鬚腕科 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书

化石时期:189.6–0 Ma
巨型管虫 Riftia pachyptila
科学分类 编辑
界: 动物界 Animalia
门: 環節動物門 Annelida
纲: 多毛綱 Polychaeta
亚纲: 隐居亚纲 Sedentaria
下纲: 管觸鬚下綱 Canalipalpata
目: 缨鳃虫目 Sabellida
科: 西伯加虫科 Siboglinidae
Caullery, 1914




圆筒状身体,一般分前体、中体和后体,各有体腔和体腔管;血液系统完整,背部腹部各有一条主血管,腹血管前有心脏和围心腔闭管循环系;雌雄异体,生殖腺位于后体。是所发现的惟一没有嘴巴和消化管的非寄生性动物,鬚腕动物其下生出触手一条或多条,触手两侧多羽状鬚,故名。触手中空,体腔和血管通入其中,有呼吸、循环或摄取养料的功能。 跟其他管觸鬚下綱的物種一樣,本科物種均沒有牙或下顎[6],但觸肢上的開槽和纖毛已經消失[7]。 表皮外有角质层,它的微观结构和其他环节动物的一致。它们身体末端的钩型刚毛用于固定身体。身体有两体节,各拥有一对体腔。 它们生活在10到20摄氏度水温的海水中。与化能无机营养菌甲基营养菌形成共生




  1. ^ Perviata. WoRMS. 
  2. ^ Jones, Meredith L. Riftia pachyptila, new genus, new species, the vestimentiferan worm from the Galápagos Rift geothermal vents (Pogonophora). Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 1981, 93 (4): 1311 [2016-03-04]. (原始内容存档于2021-02-18). 
  3. ^ Read, Geoffrey. Sabellida. WoRMS. 2010-03-03 [2016-03-05]. 
  4. ^ Shigeaki Kojima, Tetsuo Hashimoto, Masami Hasegawa, Shigenori Murata, Suguru Ohta, Humitake Seki and Norihiro Okada. Close phylogenetic relationship between vestimentifera (tube worms) and annelida revealed by the amino acid sequence of elongation factor-lα. Journal of Molecular Evolution. 1993-07, 37 (1): 66–70. PMID 8360920. doi:10.1007/BF00170463. 
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 Rouse, G.W. A cladistic analysis of Siboglinidae Caullery, 1914 (Polychaeta, Annelida): formerly the phyla Pogonophora and Vestimentifera. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 2001, 132 (1): 55–80. doi:10.1006/zjls.2000.0263. 
  6. ^ Barnes, Robert D. Invertebrate Zoology 4th. Holt-Saunders. 1980. ISBN 4-8337-0001-8. 
  7. ^ Ax, Peter. Multicellular Animals: The Phylogenetic System of the Metazoa 2. Springer-Verlag. 1996. ISBN 3-540-67406-3 (英语). 
  8. ^ Hilário, A.; Cunha, M. R. On some frenulate species (Annelida: Polychaeta: Siboglinidae) from mud volcanoes in the Gulf of Cadiz (NE Atlantic). Scientia Marina. 2008, 72 (2): 361–371. doi:10.3989/scimar.2008.72n2361. 
  9. ^ Southward, E. C.; Schulze, A.; Tunnicliffe, V. Vestimentiferans (Pogonophora) in the Pacific and Indian Oceans: a new genus from Lihir Island (Papua New Guinea) and the Java Trench, with the first report of Arcovestia ivanovi from the North Fiji Basin. Journal of Natural History. 2002, 36 (10): 1179–1197. doi:10.1080/00222930110040402. 
  10. ^ Smirnov, R. V. A redescription of Spirobrachia leospira Gureeva (Pogonophora), with the erection of a new genus and a revision of the Spirobrachiidae. Ophelia. 2000, 53 (2): 151–158. doi:10.1080/00785236.2000.10409445. 

