黏壶 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书

黏壶(英語:dashpot)是机械系统中与线性系统黏滯阻尼有关的阻抗元件,可通过其中的黏滯流体来减弱冲击和减缓运动[1][2]。应用中也被称为缓冲器,也稱作阻尼器。黏壶可以阻滞运动和吸收能量,其产生的阻力随运动的速度增大而增加,但方向相反。[3]在聚合物研究中,可以将黏壶与弹簧连用构成模型,来表示聚合物材料的黏弹性。在过程和设备图 (P&ID)中,黏壶的符号是.
黏壶可以用来抵抗较大的冲力和较快的速度。例如在航空母舰甲板上用于拦截蒸汽弹射器。电气开关设备可在其过电流传感机制中使用黏壶来降低对短暂事件的反应速度,从而使它们对瞬态误触发不那么敏感,同时仍对持续过载保持敏感。另一种用途是延迟电路的闭合或断开。这样的缓冲定时器(Dashpot timer)可以用于例如定时楼梯照明。
[编辑]黏壶代表了固体黏性的,与时间有关的变形性,可以和代表弹性的弹簧一起被用于材料工程模型,来描述物体比如橡胶、肌肉组织等的黏弹性行为。麦克斯韦模型和开尔文-福格特模型分别将弹簧和黏壶串联和并联达到这一目的,便于模拟物体的复杂行为比如蠕变和应力松弛(stress relaxation)。
[编辑]- ^ Oxford English Dictionary. Oxford University Press.
dash-pot, n. a contrivance for producing gradual descent in a piece of mechanism or for preventing vibration or sudden motion, consisting of a cylinder or chamber containing liquid in which a piston moves; a hydraulic buffer.
- ^ dashpot. 术语在线. [2021-12-08]. (原始内容存档于2021-12-08).
- ^ Mark H. Holmes. Introduction to the Foundations of Applied Mathematics. Springer. 2009: 329.
the resistance force is proportional to the velocity
- ^ Dashpot Types. www.kinetrol.com. [5 August 2020]. (原始内容存档于2021-12-06).
- ^ Mike Plissi. Update on eddy-current damping experiments (PDF). Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO). [2010-05-29]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2010-07-25).
A magnet moving inside a non-magnetic conductive tube has its motion retarded. Retardation force is proportional to velocity of magnet- viscous damping.
- ^ Sodano; Bae; Inman; Belvin. Improved Concept and Model of Eddy Current Damper (PDF). American Society of Mechanical Engineers. June 2006, 128: 294–302. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2010-07-28).
This process of the generation and dissipation of eddy current causes the system to function as a viscous damper
- ^ Starin; Neumeister. Eddy Current Damping Simulation and Modeling. Proceedings of the 9th European Space Mechanisms and Tribology Symposium. 19–21 September 2001, 480: 321–326. Bibcode:2001ESASP.480..321S. ISBN 92-9092-761-5.
One major advantage of ECD's is their linearity
- ^ Henry A. Sodano. Development of Novel Eddy Current Dampers for the Suppression of Structural Vibrations (pdf). Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. May 5, 2005 [2020-09-26]. hdl:10919/27677.
This damping force can be described as a viscous force due to the dependence on the velocity of the conductor.