia floribunda Finet & Gagnep. by J. Li (1997)[3]的异名)
  • 山含笑 Michelia montana Blume
  • Michelia nilagirica Zenker. 产自印度南部。
  • 西畴含笑 Michelia nitida B. L. Chen
  • 观光木 Michelia odora (W.Y. Chun) Noot. & Chen (基本异名:Tsoongiodendron odorum W.Y. Chun)
  • 马关含笑 Michelia opipara Chang et B. L. Chen
  • 厚果含笑 Michelia pachycarpa Y.-W. Law & R.-Z. Zhou
  • 阔瓣含笑 Michelia platypetala Hand.-Mazz. (视为Magnolia maudiae (Dunn) Figlar (异名:Michelia maudiae Dunn) by Sima (2001)[8]的變種)
  • 多脉含笑 Michelia polyneura C.Y. Wu ex Y.-W. Law & Y.-F. Wu
  • Michelia punduana Hook.f. & Thomson. Native to Meghalaya subtropical forests
  • Michelia rajaniana Craib
  • Michelia salicifolia A. Agostini
  • Michelia scortechinii (King) Dandy (基本异名:Manglietia scortechinii King)
  • 台山含笑 Michelia taishanensis Y. H. Tong, X. E. Ye, X. H. Ye &Yu Q. Chen[9]
  • 峨眉含笑 Michelia wilsonii Finet & Gagnep. (异名M. sinensis Hemsl. & E.H. Wilson; based on the same type but published a few weeks later)
  • 石碌含笑 Michelia shiluensis W.Y. Chun & Y.-F. Wu
  • 野含笑 Michelia skinneriana Dunn (视为含笑花 Michelia figo (Lour.) Spreng. by Chen & Nooteboom (1993)[4]的异名)
  • 球花含笑 Michelia sphaerantha C.Y. Wu ex Z.S. Yue
  • Michelia subulifera Dandy
  • 川含笑 Michelia szechuanica Dandy (被Sima和Figlar (2001)[8]视为Magnolia ernestii Figlar (异名:Michelia wilsonii Finet & Gagnep.)的亚种)
  • 绒叶含笑 Michelia velutina DC.
  • 黄花含笑 Michelia xanthantha C.Y. Wu ex Y.-W. Law & Y.-F. Wu
  • 云南含笑 Michelia yunnanensis Franch. ex Finet & Gapnep.





  1. ^ 中国种子植物科属词典. 中国数字植物标本馆. [2012-04-11]. (原始内容存档于2012-04-11). 
  2. ^ Michelia. GBIF. [2023-02-14]. (原始内容存档于2023-02-14). 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 Li, J. Some notes on Magnoliaceae from China. Acta Botanica Yunnanica (Kunming). 1997, 19 (2): 131–138. 
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 Chen, B.L. & H.P. Nooteboom. Notes on Magnoliaceae III, The Magnoliaceae of China. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden (St. Louis, MO) (Missouri Botanical Garden Press). 1993, 80 (4): 999–1104. JSTOR 2399942. doi:10.2307/2399942. 
  5. ^ Gagnepain, F. Magnoliacées nouvelles ou litigieuses. Notulae Systematicae, Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle (Paris). 1939, 8 (1): 63–65. 
  6. ^ Baillon, H.E. Mémoire sur la famille des Magnoliacées. Adansonia; recueil periodique d'observations botaniques (Paris). 1866, 7: 1–16, 65–69. 
  7. ^ Xia, N.H. & Y.F. Deng. Notes on Magnoliaceae. Journal of Tropical and Subtropical Botany (Guangzhou). 2002, 10 (2): 128–132. 
  8. ^ 8.0 8.1 Sima, Y.-K. Some Notes on Magnolia Subgenus Michelia from China. Yunnan Forestry Science and Technology (Kunming). 2001, 2: 29–35. 
  9. ^ 广东木兰科含笑属新种:台山含笑. GBIF. [2023-02-14]. (原始内容存档于2023-02-14). 
  10. ^ Wang, Xinyang; Jin, Cheng; Huang, Li; Zhou, Lihua; Zheng, Mingming; Qian, Shenhua; Yang, Yongchuan. Plant diversity and species replacement in Chinese Buddhist temples. Biodiversity Science. 2020-06-20, 28 (6): 668. doi:10.17520/biods.2019392.