理查德·塔鲁斯金 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
理查德·塔鲁斯金 | |
![]() 2014年的塔鲁斯金 | |
出生 | 美国纽约市 | 1945年4月2日
逝世 | 2022年7月1日 美国加利福尼亚州奥克兰 | (77歲)
配偶 | Cathy Roebuck(1984年结婚) |
儿女 | 2 |
奖项 | |
學術背景 | |
教育程度 | 哥伦比亚大学(文学学士、文学硕士、哲学博士) |
學術工作 | |
學科 | 俄国音乐 |
研究機構 | |
著名作品 | 《牛津西方音乐史》 |
理查德·菲勒·塔鲁斯金(英語:Richard Filler Taruskin,1945年4月2日—2022年7月1日),美国音乐学家、音乐评论家,是同代音乐史学家中的最杰出的领头人物之一。[1]他广泛挖掘史料,结合社会学、文化、政治视野的音乐分析,引发了许多讨论、辩论和争议。[2][3]他定期为《纽约时报》等报纸撰写音乐评论。塔鲁斯金研究过各种各样的课题,但主要是18世纪至今的俄国音乐。[4]其他涉猎的课题包括表演理论、15世纪音乐、20世纪古典音乐、民族主义音乐、现代性理论、音乐分析等。[4]最为著称的是对西方古典音乐研究的六卷本鸿篇巨帙《牛津西方音乐史》。[2][5]:124–125受奖若干,包括1978年美国音乐学学会首次颁发的诺亚·格林伯格奖,以及2017年的京都奖。
[编辑]理查德·菲勒·塔鲁斯金[6]1945年4月2日出生于纽约,[4]生长于一个“自由主义、知识分子、犹太人音乐世家”。母亲Beatrice Filler是钢琴教师,父亲Benjamin是业余小提琴家。[2][7]他入读音乐美术高中(现属Fiorello H. LaGuardia高中)学习大提琴。[2]后获哥伦比亚大学优等文学学士(1965)、文学硕士(1968)和音乐史学的哲学博士学位(1976)。[7]他指挥过哥伦比亚大学音乐学会合唱团。1970年代末至1980年代末在Aulos乐团演奏古大提琴。[2][4]
1981年出版第一本书《1860年代俄国歌剧、戏剧的言传与身教》(Opera and Drama in Russia as Preached and Practiced in the 1860s)。[6]他还写有大量普及性著作,其中有1980年代中期开始为《纽约时报》撰写的一些文章,[6][9]这些文章“生动,博学,能言善辩”[6]且极富争议,评论对象有艾略特·卡特、奥尔夫、普罗科菲耶夫等。[6]这些文章多被收入将塔鲁斯金誉为影响复古风格演奏运动的评论家[1][2][9]的《文本与行动》(Text and Act)一书,[10]以及《“危险的音乐”等反乌托邦文章》(The Danger of Music and Other Anti-Utopian Essays)[11]和《论俄国音乐》(On Russian Music)[12]等书中。他的文章多从社会、文化、政治议题中讨论音乐——例如审查制度,特别是对约翰·亚当斯歌剧《克林霍弗之死》的辩论。[13][n 1]
[编辑]塔鲁斯金1984年与Cathy Roebuck结婚,育有子女二人。[1][6]2022年7月1日因食道癌逝于加利福尼亚州奥克兰,享年77岁。[6][7][15]
[编辑]塔鲁斯金所获学术奖项众多。1978年他以对奥克冈的《短拍弥撒》的研究和表演收获美国音乐学学会(AMS)颁发的首个诺亚·格林伯格奖。[16]他还获美国音乐学学会的阿尔弗雷德·爱因斯坦奖(1980),英国皇家音乐协会的登特奖章(1987)。[17]1997年和2006年两次获美国音乐学学会的Otto Kinkeldey奖。[4]1998年入选美国哲学学会。[18]美国作曲家、作家和发行商协会1988年授予他Deems Taylor奖,[19]2006年再次授奖。[20]2017年获京都奖(音乐类)。[8][9][21]
[编辑]- Taruskin, Richard. Opera and Drama in Russia: As Preached and Practiced in the 1860s. Ann Arbor: UMI Research Press. 1981. ISBN 978-0-8357-1245-3. Republished in 1993, Rochester: University of Rochester Press
- ——; Weiss, P. (编). Music in the Western World: A History in Documents. New York: G. Schirmer. 1984. ISBN 978-0-02-872900-8.
- ——. Musorgsky: Eight Essays and an Epilogue. Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1993. ISBN 978-0-691-01623-8. JSTOR j.ctv18zhdkh. S2CID 241012607. doi:10.2307/j.ctv18zhdkh.
- ——. Text and Act: Essays on Music and Performance. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1995. ISBN 978-0-19-535743-1.
- ——. Stravinsky and the Russian Traditions: A Biography of the Works through Mavra. 2 volumes. Berkeley: University of California Press. 1996. ISBN 978-0-520-07099-8.
- ——. Defining Russia Musically: Historical and Hermeneutical essays. Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1997. ISBN 978-0-691-01156-1. JSTOR j.ctv15r5dmx. S2CID 193710371. doi:10.2307/j.ctv15r5dmx.
- ——. The Oxford History of Western Music. 6 volumes. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2005.
- ——. The Danger of Music And Other Anti-Utopian Essays. Berkeley: University of California Press. 2008. ISBN 978-0-520-26805-0.
- ——. On Russian Music. Berkeley: University of California Press. 2008. ISBN 978-0-520-26806-7. JSTOR 10.1525/j.ctt1ppqnq.
- Karlinsky, Simon. ——; Karlinsky, Simon; Hughes, Robert P.; Koster, Thomas A. , 编. Freedom from Violence and Lies: Essays on Russian Poetry and Music (PDF). Boston: Academic Studies Press. 2013. ISBN 978-1-61811-158-6. JSTOR j.ctt1zxsk34. doi:10.2307/j.ctt1zxsk34.
- ——; Allanbrook, Wye Jamison; Smart, Mary Ann (编). The Secular Commedia: Comic Mimesis in Late Eighteenth-Century Music. Berkeley: University of California Press. 2014. ISBN 978-0-520-27407-5.
- ——. Russian Music at Home and Abroad: New Essays. Berkeley: University of California Press. 2016. ISBN 978-0-520-28809-6. JSTOR 10.1525/j.ctt1dnncjs.
- ——. Cursed Question: On Music and Its Social Practices. Berkeley: University of California Press. 2020. ISBN 978-0-520-34429-7.
[编辑]- Taruskin, Richard. The Musicologist and the Performer. Holoman, D. Kern; Palisca, Claude V. (编). Musicology in the 1980s: Methods, Goals, Opportunities. New York: Da Capo Press. 1982: 107–117. ISBN 978-0-306-76188-1.
- ——. 'Little Star': an Etude in the Folk Style. Brown, Malcolm Hamrick (编). Musorgsky, in Memoriam, 1881–1981. Ann Arbor: UMI Research Press. 1982: 57–84. ISBN 978-0-8357-1295-8.
- ——. Handel, Shakespeare, and Musorgksy: The Sources and Limits of Russian Musical Realism. Music and Language. Studies in the history of music 1. New York: Broude Bros. 1983: 247–268. ISBN 978-0-8450-7401-5.
- ——. “The Present in the Past”: Russian Opera and Russian Historiography, ca. 1870. Brown, Malcolm Hamrick (编). Russian and Soviet Music: Essays for Boris Schwarz. Ann Arbor: UMI Research Press. 1984: 77–146. ISBN 978-0-8357-1295-8.
- ——. The Rite Revisited: the Idea and the Sources of its Scenario. Hatch, Christopher; Strainchamps, Edmond; Maniates, Maria Rika (编). Music and Civilization: Essays in Honor of Paul Henry Lang. New York: W. W. Norton. 1984: 183–202. ISBN 978-0-393-01677-2.
- ——. Serov and Musorgsky. Brown, Malcolm Hamrick; Wiley, Roland John (编). Slavonic and Western Music: Essays for Gerald Abraham. Ann Arbor: UMI Research Press. 1985: 139–161. ISBN 978-0-8357-1594-2.
- ——. From Subject to Style: Stravinsky and the Painters. Pasler, Jann (编). Confronting Stravinsky: Man, Musician, and Modernist. Berkeley: University of California Press. 1986: 16–38 [1982]. ISBN 978-0-520-05403-5.
- ——. Stravinsky’s "Rejoicing Discovery" and what it Meant: in Defense of his Notorious Text Setting. Haimo, Ethan; Johnson, Paul (编). Stravinsky Retrospectives. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. 1987: 162–200. ISBN 978-0-8032-7301-6.
- ——. The Pastness of the Present and the Presence of the Past. Kenyon, Nicholas (编). Authenticity and Early Music: A Symposium. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1988: 137–210. ISBN 978-0-19-816152-3.
- ——. The Traditional Revisited: Stravinsky’s Requiem Canticles as Russian Music. Hatch, Christopher; Bernstein, David W. (编). Music Theory and the Exploration of the Past. Chicago: Chicago University Press. 1995: 525–550. ISBN 978-0-226-31902-5.
- ——. From Fairy Tale to Opera in Four Moves (Not so Simple). Bauman, Thomas; McClymonds, Marita Petzoldt (编). Opera and the Enlightenment. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1995: 299–307. ISBN 978-0-521-46172-6.
- ——. Public Lies and Unspeakable Truth: Interpreting Shostakovich’s Fifth Symphony. Fanning, David (编). Shostakovich Studies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1995: 17–56. ISBN 978-0-511-55140-6. doi:10.1017/CBO9780511551406.002.
[编辑]- Taruskin, Richard. Realism as Preached and Practiced: The Russian Opera Dialogue. The Musical Quarterly (Oxford University Press). July 1970, 56 (3): 431–454. JSTOR 741247. doi:10.1093/mq/LVI.3.431.
- ——. Glinka's Ambiguous Legacy and the Birth Pangs of Russian Opera. 19th-Century Music (University of California Press). November 1977, 1 (2): 142–162. JSTOR 746475. doi:10.2307/746475.
- ——. Opera and Drama in Russia: The Case of Serov's "Judith". Journal of the American Musicological Society (University of California Press). Spring 1979, 32 (1): 74–117. JSTOR 831269. doi:10.2307/831269.
- ——. Russian Folk Melodies in "The Rite of Spring". Journal of the American Musicological Society (University of California Press). Autumn 1980, 33 (3): 501–543. JSTOR 831304. doi:10.2307/831304.
- ——. On Letting the Music Speak for Itself: some Reflections on Musicology and Performance. The Journal of Musicology (University of California Press). June 1982, 1 (3): 338–349. JSTOR 763881. doi:10.2307/763881.
- ——. How the Acorn Took Root: A Tale of Russia. 19th-Century Music (University of California Press). Spring 1983, 6 (3): 189–212. JSTOR 746585. doi:10.2307/746585.
- ——. Some Thoughts on the History and Historiography of Russian Music. The Journal of Musicology (University of California Press). Autumn 1984, 3 (4): 321–339. JSTOR 763585. doi:10.2307/763585.
- ——. Musorgsky vs. Musorgsky: The Versions of "Boris Godunov". 19th-Century Music (University of California Press). Autumn 1984, 8 (2): 91–118, 241–256. JSTOR 746756. doi:10.2307/746756.
- ——. Chernomor to Kashchei: Harmonic Sorcery; Or, Stravinsky's "Angle". Journal of the American Musicological Society (University of California Press). Spring 1985, 38 (1): 72–142. JSTOR 831550. doi:10.2307/831550.
- ——. Antoine Busnoys and the "L'Homme armé" Tradition. Journal of the American Musicological Society (University of California Press). Summer 1986, 39 (2): 255–293. JSTOR 831531. doi:10.2307/831531.
- ——. Chez Pétrouchka: Harmony and Tonality "chez" Stravinsky. 19th-Century Music (University of California Press). Spring 1987, 10 (3): 265–286. JSTOR 746439. doi:10.2307/746439.
- ——. Resisting the Ninth. 19th-Century Music (University of California Press). Spring 1989, 12 (3): 241–256. JSTOR 746505. doi:10.2307/746505.
- ——. 'Jews and Geniuses': An Exchange. The New York Review of Books. June 15, 1989 [2022-07-19]. (原始内容存档于2022-07-19).
- ——. Tradition and Authority. Early Music (Oxford University Press). May 1992, 20 (2): 311–314+317–320+323–325. JSTOR 3127887. doi:10.1093/earlyj/XX.2.311.
- ——. 'Entoiling the Falconet': Russian Musical Orientalism in Context. Cambridge Opera Journal (Cambridge University Press). November 1992, 4 (3): 253–280. JSTOR 823694. doi:10.1017/S0954586700003797.
- ——. Busnoys and Chaikovsky. International Journal of Musicology. 1995,. 4, A Birthday Offering for George Perle: 111–137. JSTOR 24617753.
- ——. A Myth of the Twentieth Century: The Rite of Spring, the Tradition of the New, and the Myth Itself. Modernism/modernity (Johns Hopkins University Press). January 1995, 2 (1): 1–26. S2CID 145160261. doi:10.1353/mod.1995.0008.
- ——. The Birth of Contemporary Russia out of the Spirit of Russian Music. Muzikologija. 2006, 6 (6): 63–76. doi:10.2298/MUZ0606063T.
- ——. Is There a Baby in the Bathwater? (Part I). Archiv für Musikwissenschaft (Franz Steiner Verlag). 2006, 63 (3): 163–185. JSTOR 25162364.
- ——. Is There a Baby in the Bathwater? (Part II). Archiv für Musikwissenschaft (Franz Steiner Verlag). 2006, 63 (4): 309–327. JSTOR 25162374.
- ——. MUSIC; Music's Dangers And The Case For Control
. The New York Times. December 9, 2001 [2022-07-19]. (原始内容存档于2022-07-19).
- ——. Why You Cannot Leave Bartók Out. Studia Musicologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae. September 2006, T. 47 (Fasc. 3/4): 265–277. JSTOR 25598260.
- ——. Afterword: Nicht blutbefleckt?. The Journal of Musicology (University of California Press). Spring 2009, 26 (2): 274–284. JSTOR 10.1525/jm.2009.26.2.274. doi:10.1525/jm.2009.26.2.274.
- ——. Agents and Causes and Ends, Oh My. The Journal of Musicology. Spring 2014, 31 (2): 272–293. JSTOR 10.1525/jm.2014.31.2.272. doi:10.1525/jm.2014.31.2.272.
[编辑]- ^ See, for example, “The Klinghoffer Controversy” in Thomas May, ed., The John Adams Reader (Amadeus Press, 2006), pp. 297–339; Taruskin’s original 2001 The New York Times article is reprinted there and, with a lengthy postscript, in The Danger of Music.
[编辑]- ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Kosman, Joshua. UC music historian Richard Taruskin relishes provocateur role. SF Gate. May 31, 2014 [September 24, 2021]. (原始内容存档于2021-09-24).
- ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 McBride, Jerry. Richard Taruskin. Stanford University Libraries and Academic Information Resources. 2008 [September 24, 2021]. (原始内容存档于January 30, 2021).
- ^ Anon. 2017,"Achievement Digest".
- ^ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Morgan 2001.
- ^ 5.0 5.1 Ritzarev, Marina. UC music historian Richard Taruskin relishes provocateur role (PDF). Israel Studies in Musicology Online. 2017 [July 2, 2022]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2022-07-06).
- ^ 6.00 6.01 6.02 6.03 6.04 6.05 6.06 6.07 6.08 6.09 6.10 Page, Tim. Richard Taruskin, provocative scholar of classical music, dies at 77. Washington Post. July 2, 2022 [July 3, 2022]. (原始内容存档于2022-07-03).
- ^ 7.0 7.1 7.2 Robin, William. Richard Taruskin, Vigorously Polemical Musicologist, Dies at 77. The New York Times. July 1, 2022 [July 1, 2022]. (原始内容
存档于July 2, 2022).
- ^ 8.0 8.1 Music Professor Wins Prestigious Kyoto Prize. artsdesign.berkeley.edu. June 20, 2017 [July 2, 2022]. (原始内容存档于2022-09-22).
- ^ 9.0 9.1 9.2 Anon. 2017.
- ^ Text and Act. Oxford University Press. November 2010 [July 2, 2022]. ISBN 978-0-19-509458-9. (原始内容存档于2022-07-02).
- ^ The Danger of Music and Other Anti-Utopian Essays. University of California Press. 1996 [July 2, 2022]. ISBN 978-0-520-26805-0. (原始内容存档于2022-07-02).
- ^ Taruskin, Richard. On Russian Music. muse.jhu.edu. 2008 [July 2, 2022]. ISBN 978-0-520-94280-6. (原始内容存档于2022-07-02).
- ^ Maddocks, Fiona. John Adams: 'Trump is a sociopath – there's no empathy, he's a manipulator'. The Guardian. February 17, 2017 [September 24, 2021]. (原始内容存档于2017-08-07).
- ^ Fink, Robert. Review Essay: Stravinsky and the Russian Traditions: A Biography of the Works Through Mavra. Modernism/Modernity (Johns Hopkins University Press). September 1997, 4 (3): 147–154 [July 2, 2022]. S2CID 146710688. doi:10.1353/mod.1997.0053. (原始内容存档于2018-06-02).
- ^ Brachmann, Jan. Ukraine und Stalins Völkermord: Schostakowitschs Chefankläger. FAZ.NET. July 2, 2022 [July 2, 2022]. (原始内容存档于2022-07-02) (德语).
- ^ The Noah Greenberg Award Winners. American Musicological Society. [May 28, 2022]. (原始内容存档于2022-05-28).
- ^ Richard Taruskin. University of California, Berkeley. March 5, 2014 [September 24, 2021]. (原始内容存档于2022-07-29).
- ^ APS Member History. search.amphilsoc.org. [December 2, 2021]. (原始内容存档于2021-12-02).
- ^ 30th Annual ASCAP Deems Taylor Award Recipients. American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers. [September 24, 2021]. (原始内容存档于2021-04-20).
- ^ 38th Annual ASCAP Deems Taylor Award Recipients. American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers. [September 24, 2021]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-29).
- ^ Musicologist Richard Taruskin Wins Japanese 'Nobel'. The Forward. June 21, 2017 [September 24, 2021]. (原始内容存档于2022-07-19).
- ^ Anon. 2017,Profile: Selected Publications.
- ^ Morgan 2001,"Writings".
[编辑]- Anon. Richard Taruskin | Kyoto Prize. Inamori Foundation. 2017 [2022-07-19]. (原始内容存档于2022-07-07).
- Morgan, Paula. Taruskin, Richard
. Grove Music Online. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2001 [2022-07-19]. ISBN 978-1-56159-263-0. doi:10.1093/gmo/9781561592630.article.47125. (原始内容存档于2021-09-24). 需要订阅或英国公共图书馆会员资格
[编辑]- McClary, Susan. The World According to Taruskin. Music & Letters. August 2006, 87 (3): 408–415. JSTOR 3876907. doi:10.1093/ml/gcl001.
- Oestreich, James R. A History of Western Music? Well, It's a Long Story. The New York Times (interview about Oxford History of Western Music). December 19, 2004 [May 28, 2022].
- Oestreich, James R. The World According to One Musicologist. The New York Times. February 15, 2012 [2022-07-19]. (原始内容存档于2022-07-19).
[编辑]- 理查德·塔鲁斯金的Discogs页面(英文)
- DeVoto, Mark: Richard Taruskin, 1945–2022 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆). The Boston Musical Intelligencer, July 1, 2022
- 由Google学术搜索索引的理查德·塔鲁斯金出版物