關懷與定規 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
關懷與定規(英語:Consideration and Initiating Structure)是1945年由俄亥俄州立大学領導力研究確定的領導者行為的兩種維度。根據這些研究的結果,領導者表現出關懷與定規(或稱倡導、結構)兩種類型的行為來促進目標的實現。
他們生成了1790種語句的清單,並縮小到150種陳述,皆在衡量領導者行為的9種不同維度,這些陳述被用來制定領導行為描述量表(Leader Behavior Description Questionnaire,LBDQ)。而經過進一步研究,開發出了LBDQ-XII,評估了領導者行為的12種維度[1]。
[编辑]- ^ Stogdill, Ralph M. Manual for the Leader Behavior Description Questionnaire – Form XII: An Experimental Revision (PDF). Fisher College of Business, Ohio State University. 1963. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2015-09-24).
- Bass, Bernard M.; Stogdill, Ralph M. Bass & Stogdill's handbook of leadership: theory, research, and managerial applications 3rd. New York: Free Press. 1990. ISBN 9780029015001.
- Farahbakhsh, Saeid. Leadership in Educational Administration: Concepts, Theories and Perspectives. Academic Leadership (Fort Hays State University). 2006, 4 (1) [2023-01-23]. ISSN 1533-7812. (原始内容存档于2023-06-18).
- Judge, Timothy A.; Piccolo, Ronald F.; Ilies, Remus. The Forgotten Ones? The Validity of Consideration and Initiating Structure in Leadership Research.. Journal of Applied Psychology (American Psychological Association). 2004, 89 (1): 36–51. doi:10.1037/0021-9010.89.1.36.
- Frederick Littrell, Romie. Explicit leader behaviour: A review of literature, theory development, and research project results. Journal of Management Development (Emerald Publishing). June 2013, 32 (6): 567–605. ISSN 0262-1711. doi:10.1108/JMD-04-2013-0053.
- Tracy, Lane. Consideration and initiating structure: Are they basic dimensions of leader behavior?. Social Behavior and Personality. 1987, 15 (1): 21–33. doi:10.2224/sbp.1987.15.1.21.