巴西利卡法典 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
《巴西利卡法典》(来自希臘語:τὰ βασιλικά “皇家法律”)是9世纪颁布的拜占庭帝国法典,自巴西尔一世治下开始编纂,在其子利奥六世治下完成。《巴西利卡法典》简化、改编了查士丁尼一世6世纪颁布的《查士丁尼法典》。《查士丁尼法典》分为四部分,但《巴西利卡法典》全文是一个整体,对各主题的排列也更加系统化[1]。
[编辑]对公元650至850年间拜占庭法律的发展,历史学家知之甚少[2]。至 8 世纪中旬,即使在首都君士坦丁堡,拜占庭人使用拉丁语的《查士丁尼法典》也较为困难,需要依赖希腊语翻译文本[2]。《巴西利卡法典》发布,是因为:拜占庭帝国的官方语言已经从拉丁语变为希腊语,及《查士丁尼法典》颁布后的四百年间,法律已經产生诸多改变[3]。
《巴西利卡法典》于888年圣诞节颁布[9],以希腊语写成[3],依主题分为 60 书[2]。《法典》涵盖教会法以及世俗民法、公法,成为拜占庭帝国法律的基础[1],主要目标人群为拜占庭帝国的律师[3]。皇帝利奥六世在《巴西利卡法典》序言中提及查士丁尼及其杰作《查士丁尼法典》,但认为该作仍有瑕疵[2]。而《巴西利卡法典》,则将阐明法律疑点,使法律更加易学,以至于利奥六世宣布“从远古到朕所颁布的法律,没有一部正确的法律被遗漏”[2]。
[编辑]利奥六世并未以《巴西利卡法典》正式取代《查士丁尼法典》[3]。《巴西利卡法典》本是《查士丁尼法典》的翻译及简洁化版本[2],但因它以希腊语写成、且更加适时,因此在拜占庭帝国逐渐取代《查士丁尼法典》,以至于后者在 10 世纪末开始被弃用[3]。至 1166 年,皇帝曼努埃尔一世才宣布《巴西利卡法典》为唯一有效的法典[2]。但《巴西利卡法典》影响大体限于东罗马帝国,未如《查士丁尼法典》一般影响西方罗马法发展及近现代法律体系[10]。
[编辑]- ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Basilica | Byzantine law. Encyclopedia Britannica. [2020-07-27]. (原始内容存档于2020-11-21) (英语).
- ^ 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 Chitwood, Zachary. The “Cleansing of the Ancient Laws” under Basil I and Leo VI. Byzantine Legal Culture and the Roman Legal Tradition, 867–1056. 2017/02 [2020-07-28]. (原始内容存档于2018-06-15) (英语).
- ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Sherman, Charles (1918). "The Basilika. A Ninth Century Roman Law Code Which Became the First Civil Code of Modern Law a Thousand Years Later". University of Pennsylvania Law Review and American Law Register (66): 363–367.
- ^ Nicholas I, Letter to Michael III 459.5–7
- ^ Louis II, Letter to Basil I 390.10–15, 390.34–391.6.
- ^ Gutas, Dimitri. Greek thought, Arabic culture: the Graeco-Arabic translation movement in Baghdad and early ʻAbbāsid society (2nd-4th/8th-10th centuries). Psychology Press, 1998.
- ^ Fögen, Marie Theres. "Reanimation of Roman Law in the ninth century: remarks on reasons and results." PUBLICATIONS-SOCIETY FOR THE PROMOTION OF BYZANTINE STUDIES (1998): 11-22.
- ^ Trοianos, S. N. (2001) “Δίκαιο και ιδεολογία στα χρόνια των Μακεδόνων,” Βυζαντινά 22: 239–61.
- ^ Schminck, Andreas. "“Frömmigkeit ziere das Werk”. Zur Datierung der 60 Bücher Leons VI." Subseciva Groningana 3 (1989): 79-114, 92-94.
- ^ Chisholm, Hugh, ed. (1911). "Basilica" . Encyclopædia Britannica. 3 (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press. pp. 477–478.
- ^ 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 Sherman, C. P. (1917). Roman Law in the Modern World: 1914-15 (Vol. 1). Boston Book Company. Secs. 182-194.
- ^ 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 Dacoronia, Eugenia. "Development of the Greek Civil Law: From Its Roman-Byzantine Origins to Its Contemporary European Orientation, The." Eur. Rev. Private L. 11 (2003): 661.
- ^ 《法律六书》为十四世纪塞萨洛尼基一法官所编写,为拜占庭帝国最后的法律典籍之一。
- ^ A. Yiannopoulos, in K. D. Kerameus and P. J. Kozyris (eds), Introduction to Greek Law, 2nd ed, Kluwer/Sakkoulas, Deventer 1993, ch1, Historical Development.
- ^ A. Gasis, "I syntaxi tou Astikou Kodika" (The drafting of the Civil Code), KritE [Kritiki Epitheorissi, Critical Review (legal periodical)], 1996(1), pp. 111-21.
- ^ A. Litzeropoulos, "Ta deka prota eti tou Astikou Kodikos" (The ten first years of the Civil Code), NoV [Nomiko Vima, Legal Tribune (legal periodical)] 4, pp. 238-39.
- ^ Stathopoulos, Michael. Contract law in Hellas. Kluwer Law International, 1995.
[编辑]- Freshfield, Edwin Hanson (1928). The Procheiros Nomos. Cambridge: University Press.
- Freshfield, Edwin Hanson (1931). A Provincial Manual of Later Roman Law: The Calabrian Procheiron on Servitudes & Bye-laws Incidental to the Tenure of Real Property. Cambridge: University Press.
- Heimbach, Gustav; Heimbach, Karl Wilhelm Ernst; Fabrot, Charles (1833). Basilika. Libsiae: Sumtibus J. A. Barth.
[编辑]- Vasiliev, A. A. History of the Byzantine Empire, 324–1453. Second edition. Madison, 1952 (pp. 342–3). New Cambridge Medieval History. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1923.
- Lawson, F.H. (1933). "The Basilika"
(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆). The Law Quarterly Review (46): 486–501.
- Sass, Stephen L. (1965). "Medieval Roman Law: A Guide to the Sources and Literature" (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆). Law Library Journal (58):130–135.
- Schminck, Andreas (1989). "Frömmigkeit ziere das Werk". Subseciva Groningana (3): 79–114.
- Sherman, Charles (1918). "The Basilika. A Ninth Century Roman Law Code Which Became the First Civil Code of Modern Law a Thousand Years Later" (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆). University of Pennsylvania Law Review and American Law Register (66): 363–367.
- Stolte, Bernard (1998). "Not new but novel. Notes on the historiography of Byzantine Law". Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies (22): 264–279.
[编辑]- Basilica. Encyclopædia Britannica 3 (第11版). London: Cambridge University Press: 477–478. 1911. Chisholm, Hugh (编).