Districts of Hungary

Districts of Hungary

Districts of Hungary are the second-level divisions of Hungary after counties. They replaced the 175 subregions of Hungary in 2013.

There are 174 districts in the 19 counties, and there are 23 districts in Budapest. Districts of the 19 counties are numbered by Arabic numerals and named after the district seat, while districts of Budapest are numbered by Roman numerals and named after the historical towns and neighbourhoods. In Hungarian, the districts of the capital and the rest of the country hold different titles. The districts of Budapest are called kerületek (lit. district, pl.) and the districts of the country are called járások.

By county


Baranya County

A map of the districts in Baranya County
Baranya County
District District seat Area
No. of
municipalities towns
1 Bóly District Bóly 220.03 11,879 54 16 1
2 Hegyhát District Sásd 360.72 12,666 35 25 2
3 Komló District Komló 292.48 35,084 120 20 1
4 Mohács District Mohács 600.98 34,901 58 26 1
5 Pécs District Pécs 623.07 180,138 289 40 2
6 Pécsvárad District Pécsvárad 246.44 11,787 48 17 1
7 Sellye District Sellye 493.69 14 383 29 38 1
8 Siklós District Siklós 652.99 36,101 55 53 3
9 Szentlőrinc District Szentlőrinc 282.43 15,044 53 21 1
10 Szigetvár District Szigetvár 656.76 25,158 38 45 1

Bács-Kiskun County

A map of the districts in Bács-Kiskun County
Bács-Kiskun County
District District seat Area
No. of
municipalities towns
1 Bácsalmás District Bácsalmás 522.54 19,983 38 10 1
2 Baja District Baja 1,008.80 66,600 66 17 1
3 Jánoshalma District Jánoshalma 439.03 17,297 39 5 2
4 Kalocsa District Kalocsa 1,062.27 51,028 48 21 3
5 Kecskemét District Kecskemét 1,212.21 156,413 129 16 3
6 Kiskőrös District Kiskőrös 1,130.33 55,155 49 15 4
7 Kiskunfélegyháza District Kiskunfélegyháza 582.37 36,856 63 6 1
8 Kiskunhalas District Kiskunhalas 826.35 43,735 53 9 2
9 Kiskunmajsa District Kiskunmajsa 485.13 19,206 40 6 1
10 Kunszentmiklós District Kunszentmiklós 769.81 29,906 39 9 3
11 Tiszakécske District Tiszakécske 405.99 23,435 59 5 1

Békés County

A map of the districts in Békés County
Békés County
District District seat Area
No. of
municipalities towns
1 Békéscsaba District Békéscsaba 636.16 82,424 130 9 3
2 Békés District Békés 525.24 37,259 71 7 2
3 Gyomaendrőd District Gyomaendrőd 686.21 23,980 35 5 2
4 Gyula District Gyula 413.22 41,579 101 4 2
5 Mezőkovácsháza District Mezőkovácsháza 881.49 40,608 46 18 4
6 Orosháza District Orosháza 717.18 51,392 72 8 2
7 Sarkad District Sarkad 570.97 23,228 41 11 1
8 Szarvas District Szarvas 485.06 28,558 59 6 1
9 Szeghalom District Szeghalom 714.19 30,125 42 7 4

Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County

A map of the districts in Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County
District District seat Area
No. of
municipalities towns
1 Cigánd District Cigánd 389.99 16,294 42 15 1
2 Edelény District Edelény 717.86 34,012 47 45 2
3 Encs District Encs 378.39 21,783 58 29 1
4 Gönc District Gönc 549.60 19,549 35 32 2
5 Kazincbarcika District Kazincbarcika 341.72 65,828 193 22 3
6 Mezőcsát District Mezőcsát 351.27 14,635 42 8 1
7 Mezőkövesd District Mezőkövesd 723.86 42,442 59 23 2
8 Miskolc District Miskolc 972.80 245,384 252 39 6
9 Ózd District Ózd 385.57 54,527 141 17 2
10 Putnok District Putnok 391.25 19,252 49 26 1
11 Sárospatak District Sárospatak 477.67 25,057 52 16 1
12 Sátoraljaújhely District Sátoraljaújhely 321.38 22,673 71 21 2
13 Szerencs District Szerencs 432.09 38,259 89 14 1
14 Szikszó District Szikszó 309.24 17,566 37 24 1
15 Tiszaújváros District Tiszaújváros 248.87 31,801 128 16 1
16 Tokaj District Tokaj 255.80 13,383 52 11 1

Csongrád-Csanád County

A map of the districts in Csongrád County
Csongrád-Csanád County
District District seat Area
No. of
municipalities towns
1 Csongrád District Csongrád 339.24 22,697 67 4 1
2 Hódmezővásárhely District Hódmezővásárhely 707.77 56,164 79 4 2
3 Kistelek District Kistelek 410.20 18,429 45 6 1
4 Makó District Makó 688.85 44,612 65 15 2
5 Mórahalom District Mórahalom 561.71 28,741 51 10 1
6 Szeged District Szeged 741.10 197,679 267 13 2
7 Szentes District Szentes 813.84 41,249 51 8 1

Fejér County

A map of the districts in Fejér County
Fejér County
District District seat Area
No. of
municipalities towns
1 Bicske District Bicske 578.25 35,660 62 15 1
2 Dunaújváros District Dunaújváros 650.05 91,854 141 16 4
3 Enying District Enying 433.12 13,187 46 9 1
4 Gárdony District Gárdony 306.79 29,775 97 10 2
5 Martonvásár District Martonvásár 277.13 26,531 96 8 2
6 Mór District Mór 417.55 34,431 83 13 2
7 Sárbogárd District Sárbogárd 653.52 28,509 44 12 1
8 Székesfehérvár District Székesfehérvár 1,032.05 156,935 152 25 3

Győr-Moson-Sopron County

A map of the districts in Győr-Moson-Sopron County
Győr-Moson-Sopron County
District District seat Area
No. of
municipalities towns
1 Csorna District Csorna 579.77 32,882 57 33 1
2 Győr District Győr 903.41 189,857 210 35 1
3 Kapuvár District Kapuvár 372.14 23,705 64 19 2
4 Mosonmagyaróvár District Mosonmagyaróvár 899.97 72,532 81 26 2
5 Pannonhalma District Pannonhalma 312.35 15,522 50 17 1
6 Sopron District Sopron 867.75 99,271 114 39 3
7 Tét District Tét 272.62 14,543 53 14 1

Hajdú-Bihar County

A map of the districts in Hajdú-Bihar County
Hajdú-Bihar County
District District seat Area
No. of
municipalities towns
1 Balmazújváros District Balmazújváros 827.44 30,488 37 5 2
2 Berettyóújfalu District Berettyóújfalu 1,073.90 45,539 42 25 3
3 Debrecen District Debrecen 531.13 217,217 409 2 2
4 Derecske District Derecske 650.31 41,820 64 13 2
5 Hajdúböszörmény District Hajdúböszörmény 471.43 40,424 86 2 2
6 Hajdúhadház District Hajdúhadház 137.02 22,328 163 3 2
7 Hajdúnánás District Hajdúnánás 547.27 29,638 54 6 2
8 Hajdúszoboszló District Hajdúszoboszló 732.65 43,175 59 5 2
9 Nyíradony District Nyíradony 510.31 29,846 58 9 2
10 Püspökladány District Püspökladány 729.05 40,877 56 12 2

Heves County

A map of the districts in Heves County
Heves County
District District seat Area
No. of
municipalities towns
1 Bélapátfalva District Bélapátfalva 180.89 8,870 49 8 1
2 Eger District Eger 602.05 86,241 143 22 2
3 Füzesabony District Füzesabony 578.56 30,396 53 16 1
4 Gyöngyös District Gyöngyös 750.78 73,460 98 25 2
5 Hatvan District Hatvan 352.16 50,872 144 13 2
6 Heves District Heves 697.68 35,116 50 17 2
7 Pétervására District Pétervására 475.07 21,381 45 20 1

Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County

A map of the districts in Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County
District District seat Area
No. of
municipalities towns
1 Jászapáti District Jászapáti 544.45 33,160 61 9 2
2 Jászberény District Jászberény 617.01 50,928 83 9 3
3 Karcag District Karcag 857.26 43,152 50 5 3
4 Kunhegyes District Kunhegyes 464.58 20,434 44 7 2
5 Kunszentmárton District Kunszentmárton 576.49 36,300 63 11 2
6 Mezőtúr District Mezőtúr 725.74 27,798 38 5 2
7 Szolnok District Szolnok 914.48 118,245 129 18 5
8 Tiszafüred District Tiszafüred 417.05 19,895 48 7 1
9 Törökszentmiklós District Törökszentmiklós 464.54 36,742 79 7 2

Komárom-Esztergom County

A map of the districts in Komárom-Esztergom County
Komárom-Esztergom County
District District seat Area
No. of
municipalities towns
1 Esztergom District Esztergom 537.26 92,902 173 24 5
2 Kisbér District Kisbér 510.55 20 221 40 17 1
3 Komárom District Komárom 378.76 39,559 104 9 3
4 Oroszlány District Oroszlány 199.39 25,973 130 6 1
5 Tatabánya District Tatabánya 331.65 85,054 256 10 1
6 Tata District Tata 306.72 38,742 126 10 1

Nógrád County

A map of the districts in Nógrád County
Nógrád County
District District seat Area
No. of
municipalities towns
1 Balassagyarmat District Balassagyarmat 532.94 39,829 75 29 1
2 Bátonyterenye District Bátonyterenye 215.45 21,590 100 8 1
3 Pásztó District Pásztó 551.57 31,497 57 26 1
4 Rétság District Rétság 435.03 23,789 55 25 1
5 Salgótarján District Salgótarján 525.23 64,504 123 29 1
6 Szécsény District Szécsény 285.25 19,537 68 14 1

Pest County

A map of the districts in Pest County
Pest County
District District seat Area
No. of
municipalities towns
1 Aszód District Aszód 298.37 36,992 126 11 2
2 Budakeszi District Budakeszi 288.95 84,646 293 12 4
3 Cegléd District Cegléd 886.30 89,261 101 12 3
4 Dabas District Dabas 614.23 48,746 79 11 2
5 Dunakeszi District Dunakeszi 103.07 78,757 764 4 3
6 Érd District Érd 184.29 117,304 637 7 4
7 Gödöllő District Gödöllő 449.66 140,205 312 15 6
8 Gyál District Gyál 170.99 40,309 236 4 2
9 Monor District Monor 329.81 64,227 195 11 3
10 Nagykáta District Nagykáta 710.12 74,168 104 16 3
11 Nagykőrös District Nagykőrös 349.25 27,824 80 3 1
12 Pilisvörösvár District Pilisvörösvár 130.81 52,466 401 9 2
13 Ráckeve District Ráckeve 417.05 36,120 87 11 1
14 Szentendre District Szentendre 326.58 77,720 238 13 4
15 Szigetszentmiklós District Szigetszentmiklós 211.28 110,033 521 9 6
16 Szob District Szob 438.32 24,487 56 17 2
17 Vác District Vác 362.23 67,781 187 18 2
18 Vecsés District Vecsés 119.74 47,126 394 4 3

Somogy County

A map of the districts in Somogy County
Somogy County
District District seat Area
No. of
municipalities towns
1 Barcs District Barcs 696.47 23,817 34 26 1
2 Csurgó District Csurgó 496.20 16,807 34 18 1
3 Fonyód District Fonyód 645.44 34,599 54 21 4
4 Kaposvár District Kaposvár 1,591.36 117,492 74 78 4
5 Marcali District Marcali 904.24 34,734 38 37 1
6 Nagyatád District Nagyatád 647.07 26,100 40 18 1
7 Siófok District Siófok 657.05 51,761 79 24 3
8 Tab District Tab 427.24 12,786 30 24 1

Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County

A map of the districts in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County
District District seat Area
No. of
municipalities towns
1 Baktalórántháza District Baktalórántháza 254.47 19,521 77 12 1
2 Csenger District Csenger 246.51 13,839 56 11 1
3 Fehérgyarmat District Fehérgyarmat 707.38 38,363 54 50 1
4 Ibrány District Ibrány 304.91 23,850 78 8 2
5 Kemecse District Kemecse 246.41 22,185 90 11 2
6 Kisvárda District Kisvárda 523.09 57,050 109 23 3
7 Mátészalka District Mátészalka 624.70 64,810 104 26 3
8 Nagykálló District Nagykálló 377.37 30,430 81 8 2
9 Nyírbátor District Nyírbátor 695.94 43,557 63 20 3
10 Nyíregyháza District Nyíregyháza 809.60 166,684 206 15 4
11 Tiszavasvári District Tiszavasvári 381.61 27,306 72 6 2
12 Vásárosnamény District Vásárosnamény 617.94 36,689 59 28 2
13 Záhony District Záhony 145.92 19,369 133 11 2

Tolna County

A map of the districts in Tolna County
Tolna County
District District seat Area
No. of
municipalities towns
1 Bonyhád District Bonyhád 476.81 31,582 66 25 2
2 Dombóvár District Dombóvár 509.02 32,333 64 16 1
3 Paks District Paks 836.00 49,610 59 15 2
4 Szekszárd District Szekszárd 656.18 59,412 91 17 2
5 Tamási District Tamási 1,019.93 38,785 38 32 3
6 Tolna District Tolna 205.24 18,210 89 4 1

Vas County

A map of the districts in Vas County
Vas County
District District seat Area
No. of
municipalities towns
1 Celldömölk District Celldömölk 474.13 24,787 52 28 2
2 Körmend District Körmend 614.53 26,865 44 46 2
3 Kőszeg District Kőszeg 286.45 25,473 89 21 3
4 Sárvár District Sárvár 685.45 38,862 57 42 2
5 Szentgotthárd District Szentgotthárd 255.04 15,180 60 16 1
6 Szombathely District Szombathely 646.36 110,504 171 40 2
7 Vasvár District Vasvár 374.14 13,636 36 23 1

Veszprém County

A map of the districts in Veszprém County
Veszprém County
District District seat Area
No. of
municipalities towns
1 Ajka District Ajka 320.71 39,154 122 11 1
2 Balatonalmádi District Balatonalmádi 239.76 24,479 102 10 3
3 Balatonfüred District Balatonfüred 357.74 24,250 68 22 1
4 Devecser District Devecser 421.73 14,948 35 28 1
5 Pápa District Pápa 1,022.09 58,935 58 49 1
6 Sümeg District Sümeg 306.41 15,390 50 21 1
7 Tapolca District Tapolca 540.30 34,689 64 33 2
8 Várpalota District Várpalota 294.28 37,451 127 8 2
9 Veszprém District Veszprém 629.61 82,353 131 19 2
10 Zirc District Zirc 331.02 19,516 59 15 1

Zala County

A map of the districts in Zala County
Zala County
District District seat Area
No. of
municipalities towns
1 Keszthely District Keszthely 535.93 49,384 92 30 2
2 Lenti District Lenti 624.12 19,783 32 48 1
3 Letenye District Letenye 388.68 16,413 42 27 1
4 Nagykanizsa District Nagykanizsa 907.91 78,022 86 49 2
5 Zalaegerszeg District Zalaegerszeg 1,044.70 102,553 98 84 3
6 Zalaszentgrót District Zalaszentgrót 282.56 15,518 55 20 1



By area


By population


By pop. density


By municipalities


See also
