愛丁堡公爵菲臘親王之死 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
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日期 | 逝世:2021年4月9日 丧礼:2021年4月17日15:00(BST) |
地点 | ![]() |
[编辑]親王逝世後,英國政府立即啟動預劃多時的「福斯橋行動」。[4]依亲王遺願,後事一切從簡,以簡單的皇家仪式取代国葬[5],亦不设吊唁仪式[2][6]。在新聞稿發布之前,宮務大臣已先與女王完成相關討論,之後白金漢宮同時向英国广播公司(BBC)和新聞協會發布新聞稿,此時BBC等媒体在得知親王駕崩後,當時播放的節目第一時間即插播成写有“News Report”(快訊)的黑白字卡,随后由BBC新闻主播玛蒂娜·克罗克索尔身着黑衣、语带哽咽地向观众宣布菲利普亲王的死讯,之后播放英国国歌,同时畫面配以爱丁堡公爵菲利普亲王纹章及肖像;除CBBC和CBeebies之外的BBC电视频道暫停正常节目播出至当天18:00。BBC广播节目被英国国歌打断,随后也改为播出较为低沉的音乐,其它英国媒体也有类似的安排。[7]在為期八天的哀悼期中,國會必須暫時休會,所有議案延期辦理。此外,英國政府下令全國降半旗、所有電視節目主持人都必須穿著黑色服飾[2]。
丧礼于4月17日举行,灵柩上覆亲王个人的旗帜,旗帜上面是亲王的海军大盤帽和佩剑,配以白玫瑰和百合花,上附女王写的悼念卡[5][11][12]。仪式前,靈柩先安奉於温莎城堡私人教堂[13]再从教堂移到城堡内厅[14]。此時,军乐团隊伍进入温莎城堡四方院(Quadrangle),沿途吹奏乐曲《耶路撒冷》、《祖国我向你立誓》、《Supreme Sacrifice》、《Isle of Beauty》和《Nimrod》[15]。

扶灵卫兵身穿橄榄绿服裝,將親王靈柩置放於亲王曾參予设计的路虎卫士上[5][11][16]。之后灵柩从四方亭离开,其後的送葬队伍依次為亲王子嗣、女婿[17][18],隨後是坐在宾利豪华礼车的女王。靈柩前的隊伍包括皇家近衛騎兵、擲彈兵衛隊及与亲王有關係的军事部队[19]。队列从四方形前进到马蹄回廊(Horseshoe Cloister),由掷弹兵卫队军乐团打头阵,军队指挥官和参谋长紧随其后[5][11]。皇家海军、皇家海军陆战队、苏格兰皇家军团第4营高地人和皇家空军也在队伍中[19]。皇家马炮兵国王部队鸣枪数分钟[20]。
按照亲王的遗愿,仪式不设布道或颂词,仪式著重强调亲王与皇家海军的联系及对海洋的热爱[25]。丧礼开头的合唱歌曲为威廉·克罗夫特创作的《丧礼进行曲》(Funeral Sentences)[26]。
温莎教长先诵读《便西拉智訓》第43章第11到26节,之后坎特伯雷大主教诵读《约翰福音》第11章第21到27节。威廉·洛夫拉迪受亲王委托,为《诗篇104》的演唱伴奏[26][27]。仪式上的赞美诗包括通常用来赞美海员的《永恒圣父,恩能无边》、《欢呼颂》(由亲王指定)和《集禱頌》,由沃尔特·帕拉特爵士配乐[26]。温莎教长赞扬亲王“坚定不移地忠诚于”女王,忠诚服务国家和英联邦[25]。教长也在灵柩落入皇家墓室(Royal Vault)时表达赞扬,同时皇家苏格兰兵团吹号手吹奏哀乐,从北奎尔走廊(North Quire Aisle)前往教长回廊(Dean's Cloister)。仪式以嘉德纹章官托马斯·伍德科克布告公爵的名号和头衔、《最后岗位》、坎特伯雷大主教祝祷、《起床號》和英国国歌结束[26]。
隨後,亲王靈柩暫厝圣乔治礼拜堂的皇家墓室[28][11][5],2022年9月伊丽莎白二世女王驾崩後,遷往圣乔治礼拜堂的国王乔治六世纪念教堂(King George VI Memorial Chapel)與伊丽莎白二世女王合葬[29][30]。
[编辑]- 伊丽莎白二世,亲王遗孀
- 威爾斯親王查爾斯和康沃爾公爵夫人卡蜜拉,亲王長子和媳妇
- 劍橋公爵威廉王子和劍橋公爵夫人凱薩琳,亲王長孙和孙媳妇
- 薩塞克斯公爵哈里王子,亲王孫子
- 安妮长公主和海军上将蒂莫西·劳伦斯爵士,亲王女儿和女婿
- 約克公爵安德魯王子,亲王次子
- 比亚特丽斯郡主和艾杜亞度·馬佩利·莫茨,亲王孙女和孙女婿
- 尤金妮公主和傑克·布魯斯班克,亲王孙女和孙女婿
- 威塞克斯伯爵爱德华王子和威塞克斯伯爵夫人蘇菲,亲王幼子和媳妇
- 威爾斯親王查爾斯和康沃爾公爵夫人卡蜜拉,亲王長子和媳妇
[编辑]- 告羅士打公爵理察王子,亲王堂弟,三代堂表亲
- 肯特公爵愛德華親王,亲王隔一代堂表亲
- 雅麗珊郡主,亲王隔一代堂表亲
- 第二代斯諾登伯爵大衛·阿姆斯特朗-瓊斯,亲王外甥
- 莎拉夫人和丹尼尔·查托,亲王外甥女和甥女婿
- 霍亨洛赫-朗根堡亲王菲利普,親王甥孙
- 巴登王儲博恩哈德,亲王甥孙
- 黑森領主海因里希·多納圖斯,亲王隔一代三堂表亲(姻兄之孫)
- 緬甸的蒙巴頓伯爵夫人佩內洛普,亲王隔一代堂表亲的妻子(即亲王已故舅舅第一代緬甸的蒙巴頓伯爵路易·蒙巴頓的孙儿媳妇)[31][32]
[编辑]- 伊丽莎白二世,亲王遗孀
- 威爾斯親王查爾斯和康沃爾公爵夫人卡蜜拉,亲王長子和媳妇
- 安妮长公主和海军上将蒂莫西·劳伦斯爵士,亲王女儿和女婿
- 約克公爵安德魯王子,亲王次子
- 比亚特丽斯郡主和艾杜亞度·馬佩利·莫茨,亲王孙女和孙女婿
- 尤金妮公主和傑克·布魯斯班克,亲王孙女和孙女婿
- 威塞克斯伯爵爱德华王子和威塞克斯伯爵夫人蘇菲,亲王幼子和媳妇
[编辑]- 瑪嘉烈公主 (斯諾登伯爵夫人)家屬:
- 第二代斯諾登伯爵大衛·阿姆斯特朗-瓊斯,親王外甥
- 林利子爵,親王外甥孫
- 瑪格麗特·阿姆斯特朗-瓊斯女勳爵,親王外甥孫女
- 薩拉夫人和丹尼尔·查托,亲王外甥女和甥女婿
- 第二代斯諾登伯爵大衛·阿姆斯特朗-瓊斯,親王外甥
- 英國王室旁系家屬
- 快富公爵家族
- 第四代快富公爵
- 亞歷山德拉·瑟靈頓女爵
- 蒙巴頓家族
- 第四代米爾福德黑文侯爵與夫人
- 伊瓦爾·蒙巴頓勳爵與詹姆斯·科伊爾
- 緬甸的蒙巴頓伯爵夫人佩内洛普,亲王隔一代堂表亲的妻子(即亲王已故舅舅第一代緬甸的蒙巴頓伯爵路易·蒙巴頓的孙儿媳妇)
- 布拉邦爾勳爵與夫人
- 亞歷山卓·霍普斯與
- 菲利普·纳奇布尔
- 蒂慕希·纳奇布尔與伊莎貝拉·纳奇布尔
- 阿什利·希克斯
- 英迪雅·希克斯與大衛·弗林特·伍德
- 霍亨洛赫-朗根堡家族
- 霍亨洛赫-朗根堡亲王遺孀夏洛特,亲王外甥女
- 霍亨洛赫-朗根堡亲王菲利普與莎斯基亞·賓德,親王甥孙與媳婦
- 霍亨洛赫-朗根堡亲王儲
- 霍亨洛赫-朗根堡的西西莉郡主與阿若依·馬尼
- 霍亨洛赫-朗根堡的森雅郡主
- 霍亨洛赫-朗根堡亲王菲利普與莎斯基亞·賓德,親王甥孙與媳婦
- 瓦爾代克和皮爾蒙特的凱薩琳娜郡主
- 霍亨洛赫-朗根堡的塔季安娜郡主
- 霍亨洛赫-朗根堡的路德維希王子
- 霍亨洛赫-朗根堡亲王遺孀夏洛特,亲王外甥女
- 巴登家族
- 巴登王儲博恩哈德與王妃,亲王甥孙與媳婦
- 巴登親王利奧波特
- 巴登親王麥可與克莉絲汀娜王妃
- 巴登親王貝特霍爾特與尼娜王妃
- 黑森家族
- 黑森領主海因里希·多納圖斯,亲王隔一代三堂表亲(姻兄之孫)
- 南斯拉夫親王尼古拉,亲王甥孙
- 南斯拉夫公主卡塔莉娜,亲王甥孙女
- 維多利亞·德·席爾瓦
- 西敏公爵夫人娜塔莉亞·菲利浦斯,親王三代堂表親
- 克里斯托夫·萊斯-瓊斯,親王媳婦父親
- 戴維德·萊斯-瓊斯,親王媳婦兄
巴林王儲薩勒曼 (代表巴林國王)
約旦哈桑親王與沙瓦王妃 (代表約旦國王)
[编辑]- 羅馬尼亞王室首領瑪格麗塔公主與拉杜親王
- 南斯拉夫王儲亞歷山大與凱薩琳王妃
- 普列斯拉夫親王基里爾
- 希臘王后安妮-瑪麗
- 希臘王儲保羅與瑪麗-珊圖王儲妃
- 希臘親王菲利普與尼娜王妃
[编辑]- 利奇菲爾德伯爵夫人萊昂諾拉,亲王甥媳婦
坎特伯里大主教賈斯汀·韋爾比表示,他與英國其他地區和英聯邦一起進行哀悼,並為其「非凡的奉獻精神」感謝上帝。 他回憶說:「在我遇見他的時候,我總是被他對生活的喜悅,他的好奇心以及他與各行各業的人們交流的能力而感到震驚。他總是是使人們感到輕鬆自在並使他們感到與眾不同」[45]。
澳洲總督大衛·赫利表示,菲臘親王對澳洲產生了「深刻影響」。 他代表澳洲人民向「女王陛下及其家庭,英聯邦人民和所有分享這一不幸消息的人們表示最深切的慰問」。 此外,他說澳洲人「感謝菲臘親王的服務,對女王陛下的忠誠和愛心奉獻以及對澳洲,英聯邦和全體人民的承諾。」[47][48]
丹麦: Condolences were issued by 丹麦女王瑪格麗特二世 a nation of which Philip was born a prince. It stated "Her Majesty the Queen has today sent personal condolences to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II in connection with the death of His Royal Highness Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh."[76][77]
法國: French President Emmanuel Macron expressed his condolences on Twitter, stating that Prince Philip "lived an exemplary life defined by bravery, a sense of duty and commitment to the youth and the environment".[78] 法國外交部長让-伊夫·勒德里昂 said that the Duke was a man of "great style" and stated that "France joins in the sorrow of its friends across the Channel and salutes the life, at once European and British, of a man who was a witness to a century of trials and hopes for our continent."[79][65]
德国: Chancellor Angela Merkel stated that Prince Philip's "friendship with Germany, his straightforward nature and his sense of duty will remain unforgotten."[65]
危地马拉: 危地马拉总统亚历杭德罗·贾马太 offered his condolences to the Royal Family.[80]
愛爾蘭: Taoiseach Micheál Martin and Irish President Michael D. Higgins expressed sadness, giving their thoughts to the United Kingdom.[45][81]
以色列: 以色列總統鲁文·里夫林及总理本雅明·内塔尼亚胡 stated their condolences, with Netanyahu saying "Prince Philip was the consummate public servant and will be much missed in Israel and across the world."[45]
義大利: President Sergio Mattarella offered his condolences and defined the Duke as "a friend of the Italian People".
立陶宛: President Gitanas Nausėda and Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė offered their condolences and expressed great sadness over the death.[82]
墨西哥: Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador expressed his condolences, saying, "On behalf of the Government and people of Mexico, I express our sincere condolences to Queen Elizabeth II, to family and friends, as well as to the British people. Rest in peace."[83]
挪威: 挪威首相埃尔娜·索尔贝格, expressed her condolences and sadness,[84] and 挪威國王哈拉尔五世 issued a press release sending condolences to the British royals and citizens.[85]
菲律賓: Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte said "The Philippines and the United Kingdom have strong bilateral ties and we share the grief of the British people in this period of bereavement".[86]
羅馬尼亞: Custodian of the Crown of Romania Margareta of Romania gave a long statement, expressing she was "deeply saddened by the passing of His Royal Highness Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh [...] All generations of the Romanian and British Royal Families were close, but, for today's generation, Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip stand as spiritual models and fundamental sources of inspiration."[87] The President of Romania, Klaus Iohannis, released a statement, saying that he "learned with great sadness" about the passing of Philip, expressing his condolences and full confidence that history will honor the contribution of His Royal Highness.[88]
俄羅斯: Vladimir Putin sent a message conveying his condolences to the Royal Family.[89]
西班牙: Felipe VI and Queen Letizia of Spain telegrammed "Dear Aunt Lillibet" in mourning of "Dear Uncle Philip" stating "We shall never forget the moments that we shared with him and the legacy of service and dedication to the Crown and the United Kingdom by your side". [65]
瑞典: Carl XVI Gustaf, the King of Sweden, issued a press release stating "The Queen and I were deeply saddened to learn of the death of His Royal Highness [...] We offer our sincere condolences to Her Majesty The Queen, The Royal Family and the people of the United Kingdom."[90]
瑞士: The President of the Swiss Confederation Guy Parmelin expressed his condolences on behalf of the Swiss people.[91]
美国: President Joe Biden和美国第一夫人 Jill Biden offered their condolences, saying that "Prince Philip's legacy will live on not only through his family, but in all the charitable endeavors he shaped."[92] Former President George W. Bush said that "[Prince Philip] represented the United Kingdom with dignity" and "we know how much he will be missed."[45] The Jimmy Carter Library and Museum shared an image of Carter with Prince Philip on social media, and expressed condolences.[93] Former President Bill Clinton and his wife, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, also offered their condolences.[94] Former President Barack Obama and former First Lady Michelle Obama offered their condolences, and talked about how the Duke "put [them] at ease with their grace and generosity, turning a ceremonial occasion into something far more natural, even comfortable". They went on to talk about Prince Philip's distinguished naval service and praised his ambition and selflessness.[95]
[编辑]欧洲联盟:欧盟委员会主席乌尔苏拉·冯德莱恩發表一份簡短的聲明 saying that she was "saddened" to hear of Philip's death, and expressing her "sincere sympathy to Her Majesty The Queen, the Royal Family and the people of the United Kingdom".[96]
联合国: 联合国秘书长 安东尼奥·古特雷斯的發言人 said he was "saddened at the passing of His Royal Highness Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh" and "extends condolences to Her Majesty, the Queen, and to the people of the United Kingdom."[97] Guterres also paid "tribute to the Duke of Edinburgh for his active work for the betterment of humankind."[97]
[编辑]- ^ 1.0 1.1 Prince Philip: Funeral to take place on 17 April. BBC News. 2021-04-10 [2021-04-10]. (原始内容存档于2021-04-14).
- ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 Traynor, Sian. Everything that will happen in 'Operation Forth Bridge' when Prince Philip dies. Edinburgh Live. 2021-02-22 [2021-04-09]. (原始内容存档于2021-04-09).
- ^ https://www.facebook.com/ETtoday. 女王送葬儀式結束 伴夫婿菲利普親王長眠 王室私人葬禮不公開 | ETtoday國際新聞 | ETtoday新聞雲. www.ettoday.net. [2022-10-24]. (原始内容存档于2022-09-29) (中文(繁體)).
- ^ Mosalski, Ruth. Operation Forth Bridge: What happens now after Prince Philip's death. WalesOnline. 2021-04-09 [2021-04-09]. (原始内容存档于2021-04-18) (英语).
- ^ 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 Prince Philip: What are the plans for his funeral?. BBC News. 2021-04-10 [2021-04-10]. (原始内容存档于2021-04-17).
- ^ Shields, Bevan. Prince Philip dies in Windsor Castle aged 99. The Sydney Morning Herald. 2021-04-09 [2021-04-09]. (原始内容存档于2021-04-12).
- ^ BBC interrupt programming to announce the death of Prince Philip. (BBC One), [2021-04-14], (原始内容存档于2021-04-14) (中文(中国大陆))
- ^ Spyro, Steph. Millions of viewers around world to watch as Britain falls silent in honour of Duke. Express. 2021-04-17 [2021-04-17]. (原始内容存档于2021-04-17).
- ^ Here’s How To Watch Prince Philip’s Funeral In The US. Bustle. [2021-04-17]. (原始内容存档于2021-04-15).
- ^ Humphries, Monica. Prince Philip's funeral service is airing this weekend — here's how to watch. Insider. 2021-04-15 [2021-04-17]. (原始内容存档于2021-04-18).
- ^ 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 Duke of Edinburgh's funeral to take place on Saturday 17 April. ITV. 2021-04-10 [2021-04-10]. (原始内容存档于2021-04-10).
- ^ Gariano, Francesca. Queen Elizabeth says goodbye to Prince Philip with a note laid on his casket. Today. [2021-04-17]. (原始内容存档于2021-04-17).
- ^ Prince Philip has died aged 99, Buckingham Palace announces. BBC News. 2021-04-09 [2021-04-10]. (原始内容存档于2021-04-17).
- ^ Specia, Megan. Prince Philip’s Funeral: Latest Updates. The New York Times. 2021-04-17 [2021-04-17]. ISSN 0362-4331. (原始内容存档于2021-04-17).
- ^ Military bands pay tribute to Prince Philip. BBC News. [2021-04-17]. (原始内容存档于2021-04-17).
- ^ Coles, Any. Prince Philip: Bespoke Land Rover hearse designed by Duke of Edinburgh revealed ahead of funeral. Sky News. 2021-04-15 [2021-04-15]. (原始内容存档于2021-04-17).
- ^ Prince Philip: The 30 guests attending the Duke of Edinburgh's funeral have been announced. Sky News. 2021-04-15 [2021-04-15]. (原始内容存档于2021-04-17).
- ^ Prince Philip: Duke's four children to walk alongside coffin at funeral. BBC News. 2021-04-15 [2021-04-15]. (原始内容存档于2021-04-17).
- ^ 19.0 19.1 19.2 Prince Philip funeral: Plans, timings and TV coverage. BBC News. 2021-04-16 [2021-04-16]. (原始内容存档于2021-04-17).
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