恶性疟原虫 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书

科学分类 编辑
演化支 SAR 超类群 SAR
演化支 囊泡虫类 Alveolata
门: 粘孢子总门 Myzozoa
纲: 無類錐體綱 Aconoidasida
目: 血孢子蟲目 Haemosporida
科: 瘧原蟲科 Plasmodiidae
属: 瘧原蟲屬 Plasmodium
恶性疟原虫 P. falciparum
Plasmodium falciparum

Oscillaria malariae Laveran, 1881
Plasmodium malariae Marchiafava and Celli, 1885
Laverania malariae Feletti and Grassi, 1890
Ematozoo falciforme Antolisei and Angelini, 1890
Haemamoeba immaculata Grassi, 1891
Haemamoeba laverani Labbe, 1894
Haematozoon falciforme Thayer and Hewetson, 1895
Haematozoon falciparum Welch, 1897
Haemosporidium sedecimanae Lewkowicz, 1897
Haemosporidium undecimanae Lewkowicz, 1897
Haemosporidium vigesimotertianae Lewkowicz, 1897

恶性疟原虫拉丁語Plasmodium falciparum)是一种原生动物寄生虫[2],是引发人类疟疾疟原虫的一种,由雌性疟蚊传播。该型疟原虫引发的疟疾是所有瘧疾中死亡率最高的一种[3]。根据最近的2014年世界卫生组织的统计,2013年全世界的疟疾病例共有1.98亿例,估计造成584,000人死亡[4][5]





  1. ^ Coatney GR, Collins WE, Warren M, Contacos PG. 22 Plasmodium falciparum (Welch, 1897). The primate malarias. Division of Parasitic Disease, CDC. 1971: 263 [2018-04-27]. (原始内容存档于2019-08-26). 
  2. ^ Plasmodium falciparum (revisited). Parasite of the Day. [2024-03-22]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-19). 
  3. ^ Perlmann, P; Troye-Blomberg, M. Malaria blood-stage infection and its control by the immune system. Folia biologica. 2000, 46 (6): 210–8. PMID 11140853. 
  4. ^ Factsheet on the World Malaria Report 2014. World Health Orgnization. 2014 [2 February 2015]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-28). 
  5. ^ WHO. World Malaria Report 2014. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization. 2014: 32–42. ISBN 978-92-4156483-0. 
  6. ^ Loy, Dorothy E.; Liu, Weimin; Li, Yingying; Learn, Gerald H.; Plenderleith, Lindsey J.; Sundararaman, Sesh A.; Sharp, Paul M.; Hahn, Beatrice H. Out of Africa: origins and evolution of the human malaria parasites Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax. International Journal for Parasitology. 2017, 47 (2-3): 87–97. PMC 5205579可免费查阅. PMID 27381764. doi:10.1016/j.ijpara.2016.05.008. 

