Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church Worldwide Classification Christian Orientation Protestant Theology Lutheranism Polity Episcopal Archbishop Lauma Zušēvica Associations Lutheran World Federation ,World Council of Churches ,Conference of European Churches ,Porvoo Communion Region Australia , Belgium , Brazil , Canada , Germany , Republic of Ireland , Latvia , Netherlands , Sweden , United Kingdom , United States , Venezuela Origin 1922 Members 25,000 Official website www .lelbpasaule .lv
The Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church Worldwide (LELCW ; Latvian : Latvijas Evaņģēliski luteriskā baznīca pasaulē (LELBP)) is a Lutheran denomination with a presence in Australia , Belgium , Brazil , Canada , Germany , Ireland , Latvia , the Netherlands , Sweden , the United Kingdom , the United States , and Venezuela . Until 2020 it was known as the Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church Abroad (LELCA ; Latvian : Latvijas Evaņģēliski luteriskā baznīca ārpus Latvijas (LELBĀL)).
It is a member of the Lutheran World Federation , which it joined in 1947. It is also a member of the World Council of Churches and the Conference of European Churches and part of the Porvoo Communion . The church was originally established in 1922. During the Second World War , when Latvia was occupied and incorporated into the Soviet Union , the archbishop and 131 (being 55%) of the clergy went to exile.
In 2014, Lauma Lagzdiņš Zuševics , an American, was the first woman elected Archbishop of the Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church Abroad.[ 1] [ 2]
In 2016, the church established itself within Latvia, and Archbishop Zuševics stated that it would have to change its name accordingly.[ 3] Later that year the Evangelical Cross Congregation of Liepāja left the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Latvia (LELB/ELCL) and joined the LELBA/LELCA instead due to its support for the ordination of women which the LELB/ELCL had banned the previous week.[ 4] The split between the two churches thus became less geographic and more theological. In October 2020, the church changed its name to the Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church Worldwide.
Central and Eastern Africa
Democratic Republic of the Congo Eritrea Ethiopia Kenya Madagascar Rwanda Tanzania
Southern Africa
Angola Botswana Malawi Mozambique Namibia South Africa Zambia Zimbabwe
Western Africa
Cameroon Central African Republic Republic of Congo Ghana Liberia Nigeria Senegal Sierra Leone
Asia and Pacific
North East Asia
China – Hong Kong Taiwan Japan South Korea
West and South Asia
Bangladesh Georgia India Israel Jordan Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Myanmar Nepal Palestinian territories Sri Lanka Uzbekistan
South East Asia
Australia Indonesia Malaysia Papua New Guinea Philippines Singapore Thailand
Austria Belarus Belgium Croatia Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Hungary Iceland Ireland Italy Latvia Lithuania Netherlands Norway Poland Romania Russia Serbia Slovakia Slovenia Sweden Switzerland Ukraine United Kingdom
Latin America and the Caribbean
Central America and the Caribbean
Costa Rica El Salvador Guatemala Honduras Mexico Nicaragua
South America
Argentina Bolivia Brazil Chile Colombia Ecuador Guyana Peru Suriname Venezuela
Anglican churches Lutheran churches Observer churches
Africa Asia Europe North America Latin America Oceania
Africa Asia Europe North America Latin America Oceania
Africa Asia North America Latin America Oceania
Africa Eastern Asia Europe & Western Asia North America
Africa Asia Europe North America Latin America
Africa Asia Europe North America Latin America Oceania
Africa Asia Europe North America Latin America
Africa North America Latin America
Africa Eastern Asia Europe & Western Asia
Africa Asia Europe North America Latin America Oceania
United christianity
Africa Asia Europe North America Latin America Oceania
[[[Category:Lutheran denominations established in the 20th century]]