肠鳃纲 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书

化石时期:505–0 Ma
科学分类 编辑
界: 动物界 Animalia
门: 半索动物门 Hemichordata
纲: 肠鳃纲 Enteropneusta
Gegenbaur, 1870

腸鰓綱(学名:Enteropneusta,英文名:acorn worms)是半索動物門的一個。现存約有100。大多數種類在泥沙中穴居,或在石塊下生活。例如柱頭蟲(Balanoglossus)等。


  • 玉鉤蟲科 Harrimaniidae
  • 原柱頭蟲科 Protoglossidae ,为玉鉤蟲科(Harrimaniidae)的异名
  • 殖翼柱頭蟲科 Ptychoderidae
  • 無翼柱頭蟲科 Spengelidae
  • Torquaratoridae
    • Allapasus Holland, Kuhnz & Osborn, 2012
    • Coleodesmium Osborn, Gebruk, Rogacheva & Holland, 2013
    • Tergivelum Holland, Jones, Ellena, Ruhl & Smith, 2009
    • Torquarator Holland, Clague, Gordon, Gebruk, Pawson & Vecchione, 2005
    • Yoda Priede, Osborn, Gebruk, Jones, Shale, Rogacheva & Holland, 2012
      • Yoda demiankoopi Holland, Hiley & Rouse, 2022
      • Yoda purpurata Priede, Osborn, Gebruk, Jones, Shale, Rogacheva & Holland, 2012[1]


  1. ^ Pride IG, Osborn KJ, Gebruk AV, Johnes D, Shale D, Rogacheva A, Holland ND (2012) Observations on torquaratorid acorn worms (Hemichordata, Enteropneusta) from the North Atlantic with descriptions of a new genus and three new species. Invertebrate Biology. DOI: 10.1111/j.1744-7410.2012.00266.x