性成熟障礙 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书


性成熟障礙(英語:Sexual maturation disorder)是一種焦慮症抑鬱症,與一個人的性別認同性取向的不確定性有關。世界衛生組織在「與性發育和性取向相關的心理和行為障礙(英語:Psychological and behavioural disorders associated with sexual development and orientation)」下列出了國際疾病與相關健康問題統計分類(ICD-10)中的性成熟障礙。[1]在ICD-10中明確指出,性取向本身並不是一種疾病,因此在此未被分類。[1]1990年,性成熟障礙、性關係障礙以及自我矛盾的性取向被引入ICD,取代了ICD-9對同性戀的診斷。[2]該診斷不包括在ICD-11中。[3][4]


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 F66.0
  2. ^ Drescher, Jack. Queer diagnoses revisited: The past and future of homosexuality and gender diagnoses in DSM and ICD. International Review of Psychiatry. 4 August 2015, 27 (5): 386–395. doi:10.3109/09540261.2015.1053847. 
  3. ^ Reed, Geoffrey M.; Drescher, Jack; Krueger, Richard B.; Atalla, Elham; Cochran, Susan D.; First, Michael B.; Cohen-Kettenis, Peggy T.; Arango-de Montis, Iván; Parish, Sharon J.; Cottler, Sara; Briken, Peer; Saxena, Shekhar. Disorders related to sexuality and gender identity in the ICD-11: revising the ICD-10 classification based on current scientific evidence, best clinical practices, and human rights considerations. World Psychiatry. October 2016, 15 (3): 205–221. PMC 5032510可免费查阅. doi:10.1002/wps.20354. 
  4. ^ Cochran, Susan D; Drescher, Jack; Kismödi, Eszter; Giami, Alain; García-Moreno, Claudia; Atalla, Elham; Marais, Adele; Vieira, Elisabeth Meloni; Reed, Geoffrey M. Proposed declassification of disease categories related to sexual orientation in the (ICD-11). Bulletin of the World Health Organization. 1 September 2014, 92 (9): 672–679. PMC 4208576可免费查阅. doi:10.2471/BLT.14.135541.