美洲尖尾濱鷸 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
美洲尖尾濱鷸![]() | |
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成鳥, 繁殖期 | |
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成鳥, 非繁殖期 | |
科学分类 ![]() | |
界: | 动物界 Animalia |
门: | 脊索动物门 Chordata |
纲: | 鸟纲 Aves |
目: | 鸻形目 Charadriiformes |
科: | 鹬科 Scolopacidae |
属: | 滨鹬属 Calidris |
种: | 美洲尖尾濱鷸 C. melanotos |
二名法 | |
Calidris melanotos Vieillot, 1819 | |
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異名 | |
Actodromas maculata |
斑胸滨鹬(台湾作美洲尖尾濱鷸)(学名:Calidris melanotos),為鸻形目鹬科的鸟类。[2]是一種小型的遷徙性涉禽,在北美洲和亞洲繁殖,於南美洲和大洋洲越冬。它以小型無脊椎動物為食。其鳥巢是一個在地面上挖出的洞,內有厚厚的襯墊,足夠深以保護其四枚蛋免受繁殖地的涼風侵襲。美洲尖尾濱鷸長度為21 cm(8.3英寸),翼展為46 cm(18英寸)。
[编辑]美洲尖尾濱鷸有時會與「矮鷸」一起被歸類在 Erolia屬中。這是否代表一個好的單系群取決於系統發生學上難以確定的彎嘴濱鷸 ("C." ferruginea) 的位置,該鷸是 Erolia 的模式種。無論如何,屬名 Ereunetes——曾經被用於西濱鷸 ("C." mauri) 和半蹼濱鷸 ("C." pusilla),它們也是矮鷸演化支的成員——在 Erolia 之前已經確立。
「科克斯鷸」("Calidris" × paramelanotos) 是這種物種與彎嘴濱鷸之間的典型雜交種。這並不能證明這兩種鳥類之間有特別密切的關係,因為距離更遠的涉禽也曾成功雜交。無論如何,在矮鷸演化支中,紅胸濱鷸("C." ruficollis) 和長趾濱鷸("C." subminuta) 是美洲尖尾濱鷸的特別近親。[3]
學名來自古希臘語。屬名 kalidris 或 skalidris 是亞里士多德用來描述一些灰色水邊鳥類的術語。種名 melanotos 來自 melas,意思是「黑色」和 notos,意思是「背」。[4]
這種鳥類在外觀上與廣泛同域分布的尖尾濱鷸("C." acuminata)相似,但尖尾濱鷸並不是矮鷸演化支的成員。美洲尖尾濱鷸是一種體型較大的濱鷸(長度為21 cm(8.3英寸),翼展為46 cm(18英寸)[5]),背部呈灰褐色,夏季雄鳥顏色最深,冬季則最灰。美洲尖尾濱鷸的胸部呈灰色,其下緣明顯分界,這也是該物種英文名稱的由來;如果鳥類面向觀察者,這條清晰的分界線尤為明顯。雙腿呈黃褐色,喙呈橄欖色且尖端較深。
標準測量值[6][7] | |
長度 | 200—240 mm(8—9.6英寸) |
重量 | 73 g(2.6 oz) |
翼展 | 460 mm(18英寸) |
翼 | 136—142.8 mm(5.35—5.62英寸) |
尾 | 60.4—63.9 mm(2.38—2.52英寸) |
嘴峰 | 28.7—29.3 mm(1.13—1.15英寸) |
跗蹠骨 | 27.8—30 mm(1.09—1.18英寸) |
美洲尖尾濱鷸築巢於陡峭的坑巢中,並使用大量的襯墊材料。巢穴深度足夠,蛋位於地面下約3 cm(1.2英寸),這有助於減少在該物種繁殖地區出現的涼風帶來的熱量流失。[19]雌鳥會產下四枚蛋。
[编辑]- 美洲尖尾滨鹬 Calidris melanotos Vieillot, 1819. 台湾物种名录. 台湾: 中央研究院生物多样性研究中心. [2013-01-24] (中文(台湾)).
- ^ Calidris melanotos. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2012. [26 November 2013].
- ^ International Ornithologists' Union. IOC World Bird List 12.1 (Multilingual Version). [2022-08-20]. doi:10.14344/ioc.ml.12.1. (原始内容存档于2022-04-01) (英语).
- ^ Thomas, Gavin H.; Wills, Matthew A.; Székely, Tamás. A supertree approach to shorebird phylogeny. BMC Evolutionary Biology. 2004, 4: 28. PMC 515296
. PMID 15329156. doi:10.1186/1471-2148-4-28
. Supplementary Material
- ^ Jobling, James A. The Helm Dictionary of Scientific Bird Names. London: Christopher Helm. 2010: 84, 248. ISBN 978-1-4081-2501-4.
- ^ Robinson, R.A. Pectoral Sandpiper Calidris melanotos. BirdFacts: profiles of birds occurring in Britain & Ireland (技术报告) (Thetford: BTO). 16 July 2010 [9 August 2012]. 407.
- ^ Godfrey, W. Earl. The Birds of Canada. Ottawa: National Museum of Canada. 1966: 152.
- ^ Sibley, David Allen. The Sibley Guide to Birds
. New York: Knopf. 2000: 184. ISBN 0-679-45122-6.
- ^ Pectoral Sandpiper, Calidris melanotos. U.S. Geological Survey. [9 August 2012]. (原始内容存档于2024-07-25).
- ^ Harrison, Graham; Harrison, Janet. The New Birds of the West Midlands. West Midland Bird Club. 2005. ISBN 0-9507881-2-0. 原始内容存档于23 January 2009.
- ^ Vittery, Alan. The Birds of Sutherland. Colin Baxter Photography. 1997. ISBN 1-900455-18-8.
- ^ Lees, A.C.; Gilroy, J.G. Pectoral Sandpipers in Europe: vagrancy patterns and the influx of 2003. British Birds. 2004, 97 (12): 638–646.
- ^ For example the species was described as "unusual" in San Mateo County, California in the late 19th century, despite nearby San Francisco Bay offering excellent stopover habitat: Littlejohn, Chase (1916): Some unusual records for San Mateo County, California. Presentation at Cooper Club Northern Division Monthly Meeting, November 18, 1915. Abstract in Minutes of Cooper Club Meeting (PDF). Condor. 1916, 18 (1): 38–40 [2024-09-04]. JSTOR 1362896. doi:10.2307/1362896. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2024-09-04).
- ^ Wiles, Gary J.; Johnson, Nathan C.; de Cruz, Justine B.; Dutson, Guy; Camacho, Vicente A.; Kepler, Angela Kay; Vice, Daniel S.; Garrett, Kimball L.; Kessler, Curt C.; Pratt, H. Douglas. New and Noteworthy Bird Records for Micronesia, 1986–2003. Micronesica. 2004, 37 (1): 69–96.
- ^ VanderWerf, Eric A. Observations on the birds of Kwajalein Atoll, including six new species records for the Marshall Islands. Micronesica. 2006, 38 (2): 221–237.
- ^ VanderWerf, Eric A.; Wiles, Gary J.; Marshall, Ann P.; Knecht, Melia. Observations of migrants and other birds in Palau, April–May 2005, including the first Micronesian record of a Richard's Pipit. Micronesica. 2006, 39 (1): 11–29.
- ^ Henninger, W.F. A preliminary list of the birds of Seneca County, Ohio (PDF). Wilson Bulletin. 1906, 18 (2): 47–60 [2024-09-04]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2018-08-19).
- ^ Annotated Ohio state checklist (PDF). Ohio Ornithological Society. 2004. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于18 July 2004).
- ^ 18.0 18.1 Calidris melanotos (Pectoral Sandpiper) (PDF). The Online Guide to the Animals of Trinidad and Tobago. UWI. [2024-09-04]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2024-07-25).
- ^ Reid, J.M.; Cresswell, W.; Holt, S.; Mellanby, R.J.; Whitfield, D.P.; Ruxton, G.D. Nest scrape design and clutch heat loss in Pectoral Sandpiper (Calidris melanotos). Functional Ecology. 2002, 16 (3): 305–312. Bibcode:2002FuEco..16..305R. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2435.2002.00632.x.
- ^ Fitzpatrick, John W. Opinion | Shorebirds, the World's Greatest Travelers, Face Extinction. The New York Times. 2018-04-27 [2018-04-27]. ISSN 0362-4331 (美国英语).
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