阿里尔·卡斯特罗绑架案 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
阿里尔·卡斯特罗绑架案 | |
![]() 三位遭綁架的女性在失蹤前的相片 | |
位置 | 美国俄亥俄州克利夫兰市特拉蒙特区赛莫尔大道2207号 |
坐标 | 41°28′21″N 81°41′53″W / 41.47250°N 81.69806°W |
日期 | 2002年8月23日-2013年5月6日 |
類型 | 绑架与强奸 |
受害者 |
主謀 |
[编辑]阿里尔·卡斯特罗 Ariel Castro | |
![]() | |
出生 | 波多黎各尧科杜伊 | 1960年7月10日
逝世 | 2013年9月3日 美国俄亥俄州奥莱恩特村矫正中心 | (53歲)
死因 | 自缢 |
刑事指控 | 包括多项诱拐、强奸和谋杀在内的共977项罪行 |
刑事处罚 | 超过1000年的有期徒刑不得假释 |
被捕日期 | 2013年5月6日 |
[编辑]米歇尔·奈特(1981年4月23日- )失踪于2002年8月23日,时年21。[26]她最后出现于一个堂表亲的家中,失踪当天她本应出现在有关于她的儿子的抚养权的法庭上。[27][28]因为她是成年人,警方不被准许投入过多的警力来调查这起失踪案,有关部门甚至认为她是因为就自己失去了对孩子的抚养权的事情感到生气而故意失踪。因此,在失踪十五个月以后,她的失踪案被FBI从全国案件数据库中移除。[29]
[编辑]阿曼达·玛丽·贝利(1986年4月22日- )失踪于2003年4月21日,这是她17岁生日的前一天。[30]她最后出现于她打工的汉堡王门店,并在当天下午八点的时候给她的家人打了个电话,称她正在搭顺风车回家,这是她失踪前最后一次与外界的联系。[31]警方一度认为她是故意失踪(离家出走),直到一周后一名不明男子用她的手机给其母亲打电话称:“阿曼达在我手上,她状态良好并会在几天以内回家。”[32][33]
乔治娅·“吉娜”·林恩·德赫苏斯(1990年2月13日- )失踪时14岁。[39]最后被看到的地点是在放学回家的路上的一间电话亭,时间是2004年4月2日下午3点左右。当时罪犯卡斯特罗与其前妻费觉罗娅的女儿阿琳向其母亲提出请求想要在德赫苏斯家过夜,费觉罗娅拒绝了阿琳的请求,因而阿琳和吉娜两人分开了。[40] 阿琳是最后一个看见她的人。[41]
在她失踪一年后,警方对嫌犯进行了侧写,推测嫌犯是“拉丁裔,25岁至35岁,身高5英尺10英寸(1.78米), 165至185英磅(75至84公斤),绿瞳,山羊胡,可能还有细胡须。[42]根据法庭记录,卡斯特罗的真实身高为5英尺7英寸(1.70米),179英磅(81公斤),棕瞳,山羊胡。[43][44]
[编辑]- 卡斯特罗家与德赫苏斯家是朋友,而吉娜·德赫苏斯与卡斯特罗的女儿阿琳也是好友,案发当天尚有想要合宿的想法,但是被卡斯特罗前妻、阿琳母亲格瑞米尔达·费觉罗娅拒绝了,两人因此在放学路上分手,导致悲剧发生。卡斯特罗表示,在案发時,不知道吉娜是德赫苏斯家的人。[18][47]
- 卡斯特罗参与过德赫苏斯家人发起的巡逻队,并且至少参与过两次搜救巡逻。[45][46]
- 卡斯特罗的儿子安东尼在2004年作为实习记者报道过德赫苏斯失踪案,并且署名时使用了他父亲的名称。[90][91][92]
- 据安东尼回忆称,在阿曼达·贝利出逃三周前,卡斯特罗曾经问过安东尼他觉得贝利还能不能被找到,安东尼当时说贝利大概已经死了,而卡斯特罗回应道:“真的?你是这么觉得的?”[93]
- 邻居查尔斯·拉姆齐坚持强调称卡斯特罗是一个极其普通的人,无法看出他居然会犯下这种罪行。[24]
- 拉姆齐同时还表示自己见过卡斯特罗与阿曼达·贝利的女儿,但是他误以为那是卡斯特罗的孙女,并且在阿曼达·贝利出逃时,小女孩喊着要爸爸。[24]
[编辑]住在卡斯特罗家旁边的查尔斯·拉姆齐因为帮助阿曼达·贝利出逃而被国民视为英雄,各界名人纷纷打电话向他致敬,而他由于过于疲惫只能选择性接听了时任美国总统贝拉克·奥巴马的内阁事务秘书丹尼尔·C·格瑞和歌手史努比狗狗的电话。此外,他还被多家知名电视台邀请采访,甚至被邀请去了纽约市。他家也一度被各类人士盯上,寄来信件堆积如山,以至于他不得不去别人家暂住。不仅他的采访影片在YouTube点击过万,根据他的采访视频通过调音的方式制作而成的歌曲“Dead Giveaway!”亦点击量过万,他因坦然的调侃自己的种族遇到的不公待遇——“如果一个白人女性跑来向黑人求助那绝对是她被逼到无路可走了”而给人尤为留下深刻印象。[25]而在此之前他不过是一个当地餐馆的小工,还因顶撞上司被停职两周,正在为自己无力支付当月房租而发愁。[24]
据一名为阿曼达·贝利和吉娜·德赫苏斯服务的律师表示,她们两人“仍强烈的想保有隐私”,因此没做好向媒体披露更多自己被困时收到的暴力的细节。[95][96]奈特则在获得自由一年后接受了杂志的专访,披露了一定的细节。她获救后,已经通过法律途径将自己的名字改成了莉莉·罗斯·李[註 1][97],并且还纹了许多遮伤纹身。她告诉公众她的儿子[註 2]在她被囚禁期间已被养父母收养,她打算去探望儿子,但又不想给他太大的惊吓,因此打算等到他成年后再去告知他真相。她还计划想要开一家饭店并能够结婚(最后她在2015年5月结了婚)。[98]由于被拘禁期间遭受的虐待导致她不大有可能再生孩子,因此她还打算领养孩子。她甚至希望在日后能与贝利和德赫苏斯重新团聚,不过眼前还是打算先专注于自己的生活。[99]
[编辑]- 拉姆齐, 查尔斯. Dead Giveaway: The Rescue, Hamburgers, White Folks, and Instant Celebrity...What You Saw on TV Doesn't Begin to Tell the Story.... Cleveland: Gray & Company. 2014. ISBN 978-1938441516.
- 奈特, 米歇尔; 布仿德, 米歇尔. Finding Me: A Decade of Darkness, a Life Reclaimed: a Memoir of the Cleveland Kidnappings. 纽约: Weinstein Books. 2014. ISBN 978-1602862579.
- 奈特, 米歇尔. Life After Darkness: Finding Healing and Happiness After the Cleveland Kidnappings. Paris: Hachette Books. 2018. ISBN 978-1602865754.
- Glatt, John. The Lost Girls: The True Story of the Cleveland Abductions and the Incredible Rescue of Michelle Knight, Amanda Berry, and Gina DeJesus. London: Macmillan. 2015. ISBN 978-1250036360.
- Berry, Amanda; DeJesus, Gina; Jordan, Mary; Sullivan, Kevin. Hope: A Memoir of Survival in Cleveland. London: Penguin. 2015. ISBN 978-0698178953.
[编辑]- ^ Sheeran, Thomas; Coyne, John. Police Facing Questions in 3 Women's Ohio Rescue. Associated Press. 2013-05-13 [2013-05-13]. (原始内容存档于2013-05-13).
- ^ Three US women missing for years rescued in Ohio. BBC. 2013-05-07 [2013-05-13]. (原始内容存档于2013-05-12).
- ^ 3.0 3.1 Almasy, Steve; Smith, Matt. 911 call – 'I've been kidnapped!' – cops find three women missing for year. CNN. 2013-05-07 [2013-05-13]. (原始内容存档于2013-05-19).
- ^ Sherwell, Philip. Ohio abductions: friendship between Ariel Castro's daughter and Gina DeJesus. The Daily Telegraph (London, England: Telegraph Media Group). 2013-05-07 [2013-05-16]. (原始内容存档于2013-05-08).
- ^ 5.0 5.1 5.2 Caniglia, John; Blackwell, Brandon. Cleveland city prosecutors charge Ariel Castro with kidnapping, rape in case of missing women. The Plain Dealer (Cleveland, OH: Cleveland Live LLC, Advance Publications). 2013-05-09 [2013-05-16]. (原始内容 (news article posted to Cleveland.com)存档于2013-05-10).
- ^ Perez, Alex. Cleveland Kidnapping Suspect Ariel Castro Hid a Dark Side, His Uncle Says. ABC News. 2013-05-07 [2013-05-13]. (原始内容存档于2013-05-08).
- ^ 7.0 7.1 Stanglin, Doug. Ariel Castro pleads guilty in Ohio abductions. USA Today. 2013-07-26 [2013-07-26]. (原始内容存档于2013-07-26).
- ^ Muskal, Michael. Ariel Castro gets life, no parole; victim says his hell awaits. latimes.com. August 2013 [2013-09-04]. (原始内容存档于2013-09-11).
- ^ Cleveland Kidnapper Ariel Castro Dead After Found Hanging in Prison Cell. 10TV.com. 2013-09-04 [2013-09-04]. (原始内容存档于2013-09-04).
- ^ Welsh-Huggins, Andrew. Consultants: Kidnapper Ariel Castro's death a suicide. USA Today. Associated Press. 2013-12-03 [2013-10-03]. (原始内容存档于2013-12-06).
- ^ Creitz, Charlie. Ariel Castro Relatives in Puerto Rico Say He Is 'Evil' And There Is 'Demon' Inside Him. Latin Times. May 15, 2013 [September 9, 2013]. (原始内容存档于October 21, 2013).
- ^ Kelly, Dan; Urban, Mike. Cleveland kidnap suspect's Berks County cousins: 'This animal' shocked us. The Morning Call. May 10, 2013 [September 9, 2013]. (原始内容存档于September 9, 2013).
- ^ Relatives of Cleveland's Suspected Kidnappers Pioneered The City's Latino Community. Fox News Latino. May 8, 2013 [May 13, 2013]. (原始内容存档于June 15, 2013).
- ^ O'Malley, Michael. Castro family among first Hispanics to settle in Cleveland, coming from Puerto Rico just after World War II. The Plain Dealer. May 8, 2013 [September 9, 2013]. (原始内容存档于August 8, 2013).
- ^ Botelho, Greg; Smith, Matt; Brown, Pamela. Ohio kidnapping case: Amanda Berry's baby delivered by another captive. CNN. 2013-05-09 [2013-05-13]. (原始内容存档于2013-05-12).
- ^ 16.0 16.1 Ariel Castro's ex-wife's family allege two-decade campaign of violence. 2013-05-13 [2013-05-13]. (原始内容存档于2013-05-10).
- ^ Daly, Michael. How Ariel Castro Remained at Liberty in Cleveland All These Years. The Daily Beast. 2013-05-09 [2020-06-26]. (原始内容存档于2017-09-23).
- ^ 18.0 18.1 18.2 Smith, Matt; Botelho, Greg; Savidge, Martin. 'I never forgot about you': Families reunite with women held captive for years. CNN. 2013-05-07 [2013-05-13]. (原始内容存档于2013-05-12).
- ^ Kent, Julie. Ariel Castro Arrested as Suspect in Abduction and Disappearance of Three Cleveland Women. The Cleveland Leader. 2013-05-06 [2013-05-13]. (原始内容存档于2013-06-06).
- ^ Terry, Allison. Three brothers arrested: what's known so far about alleged Cleveland captors. The Christian Science Monitor. 2013-05-08 [2013-05-13]. (原始内容存档于2013-05-08).
- ^ 21.0 21.1 Botelho, Greg. Deception, threats and abuse: Captives' hellish life inside Castro's home. CNN. 2013-08-02 [2013-08-06]. (原始内容存档于2013-08-05).
- ^ Blackwell, Brandon. Initial police report: Castro tempted women with rides, then abducted, beat and raped them. The Plain Dealer. 2013-05-09 [2013-05-13]. (原始内容存档于2013-05-12).
- ^ 23.0 23.1 Palmer, Kim & Gray, Kevin. Cleveland kidnapping victims endured decade of isolation, rape, beatings. Reuters. 2013-05-08 [2013-05-13]. (原始内容存档于2013-10-05).Also published by the Chicago Tribune asCleveland kidnappings: Victims endured years of rape, isolation, beatings. [2013-10-04]. (原始内容存档于2013-05-09). .
- ^ 24.0 24.1 24.2 24.3 24.4 Ramsay, Charles. Dead Giveaway: The Rescue, Hamburgers, White Folks, and Instant Celebrity...What You Saw on TV Doesn't Begin to Tell the Story.... Cleveland: Gray & Company. 2014: 10. ISBN 978-1938441516.
- ^ 25.0 25.1 schmoyoho. Dead Giveaway!. 2013年5月7日 [2020-06-30]. (原始内容 (视频)存档于2019-04-10) (英语).
- ^ Questions still remain about Michelle Knight's disappearance. KPHO. 2013-05-07 [2013-05-13]. (原始内容存档于2013-05-19).
- ^ Atassi, Leila. Michelle Knight's 'normal teenage life,' plagued by troubles in years before disappearance. The Plain Dealer. 2013-05-07 [2013-05-13]. (原始内容存档于2013-05-19).
- ^ Eversley, Melanie; Alcindor, Yamiche. Reports: Knight lived troubled life before abduction. USA Today. 2013-05-09 [2013-05-13]. (原始内容存档于2013-05-19).
- ^ Atassi, Leila. Michelle Knight, held captive since 2002, removed by Cleveland police from FBI database 15 months after her disappearance. The Plain Dealer. May 9, 2013 [May 13, 2013]. (原始内容存档于May 19, 2013).
- ^ Profile: Amanda Berry, Georgina DeJesus and Michele Knight. BBC. 2013-05-07 [2013-05-13]. (原始内容存档于2013-05-19).
- ^ Steer, Jen. Cleveland police: Missing teens Amanda Berry and Gina DeJesus found alive, appear to be OK. newsnet5.com. 2013-05-06 [2013-05-13]. (原始内容存档于2013-05-12).
- ^ Guevara, Damian; Caniglia, John. Amanda Berry's cell phone used a week after she went missing. The Plain Dealer. 2003-11-15 [2013-05-13]. (原始内容存档于2013-05-19).
- ^ Gray, Madison. Found: Timeline of Ohio Women Missing Since 2002. Time. 2013-05-07 [2013-05-13]. (原始内容存档于2013-05-19).
- ^ Brown, Doug. Search continues for Amanda Berry's body on West Side of Cleveland. The Plain Dealer. 2012-07-19 [2013-05-13]. (原始内容存档于2013-05-19).
- ^ Amanda Berry. America's Most Wanted. 2013-05-06 [2013-05-13]. (原始内容存档于2013-05-10).
- ^ Swaine, Jon. Ohio kidnappings: Michelle Knight forced to deliver Amanda Berry's baby on Christmas Day. The Telegraph. 2013-05-09 [2013-05-13]. (原始内容存档于2013-05-11).
- ^ Ariel Castro is the father of Amanda Berry's child, state DNA results say. The Plain Dealer. 2013-05-10 [2013-05-13]. (原始内容存档于2013-06-07).
- ^ Meyer, Tom. Investigator: Ariel Castro says he's "cold blooded". WKYC. 2013-05-10 [2013-05-13]. (原始内容存档于2013-06-15).
- ^ Zicari, Peter. Six long days, Gina still missing Parents, police, city officials focus on case at community meeting. The Plain Dealer. 2008-04-01 [2013-05-13]. (原始内容存档于2013-05-17).
- ^ Dissell, Rachel. Suspect's daughter said in 2004 she was the last to see Gina DeJesus. The Plain Dealer. 2013-05-07 [2013-05-13]. (原始内容存档于2013-05-19).
- ^ Kumar, Nikhil; Usborne, David. Cleveland kidnapping: Son reveals his father padlocked doors to basement because 'we weren't allowed to go there'. The Independent. 2013-05-08 [2013-05-13]. (原始内容存档于2013-05-08).
- ^ Swaine, Jon. Ohio abductions: FBI photofit with likeness to suspect Ariel Castro held for seven years as police say he acted alone. Telegraph.co.uk. 2013-05-09 [2013-09-04]. (原始内容存档于2013-06-08).
- ^ Printout: FBI releases sketch of Gina DeJesus' alleged kidnapper. WKYC. 2005-04-15 [2013-05-13]. (原始内容存档于2023-02-27).
- ^ FBI had sketch of suspect but missed the connection. The New Zealand Herald. 2013-05-10 [2013-05-13]. (原始内容存档于2016-04-03).
- ^ 45.0 45.1 Extended: Interview with Family of kidnapping victim Gina DeJesus. Global News. 2013-05-08 [2013-05-13]. (原始内容存档于2013-05-09).
- ^ 46.0 46.1 Charges against Castro brothers expected soon. WOIO. 2013-05-08 [2013-05-13]. (原始内容存档于2013-06-15).
- ^ 47.0 47.1 47.2 Ariel Castro spoke for 20 minutes in court, read what he said here. WKYC. 2013-08-01 [2013-08-06]. (原始内容存档于2013-08-06).
- ^ Krouse, Peter. Ariel Castro sentencing memorandum filed by prosecutors. The Plain Dealer. 2013-07-31 [2013-08-06]. (原始内容存档于2013-08-04).
- ^ 49.0 49.1 Michelle Knight told cops Ariel Castro threatened to kill her if Amanda Berry's baby died. CBS News. 2013-05-09 [2013-05-13]. (原始内容存档于2013-05-13).
- ^ Michelle Knight needs "facial reconstruction" after Cleveland rescue, grandmother says. CBS News. 2013-05-10 [2013-05-13]. (原始内容存档于2013-05-19).
- ^ 51.0 51.1 Caniglia, John. Authorities say daughter of Amanda Berry born in inflatable pool. The Plain Dealer. 2013-05-08 [2013-05-13]. (原始内容存档于2013-05-10).
- ^ Blackwell, Brandon. Police report: Michelle Knight revived Amanda Berry's baby just after birth. The Plain Dealer. 2013-05-09 [2013-05-13]. (原始内容存档于2013-05-10).
- ^ Webb, Robin. Latest revelations in Ohio captivity case. USA Today. 2013-05-08 [2013-05-13]. (原始内容存档于2013-05-12).
- ^ Gomez, Henry J. The rescue of Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus and Michelle Knight: 30 minutes that ended a decade of nightmares. The Plain Dealer. 2013-05-13 [2013-05-13]. (原始内容存档于2013-05-19).
- ^ Segall, Laura; Fink, Erica; Brumfield, Ben. 'He is dead to me,' daughter of Ohio suspect says in CNN exclusive. CNN. 2013-05-10 [2013-05-13]. (原始内容存档于2013-05-12).
- ^ 56.0 56.1 Cleveland rescue: The mystery of 2207 Seymour Avenue. BBC. 2013-05-10 [2013-05-14]. (原始内容存档于2013-05-10).
- ^ McClam, Erin. Cleveland man charged with kidnapping, rape; no charges for 2 brothers. NBC News. 2013-05-09 [2013-05-13]. (原始内容存档于2013-05-13).
- ^ Martinez, Michael. As Ohio women remained in captivity, alleged abductor's life crumbled. CNN. 2013-05-13 [2013-05-14]. (原始内容存档于2013-05-13).
- ^ Alcindor, Yamiche; Leger, Donna Leinwand; Strauss, Gary. Ariel Castro charged with kidnapping, rape of 3 Cleveland women. USA Today. 2013-05-09 [2013-05-14]. (原始内容存档于2013-05-13).
- ^ Mahoney, Jill. Death penalty possible for alleged Cleveland kidnapper, prosecutor says. The Globe and Mail. 2013-05-10 [2013-05-14]. (原始内容存档于2013-06-15).
- ^ Dolan, Matthew; Barrett, Joe; El-Ghobashy, Tamer; Maher, Kris. Charges Filed in Abduction of Ohio Women. The Wall Street Journal. 2013-05-09 [2013-05-14]. (原始内容存档于2015-10-15).
- ^ Meyer, Tom. Investigator: Amanda Berry delivered baby in plastic pool. WKYC. 2013-05-09 [2013-05-14]. (原始内容存档于2013-06-15).
- ^ Charles Ramsey interview, rescuer of Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus and Michelle Knight in Cleveland. YouTube. News 5 Cleveland. 2013-05-06 [2018-01-26]. (原始内容存档于2018-02-21).
- ^ Anderson Cooper interview with Charles Ramsey. CNN. 2013-05-07 [2013-05-08]. (原始内容存档于2013-06-08).
- ^ Sheeran, Thomas J. & Coyne, John. 3 missing women found in Ohio, 3 brothers arrested. Associated Press. 2013-05-07 [2013-05-14]. (原始内容存档于2013-05-19).
- ^ Alcindor, Yamiche; Bacon, John. 2 freed women return home; 3rd still in hospital. USA Today. 2013-05-08 [2013-05-13]. (原始内容存档于2013-05-09).
- ^ Walsh, Michael. Cleveland captive Michelle Knight leaves hospital without telling family. New York Daily News. 2013-05-11 [2013-05-13]. (原始内容存档于2013-06-02).
- ^ Ohio suspect's brothers released from custody. Yahoo!. Associated Press. 2013-05-09 [2013-05-13]. (原始内容存档于2013-06-09).
- ^ 2971.03 Sentencing for sexually violent predator specification. LAWriter – ORC. [2013-05-13]. (原始内容存档于2013-05-13).
- ^ Leger, Donna Leinwand; Strauss, Gary. Prosecutor: Ariel Castro could face death penalty. USA Today. 2013-05-10 [2013-05-13]. (原始内容存档于2013-05-11).
- ^ Meyer, Tom. Investigator: Castro loves daughter, will plead 'not guilty'. WKYC. 2013-05-14 [2013-05-14]. (原始内容存档于2013-06-15).
- ^ Cleveland kidnap accused Castro to plead innocent – lawyers. BBC. 2013-05-15 [2012-05-15]. (原始内容存档于2013-05-16).
- ^ Palmer, Kim. Accused Cleveland kidnapper plans to plead not guilty: lawyer. Reuters. 2013-05-15 [2013-05-15]. (原始内容存档于2013-05-15).
- ^ McCarty, James F. Ariel Castro indicted on aggravated murder, rape, kidnapping charges. The Plain Dealer. 2013-06-07 [2013-09-04]. (原始内容存档于2013-09-07).
- ^ Palmer, Kim. Ohio grand jury indicts man accused of kidnapping Cleveland women. Reuters. 2013-06-08 [2013-06-09]. (原始内容存档于2013-06-08).
- ^ Cleveland kidnapping suspect now faces 977 counts. CNN. 2013-07-13 [2013-07-13]. (原始内容存档于2013-07-13).
- ^ Sheeran, Thomas J. Ohio kidnapping, rape suspect pleads not guilty. Associated Press. 2013-07-17 [2013-10-04]. (原始内容存档于2013-10-04).
- ^ Meyer, Tom. Ariel Castro to cops: 'I'm coldblooded'. USA Today. 2013-05-10 [2013-05-13]. (原始内容存档于2013-05-12).
- ^ Investigator: Inside Ariel Castro's interrogation. WKYC. [2013-09-04]. (原始内容存档于2023-02-27).
- ^ 80.0 80.1 Krouse, Peter. Ariel Castro agrees to plea deal: Life in prison, no parole, plus 1,000 years for abduction, rapes of Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus and Michelle Knight. The Plain Dealer. 2013-07-26 [2013-07-26]. (原始内容存档于2013-07-30).
- ^ 81.0 81.1 Judge sends Ariel Castro to prison for abduction, rape of Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus and Michelle Knight (slideshow). The Plain Dealer. 2013-08-01 [2013-08-06]. (原始内容存档于2013-08-04).
- ^ Kemp, Joe. Cleveland house of horrors destroyed – demolition crews tear down Ariel Castro's home. NY Daily News. 2013-08-07 [2013-08-07]. (原始内容存档于2013-08-10).
- ^ Ng, Christina. Cleveland Kidnapper Ariel Castro's 'House of Horrors' Demolished. ABC News. 2013-08-07 [2013-08-07]. (原始内容存档于2013-08-10).
- ^ Seitz, Colleen. Michelle Knight held captive for decade by Ariel Castro hands out yellow balloons on Seymour Avenue. newsnet5.com. 2013-08-07 [2013-08-07]. (原始内容存档于2013-08-10).
- ^ Why Has Google Maps Blurred Out This 'House Of Horrors' on Street View?. www.ladbible.com. [2020-03-07]. (原始内容存档于2021-03-08) (英语).
- ^ Berkman, Fran. Ariel Castro's House Blurred Out on Google Street View. Mashable. [2020-03-07]. (原始内容存档于2020-06-28) (英语).
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Knight has changed her own name legally to Lily[...]but she uses her better-known birth name in public appearances.
- ^ Michelle Knight, kept in captivity for over 10 years, reveals her marriage on "Dr. Phil". CBS News. 2018-04-10 [2018-04-11]. (原始内容存档于2018-04-11).
- ^ Cleveland Kidnapping Victim Michelle Knight Tells Her Story of Torture and Triumph. People.com. 2014-05-09 [2014-11-09]. (原始内容存档于2014-11-08).
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- ^ One year later: Amanda Berry's mission to find the missing. fox8.com. 2018-02-06 [2019-03-05]. (原始内容存档于2019-03-06) (英语).
- ^ Emotional reunion: Amanda Berry, Charles Ramsey face to face for first time in 6 years. fox8.com. 2019-04-25 [2019-04-26]. (原始内容存档于2019-04-26) (英语).
- ^ FOX 8 News Cleveland, Amanda Berry and Charles Ramsey reunited for the first time, 2019-04-25 [2019-04-26], (原始内容存档于2019-11-15)
- ^ 互联网电影数据库(IMDb)上《Cleveland Abduction》的资料(英文)
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