Microsoft Message Queuing - 维基百科,自由的百科全书

Microsoft Message QueuingMSMQ微软公司实现的一种消息队列,始于Windows NT 4Windows 95Windows Server 2016Windows 10仍然包含这种组件。1999年起,Microsoft Embedded平台以及Windows CE 3.0也开始支持这一组件。[1]




MSMQ是可靠分发消息。分发失败的消息保存在队列中直到目标可达时重发该消息。还支持安全与优先级的消息机制。可以创建死信队列英语Dead letter queue用于调试。


MSMQ支持事务处理。允许多个动作发给多个队列中包装为单个事务。微软分布式事务协调器 (MSDTC) 支持对MSMQ或其他资源的事务访问。


  • TCP: 1801
  • RPC: 135, 2101*, 2103*, 2105*
  • UDP: 3527, 1801
  • 这些端口可能增加11,如果RPC端口的初始选择被使用。端口135用于查询2xxx端口。[3]


  • Version 1.0 (1997年5月). 支持Windows 95, Windows NT 4.0 SP3, Windows 98Windows Me.
  • Version 2.0, 包含在Windows 2000中.
    • 新特性包括:[4] Support for registering public message queues in Active Directory, 128-bit encryption and digital certificate support, full COM support for message properties (achieving functional parity with the Win32 API function calls, full DNS path name support, improved performance in multi-threaded applications.
  • Version 3.0, 包含在Windows XP (专业版, 非家庭版) 与 Windows Server 2003.
    • 新特性包括:[5] Internet Messaging (referencing queues via HTTP, SOAP-formatted messages, MSMQ support for Internet Information Services), queue aliases, multicasting of messages, and additional support for programmatic maintenance and administration of queues and MSMQ itself.
  • Version 4.0, 包含在Windows VistaWindows Server 2008.
    • 新特性包括:[6] Subqueues,[7] improved support for "poison messages" (messages which continually fail to be processed correctly by the receiver), and support for transactional receives of messages from a remote queue.
  • Version 5.0, 包含在Windows 7Windows Server 2008 R2.
    • 新特性包括:[8] support for Secure Hash Algorithm 2.0 (SHA2) and all advanced hash algorithms that are supported in Windows 2008 R2; by default, weaker hash algorithms are disabled.
  • Version 6.0, 包含在Windows 8Windows Server 2012.
  • Version 6.3, 包含在 Windows 8.1Windows Server 2012 R2.



using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Messaging; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks;  namespace Test {     public class QueueManger     {         /// <summary>         /// 创建MSMQ队列         /// </summary>         /// <param name="queuePath">队列路径</param>         /// <param name="transactional">是否事务队列</param>         public static void Createqueue(string queuePath, bool transactional = false)         {             try             {                 //判断队列是否存在                 if (!MessageQueue.Exists(queuePath))                 {                     MessageQueue.Create(queuePath);                     Console.WriteLine(queuePath + "已成功创建!");                 }                 else                 {                     Console.WriteLine(queuePath + "已经存在!");                 }             }             catch (MessageQueueException e)             {                 Console.WriteLine(e.Message);             }         }         /// <summary>         /// 删除队列         /// </summary>         /// <param name="queuePath"></param>         public static void Deletequeue(string queuePath)         {             try             {                 //判断队列是否存在                 if (MessageQueue.Exists(queuePath))                 {                     MessageQueue.Delete(@".\private$\myQueue");                     Console.WriteLine(queuePath + "已删除!");                 }                 else                 {                     Console.WriteLine(queuePath + "不存在!");                 }             }             catch (MessageQueueException e)             {                 Console.WriteLine(e.Message);             }         }         /// <summary>         /// 发送消息         /// </summary>         /// <typeparam name="T">用户数据类型</typeparam>         /// <param name="target">用户数据</param>         /// <param name="queuePath">队列名称</param>         /// <param name="tran"></param>         /// <returns></returns>         public static bool SendMessage<T>(T target, string queuePath, MessageQueueTransaction tran = null)         {             try             {                 //连接到本地的队列                 MessageQueue myQueue = new MessageQueue(queuePath);                 System.Messaging.Message myMessage = new System.Messaging.Message();                 myMessage.Body = target;                 myMessage.Formatter = new XmlMessageFormatter(new Type[] { typeof(T) });                 //发送消息到队列中                 if (tran == null)                 {                     myQueue.Send(myMessage);                 }                 else                 {                     myQueue.Send(myMessage, tran);                 }                 Console.WriteLine("消息已成功发送到"+queuePath + "队列!");                 return true;             }             catch (ArgumentException e)             {                 Console.WriteLine(e.Message);                 return false;             }         }         /// <summary>         /// 接收消息         /// </summary>         /// <typeparam name="T">用户的数据类型</typeparam>         /// <param name="queuePath">消息路径</param>         /// <returns>用户填充在消息当中的数据</returns>         public static T ReceiveMessage<T>(string queuePath,MessageQueueTransaction tran=null)         {             //连接到本地队列             MessageQueue myQueue = new MessageQueue(queuePath);             myQueue.Formatter = new XmlMessageFormatter(new Type[] { typeof(T) });             try             {                 //从队列中接收消息                 System.Messaging.Message myMessage = tran == null ? myQueue.Receive() : myQueue.Receive(tran);                 return (T)myMessage.Body; //获取消息的内容             }             catch (MessageQueueException e)             {                 Console.WriteLine(e.Message);             }             catch (InvalidCastException e)             {                 Console.WriteLine(e.Message);             }             return default(T);         }         /// <summary>         /// 采用Peek方法接收消息         /// </summary>         /// <typeparam name="T">用户数据类型</typeparam>         /// <param name="queuePath">队列路径</param>         /// <returns>用户数据</returns>         public static T ReceiveMessageByPeek<T>(string queuePath)         {             //连接到本地队列             MessageQueue myQueue = new MessageQueue(queuePath);             myQueue.Formatter = new XmlMessageFormatter(new Type[] { typeof(T) });             try             {                 //从队列中接收消息                 System.Messaging.Message myMessage = myQueue.Peek();                 return (T)myMessage.Body; //获取消息的内容             }             catch (MessageQueueException e)             {                 Console.WriteLine(e.Message);             }             catch (InvalidCastException e)             {                 Console.WriteLine(e.Message);             }             return default(T);         }         /// <summary>         /// 获取队列中的所有消息         /// </summary>         /// <typeparam name="T">用户数据类型</typeparam>         /// <param name="queuePath">队列路径</param>         /// <returns>用户数据集合</returns>         public static List<T> GetAllMessage<T>(string queuePath)         {             MessageQueue myQueue = new MessageQueue(queuePath);             myQueue.Formatter = new XmlMessageFormatter(new Type[] { typeof(T) });             try             {                 Message[] msgArr=  myQueue.GetAllMessages();                 List<T> list=new List<T>();                 msgArr.ToList().ForEach((o) =>                  {                     list.Add((T)o.Body);                 });                 return list;             }             catch(Exception e)             {                 Console.WriteLine(e.Message);             }             return null;         }     } }  namespace Test {     public class Student     {         /// <summary>         /// 年龄         /// </summary>         public int Age { get; set; }         /// <summary>         /// 姓名         /// </summary>         public string Name { get; set; }     } }  namespace Test {     class Program     {         static void Main(string[] args)         {             string queuepath = @".\private$\myQueue";             //QueueManger.Createqueue(queuepath);             //Student stu = new Student() { Name="shaoshun",Age=18};             //QueueManger.SendMessage<Student>(stu, queuepath);             //Student stu=  QueueManger.ReceiveMessageByPeek<Student>(queuepath);             //Student stu = QueueManger.ReceiveMessage<Student>(queuepath);             //Console.WriteLine(stu.Name);              QueueManger.Deletequeue(queuepath);             QueueManger.Createqueue(queuepath);             MessageQueueTransaction tran = new MessageQueueTransaction();             tran.Begin();             try             {                 Student stu;                 for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)                 {                     stu=new Student(){Name="shaoshun"+i,Age=i};                     QueueManger.SendMessage<Student>(stu, queuepath, tran);                     if (i == 3)                     {                         throw new Exception();                     }                 }                 tran.Commit();             }             catch             {                 tran.Abort();             }             Console.ReadKey();         }     } } 

C语言调用Windows API例子:

#include "windows.h"   #include "mq.h"   #include "tchar.h"   #define BUFLEN = 256 ;      HRESULT CreateMSMQQueue(                           LPWSTR wszPathName,                            PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSecurityDescriptor,                           LPWSTR wszOutFormatName,                           DWORD *pdwOutFormatNameLength                           )   {        // Define the maximum number of queue properties.     const int NUMBEROFPROPERTIES = 2;        // Define a queue property structure and the structures needed to initialize it.     MQQUEUEPROPS   QueueProps;     MQPROPVARIANT  aQueuePropVar[NUMBEROFPROPERTIES];     QUEUEPROPID    aQueuePropId[NUMBEROFPROPERTIES];     HRESULT        aQueueStatus[NUMBEROFPROPERTIES];     HRESULT        hr = MQ_OK;        // Validate the input parameters.     if (wszPathName == NULL || wszOutFormatName == NULL || pdwOutFormatNameLength == NULL)     {       return MQ_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;     }        // Set queue properties.     DWORD cPropId = 0;     aQueuePropId[cPropId] = PROPID_Q_PATHNAME;     aQueuePropVar[cPropId].vt = VT_LPWSTR;     aQueuePropVar[cPropId].pwszVal = wszPathName;     cPropId++;        WCHAR wszLabel[MQ_MAX_Q_LABEL_LEN] = L"Test Queue";     aQueuePropId[cPropId] = PROPID_Q_LABEL;     aQueuePropVar[cPropId].vt = VT_LPWSTR;     aQueuePropVar[cPropId].pwszVal = wszLabel;     cPropId++;        // Initialize the MQQUEUEPROPS structure.     QueueProps.cProp = cPropId;               // Number of properties     QueueProps.aPropID = aQueuePropId;        // IDs of the queue properties     QueueProps.aPropVar = aQueuePropVar;      // Values of the queue properties     QueueProps.aStatus = aQueueStatus;        // Pointer to the return status        // Call MQCreateQueue to create the queue.     WCHAR wszFormatNameBuffer[BUFLEN];     DWORD dwFormatNameBufferLength = BUFLEN;     hr = MQCreateQueue(pSecurityDescriptor,         // Security descriptor                        &QueueProps,                 // Address of queue property structure                        wszFormatNameBuffer,         // Pointer to format name buffer                        &dwFormatNameBufferLength);  // Pointer to receive the queue's format name length in Unicode characters not bytes.        // Return the format name if the queue is created successfully.     if (hr == MQ_OK || hr == MQ_INFORMATION_PROPERTY)     {       if (*pdwOutFormatNameLength >= dwFormatNameBufferLength)       {         wcsncpy_s(wszOutFormatName, *pdwOutFormatNameLength - 1, wszFormatNameBuffer, _TRUNCATE);         // ************************************         // You must copy wszFormatNameBuffer into the          // wszOutFormatName buffer.         // ************************************         wszOutFormatName[*pdwOutFormatNameLength - 1] = L'\0';         *pdwOutFormatNameLength = dwFormatNameBufferLength;       }       else       {         wprintf(L"The queue was created, but its format name cannot be returned.\n");       }     }     return hr;   } 



  1. ^ Microsoft Windows CE 3.0 Message Queuing Service. Microsoft Developer Network. [2009-11-25]. (原始内容存档于2018-10-11). 
  2. ^ InformationWeek News Connects The Business Technology Community. (2014-02-04). Retrieved on 2014-02-22. (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
  3. ^ TCP ports, UDP ports, and RPC ports that are used by Message Queuing页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆). (2011-09-28). Retrieved on 2014-02-22.
  4. ^ New Features for Windows 2000. Message Queuing (MSMQ). Microsoft Developer Network. [2006-08-05]. [永久失效連結]
  5. ^ New Features for Windows XP and the Windows 2003 Family. Message Queuing (MSMQ). Microsoft Developer Network. [2006-08-05]. (原始内容存档于2007-12-24). 
  6. ^ What's New in Message Queuing 4.0. Message Queuing (MSMQ). Microsoft Developer Network. [2006-08-05]. (原始内容存档于2007-02-12). 
  7. ^ Sub-queues in MSMQ 4.0. [2018-10-11]. (原始内容存档于2008-01-30). 
  8. ^ What's New in Message Queuing 5.0. Message Queuing (MSMQ). Microsoft TechNet. [2006-08-05]. (原始内容存档于2017-08-26). 
