2020 in paleontology

List of years in paleontology (table)
In paleobotany
In arthropod paleontology
In paleoentomology
In paleomalacology
In paleoichthyology
In reptile paleontology
In archosaur paleontology
In paleomammalogy

Paleontology or palaeontology is the study of prehistoric life forms on Earth through the examination of plant and animal fossils.[1] This includes the study of body fossils, tracks (ichnites), burrows, cast-off parts, fossilised feces (coprolites), palynomorphs and chemical residues. Because humans have encountered fossils for millennia, paleontology has a long history both before and after becoming formalized as a science. This article records significant discoveries and events related to paleontology that occurred or were published in the year 2020.




Name Novelty Status Authors Age Type locality Country Notes Images
Endostoma stellata[2] Sp. nov Valid Senowbari-Daryan, Fürsich & Rashidi Jurassic (Callovian-Oxfordian) Qale-Dokhtar Limestone Formation  Iran A calcareous sponge belonging the family Endostomatidae.


Gen. et sp. nov


Botting et al.

Silurian (Telychian)

 United Kingdom

A hexactinellid sponge. Genus includes new species E. carlinslowpensis. Announced in 2019; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2020.

Eudea maxima[2] Sp. nov Valid Senowbari-Daryan, Fürsich & Rashidi Jurassic (Callovian-Oxfordian) Qale-Dokhtar Limestone Formation  Iran A calcareous sponge belonging the family Endostomatidae.
Iniquispongia[2] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Senowbari-Daryan, Fürsich & Rashidi Jurassic (Callovian-Oxfordian) Qale-Dokhtar Limestone Formation  Iran A calcareous sponge belonging the family Endostomatidae. The type species is I. iranica.
Polyendostoma? irregularis[2] Sp. nov Valid Senowbari-Daryan, Fürsich & Rashidi Jurassic (Callovian-Oxfordian) Qale-Dokhtar Limestone Formation  Iran A calcareous sponge belonging the family Endostomatidae.
Polyendostoma? regularis[2] Sp. nov Valid Senowbari-Daryan, Fürsich & Rashidi Jurassic (Callovian-Oxfordian) Qale-Dokhtar Limestone Formation  Iran A calcareous sponge belonging the family Endostomatidae.
Preperonidella tabasensis[2] Sp. nov Valid Senowbari-Daryan, Fürsich & Rashidi Jurassic (Callovian-Oxfordian) Qale-Dokhtar Limestone Formation  Iran A calcareous sponge belonging the family Endostomatidae.
Seriespongia[2] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Senowbari-Daryan, Fürsich & Rashidi Middle Jurassic (Callovian) Esfandiar Limestone Formation  Iran A calcareous sponge belonging the family Endostomatidae. The type species is S. iranica.


Gen. et 2 sp. nov

In press

Botting et al.

Ordovician (Hirnantian)


A rossellid sponge. Genus includes S. coronata and S. prodigia.

Spongia mantelli[5]

Nom. nov


Van Soest, Hooper & Butler


 United Kingdom

A replacement name for Spongia ramosa Mantell (1822).



New taxa

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Type locality Country Notes Images
Actinoseris riyadhensis[6] Sp. nov Valid Gameil, El-Sorogy & Al-Kahtany Late Cretaceous (Campanian) Aruma  Saudi Arabia A solitary coral. Announced in 2018; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2020.
Alichurastrea[7] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Melnikova & Roniewicz Early Jurassic (probably Pliensbachian)  Tajikistan A coral. Genus includes new species A. major. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021.
Alveopora kumadai[8] Sp. nov Valid Niko & Suzuki Miocene (Langhian) Katsuta Group  Japan A species of Alveopora.
Amplexus gennarenensis[9] Sp. nov Valid Liao, Liang & Luo Carboniferous (Tournaisian)  China A rugose coral.
Anthracomedusa? hoferhauseri[10] Sp. nov Valid Szente Early Triassic Werfen Formation  Austria A box jellyfish.
Asteroseris arabica[6] Sp. nov Valid Gameil, El-Sorogy & Al-Kahtany Late Cretaceous (Campanian) Aruma  Saudi Arabia A solitary coral. Announced in 2018; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2020.
Bowanophyllum ramosum[11] Sp. nov Valid Wang, Percival & Zhen Ordovician (Katian) Malachis Hill  Australia A rugose coral.
Carinthiaphyllum ramovsi[12] Sp. nov Valid Kossovaya, Novak & Weyer Permian (Asselian)  Slovenia A rugose coral belonging to the family Geyerophyllidae.
Colligophyllum[13] Gen. et comb. nov Valid Fedorowski Carboniferous (Bashkirian)  Ukraine A rugose coral. The type species is "Lytvophyllum" dobroljubovae Vassilyuk (1960). Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021.
Cunnolites (Plesiocunnolites) riyadhensis[6] Sp. nov Valid Gameil, El-Sorogy & Al-Kahtany Late Cretaceous (Campanian) Aruma  Saudi Arabia A solitary coral. Announced in 2018; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2020.
Eohydnophora baingoinensis[14] Sp. nov Valid Wang et al. Early Cretaceous  China A stony coral.
Eomicrophyllia[7] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Melnikova & Roniewicz Early Jurassic (probably Pliensbachian)  Tajikistan A coral. Genus includes new species E. nalivkini. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021.
Galliconularia[15] Gen. et comb. nov Valid Van Iten & Lefebvre Ordovician (Tremadocian) Saint-Chinian  France A member of Conulariida. The type species is "Conularia" azaisi Thoral (1935).
Guembelastreomorpha[7] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Melnikova & Roniewicz Early Jurassic (probably Pliensbachian)  Tajikistan A coral. Genus includes new species G. vinogradovi. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021.
Gurumdynia[7] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Melnikova & Roniewicz Early Jurassic (probably Pliensbachian)  Tajikistan A coral. Genus includes new species G. gracilis. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021.
Hanagyroia[16] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Wang et al. Early Cambrian Kuanchuanpu  China A medusozoan of uncertain phylogenetic placement, possibly representing an intermediate morphological type between scyphozoans and cubozoans. Genus includes new species H. orientalis.
Hemiagetiolites longiseptatus[11] Sp. nov Valid Wang, Percival & Zhen Ordovician (Katian) Malachis Hill  Australia A tabulate coral.
Heteroamphiastrea[17] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Kołodziej Early Cretaceous (Aptian)  Tanzania A stony coral belonging to the superfamily Heterocoenioidea and the family Carolastraeidae. Genus includes new species H. loeseri.
Heterostrotion huaqiaoense[18] Sp. nov Valid Denayer et al. Early Carboniferous  China A rugose coral
Krynkaphyllum[13] Gen. et 2 sp. nov Valid Fedorowski Carboniferous (Bashkirian)  Ukraine A rugose coral. The type species is K. multiplexum; genus also includes K. validum. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021.
Martsaphyton[19] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Tinn, Vinn & Ainsaar Ordovician (Darriwilian)  Estonia A member of Medusozoa of uncertain phylogenetic placement. The type species is M. moxi.
Michelinia flugeli[20] Sp. nov Valid Niko & Badpa Carboniferous (Bashkirian) Sardar Formation  Iran A tabulate coral belonging to the order Favositida and the family Micheliniidae.
Nancygyra[21] Gen. et sp. nov In press Bosellini & Stolarski in Bosellini et al. Eocene (Ypresian)  Italy A member of the family Euphylliidae. The type species is N. dissepimentata.
Neosyringaxon michelini[22] Sp. nov Valid Weyer & Rohart Devonian (Frasnian)  France A rugose coral belonging to the family Petraiidae
Paramixogonaria wangyouensis[23] Sp. nov Valid Liao & Liang Devonian (Givetian) Wenglai  China A rugose coral.
Pinacomorpha[7] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Melnikova & Roniewicz Early Jurassic (probably Pliensbachian)  Tajikistan A coral. Genus includes new species P. apimelos. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021.
Placophyllia baingoinensis[14] Sp. nov Valid Wang et al. Early Cretaceous  China A stony coral. Originally described as a species of Placophyllia, but subsequently transferred to the genus Sonoraphyllia.[24]
Placophyllia amnica[7] Sp. nov Valid Melnikova & Roniewicz Early Jurassic (probably Pliensbachian)  Tajikistan A placophylliid coral. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021.
Protokionophyllum feninoense[13] Sp. nov Valid Fedorowski Carboniferous (Bashkirian)  Ukraine A rugose coral. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021.
Protostephanastrea[7] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Melnikova & Roniewicz Early Jurassic (probably Pliensbachian)  Tajikistan An actinastraeid coral. Genus includes new species P. leveni. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021.
Psenophyllia[7] Gen. et comb. nov Valid Melnikova & Roniewicz Early Jurassic (probably Pliensbachian)  Tajikistan A coral. The type species is "Cylindrosmilia" longa Melnikova (1989). Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021.
Rotiphyllum xinjiangense[9] Sp. nov Valid Liao, Liang & Luo Carboniferous (Tournaisian)  China A rugose coral.
Sanidophyllum dubium[25] Sp. nov Valid Yu et al. Devonian (Emsian) Mia Le  Vietnam A rugose coral belonging to the family Breviphyllidae. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming was published in 2021.
Sedekastrea[7] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Melnikova & Roniewicz Early Jurassic (probably Pliensbachian)  Tajikistan A coral. Genus includes new species S. djalilovi. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021.
Siphonophyllia khenifrense[26] Sp. nov Rodríguez, Said & Somerville in Rodríguez et al. Carboniferous (Viséan) Azrou-Khenifra  Morocco A rugose coral belonging to the family Cyathopsidae
Stylimorpha[7] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Melnikova & Roniewicz Early Jurassic (probably Pliensbachian)  Tajikistan A placophylliid coral. Genus includes new species S. kardjilgensis. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021.
Stylina namcoensis[14] Sp. nov Valid Wang et al. Early Cretaceous  China A stony coral.
Stylostrotion houi[18] Sp. nov Valid Denayer et al. Carboniferous (Viséan)  China A rugose coral
Syringopora iranica[20] Sp. nov Valid Niko & Badpa Carboniferous (Serpukhovian) Sardar Formation  Iran A tabulate coral belonging to the order Auloporida and the family Syringoporidae.


  • Revision of tabulate-like fossils from before the latest Middle Ordovician is published by Elias, Lee & Pratt (2020), who reject the interpretation of these fossils as true tabulate corals.[27]
  • Drake, Whitelegge & Jacobs (2020) report the first recovery, sequencing, and identification of fossil biomineral proteins from a Pleistocene fossil invertebrate (the stony coral Orbicella annularis).[28]




Name Novelty Status Authors Age Type locality Country Notes Images
Anastomopora blankenheimensis[29] Sp. nov Valid Ernst Devonian  Germany
Anastomopora minor[29] Sp. nov Valid Ernst Devonian  Germany
Anomalotoechus parvus[30] Sp. nov Valid Ernst, Bahrami & Parast Devonian (Famennian) Bahram  Iran A member of Trepostomata belonging to the group Amplexoporina and to the family Atactotoechidae.
Asperopora sinensis[31] Sp. nov Valid Ernst et al. Silurian (Telychian) Hanchiatien  China A trepostome bryozoan.

Biforicula collinsi[32]

Sp. nov



Early Cretaceous (Albian)


 United Kingdom

Cheethamia volgaensis[33] Sp. nov Valid Koromyslova & Seltser Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian)  Russia
( Saratov Oblast)
A member of Cheilostomata
Cribrilaria profunda[34] Sp. nov Valid Rosso, Di Martino & Ostrovsky Pleistocene  Italy A member of the family Cribrilinidae.
Dianulites altaicus[35] Sp. nov Valid Koromyslova & Sennikov Ordovician (Sandbian)  Russia
( Altai Republic)
A member of Esthonioporata.
Dyscritella kalmardensis[36] Sp. nov Valid Ernst & Gorgij Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian) Siliciclastic Imagh  Iran A member of Trepostomata belonging to the group Amplexoporina and to the family Dyscritellidae. Announced in 2019; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2020.
Dyscritella multiporata[36] Sp. nov Valid Ernst & Gorgij Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian) Siliciclastic Imagh  Iran A member of Trepostomata belonging to the group Amplexoporina and to the family Dyscritellidae. Announced in 2019; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2020.
Figularia spectabilis[34] Sp. nov Valid Rosso, Di Martino & Ostrovsky Pleistocene  Italy A member of the family Cribrilinidae.
Filites bakharevi[37] Sp. nov Valid Mesentseva in Mesentseva & Udodov Devonian (Emsian)  Russia
Filites fragilis[37] Sp. nov Valid Udodov in Mesentseva & Udodov Devonian (Emsian)  Russia
Filites regularis[37] Sp. nov Valid Mesentseva in Mesentseva & Udodov Devonian (Emsian)  Russia
Filites vulgaris[37] Sp. nov Valid Udodov in Mesentseva & Udodov Devonian (Emsian)  Russia
Glabrilaria transversocarinata[34] Sp. nov Valid Rosso, Di Martino & Ostrovsky Pleistocene  Italy A member of the family Cribrilinidae.
Hemiphragma insolitum[38] Sp. nov Valid Koromyslova & Fedorov Ordovician (Dapingian)  Russia A trepostome bryozoan.
Microporella tanyae[39] Sp. nov Valid Di Martino, Taylor & Gordon Pliocene Yorktown  United States
( Virginia)
A member of the family Microporellidae.
Moorephylloporina parvula[31] Sp. nov Valid Ernst et al. Silurian (Telychian) Hanchiatien  China A fenestrate bryozoan.
Parastenodiscus sinaiensis[40] Sp. nov In press Ernst et al. Carboniferous (Mississippian)  Egypt A member of Trepostomata
Planopora[38] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Koromyslova & Fedorov Ordovician (Dapingian)  Russia A bifoliate cystoporate. Genus includes new species P. volkhovensis.
Rhombopora aryani[36] Sp. nov Valid Ernst & Gorgij Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian) Siliciclastic Imagh  Iran A member of Cryptostomata belonging to the group Rhabdomesina and to the family Rhomboporidae. Announced in 2019; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2020.
Taylorus patagonicus[41] Sp. nov Valid Pérez et al. Early Miocene  Argentina A member of the family Escharinidae. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021.
Trematopora jiebeiensis[31] Sp. nov Valid Ernst et al. Silurian (Telychian) Hanchiatien  China A trepostome bryozoan.
Trematopora tenuis[31] Sp. nov Valid Ernst et al. Silurian (Telychian) Hanchiatien  China A trepostome bryozoan.
Zefrehopora[30] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Ernst, Bahrami & Parast Devonian (Famennian) Bahram  Iran A member of Trepostomata belonging to the group Amplexoporina and to the family Eridotrypellidae. The type species is Z. asynithis.



New taxa

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Type locality Country Notes Images
Altiplanotoechia[42] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Colmenar in Colmenar & Hodgin Ordovician Umachiri  Peru A polytoechioid brachiopod. Genus includes new species A. hodgini.
Beaussetithyris[43] Gen. et sp. nov Gaspard & Charbonnier Late Cretaceous (Santonian)  France A member of Rhynchonellida belonging to the family Cyclothyrididae. The type species is B. asymmetrica.
Biconvexiella saopauloensis[44] Sp. nov In press Simões et al. Late Paleozoic Taciba  Brazil
Bockeliena[45] Gen. et comb. nov Valid Baarli Silurian (Rhuddanian)  United Kingdom A member of the family Atrypinidae; a new genus for "Atrypa" flexuosa Marr & Nicholson (1888).
Brevilamnulella minuta[46] Sp. nov Valid Jin & Blodgett Late Ordovician  United States
( Alaska)
Chilcatreta lariojana[47] Sp. nov Valid Lavié & Benedetto Ordovician Suri  Argentina A siphonotretid brachiopod. Announced in 2019; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2020.
Chinellirostra[48] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Baranov, Qiao & Blodgett Devonian (Givetian)  China A member of the family Stringocephalidae. Genus includes new species C. rara. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming was published in 2021.
Contortithyris[43] Gen. et sp. nov Gaspard & Charbonnier Late Cretaceous (Santonian) Micraster  France A member of Rhynchonellida belonging to the family Cyclothyrididae. The type species is C. thermae.
Cyclothyris cardiatelia[49] Sp. nov In press Berrocal-Casero, Barroso-Barcenilla & Joral Late Cretaceous (Coniacian)  Spain A member of Rhynchonellida
Cyclothyris grimargina[43] Sp. nov Gaspard & Charbonnier Late Cretaceous (Campanian) Micraster  France A member of Rhynchonellida belonging to the family Cyclothyrididae
Cyclothyris nekvasilovae[50] Sp. nov Valid Berrocal-Casero, Joral & Barroso-Barcenilla Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)  Czech Republic A member of Rhynchonellida belonging to the family Cyclothyrididae. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021.
Cyclothyris segurai[49] Sp. nov In press Berrocal-Casero, Barroso-Barcenilla & Joral Late Cretaceous (Coniacian)  Spain A member of Rhynchonellida
Dihelictera engerensis[45] Sp. nov Valid Baarli Ordovician/Silurian boundary Solvik  Norway A member of the family Atrypidae.
Dogdoa talyndzhensis[51] Sp. nov Valid Baranov Early Devonian  Russia A member of Rhynchonellida.
Elliptoglossa kononovae[52] Sp. nov Valid Smirnova & Zhegallo Devonian (Famennian)  Russia A member of Lingulida.
Enriquetoechia[42] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Colmenar & Hodgin Ordovician Umachiri  Peru A polytoechioid brachiopod. Genus includes new species E. umachiriensis.
Eoobolus incipiens[53] Sp. nov In press Zhang, Popov, Holmer & Zhang in Zhang et al. Cambrian Ajax Limestone
Dengying Formation
Mernmerna Formation
Wilkawillina Limestone
A member of Linguloidea.
Euroatrypa? sigridi[45] Sp. nov Valid Baarli Ordovician/Silurian boundary Solvik  Norway A member of the family Atrypinidae.
Famatinobolus[47] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Lavié & Benedetto Ordovician Suri  Argentina An obolid brachiopod. Genus includes new species F. cancellatum. Announced in 2019; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2020.
Germanoplatidia[54] Gen. et comb. nov Valid Dulai & Von der Hocht Oligocene (Chattian)  Germany A member of Terebratulida belonging to the family Platidiidae; a new genus for "Terebratula" pusilla Philippi (1843).
Gotatrypa vettrensis[45] Sp. nov Valid Baarli Ordovician/Silurian boundary Solvik  Norway A member of the family Atrypidae.
Hassanispirifer[55] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Garcia-Alcalde & El Hassani Devonian (Givetian) Taboumakhlouf  Morocco A member of Spiriferida belonging to the family Xenomartiniidae. The type species is H. africanus.
Holynetes? mzerrebiensis[55] Sp. nov Valid Garcia-Alcalde & El Hassani Devonian (Givetian) Ahrerouch  Morocco A member of Chonetidina belonging to the family Anopliidae.
Imbriea[56] Nom. nov Valid Reily Devonian  United States A member of Orthotetida belonging to the family Areostrophiidae; a replacement name for Orthopleura Imbrie (1959).
Kafirnigania jorali[57] Sp. nov In press Berrocal-Casero Late Cretaceous (Coniacian)  Spain A member of Terebratulida.
Kafirnigania massiliensis[57] Sp. nov In press Berrocal-Casero Late Cretaceous (Coniacian)  France
A member of Terebratulida.
Kirkidium canberrense[58] Sp. nov Valid Strusz Silurian (Wenlock) Canberra  Australia A member of Pentamerida belonging to the family Pentameridae.
Lambdarina winklerprinsi[59] Sp. nov Valid Voldman et al. Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian) San Emiliano  Spain
Levitusia elongata[60] Sp. nov Valid Tazawa Carboniferous (Viséan)  Japan A member of Productidina belonging to the family Leioproductidae.
Lingulellotreta yuanshanensis[61] Sp. nov Valid Zhang et al. Cambrian  China
Linnaeocaninella[62] Nom. nov Valid Hernández Middle Permian Lengwu  China A replacement name for Caninella Liang (1990)
Linnarssonia sapushanensis[63] Sp. nov Valid Duan et al. Cambrian Stage 4 Wulongqing  China An acrotretoid brachiopod.
Lithobolus limbatum[47] Sp. nov Valid Lavié & Benedetto Ordovician Suri  Argentina An obolid brachiopod. Announced in 2019; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2020.
Mishninia[51] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Baranov Early Devonian  Russia The type species is M. nodosa
Neobolus wulongqingensis[64] Sp. nov Valid Zhang, Strotz, Topper & Brock in Zhang et al. Cambrian Stage 4 Wulongqing  China A member of Lingulida belonging to the family Neobolidae. Many specimens had tubeworm-like kleptoparasites attached to their shells.
Neochonetes (Sommeriella) longa[65] Sp. nov Valid Wu et al. Permian (Changhsingian) Luokeng  China
Neochonetes (Sommeriella) transversa [65] Sp. nov Valid Wu et al. Permian (Changhsingian) Luokeng  China
Nucleatina anotia[57] Sp. nov In press Berrocal-Casero Late Cretaceous (Coniacian)  Spain
A member of Terebratulida.
Nucleatina arcana[57] Sp. nov In press Berrocal-Casero Late Cretaceous (Coniacian)  Spain A member of Terebratulida.
Nucleatina barrosoi[57] Sp. nov In press Berrocal-Casero Late Cretaceous (Coniacian)  Spain A member of Terebratulida.
Orbiculoidea katzeri[66] Sp. nov In press Corrêa & Ramos Devonian (Lochkovian) Manacapuru  Brazil
Orbiculoidea xinguensis[66] Sp. nov In press Corrêa & Ramos Devonian (Lochkovian) Manacapuru  Brazil
Palaeotreta[67] Gen. et sp. et comb. nov Valid Zhang et al. Cambrian Series 2 Shuijingtuo  China A member of the family Acrotretidae. The type species is P. shannanensis; genus also includes "Eohadrotreta" zhujiahensis Li & Holmer (2004).
Paragilledia[68] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Shi, Waterhouse & Lee Early Permian Pebbley Beach  Australia A member of Terebratulida belonging to the family Gillediidae. Genus includes new species P. kioloaensis.
Paramickwitzia[69] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Pan et al. Cambrian Series 2 Xinji  China A stem-brachiopod belonging to the group Mickwitziidae. Genus includes new species P. boreussinaensis. Announced in 2019; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2020.
Plectatrypa rindi[45] Sp. nov Valid Baarli Ordovician/Silurian boundary Solvik  Norway A member of the family Atrypinidae.
Plicarmus[70] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Claybourn et al. Cambrian Stage 4 Byrd Group Antarctica A member of Lingulata. Genus includes new species P. wildi.
Pomatotrema laubacheri[42] Sp. nov Valid Colmenar & Hodgin Ordovician Umachiri  Peru
Rhinatrypa[45] Gen. et comb. nov Valid Baarli Ordovician/Silurian boundary Solvik  Norway A member of the family Atrypidae. The type species is "Plectatrypa" henningsmoeni Boucot & Johnson (1967).
Rhipidium oepiki[58] Sp. nov Valid Strusz Silurian (Wenlock) Canberra  Australia A member of Pentamerida belonging to the family Pentameridae.
Spinocarinifera qilinzhaiensis[71] Sp. nov Valid Nie et al. Carboniferous (Tournaisian) Tangbagou Formation  China
Stringocephalus sinensis[48] Sp. nov Valid Baranov, Qiao & Blodgett Devonian (Givetian)  China A member of the family Stringocephalidae. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming was published in 2021.
Tabellina laseroni[68] Sp. nov Valid Shi, Waterhouse & Lee Early Permian Pebbley Beach  Australia An ingelarelloidean brachiopod belonging to the family Notospiriferidae.
Tapuritreta gribovensis[72] Sp. nov Valid Holmer et al. Cambrian (Guzhangian) Karpinsk Formation  Russia
( Arkhangelsk Oblast)
A member of the family Acrotretidae.
Tcherskidium tenuicostatus[46] Sp. nov Valid Jin & Blodgett Late Ordovician  United States
( Alaska)
Thomasaria bultyncki[55] Sp. nov Valid Garcia-Alcalde & El Hassani Devonian (Givetian) Ahrerouch  Morocco A member of Spiriferida belonging to the family Thomasariidae.
Vagrania naanchanensis[51] Sp. nov Valid Baranov Early Devonian  Russia A member of Atrypida.
Verchojania abramovi[73] Sp. nov Valid Makoshin Late Carboniferous  Russia A member of Productida
Wahwahlingula? pankovensis[72] Sp. nov Valid Holmer et al. Cambrian (Guzhangian) Karpinsk Formation  Russia
( Arkhangelsk Oblast)
A member of Linguloidea belonging to the family Zhanatellidae.
Woodwardirhynchia pontemdiaboli[49] Sp. nov In press Berrocal Casero, Barroso Barcenilla & Joral Late Cretaceous (Coniacian)  Spain A member of Rhynchonellida
Yangirostra[48] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Baranov, Qiao & Blodgett Devonian (Givetian)  China A member of the family Stringocephalidae. Genus includes new species Y. asiatica. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming was published in 2021.


  • A study on the mode of life of Paleozoic strophomenatans is published by Stanley (2020), who argues that nearly all strophomenatans lived infaunally.[74]
  • A study on the paleobiogeography of Early−Middle Devonian (Pragian−Eifelian) brachiopods from West Gondwana, aiming to determine any potential controls that may have driven bioregionalization, is published by Penn-Clarke & Harper (2020).[75]
  • A study on the phylogenetic relationships and ecomorphologic diversification of Mesozoic spiriferinids is published by Guo, Chen & Harper (2020).[76]





New taxa

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Type locality Country Notes Images
Abertella carlsoni[77] Sp. nov Valid Osborn, Portell & Mooi Miocene  United States
( Florida)
A sea urchin.
Abludoglyptocrinus steinheimerae[78] Sp. nov Valid Cole et al. Ordovician (Katian) Brechin Lagerstätte
Bobcaygeon & Verulam
( Ontario)
A monobathrid crinoid.
Aenigmaticumcrinus[79] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Scheffler Devonian Belén  Bolivia A crinoid belonging to the group Dimerocrinitacea. Genus includes new species A. rochacamposi.
Aerliceaster[80] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Blake, Gahn & Guensburg Ordovician (Floian) Garden City  United States
( Idaho)
A starfish. Genus includes new species A. nexosus.
Alkaidia megaungula[81] Sp. nov Valid Ewin & Gale Early Cretaceous (Barremian) Taba  Morocco A starfish belonging to the family Terminasteridae.
Arceoaster[82] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Blake & Sprinkle Silurian Hunton Group  United States
( Oklahoma)
A starfish belonging to the family Hudsonasteridae. Genus includes new species A. hintei.
Aszulcicrinus[83] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Hagdorn Middle Triassic (Anisian) Gogolin  Poland A crinoid belonging to the group Articulata and the family Dadocrinidae. The type species is A. pentebrachiatus.
Brissopsis hoffmani[77] Sp. nov Valid Osborn, Portell & Mooi Miocene  United States
( Florida)
A sea urchin.
Bronthaster[84] Gen. et sp. nov In press Jell & Cook Carboniferous (Namurian) Yagon Siltstone  Australia A brittle star belonging to the family Protasteridae. Genus includes new species B. retus.
Calclyra bifida[85] Sp. nov Valid Pabst & Herbig Carboniferous (Serpukhovian) Genicera  Spain A brittle star belonging to the group Oegophiurida and the family Calclyridae.
Clypeaster petersonorum[77] Sp. nov Valid Osborn, Portell & Mooi Miocene  United States
( Florida)
A species of Clypeaster.
Comptonia bretoni[86] Sp. nov Valid Gale Early Cretaceous (Aptian) Atherfield  United Kingdom A starfish
Coulonia caseyi[86] Sp. nov Valid Gale Early Cretaceous (Aptian) Atherfield  United Kingdom An astropectinid starfish
Cyclogrupera[87] Gen. et sp. nov Torres-Martínez, Villanueva-Olea & Sour-Tovar Permian (AsselianSakmarian) Grupera  Mexico A crinoid belonging to the family Cyclomischidae. The type species is C. minor.
Discocrinus africanus[88] Sp. nov Valid Gale Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian) Aït Lamine  Morocco A crinoid belonging to the group Articulata and the family Roveacrinidae.
Discometra luberonensis[89] Sp. nov Valid Eléaume, Roux & Philippe Miocene (Burdigalian)  France A feather star belonging to the family Himerometridae.
Drepanocrinus wardorum[88] Sp. nov Valid Gale Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)


A crinoid belonging to the group Articulata and the family Roveacrinidae
Durhamicystis[90] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Zamora, Sprinkle & Sumrall Ordovician (Sandbian) Chambersburg  United States
( Maryland)
A member of Eocrinoidea belonging to the family Rhipidocystidae. The type species is D. americana.
Encrinaster alsbachensis[91] Sp. nov Valid Müller & Hahn Early Devonian  Germany A brittle star.
Enodicalix[92] Gen. et comb. nov Valid Paul & Gutiérrez-Marco Ordovician  Spain A member of Diploporita belonging to the family Aristocystitidae. The type species is "Calix" inornatus Meléndez (1958).
Eoastropecten[93] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Gale Late Triassic (Carnian)  China A starfish belonging to the family Astropectinidae. Genus includes new species E. sechuanensis.
Euglyphocrinus cristagalli[88] Sp. nov Valid Gale Early Cretaceous (Albian)

 United States
( Texas)

A crinoid belonging to the group Articulata and the family Roveacrinidae
Euglyphocrinus jacobsae[88] Sp. nov Valid Gale Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)


A crinoid belonging to the group Articulata and the family Roveacrinidae
Euglyphocrinus truncatus[88] Sp. nov Valid Gale Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)


A crinoid belonging to the group Articulata and the family Roveacrinidae
Euglyphocrinus worthensis[88] Sp. nov Valid Gale Early Cretaceous (Albian)

 United States
( Texas)

A crinoid belonging to the group Articulata and the family Roveacrinidae
Euptychocrinus longipinnulus[94] Sp. nov Valid Fearnhead et al. Silurian (Telychian) Pysgotwr Grits  United Kingdom A camerate crinoid
Eutaxocrinus ariunai[95] Sp. nov Valid Waters et al. Devonian (Famennian) Samnuuruul Formation  Mongolia A crinoid. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming was published in 2021.
Eutaxocrinus sersmaai[95] Sp. nov Valid Waters et al. Devonian (Famennian) Samnuuruul Formation  Mongolia A crinoid. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming was published in 2021.
Fenestracrinus[88] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Gale Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian) Aït Lamine  Morocco A crinoid belonging to the group Articulata and the family Roveacrinidae. The type species is F. oculifer.
Fernandezaster whisleri[77] Sp. nov Valid Osborn, Portell & Mooi Pliocene  United States
( Florida)
A sea urchin.
Floricyclocion[87] Gen. et sp. nov Torres-Martínez, Villanueva-Olea & Sour-Tovar Permian (Asselian‒Sakmarian) Grupera  Mexico A crinoid belonging to the family Floricyclidae. The type species is F. heteromorpha.
Gagaria hunterae[77] Sp. nov Valid Osborn, Portell & Mooi Miocene  United States
( Florida)
A sea urchin.
Genocidaris oyeni[77] Sp. nov Valid Osborn, Portell & Mooi Pliocene  United States
( Florida)
A sea urchin.
Heterobrissus lubellii[96] Sp. nov Valid Borghi & Stara Late Oligocene-early Miocene  Italy A heart urchin.
Holocrinus qingyanensis[97] Sp. nov Valid Stiller Middle Triassic (Anisian)  China A crinoid belonging to the family Holocrinidae. Announced in 2019; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2020.
Isocrinus (Chladocrinus) covuncoensis[98] Sp. nov Valid Lazo et al. Early Cretaceous (Valanginian) Agrio  Argentina A crinoid.
Isocrinus (Chladocrinus) pehuenchensis[98] Sp. nov Valid Lazo et al. Early Cretaceous (Hauterivian) Agrio  Argentina A crinoid.
Kolataster[80] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Blake, Gahn & Guensburg Ordovician (Sandian) Mifflin  United States
( Illinois)
A starfish. Genus includes new species K. perplexus.
Lebenharticrinus quinvigintensis[88] Sp. nov Valid Gale Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian) Aït Lamine  Morocco A crinoid belonging to the group Articulata and the family Roveacrinidae
Lebenharticrinus zitti[88] Sp. nov Valid Gale Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian) Aït Lamine  Morocco A crinoid belonging to the group Articulata and the family Roveacrinidae
Linguaserra heidii[85] Sp. nov Valid Pabst & Herbig Carboniferous (Tournaisian to Serpukhovian) Genicera
A member of Ophiocistioidea belonging to the family Linguaserridae.
Lovenia kerneri[77] Sp. nov Valid Osborn, Portell & Mooi Pliocene  United States
( Florida)
A species of Lovenia.
Maestratina[99] Gen. et comb. nov Valid Forner i Valls & Saura Vilar Early Cretaceous (Aptian) Forcall Formation  Spain A sea urchin belonging to the group Arbacioida and the family Arbaciidae. The type species is "Cotteaudia" royoi Lambert (1928).
Magnasterella[100] Gen. et comb. nov In press Fraga & Vega Devonian (Frasnian) Ponta Grossa  Brazil A starfish belonging to the group Euaxosida; a new genus for "Echinasterella" darwini Clarke (1913).
Marginix notatus[100] Sp. nov In press Fraga & Vega Devonian (Frasnian) Ponta Grossa  Brazil A brittle star
Meperocrinus[79] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Scheffler Devonian Icla  Bolivia A crinoid belonging to the family Emperocrinidae. Genus includes new species M. angelina.
Mongoliacrinus[95] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Waters et al. Devonian (Famennian) Samnuuruul Formation  Mongolia A crinoid belonging to the family Acrocrinidae. Genus includes new species M. minjini. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming was published in 2021.
Odontaster tabaensis[81] Sp. nov Valid Ewin & Gale Early Cretaceous (Barremian) Taba  Morocco A starfish, a species of Odontaster.
Ophiacantha oceani[101] Sp. nov Valid Numberger-Thuy & Thuy Pliocene to Pleistocene (Piacenzian to Gelasian)  Italy A brittle star belonging to the family Ophiacanthidae.
Ophiomitrella floorae[102] Sp. nov Valid Thuy, Numberger-Thuy & Gale Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) Maastricht  Netherlands An ophiacanthid brittle star.
Paragonaster felli[103] Sp. nov Valid Stevens Early Cretaceous  New Zealand A starfish.
Paranaster[100] Gen. et comb. nov In press Fraga & Vega Devonian (Emsian) Ponta Grossa  Brazil A starfish belonging to the group Euaxosida. Genus includes new species P. crucis.
Pararchaeocrinus kiddi[78] Sp. nov Valid Cole et al. Ordovician (Katian) Brechin Lagerstätte
Bobcaygeon & Verulam
( Ontario)
A diplobathrid crinoid.
Peckicrinus[104] Gen. et comb. nov Valid Gale in Gale et al. Early Cretaceous (Albian) Duck Creek  United States
( Oklahoma
A crinoid belonging to the family Roveacrinidae. The type species is "Poecilocrinus" porcatus Peck (1943). Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021.
Pegoasterella[105] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Blake & Koniecki Late Ordovician Bromide
 United States
( Illinois
A starfish belonging to the family Urasterellidae. Genus includes new species P. pompom.
Periglyptocrinus astricus[78] Sp. nov Valid Cole et al. Ordovician (Katian) Brechin Lagerstätte
Bobcaygeon & Verulam
( Ontario)
A monobathrid crinoid.
Periglyptocrinus kevinbretti[78] Sp. nov Valid Cole et al. Ordovician (Katian) Brechin Lagerstätte
Bobcaygeon & Verulam
( Ontario)
A monobathrid crinoid.
Periglyptocrinus mcdonaldi[78] Sp. nov Valid Cole et al. Ordovician (Katian) Brechin Lagerstätte
Bobcaygeon & Verulam
( Ontario)
A monobathrid crinoid.
Periglyptocrinus silvosus[78] Sp. nov Valid Cole et al. Ordovician (Katian) Brechin Lagerstätte
Bobcaygeon & Verulam
( Ontario)
A monobathrid crinoid.
Plotocrinus molineuxae[104] Sp. nov Valid Gale in Gale et al. Early Cretaceous (Albian) Goodland  United States
( Texas)
A crinoid belonging to the family Roveacrinidae. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021.
Plotocrinus rashallae[104] Sp. nov Valid Gale in Gale et al. Early Cretaceous (Albian) Goodland  France
 United States
( Texas)
A crinoid belonging to the family Roveacrinidae. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021.
Plotocrinus reidi[104] Sp. nov Valid Gale in Gale et al. Early Cretaceous (Albian) Kiamichi  United States
( Texas)
A crinoid belonging to the family Roveacrinidae. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021.
Psammaster[106] Gen. et comb. nov Valid Fau et al. Late Jurassic (Tithonian) Grès des Oies  France A starfish belonging to the group Forcipulatida. The type species is "Ophidiaster" davidsoni de Loriol & Pellat (1874).
Rhyncholampas meansi[77] Sp. nov Valid Osborn, Portell & Mooi Pleistocene  United States
( Florida)
A sea urchin.
Roveacrinus gladius[88] Sp. nov Valid Gale Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)


A crinoid belonging to the group Articulata and the family Roveacrinidae
Roveacrinus morganae[104] Sp. nov Valid Gale in Gale et al. Early Cretaceous (Albian) Pawpaw  United States
( Texas)
A crinoid belonging to the family Roveacrinidae. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021.
Roveacrinus proteus[104] Sp. nov Valid Gale in Gale et al. Early Cretaceous (Albian) Pawpaw  United States
( Texas)
A crinoid belonging to the family Roveacrinidae. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021.
Roveacrinus solisoccasum[88] Sp. nov Valid Gale Early Cretaceous (Albian)

 United States
( Texas)

A crinoid belonging to the group Articulata and the family Roveacrinidae
Schoenaster carterensis[107] Sp. nov Valid Harris, Ettensohn & Carnahan-Jarvis Carboniferous (Chesterian) Slade  United States
( Kentucky)
A brittle star
Seifenia[108] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Müller & Hahn Early Devonian Seifen  Germany A member of Edrioasteroidea. The type species is S. ostara.
Spiracarneyella[109] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Sumrall & Phelps Ordovician (Katian) Point Pleasant  United States
( Kentucky
A carneyellid edrioasteroid. Genus includes new species S. florencei.
Streptoiocrinus[110] Gen. nov Valid Rozhnov Ordovician  Estonia
( Leningrad Oblast)
A crinoid belonging to the group Disparida.
Styracocrinus rimafera[88] Sp. nov Valid Gale Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)


A crinoid belonging to the group Articulata and the family Roveacrinidae
Styracocrinus thomasae[104] Sp. nov Valid Gale in Gale et al. Early Cretaceous (Albian) Goodland  United States
( Texas)
A crinoid belonging to the family Roveacrinidae. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021.
Tallinnicrinus[111] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Cole, Ausich & Wilson Ordovician (Hirnantian)  Estonia An anthracocrinid diplobathrid crinoid. Genus includes new species T. toomae.
Tollmannicrinus leidapoensis[97] Sp. nov Valid Stiller Middle Triassic (Anisian)  China A crinoid. Announced in 2019; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2020.
Tuberocrinus[79] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Scheffler Devonian Belén  Bolivia A crinoid belonging to the group Dimerocrinitacea. Genus includes new species T. lapazensis.
Vaquerosella perrillatae[112] Sp. nov Valid Martínez Melo & Alvarado Ortega Miocene San Ignacio  Mexico A sand dollar belonging to the family Echinarachniidae


  • A study on morphological diversification of echinoderms and evolutionary mechanisms underlying the establishment of echinoderm body plans during the early Paleozoic is published by Deline et al. (2020).[113]
  • A study on the locomotion of cornute stylophorans, based on data from a specimen of Phyllocystis crassimarginata from the Ordovician (Tremadocian) Saint-Chinian Formation (France), is published by Clark et al. (2020).[114]
  • A study on the speciation and dispersal of the diploporan blastozoans through the Ordovician period is published by Lam, Sheffield & Matzke (2020).[115]
  • A study on the evolutionary history of eublastoid blastozoans is published by Bauer (2020).[116]
  • A study on the anatomy and phylogenetic relationships of Eumorphocystis is published by Guensburg et al. (2020), who consider this taxon to be a blastozoan far removed from crinoids, contrary to the results of the study of Sheffield & Sumrall (2019).[117][118]
  • A study on the phylogeny of the crown group of Echinoidea, based on both phylogenomic and paleontological data, is published by Koch & Thompson (2020).[119]
  • A study on the structure of the arms and on probable locomotion strategies of Devonian brittle stars from the Hunsrück Slate (Germany) is published by Clark, Hutchinson & Briggs (2020).[120]



New taxa

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Type locality Country Notes Images
Ancyrognathus minjini[121] Sp. nov Valid Suttner et al. Late Devonian Baruunhuurai  Mongolia Announced in 2019; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2020.
Baltoniodus norrlandicus denticulatus[122] Subsp. nov Valid Dzik Ordovician (Darriwilian)  Poland Announced in 2019; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2020.
Belodina watsoni[123] Sp. nov Valid Zhen Ordovician (Darriwilian)  Australia
Bipennatus hemilevigatus[124] Sp. nov Valid Lu & Königshof Devonian (Eifelian) Beiliu  China Announced in 2019; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2020.
Bipennatus planus[124] Sp. nov Valid Lu & Königshof Devonian (Eifelian) Beiliu  China Announced in 2019; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2020.
Diplognathodus benderi[125] Sp. nov Valid Hu et al. Carboniferous (BashkirianMoscovian boundary)  China
Erraticodon neopatu[126] Sp. nov Valid Zhen in Zhen et al. Ordovician Willara  Australia Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021.
Gladigondolella laii[127] Sp. nov In press Chen in Chen et al. Early Triassic  Oman
Idiognathodus fengtingensis[128] Sp. nov Valid Qi et al. Carboniferous (KasimovianGzhelian boundary)  China
Idiognathodus luodianensis[128] Sp. nov Valid Qi et al. Carboniferous (Kasimovian–Gzhelian boundary)  China
Idiognathodus naqingensis[128] Sp. nov Valid Qi et al. Carboniferous (Kasimovian–Gzhelian boundary)  China
Idiognathodus naraoensis[128] Sp. nov Valid Qi et al. Carboniferous (Kasimovian–Gzhelian boundary)  China
Latericriodus guangnanensis[129] Sp. nov In press Lu & Valenzuela-Ríos in Lu et al. Devonian (Emsian) Daliantang  China A member of Prioniodontida belonging to the family Icriodontidae.
Misikella kolarae[130] Sp. nov Valid Karádi et al. Late Triassic  Hungary Announced in 2019; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2020.
Pachycladina rendona[131] Sp. nov In press Wu & Ji in Wu et al. Early Triassic  China An ellisonid conodont.
Palmatolepis subperlobata tatarica[132] Nom. nov Valid Ovnatanova & Gatovsky Devonian (Famennian) Prikazanskaya Formation  Russia
( Tatarstan)
A replacement name for Palmatolepis subperlobata helmsi Ovnatanova (1976). The subspecies was subsequently raised to the rank of a separate species by Ovnatanova & Kononova (2023).[133]
Paullella omanensis[127] Sp. nov In press Chen in Chen et al. Early Triassic  Croatia
Polygnathus nalaiensis[124] Sp. nov Valid Lu & Königshof Devonian (Eifelian) Beiliu  China Announced in 2019; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2020.
Rossodus? boothiaensis[134] Sp. nov Valid Zhang Turner Cliffs  Canada
( Nunavut)
Scalpellodus percivali[123] Sp. nov Valid Zhen Ordovician (Darriwilian)  Australia
Scythogondolella dolosa[135] Sp. nov Valid Bondarenko & Popov Early Triassic  Russia
( Primorsky Krai)
Siphonodella leiosa[136] Sp. nov In press Souquet, Corradini & Girard Carboniferous (Tournaisian)  France
Streptognathodus nemyrovskae[128] Sp. nov Valid Qi et al. Carboniferous (Gzhelian)  China
Streptognathodus zhihaoi[128] Sp. nov Valid Qi et al. Carboniferous (Gzhelian)  China
Tortodus dodoensis[137] Sp. nov Valid Gouwy, Uyeno & McCracken Devonian (Givetian)  Canada Announced in 2019; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2020.
Trapezognathus pectinatus[122] Sp. nov Valid Dzik Ordovician (Darriwilian)  Poland Announced in 2019; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2020.
Zieglerodina petrea[138] Sp. nov Valid Hušková & Slavík Silurian/Devonian boundary Prague Synform  Czech Republic Announced in 2019; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2020.











Non-mammalian synapsids


New taxa

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Type locality Country Notes Images
Agudotherium[141] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Stefanello et al. Late Triassic Candelária  Brazil A non-mammaliaform prozostrodontian cynodont. Genus includes new species A. gassenae.
Bohemiclavulus[142] Gen. et comb. nov Valid Spindler, Voigt & Fischer Carboniferous (Gzhelian) Slaný  Czech Republic A member of the family Edaphosauridae; a new genus for "Naosaurus" mirabilis Fritsch (1895). Announced in 2019; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2020.

Caodeyao[143] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Liu & Abdala Late Permian Naobaogou  China A therocephalian. Genus includes new species C. liuyufengi.
Chiniquodon omaruruensis[144] Sp. nov Valid Mocke, Gaetano & Abdala Triassic Omingonde  Namibia
Dendromaia[145] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Maddin, Mann & Hebert Carboniferous  Canada
( Nova Scotia)
A member of Varanopidae. Genus includes new species D. unamakiensis. Announced in 2019; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2020.
Etjoia[146] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Hendrickx et al. Triassic (Ladinian/Carnian) Omingonde  Namibia A traversodontid cynodont. Genus includes new species E. dentitransitus.
Hypselohaptodus[147] Gen. et comb. nov Valid Spindler Permian (Cisuralian) Kenilworth  United Kingdom An early member of Sphenacodontia; a new genus for "Haptodus" grandis. Announced in 2019; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2020.
Inditherium[148] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Bhat, Ray & Datta Late Triassic Tiki  India A dromatheriid cynodont. Genus includes new species I. floris.
Kalaallitkigun[149] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Sulej et al. Late Triassic (Norian) Fleming Fjord  Greenland An early member of Mammaliaformes, possibly a member of Haramiyida. Genus includes new species K. jenkinsi.
Kataigidodon[150] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Kligman et al. Late Triassic Chinle  United States
( Arizona)
A non-mammalian eucynodont. Genus includes new species K. venetus.
Kenomagnathus[151] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Spindler Carboniferous (late Pennsylvanian) Rock Lake Shale Mb, Stanton  United States
( Kansas)
An early member of Sphenacodontia. The type species is K. scottae.

Martensius[152] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Berman et al. Permian (Artinskian) Tambach  Germany A member of Caseidae. The type species is M. bromackerensis.
Nshimbodon[153] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Huttenlocker & Sidor Late Permian Madumabisa Mudstone  Zambia A basal cynodont, probably a member of the family Charassognathidae. Genus includes new species N. muchingaensis.
Polonodon[154] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Sulej et al. Late Triassic (Carnian)  Poland A non-mammaliaform eucynodont. Genus includes new species P. woznikiensis. Announced in 2018; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2020.
Remigiomontanus[142] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Spindler, Voigt & Fischer CarboniferousPermian transition Saar–Nahe  Germany A member of the family Edaphosauridae. Genus includes new species R. robustus. Announced in 2019; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2020.
Rewaconodon indicus[148] Sp. nov Valid Bhat, Ray & Datta Late Triassic Tiki  India A dromatheriid cynodont.
Taoheodon[155] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Liu Late Permian Sunjiagou Formation  China A dicynodontoid dicynodont. Genus includes new species T. baizhijuni.
Theroteinus jenkinsi[156] Sp. nov Valid Whiteside & Duffin Late Triassic (Rhaetian)  United Kingdom A haramiyidan mammaliaform. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021.
Tikiodon[148] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Bhat, Ray & Datta Late Triassic Tiki  India A mammaliamorph cynodont. Genus includes new species T. cromptoni.


  • A study on the evolution of the well-defined morphological regions of the vertebral column and of vertebral functional diversity in synapsids is published by Jones et al. (2020).[157]
  • A study aiming to determine the resting metabolic rates and the thermometabolic regimes (endothermy or ectothermy) in eight non-mammalian synapsids is published by Faure-Brac & Cubo (2020).[158]
  • A study on the shoulder musculature in extant Argentine black and white tegu and Virginia opossum, evaluating its implications for reconstructions of the shoulder musculature in non-mammalian synapsids, is published by Fahn-Lai, Biewener & Pierce (2020).[159]
  • A study aiming to determine whether a vicariance pattern can explain early synapsid evolution is published by Brikiatis (2020).[160]
  • Mann et al. (2020) reinterpret Carboniferous taxon Asaphestera platyris Steen (1934) from the Joggins locality (Nova Scotia, Canada) as the earliest unambiguous synapsid in the fossil record reported so far.[161]
  • A study on the long bone histology of varanopids from the lower Permian Richards Spur locality (Oklahoma, United States), evaluating its implications for the knowledge of the paleobiology of early synapsids, is published by Huttenlocker & Shelton (2020).[162]
  • Mann & Reisz (2020) report a new hyper-elongated neural spine of Echinerpeton intermedium from the Pennsylvanian-aged Sydney Mines Formation (Nova Scotia, Canada), indicating a wider distribution of hyper-elongation of vertebral neural spines in early synapsids than previously known.[163]
  • A study on the histology of vertebral centra of Edaphosaurus and Dimetrodon is published by Agliano, Sander & Wintrich (2020).[164]
  • A study on the anatomy of the holotype skull of Tetraceratops insignis and on the phylogenetic relationships of this taxon is published by Spindler (2020).[165]
  • A study comparing the oxygen and carbon stable isotope compositions of tooth and bone apatite of Endothiodon and Tropidostoma, and aiming to determine the ecology and diet of Endothiodon, is published by Rey et al. (2020).[166]
  • Whitney & Sidor (2020) compare the frequency and patterns of growth marks in tusks of Lystrosaurus from polar Antarctica and from the non-polar Karoo Basin of South Africa living ~250 Mya, and report evidence of prolonged stress interpreted as indicative of torpor in polar specimens. This could be the oldest evidence of a hibernation-like state in a vertebrate animal and indicates that torpor arose in vertebrates before mammals and dinosaurs evolved.[167][168][169]
  • A study on the skull length and growth patterns of the four South African Lystrosaurus species (L. maccaigi, L. curvatus, L. murrayi and L. declivis), aiming to determine whether the end-Permian mass extinction caused the Lilliput effect in Lystrosaurus species from the Karoo Basin and to infer their lifestyle, is published by Botha (2020).[170]
  • A study aiming to examine the basis for claims that the genus Lystrosaurus is a disaster taxon is published by Modesto (2020).[171]
  • A study on tooth serrations in a Permian gorgonopsian from Zambia, identifying the occurrence of denticles and interdental folds forming the cutting edges in the teeth which were previously thought to be unique to theropod dinosaurs and some other archosaurs, is published by Whitney et al. (2020).[172]
  • Redescription of the skull of Lycosuchus vanderrieti, providing new information on the endocranial anatomy of this taxon, is published by Pusch et al. (2020).[173]
  • A review of the fossil record of Triassic non-mammaliaform cynodonts from western Gondwana and its importance for the knowledge of the origin of mammals, focusing on taxa known from Argentina, is published by Abdala et al. (2020).[174]
  • A study on the tooth replacement in Galesaurus planiceps is published by Norton et al. (2020).[175]
  • The third specimen of Prozostrodon brasiliensis, providing novel information on the anatomy of this taxon, is described by Kerber et al. (2020).[176]



Other animals


New taxa

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Type locality Country Notes Images
Aladraco kirchhainensis[177] Sp. nov Valid Geyer & Malinky Cambrian (Miaolingian) Delitzsch–Torgau–Doberlug  Germany A member of Hyolitha. Announced in 2019; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2020.
Armilimax[178] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Kimmig & Selden Cambrian (Wuliuan) Spence Shale  United States
( Utah)
A shell-bearing animal of uncertain phylogenetic placement. Genus includes new species A. pauljamisoni. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021.
Avitograptus akidomorphus[179] Sp. nov Valid Muir et al. Ordovician (Hirnantian) Wenchang  China A graptolite.
Bizeticyathus[180] Gen. et comb. nov Valid Kruse & Debrenne Cambrian  Australia A member of Archaeocyatha. Genus includes B. carmen (Carmen & Carmen, 1937).
Canadiella[181] Gen. et comb. nov Valid Skovsted et al. Cambrian Mural
 Canada A tommotiid belonging to the family Kennardiidae. The type species is "Lapworthella" filigrana Conway Morris & Fritz (1984).
Collinsovermis[182] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Caron & Aria Cambrian (Wuliuan) Burgess Shale  Canada
( British Columbia)
A luolishaniid lobopodian. Genus includes new species C. monstruosus.
Cordaticaris[183] Gen. et sp. nov In press Sun, Zeng & Zhao Cambrian (Drumian) Zhangxia  China A member of Radiodonta belonging to the family Hurdiidae. Genus includes new species C. striatus.
Cornulites baranovi[184] Sp. nov Valid Vinn & Toom Silurian (Přidoli) Ohesaare  Estonia A member of Cornulitida.
Dahescolex[185] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Shao et al. Cambrian (Fortunian) Kuanchuanpu  China An animal which might be a stem-lineage derivative of Scalidophora. Genus includes new species D. kuanchuanpuensis. Announced in 2019; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2020.
Dakorhachis[186] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Conway Morris et al. Cambrian (Guzhangian) Weeks  United States
( Utah)
An animal of uncertain phylogenetic placement, possibly a stem-group member of the Gnathifera. Genus includes new species D. thambus.
Dannychaeta[187] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Chen et al. Early Cambrian Canglangpu  China A crown annelid, probably a relative of the families Magelonidae and Oweniidae. Genus includes new species D. tucolus.
Degeletticyathus dailyi[180] Sp. nov Valid Kruse & Debrenne Cambrian  Australia A member of Archaeocyatha.
"Dictyonema" khadijae[188] Sp. nov In press Gutiérrez Marco, Muir & Mitchell Late Ordovician  Morocco A graptolite
"Dictyonema" villasi[188] Sp. nov In press Gutiérrez Marco, Muir & Mitchell Late Ordovician  Morocco A graptolite
Gyaltsenglossus[189] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Nanglu, Caron & Cameron Cambrian Stephen  Canada
( British Columbia)
A member of the stem group of Hemichordata. The type species is G. senis.
Herpetogaster haiyanensis[190] Sp. nov Yang et al. Cambrian Stage 3 Chiungchussu  China
Hillaecyathus[180] Gen. et comb. nov Valid Kruse & Debrenne Cambrian  Australia A member of Archaeocyatha. Genus includes H. contractus (Hill, 1965).
Ikaria[191] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Evans et al. Ediacaran  Australia An early bilaterian. Genus includes new species I. wariootia.
Korenograptus selectus[192] Sp. nov In press Chen in Chen et al. Late Ordovician  Myanmar A graptolite
Kylinxia[193] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Zeng, Zhao & Huang in Zeng et al. Early Cambrian  China A transitional euarthropod that bridges radiodonts and true arthropods. Genus includes new species K. zhangi.
Lenzograptus[194] Nom. nov In press Loydell Silurian (Ludlow)  Canada
( Yukon)
A graptolite; a replacement name for Lenzia Rickards & Wright (1999).
Longxiantheca[195] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Li in Li et al. Cambrian Stages 34 Xinji  China A member of Hyolitha belonging to the group Orthothecida. The type species is L. mira.
Maxdebrennius[180] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Kruse & Debrenne Cambrian  Australia A member of Archaeocyatha. Genus includes new species M. mimus.
Microconchus cravenensis[196] Sp. nov Valid Zatoń & Mundy Carboniferous (Mississippian) Cracoe Limestone
 United Kingdom A member of Microconchida.
Microconchus maya[197] Sp. nov Valid Heredia-Jiménez et al. Permian (Roadian) Paso Hondo  Mexico A member of Microconchida.
Monograptus hamulus[198] Sp. nov Valid Saparin et al. Silurian (Llandovery) Co To  Vietnam A graptolite
Neodiplograptus mandalayensis[192] Sp. nov In press Chen in Chen et al. Late Ordovician  Myanmar A graptolite
Nochoroicyathus ordinarius[180] Sp. nov Valid Kruse & Debrenne Cambrian  Australia A member of Archaeocyatha.
Nochoroicyathus sublimus[180] Sp. nov Valid Kruse & Debrenne Cambrian  Australia A member of Archaeocyatha.
Paranacyathus arboreus[180] Sp. nov Valid Kruse & Debrenne Cambrian  Australia A member of Archaeocyatha.
Pontagrossia[199] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Chahud & Fairchild Devonian (Emsian) Ponta Grossa  Brazil An invertebrate of uncertain phylogenetic placement. The type species is P. reticulata.
Porocoscinus eurys[180] Sp. nov Valid Kruse & Debrenne Cambrian  Australia A member of Archaeocyatha.
Pristiograptus paradoxus[200] Sp. nov In press Loydell & Walasek Silurian (Telychian)  Sweden A graptolite
Stictocyathus[180] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Kruse & Debrenne Cambrian  Australia A member of Archaeocyatha. Genus includes new species S. cavus.
Subtumulocyathellus satus[180] Sp. nov Valid Kruse & Debrenne Cambrian  Australia A member of Archaeocyatha.
Torquigraptus loveridgei[200] Sp. nov In press Loydell & Walasek Silurian (Telychian)  Sweden A graptolite
Torquigraptus wilsoni[201] Sp. nov Valid Loydell Silurian (Telychian)  United Kingdom A graptolite
Toscanisoma[202] Gen. et 2 sp. nov Valid Wendt Late Triassic (Carnian) San Cassiano  Italy A member of Ascidiacea. The type species is T. multipartitum; genus also includes T. triplicatum.
Utahscolex[203] Gen. et comb. nov Valid Whitaker et al. Cambrian (Wuliuan) Spence  United States
( Utah)
A palaeoscolecid; a new genus for "Palaeoscolex" ratcliffei Robison (1969)


Gen. et sp. nov


Li et al.

Cambrian Stage 3



A small, encrusting tubular protostomian, preserved attached to a mobile host (Vetulicola). The type species is V. gregarius.

Wronacyathus[180] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Kruse & Debrenne Cambrian  Australia A member of Archaeocyatha. Genus includes new species W. ayuzhui.
Zhongpingscolex[205] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Shao et al. Cambrian (Fortunian) Kuanchuanpu  China A scalidophoran, probably a stem-group kinorhynch. Genus includes new species Z. qinensis.
Zuunia[206] Gen. et sp. nov Yang et al. Late Ediacaran Zuun-Arts  Mongolia A cloudinid. The type species is Z. chimidtsereni.


  • A study on the taphonomy of three-dimensionally preserved specimens of Charnia from the White Sea, and on their implications for the knowledge of rangeomorph feeding and physiology, is published by Butterfield (2020).[207]
  • A study on the morphology and likely mode of life of Beothukis mistakensis is published by McIlroy et al. (2020).[208]
  • Evidence of preservation of internal anatomical structures in cloudinomorph fossils from the Ediacaran Wood Canyon Formation (Nevada, United States) is reported by Schiffbauer et al. (2020), who interpret these structures as probable digestive tracts, and evaluate their implications for the knowledge of the phylogenetic relationships of cloudinomorphs.[209]
  • Fossils of Dickinsonia identical with D. tenuis from the Ediacara Member of the Rawnsley Quartzite in South Australia are reported from the late Ediacaran Maihar Sandstone of the Bhander Group (India; found in the roof of Auditorium Cave at Bhimbetka rock shelters) by Retallack et al. (2020), who interpret this finding as confirming the assembly of Gondwana by 550 Ma;[210] however, Meert et al. (2023) subsequently reinterpreted purported fossil material of Dickinsonia as an impression resulting from decay of a modern beehive.[211]
  • New specimens of Mafangscolex, providing the first detailed information on the anatomy of a proboscis in palaeoscolecids, are described from the Cambrian Xiaoshiba Lagerstätte (Kunming, China) by Yang et al. (2020).[212]
  • A study on the type material of a putative Ordovician annelid Haileyia adhaerens is published by Muir & Botting (2020) who find no evidence indicating that H. adhaerens is an annelid, or even a recognizable fossil.[213]
  • New hyolithid specimens preserving helens and interior soft tissues, including muscle scars and digestive tracts, are described from the Guanshan Biota (Cambrian Stage 4; Yunnan, China) by Liu et al. (2020).[214]
  • Redescription of Acosmia maotiania based on data from new and historic fossil material is published by Howard et al. (2020), who interpret this animal as a stem group ecdysozoan.[215]
  • Two types of microscopic reticulate cuticular patterns are described in Cambrian stem-group scalidophorans from the Kuanchuanpu Formation (China) by Wang et al. (2020), who argue that these cuticular networks replicate the cell boundaries of the epidermis.[216]
  • A study on the anatomy and phylogenetic relationships of Facivermis yunnanicus, based on data from the holotype and new specimens, is published by Howard et al. (2020), who consider this species to be a luolishaniid lobopodian.[217]
  • New type of a compound eye is identified in specimens of "Anomalocaris" briggsi from the Cambrian Emu Bay Shale (Australia) by Paterson, Edgecombe & García-Bellido (2020), who interpret the eye morphology of "A." briggsi as suggestive of this animal being a mesopelagic species, capable of inhabiting depths of several hundred meters, and likely using its acute, light-sensitive eyes to detect plankton in dim down-welling light.[218]
  • An isolated frontal appendage of a miniature hurdiid radiodont (less than half the size of the next smallest radiodont frontal appendage discovered so far) is described from the Ordovician (Tremadocian) Dol-cyn-Afon Formation (Wales, United Kingdom) by Pates et al. (2020), representing the first radiodont reported from the UK, the first record of this group from the palaeocontinent Avalonia, and the first from an environment dominated by sponges rather than euarthropods.[219]
  • Barrios-de Pedro, Osuna & Buscalioni (2020) report the discovery of trematode and nematode eggs in coprolites from the Barremian Las Hoyas fossil site (Spain).[220]


Name Novelty Status Authors Age Type locality Country Notes Images


Gen. et sp. nov



Early Cretaceous (Aptian and Albian)

 United States

A new genus for "Orbitolina" walnutensis Carsey (1926) and "Dictyoconus" algerianus Cherchi & Schroeder (1982). Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021.

Other organisms


New taxa

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Type locality Country Notes Images
Annularidens[222] Gen. et sp. nov In press Ouyang et al. Ediacaran Doushantuo  China An acritarch. Genus includes new species A. inconditus.
Anqiutrichoides[223] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Li et al. Tonian Shiwangzhuang  China A multicellular organism of uncertain phylogenetic placement, possibly a eukaryotic alga. Genus includes new species A. constrictus.
Aphralysia anfracta[224] Sp. nov Valid Kopaska-Merkel, Haywick & Keyes Carboniferous (Serpukhovian)  United States
( Alabama)
A tubular calcitic microfossil of uncertain affinities
Arborea denticulata[225] Sp. nov Valid Wang et al. Ediacaran Dengying  China A frondose fossil of uncertain affinities.
Archaeosporites[226] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Harper et al. Early Devonian Rhynie chert  United Kingdom A fungus belonging to the group Archaeosporaceae. Genus includes new species A. rhyniensis.
Asteridium tubulus[227] Sp. nov Valid Yin et al. Cambrian Stage 4  China An organic-walled microfossil. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021.
Attenborites[228] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Droser et al. Ediacaran Rawnsley  Australia An organism of uncertain phylogenetic placement, described on the basis of a well-defined irregular oval to circular fossil. Genus includes new species A. janeae. Announced in 2018; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2020.
Bispinosphaera vacua[222] Sp. nov In press Ouyang et al. Ediacaran Doushantuo  China An acritarch.
Brijax[229] Gen. et sp. nov In press Krings & Harper Devonian Rhynie chert  United Kingdom A probable chytrid fungus. Genus includes new species B. amictus.
Convolutubus[230] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Vaziri et al. Ediacaran  Iran An organic-walled tubular organism. Genus includes new species C. dargazinensis.
Corrugasphaera perfecta[227] Sp. nov Valid Yin et al. Cambrian Stage 4  China An organic-walled microfossil. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021.
Crassimembrana[222] Gen. et 2 sp. nov In press Ouyang et al. Ediacaran Doushantuo  China An acritarch. Genus includes new species C. crispans and C. multitunica.
Cyanosarcinopsis[231] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Calça & Fairchild Permian Assistência  Brazil A chroococcacean. Genus includes new species C. hachiroi.
Cyathochitina brussai[232] Sp. nov In press De la Puente, Paris & Vaccari Ordovician (Hirnantian) and Silurian (Rhuddanian) Brutia
Salar del Rincón
Soom Shale
 South Africa
A chitinozoan.
Cyathochitina lariensis[232] Sp. nov In press De la Puente, Paris & Vaccari Latest Ordovician–earliest Silurian Salar del Rincón  Argentina A chitinozoan.
Cyathochitina punaensis[232] Sp. nov In press De la Puente, Paris & Vaccari Latest Ordovician–earliest Silurian Salar del Rincón  Argentina A chitinozoan.
Cymatiosphaera spina[227] Sp. nov Valid Yin et al. Cambrian Stage 4  China An organic-walled microfossil. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021.
Dichothallus[233] Gen. et sp. nov In press Naugolnykh Permian (early Kungurian) Philippovian  Russia A brown alga of uncertain phylogenetic placement. Genus includes new species D. divaricatus.
Dictyocyrillium[234] Gen. et sp. nov In press Martí Mus, Moczydłowska & Knoll Tonian Elbobreen