Circle packing in a circle

Circle packing in a circle is a two-dimensional packing problem with the objective of packing unit circles into the smallest possible larger circle.

Table of solutions, 1 ≤ n ≤ 20


If more than one optimal solution exists, all are shown.[1]

Enclosing circle radius
Optimality Layout(s) of the
1 1 1.0000... Trivially optimal.
2 2 0.5000... Trivially optimal.
3 2.155...
0.6466... Trivially optimal.
4 2.414...
0.6864... Trivially optimal.
5 2.701...
0.6854... Proved optimal by Graham
6 3 0.6666... Proved optimal by Graham
7 3 0.7777... Trivially optimal.
8 3.304...
0.7328... Proved optimal by Pirl
9 3.613...
0.6895... Proved optimal by Pirl
10 3.813... 0.6878... Proved optimal by Pirl
11 3.923...
0.7148... Proved optimal by Melissen
12 4.029... 0.7392... Proved optimal by Fodor
13 4.236...
0.7245... Proved optimal by Fodor
14 4.328... 0.7474... Proved optimal by Ekanayake and LaFountain
15 4.521...
0.7339... Conjectured optimal by Pirl
16 4.615... 0.7512... Conjectured optimal by Goldberg
17 4.792... 0.7403... Conjectured optimal by Reis
18 4.863...
0.7609... Conjectured optimal by Pirl (1969),
with additional arrangements by Graham, Lubachevsky, Nurmela, and Östergård (1998).[8]
19 4.863...
0.8032... Proved optimal by Fodor
20 5.122... 0.7623... Conjectured optimal by Goldberg (1971).[8]

Special cases


Only 26 optimal packings are thought to be rigid (with no circles able to "rattle"). Numbers in bold are prime:

  • Proven for n = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 19
  • Conjectured for n = 15, 16, 17, 18, 22, 23, 27, 30, 31, 33, 37, 61, 91

Of these, solutions for n = 2, 3, 4, 7, 19, and 37 achieve a packing density greater than any smaller number > 1. (Higher density records all have rattles.)[10]

See also



  1. ^ Friedman, Erich, "Circles in Circles", Erich's Packing Center, archived from the original on 2020-03-18
  2. ^ a b R.L. Graham, Sets of points with given minimum separation (Solution to Problem El921), Amer. Math. Monthly 75 (1968) 192-193.
  3. ^ a b c U. Pirl, Der Mindestabstand von n in der Einheitskreisscheibe gelegenen Punkten, Mathematische Nachrichten 40 (1969) 111-124.
  4. ^ H. Melissen, Densest packing of eleven congruent circles in a circle, Geometriae Dedicata 50 (1994) 15-25.
  5. ^ F. Fodor, The Densest Packing of 12 Congruent Circles in a Circle, Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie, Contributions to Algebra and Geometry 41 (2000) ?, 401–409.
  6. ^ F. Fodor, The Densest Packing of 13 Congruent Circles in a Circle, Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie, Contributions to Algebra and Geometry 44 (2003) 2, 431–440.
  7. ^ Ekanayake, Dinesh; LaFountain, Douglas. "Tight partitions for packing circles in a circle" (PDF). Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics. 51: 115–136.
  8. ^ a b c d e Graham RL, Lubachevsky BD, Nurmela KJ, Ostergard PRJ. Dense packings of congruent circles in a circle. Discrete Math 1998;181:139–154.
  9. ^ F. Fodor, The Densest Packing of 19 Congruent Circles in a Circle, Geom. Dedicata 74 (1999), 139–145.
  10. ^ Sloane, N. J. A. (ed.). "Sequence A084644". The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences. OEIS Foundation.