鳳凰座SX型變星 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书

鳳凰座SX型變星變星的一種,這些恆星的亮度表現出在0.03~0.08天 (0.7~1.9小時)的短週期脈動變化,它們的光譜類型在A2~F5,星等變化可以達到0.7等[1]。相較於太陽,這些恆星的金屬量較低,這意味著其它元素相較於的豐度是較低的。在恆星光譜分類中,相較於同類型的恆星,它們有著較高的空間速度和低光度[2][3],這些屬性使鳳凰座SX型變星和表兄弟的盾牌座δ型變星有所區別。後著有著較長的週期、高金屬量和較大的變光幅度[4]

鳳凰座SX型變星主要分出現在球狀星團銀暈中,變光週期和亮度明顯的有周光關係[5]。所有已知在球狀星團中的鳳凰座SX型變都是藍離散星[6],這些恆星看起來比在同一個星團中有著相同發光度的主序星更藍 (有著更高的溫度)[7]




鳳凰座SX [n 1] 6.76 7.53 0.055 A2V
HD 94033 9.46 10.26 0.060 B9III/IV
飛馬座DY 10.00 10.56 0.073 F5
寶瓶座CY 10.42 11.20 0.061 B8
大熊座AE[n 1] 10.86 11.52 0.086 A9
天鵝座XX 11.28 12.13 0.135 A5-F5
鹿豹座BL 12.92 13.25 0.039
玉夫座BX 13.42 13.71 0.037 A


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 雙模


  1. ^ GCVS Variability Types. General Catalogue of Variable Stars. Moscow, Russia: Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Sternberg Astronomical Institute. [2010-03-17]. (原始内容存档于2019-09-21). 
  2. ^ Burki, G.; Mayor, M. Radial velocities with CORAVEL - Results on stellar variability and duplicity. Instrumentation and research programmes for small telescopes; Proceedings of the IAU Symposium. Christchurch, New Zealand: Dordrecht, D. Reidel Publishing Co.: 392. 1986. Bibcode:1986IAUS..118..385B. 
  3. ^ Breger, M. The nature of dwarf Cepheids. V - Analysis and conclusions. Astrophysical Journal, Part 1. Jan 1980, 235: 156. Bibcode:1980ApJ...235..153B. doi:10.1086/157620. 
  4. ^ McNamara, D. H. Period-luminosity relations of SX Phoenicis stars. Astronomical Journal. April 1995, 109 (4): 1751–1756. Bibcode:1995AJ....109.1751M. doi:10.1086/117405. 
  5. ^ Templeton, Matthew. Variable Star of the Season: Delta Scuti and the Delta Scuti variables. American Association of Variable Star Observers. [2021-05-25]. (原始内容存档于2021-02-16). 
  6. ^ Jeon, Young-Beom; Lee, Myung Gyoon; Kim, Seung-Lee; Lee, Ho. SX Phoenicis Stars in the Globular Cluster NGC 5466. The Astronomical Journal. July 2004, 128 (1): 11. Bibcode:2004AJ....128..287J. S2CID 17310076. arXiv:astro-ph/0404069可免费查阅. doi:10.1086/421735. 
  7. ^ Santolamazza, P.; Marconi, M.; Bono, G.; Caputo, F.; Cassisi, S.; Gilliland, R. L. Linear Nonadiabatic Properties of SX Phoenicis Variables. The Astrophysical Journal. June 2001, 554 (2): 1124–1140. Bibcode:2001ApJ...554.1124S. S2CID 17711408. arXiv:astro-ph/0102029可免费查阅. doi:10.1086/321408.