Name | National party | Electorate | Type |
Wouter Beke | Christian Democratic and Flemish | Dutch-speaking | Directly elected |
Yves Buysse ← Vanhecke | Flemish Interest | Dutch-speaking | Directly elected |
Jurgen Ceder | Flemish Interest | Dutch-speaking | Directly elected |
Hugo Coveliers | Flemish Interest (VLOTT) | Dutch-speaking | Directly elected |
Sabine de Bethune ← Brepoels | Christian Democratic and Flemish | Dutch-speaking | Directly elected |
Roland Duchatelet ← Verhofstadt | Open Flemish Liberals and Democrats (Vivant) | Dutch-speaking | Directly elected |
Louis Ide | New Flemish Alliance | Dutch-speaking | Directly elected |
Nele Jansegers ← Dewinter | Flemish Interest | Dutch-speaking | Directly elected |
Geert Lambert | Green ← Spirit | Dutch-speaking | Directly elected |
Nahima Lanjri | Christian Democratic and Flemish | Dutch-speaking | Directly elected |
Nele Lijnen | Open Flemish Liberals and Democrats | Dutch-speaking | Directly elected |
Freya Piryns ← Dua | Green | Dutch-speaking | Directly elected |
Etienne Schouppe | Christian Democratic and Flemish | Dutch-speaking | Directly elected |
Ann Somers ← De Gucht | Open Flemish Liberals and Democrats | Dutch-speaking | Directly elected |
Marleen Temmerman | Socialist Party-Differently | Dutch-speaking | Directly elected |
Elke Tindemans | Christian Democratic and Flemish | Dutch-speaking | Directly elected |
Johan Vande Lanotte | Socialist Party-Differently | Dutch-speaking | Directly elected |
Hugo Vandenberghe | Christian Democratic and Flemish | Dutch-speaking | Directly elected |
Pol Van Den Driessche ← Leterme | Christian Democratic and Flemish | Dutch-speaking | Directly elected |
Anke Vandermeersch | Flemish Interest | Dutch-speaking | Directly elected |
Lieve Van Ermen | List Dedecker | Dutch-speaking | Directly elected |
Els Van Hoof ← Leterme ← Van Hoof ← Schouppe | Christian Democratic and Flemish | Dutch-speaking | Directly elected |
Myriam Vanlerberghe ← Anciaux | Socialist Party-Differently | Dutch-speaking | Directly elected |
Tony Van Parys | Christian Democratic and Flemish | Dutch-speaking | Directly elected |
Yoeri Vasteravendts ← Vankrunkelsven | Open Flemish Liberals and Democrats | Dutch-speaking | Directly elected |
Marc Verwilghen | Open Flemish Liberals and Democrats | Dutch-speaking | Directly elected |
Alain Courtois | Reformist Movement | French-speaking | Directly elected |
Marie-Hélène Crombé-Berton ← Destexhe | Reformist Movement | French-speaking | Directly elected |
Armand De Decker | Reformist Movement | French-speaking | Directly elected |
José Daras | Ecology Party | French-speaking | Directly elected |
Michel Delacroix | National Front | French-speaking | Directly elected |
Francis Delpérée | Humanist Democratic Centre | French-speaking | Directly elected |
Richard Fournaux | Reformist Movement | French-speaking | Directly elected |
Benoit Hellings ← Durant | Ecology Party | French-speaking | Directly elected |
Anne-Marie Lizin | Socialist Party | French-speaking | Directly elected |
Philippe Mahoux | Socialist Party | French-speaking | Directly elected |
Vanessa Matz ← Delvaux | Humanist Democratic Centre | French-speaking | Directly elected |
Philippe Monfils ← Michel | Reformist Movement | French-speaking | Directly elected |
Philippe Moureaux | Socialist Party | French-speaking | Directly elected |
Franco Seminara ← Zrihen ← Busquin | Socialist Party | French-speaking | Directly elected |
Dominique Tilmans | Reformist Movement | French-speaking | Directly elected |
John Crombez ← Martens | Socialist Party-Differently | Dutch-speaking | Community senator |
Jan Durnez ← Van den Brande | Christian Democratic and Flemish | Dutch-speaking | Community senator |
Jean-Jacques De Gucht ← Hermans | Open Flemish Liberals and Democrats | Dutch-speaking | Community senator |
Cindy Franssen ← Smet | Christian Democratic and Flemish | Dutch-speaking | Community senator |
Fatma Pehlivan ← Van Nieuwkerke | Socialist Party-Differently | Dutch-speaking | Community senator |
Helga Stevens | New Flemish Alliance | Dutch-speaking | Community senator |
Bart Tommelein ← Wille | Open Flemish Liberals and Democrats | Dutch-speaking | Community senator |
Joris Van Hauthem | Flemish Interest | Dutch-speaking | Community senator |
Karim Van Overmeire | Flemish Interest | Dutch-speaking | Community senator |
Luckas Vander Taelen ← Dua | Green! | Dutch-speaking | Community senator |
Marcel Cheron | Ecology Party | French-speaking | Community senator |
Christophe Collignon | Socialist Party | French-speaking | Community senator |
André du Bus de Warnaffe ← Fremault ← Procureur | Humanist Democratic Centre | French-speaking | Community senator |
Christine Defraigne | Reformist Movement | French-speaking | Community senator |
Caroline Désir ← Bouarfa | Socialist Party | French-speaking | Community senator |
Alain Destexhe | Reformist Movement | French-speaking | Community senator |
Dimitri Fourny ← Elsen | Humanist Democratic Centre | French-speaking | Community senator |
Zakia Khattabi ← Nagy ← Dubié | Ecology Party | French-speaking | Community senator |
Caroline Persoons ← Roelants du Vivier | Reformist Movement | French-speaking | Community senator |
Olga Zrihen ← Kapompolé | Socialist Party | French-speaking | Community senator |
Louis Siquet ← Collas (MR/PFF) | Socialist Party | German-speaking | Community senator |
Dirk Claes | Christian Democratic and Flemish | Dutch-speaking | Co-opted senator |
Els Schelfhout | Christian Democratic and Flemish | Dutch-speaking | Co-opted senator |
Guy Swennen | Socialist Party-Differently | Dutch-speaking | Co-opted senator |
Martine Taelman | Open Flemish Liberals and Democrats | Dutch-speaking | Co-opted senator |
Freddy Van Gaever | Flemish Interest | Dutch-speaking | Co-opted senator |
Paul Wille ← Anthuenis | Open Flemish Liberals and Democrats | Dutch-speaking | Co-opted senator |
Philippe Fontaine ← Brotchi | Reformist Movement | French-speaking | Co-opted senator |
Jean-Paul Procureur ← Matz ← Dallemagne | Humanist Democratic Centre | French-speaking | Co-opted senator |
Cécile Thibaut ← Russo | Ecology Party | French-speaking | Co-opted senator |
Christiane Vienne | Socialist Party | French-speaking | Co-opted senator |