多分派 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书

多分派或译多重派发(multiple dispatch)或多方法(multimethod),是某些编程语言的一个特性,其中的函数或者方法,可以在运行时间(动态的)基于它的实际参数的类型,或在更一般的情况下于此之外的其他特性,来动态分派[1]。这是对单分派多态的推广, 那里的函数或方法调用,基于在其上调用方法的对象的派生类型,而动态分派。多分派使用一个或多个实际参数的组合特征,路由动态分派至实现函数或方法。





通常,单分派面向对象语言,在调用一个方法时,方法参数中一个参数会被特殊对待,并用来决定哪一个方法(如果有多个同名方法)会被调用。在许多语言中,这个特殊的参数是在语法上指明的,许多编程语言在调用方法时,把特殊参数放在小圆点(.)之前。例如 special.method(other, arguments, here),这样 lion.sound() 将会发出狮吼,同时 sparrow.sound() 只会吱吱地叫。一般来说,对于面向对象的编程语言,这个小圆点之前的参数(上例中的lionsparrow)被称为接收者[2]




对于编译时间可以区分数据类型的编程语言,在交替英语Alternation (formal language theory)(alternative)函数中进行选择,可以发生在编译时间,创建交替函数用于编译时间选择的活动,通常被叫做函数重载

在有些编程语言中,这种数据类型的识别,可以被延后至运行时间(后期绑定英语Late binding)。交替函数的选择发生在运行时间,并依据动态确定的函数实际参数的类型。以这种方式选择交替实现的函数,通常被称为多方法。






Common Lisp


在具有多分派的Common Lisp语言中,可以在Common Lisp对象系统中如下这样实现:

(defgeneric collide (x y)) (defclass asteroid () ()) (defclass spaceship () ()) (defmethod collide-with ((x asteroid) (y asteroid))   ;; deal with asteroid hitting asteroid   ) (defmethod collide-with ((x asteroid) (y spaceship))   ;; deal with asteroid hitting spaceship   ) (defmethod collide-with ((x spaceship) (y asteroid))   ;; deal with spaceship hitting asteroid   ) (defmethod collide-with ((x spaceship) (y spaceship))   ;; deal with spaceship hitting spaceship   ) 






collide_with(x::Asteroid, y::Asteroid) = ... # deal with asteroid hitting asteroid collide_with(x::Asteroid, y::Spaceship) = ... # deal with asteroid hitting spaceship collide_with(x::Spaceship, y::Asteroid) = ... # deal with spaceship hitting asteroid collide_with(x::Spaceship, y::Spaceship) = ... # deal with spaceship hitting spaceship 




class Program {     static void Main()     {         Console.WriteLine(Collider.Collide(new Asteroid(101),  new Spaceship(300)));         Console.WriteLine(Collider.Collide(new Asteroid(10),   new Spaceship(10)));         Console.WriteLine(Collider.Collide(new Spaceship(101), new Spaceship(10)));     } }  static class Collider {     public static string Collide(SpaceObject x, SpaceObject y) =>         ((x.Size > 100) && (y.Size > 100)) ?             "Big boom!" : CollideWith(x as dynamic, y as dynamic);     private static string CollideWith(Asteroid x, Asteroid y) => "a/a";     private static string CollideWith(Asteroid x, Spaceship y) => "a/s";     private static string CollideWith(Spaceship x, Asteroid y) => "s/a";     private static string CollideWith(Spaceship x, Spaceship y) => "s/s"; }  abstract class SpaceObject {     public SpaceObject(int size) => Size = size;      public int Size { get; } }  class Asteroid : SpaceObject {     public Asteroid(int size) : base(size) { } }  class Spaceship : SpaceObject {     public Spaceship(int size) : base(size) { } } 


big-boom a/s s/s 




/*     Groovy implementation of C# example above     Late binding works the same when using non-static methods or compiling class/methods statically     (@CompileStatic annotation) */ class Program {     static void main(String[] args) {         println Collider.collide(new Asteroid(101), new Spaceship(300))         println Collider.collide(new Asteroid(10), new Spaceship(10))         println Collider.collide(new Spaceship(101), new Spaceship(10))     } }  class Collider {     static String collide(SpaceObject x, SpaceObject y) {         (x.size > 100 && y.size > 100) ? "big-boom" : collideWith(x, y)  // Dynamic dispatch to collideWith method     }      private static String collideWith(Asteroid x, Asteroid y) { "a/a" }     private static String collideWith(Asteroid x, Spaceship y) { "a/s" }     private static String collideWith(Spaceship x, Asteroid y) { "s/a" }     private static String collideWith(Spaceship x, Spaceship y) { "s/s"} }  class SpaceObject {     int size     SpaceObject(int size) { this.size = size } }  @InheritConstructors class Asteroid extends SpaceObject {} @InheritConstructors class Spaceship extends SpaceObject {} 







import { multi, method } from '@arrows/multimethod'  class Asteroid {} class Spaceship {}  const collideWith = multi(   method([Asteroid, Asteroid], (x, y) => {     // deal with asteroid hitting asteroid   }),   method([Asteroid, Spaceship], (x, y) => {     // deal with asteroid hitting spaceship   }),   method([Spaceship, Asteroid], (x, y) => {     // deal with spaceship hitting asteroid   }),   method([Spaceship, Spaceship], (x, y) => {     // deal with spaceship hitting spaceship   }), ) 




可以使用扩展来向Python增加多分派。例如,最早的模块multimethods.py[10],它为Python提供了CLOS风格的多方法而不用变更语言的底层语法或关键字。在功能上,这非常类似于CLOS例子,但是语法是常规Python的。[b] Guido van Rossum使用Python 2.4介入的修饰器(decorator),出品了多方法的具有简化了的语法的一个简单实现,他为此定义了multimethod修饰器[11][c] multipledispatch[12]采用的形式与之一致。

模块multimethod[13],采用了修饰器和Python 3.5介入的类型提示实现多方法:

from multimethod import multimethod  class Asteroid(): pass  class Spaceship(): pass  @multimethod def collide_with(x: Asteroid, y: Asteroid):     '''deal with asteroid hitting asteroid'''     print("asteroid hitting asteroid")  @multimethod def collide_with(x: Asteroid, y: Spaceship):     '''deal with asteroid hitting spaceship'''     print("asteroid hitting spaceship")  @multimethod def collide_with(x: Spaceship, y: Asteroid):     '''deal with spaceship hitting asteroid'''     print("spaceship hitting asteroid")  @multimethod def collide_with(x: Spaceship, y: Spaceship):     '''deal with spaceship hitting spaceship'''     print("spaceship hitting spaceship") 
>>> a = Asteroid() >>> b = Spaceship() >>> collide_with(a, b) asteroid hitting spaceship 


C语言使用C Object System库[17],可以支持类似于CLOS的动态分派。它是完全可扩展的并且方法不需要任何的手工处理。动态消息(方法)通过COS分派器来分派,它比Objective-C更快。下面是使用COS的例子:

#include <stdio.h> #include <cos/Object.h> #include <cos/gen/object.h>  /* 类 */ defclass (Asteroid) /* 数据成员 */ endclass  defclass (Spaceship) /* 数据成员 */ endclass  /* 泛化函数 */ defgeneric (_Bool, collide_with, _1, _2);  /* 多方法 */ defmethod (_Bool, collide_with, Asteroid, Asteroid)  /* deal with asteroid hitting asteroid */ endmethod  defmethod (_Bool, collide_with, Asteroid, Spaceship)  /* deal with asteroid hitting spaceship */ endmethod  defmethod (_Bool, collide_with, Spaceship, Asteroid)  /* deal with spaceship hitting asteroid */ endmethod  defmethod (_Bool, collide_with, Spaceship, Spaceship)  /* deal with spaceship hitting spaceship */ endmethod  /* 用例 */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {   OBJ a = gnew(Asteroid);   OBJ s = gnew(Spaceship);    printf("<a,a> = %d\n", collide_with(a, a));   printf("<a,s> = %d\n", collide_with(a, s));   printf("<s,a> = %d\n", collide_with(s, a));   printf("<s,s> = %d\n", collide_with(s, s));    grelease(a);   grelease(s); } 











C语言没有动态分派,也可以不使用C Object System库,而以某种形式手工实现。动态分派经常使用enum来标识一个对象的子类型,然后可通过在函数指针分支表英语branch table中查找这个值来完成。C语言模拟多方法的简单例子:

typedef void (*CollisionCase)(void);  void collision_AA(void) { /* handle Asteroid-Asteroid collision  */ }; void collision_AS(void) { /* handle Asteroid-Spaceship collision */ }; void collision_SA(void) { /* handle Spaceship-Asteroid collision */ }; void collision_SS(void) { /* handle Spaceship-Spaceship collision*/ };  typedef enum {     THING_ASTEROID = 0,     THING_SPACESHIP,     THING_COUNT /* not a type of thing itself, instead used to find number of things */ } Thing;  CollisionCase collisionCases[THING_COUNT][THING_COUNT] = {     {&collision_AA, &collision_AS},     {&collision_SA, &collision_SS} };  void collide(Thing a, Thing b) {     (*collisionCases[a][b])(); }  int main(void) {     collide(THING_SPACESHIP, THING_ASTEROID); } 




interface Collideable {     void collideWith(final Collideable other);      /* These methods would need different names in a language without method overloading. */     void collideWith(final Asteroid asteroid);     void collideWith(final Spaceship spaceship); }  class Asteroid implements Collideable {     public void collideWith(final Collideable other) {         // Call collideWith on the other object.         other.collideWith(this);    }      public void collideWith(final Asteroid asteroid) {         // Handle Asteroid-Asteroid collision.     }      public void collideWith(final Spaceship spaceship) {         // Handle Asteroid-Spaceship collision.     } }  class Spaceship implements Collideable {     public void collideWith(final Collideable other) {         // Call collideWith on the other object.         other.collideWith(this);     }      public void collideWith(final Asteroid asteroid) {         // Handle Spaceship-Asteroid collision.     }      public void collideWith(final Spaceship spaceship) {         // Handle Spaceship-Spaceship collision.     } } 



  1. ^ TypeScript的多方法示例:
    import { multi, method, Multi } from '@arrows/multimethod'  class Asteroid {} class Spaceship {}  type CollideWith = Multi & {   (x: Asteroid, y: Asteroid): void   (x: Asteroid, y: Spaceship): void   (x: Spaceship, y: Asteroid): void   (x: Spaceship, y: Spaceship): void }  const collideWith: CollideWith = multi(   method([Asteroid, Asteroid], (x, y) => {     // deal with asteroid hitting asteroid   }),   method([Asteroid, Spaceship], (x, y) => {     // deal with asteroid hitting spaceship   }),   method([Spaceship, Asteroid], (x, y) => {     // deal with spaceship hitting asteroid   }),   method([Spaceship, Spaceship], (x, y) => {     // deal with spaceship hitting spaceship   }), ) 
  2. ^ Python的multimethods.py示例:
    from multimethods import Dispatch from game_objects import Asteroid, Spaceship from game_behaviors import as_func, ss_func, sa_func collide = Dispatch() collide.add_rule((Asteroid, Spaceship), as_func) collide.add_rule((Spaceship, Spaceship), ss_func) collide.add_rule((Spaceship, Asteroid), sa_func) def aa_func(a, b):     """Behavior when asteroid hits asteroid."""     # ...define new behavior... collide.add_rule((Asteroid, Asteroid), aa_func) 
    # ...later... collide(thing1, thing2) 
  3. ^ Python的van Rossum最初的多方法实现:
    @multimethod(Asteroid, Asteroid) def collide(a, b):     """Behavior when asteroid hits a asteroid."""     # ...define new behavior... @multimethod(Asteroid, Spaceship) def collide(a, b):     """Behavior when asteroid hits a spaceship."""     # ...define new behavior... # ... define other multimethod rules ... 


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  8. ^ Groovy - Multi-methods. [2021-04-15]. (原始内容存档于2021-04-16). 
  9. ^ 9.0 9.1 9.2 @arrows/multimethod页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) Multiple dispatch in JavaScript/TypeScript with configurable dispatch resolution by Maciej Cąderek.
  10. ^ multimethods.py页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), Multiple dispatch in Python with configurable dispatch resolution by David Mertz, et al.
  11. ^ Five-minute Multimethods in Python. [2014-07-13]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-29). 
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  33. ^ VB.Net Multiple Dispatch. [2020-03-31]. (原始内容存档于2021-04-11). 
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  39. ^ yomm2. [2021-03-30]. (原始内容存档于2020-11-12). 
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  41. ^ openmethods
  42. ^ multimethods vocabulary. [2014-07-13]. (原始内容存档于2021-04-29). 
  43. ^ MultiJava. [2014-07-13]. (原始内容存档于2021-04-11). 
  44. ^ Class::Multimethods. [2014-07-13]. (原始内容存档于2013-10-21). 
  45. ^ multimethod-lib. [2021-03-30]. (原始内容存档于2021-04-29). 
  46. ^ The Multiple Dispatch Library. [2021-03-30]. (原始内容存档于2021-04-30). 
  47. ^ Multimethod Package. [2021-03-30]. (原始内容存档于2021-04-29). 
  48. ^ Vlx-Multimethods Package. [2021-03-30]. (原始内容存档于2021-04-27). 
  49. ^ TinyCLOS. [2014-07-13]. (原始内容存档于2008-12-11). 


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