List of spaceflight launches in July–December 2024

This article lists orbital and suborbital launches planned for the second half of the year 2024, including launches planned for 2024 without a specific launch date.

For all other spaceflight activities, see 2024 in spaceflight. For launches in the first half of 2024, see List of spaceflight launches in January–June 2024.

Orbital launches

Date and time (UTC) Rocket Flight number Launch site LSP
(⚀ = CubeSat)
Operator Orbit Function Decay (UTC) Outcome


1 July
Japan H3-22S[2] F3 Japan Tanegashima LA-Y2 Japan JAXA
Japan ALOS-4 (Daichi 4) JAXA Low Earth (SSO) Earth observation In orbit Operational
First Operational flight of H3 rocket. ALOS-4 (Daichi 4) will replace the ALOS-2 (Daichi 2) satellite, which was launched in 2014.
3 July
United States Falcon 9 Block 5 Starlink Group 8-9 United States Cape Canaveral SLC-40 United States SpaceX
United States Starlink × 20 SpaceX Low Earth Communications In orbit Operational
4 July
United States Firefly Alpha FLTA005 United States Vandenberg SLC-2W United States Firefly
United States CatSat University of Arizona Low Earth (SSO) Technology demonstration In orbit Operational
United States KUbeSat-1 University of Kansas Low Earth (SSO) Ionospheric research In orbit Operational
United States MESAT 1 University of Maine Low Earth (SSO) Atmospheric science In orbit Operational
United States R5-S2-2.0 NASA Johnson Low Earth (SSO) Technology demonstration In orbit Operational
United States R5-S4 NASA Johnson Low Earth (SSO) Technology demonstration In orbit Operational
United States Serenity Teachers in Space Low Earth (SSO) Education In orbit Operational
United States SOC-i University of Washington Low Earth (SSO) Technology demonstration In orbit Operational
United States TechEdSat-11 NASA Ames Low Earth (SSO) Technology demonstration In orbit Operational
NASA Venture Class Launch Services 2 (VCLS 2) Mission Two,[4] officially known as VCLS Demo-2FB. The ELaNa 43 mission, consisting of 8 CubeSats,[5] will launch on this flight.[6] Mission designated "Noise of Summer".
4 July
China Long March 6A 6A-Y7 China Taiyuan LA-9A China CASC
China Tianhui 5C CNSA Low Earth (SSO) Earth observation In orbit Operational
China Tianhui 5D CNSA Low Earth (SSO) Earth observation In orbit Operational
8 July
United States Falcon 9 Block 5 F9-353 United States Cape Canaveral SLC-40 United States SpaceX
Turkey Türksat 6A Türksat Geosynchronous Communications In orbit Operational
First domestically produced Turkish communications satellite.[11]
9 July
Europe Ariane 62 VA262
France Kourou ELA-4 Europe ESA
France Germany Nyx Bikini[17] The Exploration Company Low Earth Reentry capsule
Technology demonstration
In orbit Precluded
France SpaceCase SC-X01[18] ArianeGroup Low Earth Reentry capsule
Technology demonstration
In orbit Precluded
Germany Greece CuriumOne (Major Tom)[19] PTS / Libre Space Foundation Low Earth Technology demonstration In orbit Operational
Germany OOV-Cube[20] TU Berlin Low Earth Technology demonstration
In orbit Operational
Spain ³Cat-4[21] BarcelonaTech Low Earth GNSS radio occultation In orbit Operational
United States CURIE A, B[22][23] NASA Low Earth Technology demonstration In orbit Operational
Slovakia GRBBeta[24] TUKE / Spacemanic Low Earth Gamma-ray burst astronomy In orbit Operational
Portugal ISTSat-1[25] University of Lisbon Low Earth ADS-B Technology demonstration In orbit Operational
France Méditerranée (ROBUSTA-3A)[26] University of Montpellier Low Earth Meteorology In orbit Operational
Poland Germany Replicator[27] Orbital Matter Low Earth Technology demonstration Space manufacturing In orbit Operational
Maiden flight of Ariane 6. Failure of the auxiliary propulsion system precluded the third relight of the Vinci upper stage, causing the two reentry capsules and upper stage to be stranded in their 580-km circular orbit. Nine satellites, two reentry capsules, and five onboard experiments were launched.[13] The ELaNa-48 mission, consisting of the two CURIE cubesats, was launched on this flight.[14] The two CURIE cubesats were launched as a single spacecraft and separated in orbit (ESA Rideshares - Demo Flight).[15]
10 July
China Hyperbola-1 Y8 China Jiuquan LS-95A China i-Space
China Yunyao-1 15-17 CGSTL Low Earth (SSO) Meteorology 10 July Launch failure
12 July
United States Falcon 9 Block 5 Starlink Group 9-3 United States Vandenberg SLC-4E United States SpaceX
United States Starlink × 20 SpaceX Low Earth Communications 13 July Launch failure
The Falcon 9 second-stage engine failed to complete its second ignition due to a liquid oxygen leak, causing the planned orbit to be missed and the deployment of the Starlink satellites in an unusable orbit.
19 July
03:03 [10][31]
China Long March 4B 4B-Y58 China Taiyuan LA-9 China CASC
China Gaofen-11 05 CNSA Low Earth (SSO) Earth Observation In orbit Operational
Upcoming launches
24 July
04:14 [32]
United States Falcon 9 Block 5 Starlink Group 10-4 United States Cape Canaveral SLC-40 United States SpaceX
United States Starlink × 23 SpaceX Low Earth Communications  
Return to Flight of Falcon 9 Block 5 after a second-stage failure occurred on Starlink Group 9-3 Mission on 12 July.
25 July
08:24 [33]
United States Falcon 9 Block 5 Starlink Group 9-4 United States Vandenberg SLC-4E United States SpaceX
United States Starlink × 20 SpaceX Low Earth Communications  
26 July
04:21 [34]
United States Falcon 9 Block 5 Starlink Group 10-9 United States Kennedy LC-39A United States SpaceX
United States Starlink × 23 SpaceX Low Earth Communications  
29 July
04:11 [35]
United States Falcon 9 Block 5 Starlink Group 10-5 United States Cape Canaveral SLC-40 United States SpaceX
United States Starlink × 23 SpaceX Low Earth Communications  
30 July
United States Atlas V 551 AV-101 United States Cape Canaveral SLC-41 United States ULA
United States TBA United States Space Force TBA Reconnaissance  
USSF-51 Mission. Last National Security Space Launch (NSSL) Mission on Atlas V as ULA transitions to the next generation Vulcan rocket for continued access to space. Launch vehicle was switched from Vulcan Centaur to Atlas V at ULA’s request. This is the 100th ULA launch dedicated to NSSL.
Late July
United States Falcon 9 Block 5 United States Vandenberg SLC-4E United States SpaceX
Norway United Kingdom ASBM-1 (GX-10a) Norwegian Ministry of Defence / Inmarsat / United States Space Force Highly elliptical Communications  
Norway United Kingdom ASBM-2 (GX-10b) Norwegian Ministry of Defence / Inmarsat / United States Space Force Highly elliptical Communications  
July (TBD)
China Ceres-1S Y3 China Dong Fang Hang Tian Gang platform, Yellow Sea China Galactic Energy
China Xiguang-1 004-007 TBA Low Earth (SSO) TBA  
China Agriculture-1 TBA Low Earth (SSO) TBA  
Mission designated "How Far I'll Go".
July (TBD)
China Long March 2C 2C-Y51 China Xichang LC-3 China CASC
China TBA TBA Low Earth orbit TBA  


Early August[42] United States Falcon 9 Block 5 Transporter-11 United States Vandenberg SLC-4E United States SpaceX
Italy ION SCV-012[43] D-Orbit Low Earth (SSO) CubeSat deployer  
United States Vigoride[44] Momentus Space Low Earth (SSO) Space tug  
United States Acadia-5 (Capella-15)[45][46] Capella Space Low Earth (SSO) Earth observation  
Europe Arctic Weather Satellite (AWS)[47] ESA / EUMETSAT Low Earth (SSO) Meteorology
Technology demonstration
Poland EagleEye[48] Creotech Instruments Low Earth (SSO) Technology demonstration  
United States GNOMES-5[49] PlanetIQ Low Earth (SSO) Radio occultation  
Argentina Labsat IoT[50] Copitec / Fundetec / University of Palermo Low Earth (SSO) IoT  
United States LEO Express-2[51] Impulse Space Low Earth (SSO) Technology demonstration  
United States LizzieSat-5[52] Sidus Space Low Earth (SSO) IoT  
United States LizzieSat-6[52] Sidus Space Low Earth (SSO) IoT  
United Arab Emirates MBZ-SAT[53] MBRSC Low Earth (SSO) Earth observation  
United States MuSat-3[54] Muon Space Low Earth (SSO) Technology demonstration  
United States PExT[55] Johns Hopkins University Low Earth (SSO) Technology demonstration  
Japan QPS-SAR-8[56] iQPS Low Earth (SSO) Earth observation  
United States RAY[57] Inversion Space Low Earth (SSO) Reentry capsule  
United States Stingray × 6[58] EOI Space Low Earth (SSO) Technology demonstration  
United States Tanager [59][60] Carbon Mapper / Planet Labs / JPL Low Earth (SSO) Earth observation  
United States ThinkOrbital F2[61] ThinkOrbital Low Earth (SSO) Technology demonstration  
United States Umbra-09[62] Umbra Space Low Earth (SSO) Earth observation  
United States Umbra-10[62] Umbra Space Low Earth (SSO) Earth observation  
United States Winnebago-2[63] Varda Space Industries Low Earth Space manufacturing  
United States YAC-1-1[64] Loft Orbital Low Earth (SSO) Earth observation  
United States YAM-7[65] Loft Orbital Low Earth (SSO) Payload hosting  
Croatia CroCube[66] EVO, Spacemanic Low Earth (SSO) Earth observation  
United States Deimos[67] Aethero Space Low Earth (SSO) Earth observation  
United States Dione[14] NASA Goddard Low Earth (SSO) Technology demonstration  
Finland Hyperfield-1[68] Kuva Space Low Earth (SSO) Earth observation  
United States Kaladin[69] Array Labs Low Earth (SSO) Technology demonstration  
Australia Kanyini[70][71] Myriota Low Earth (SSO) IoT  
United States Lemur-2 / Hubble-3[72] Spire Global / Hubble Network Low Earth (SSO) Earth observation  
Spain LUR-1[73] Added Value Solutions Low Earth (SSO) Earth observation  
Italy PiCo-IoT × ?[74] Apogeo Space Low Earth (SSO) IoT  
United States PTD-4 (LISA-T)[75] NASA Ames / MSFC Low Earth (SSO) Technology demonstration  
United States PTD-R[75] NASA Ames Low Earth (SSO) Technology demonstration  
United States Rock & Lopen[76] Array Labs Low Earth (SSO) Technology demonstration  
United States San Xavier[77] Lunasonde Low Earth (SSO) Earth observation  
United States TROOP-F2[78] NearSpace Launch Low Earth (SSO) Docking target  
United States TBA × 2[79] Low Earth (SSO) Meteorology  
 ▫  United States Aurora × 4[80] Quub Low Earth (SSO) Earth observation  
Dedicated SmallSat Rideshare mission to sun-synchronous orbit, designated Transporter-11. The ELaNa-53 mission, consisting of the Dione cubesat, will be launched on this flight.[14] An Alba Cluster mission is scheduled to be launched on this flight.[41]
3 August
14:00 [81][82]
United States Falcon 9 Block 5 United States Cape Canaveral SLC-40 United States SpaceX
United States Cygnus NG-21
S.S. Francis R. "Dick" Scobee
NASA Low Earth (ISS) ISS logistics  
Second of three Cygnus spacecraft to be launched via Falcon 9.
Early August
United States Falcon 9 Block 5 United States Kennedy LC-39A United States SpaceX
United States Polaris Dawn SpaceX Low Earth Human spaceflight research  
Crew Dragon orbital flight carrying four civilian passengers for 5 days, led by Jared Isaacman. Aims to conduct the first commercial spacewalk. First mission of the Polaris Program, consisting of two Crew Dragon missions followed by the first crewed Starship mission.
5 August [85] China Long March 6A 6A-Y8 China Taiyuan LA-9A China CASC
China G60 × 18 SSST Low Earth (SSO) Communications  
First launch of the G60 broadband mega constellation.
7 August
13:75 [86][87]
India SSLV D3 India Satish Dhawan FLP India ISRO
India TBA ISRO Low Earth Earth observation  
India Space Rickshaw-0 Space Rickshaw Low Earth TBA  
India IITMSAT IIT Madras Low Earth Ionospheric research  
ISRO Payload
15 August[88] Russia Soyuz-2.1a Kazakhstan Baikonur Site 31/6 Russia Roscosmos
Russia Progress MS-28 / 89P Roscosmos Low Earth (ISS) ISS logistics  
15 August[89] China Jielong 3 Y4 China Bo Run Jiu Zhou platform, South China Sea China CALT
China Liangxi 1 TBA Low Earth (SSO) TBA  
Mid August[90] United States Falcon 9 Block 5 United States Kennedy LC-39A United States SpaceX
United States SpaceX Crew-9 SpaceX / NASA Low Earth (ISS) Expedition 71/72  
Ninth operational Crew Dragon mission to the ISS.
Mid August[91] United States Falcon 9 Block 5 United States Cape Canaveral SLC-40 United States SpaceX
India GSAT-20 (CMS-03) NSIL / Dish TV Geosynchronous Communications  
Initially planned to launch on LVM3, but shifted to Falcon 9 due to overweight and scheduling issues.[91] GSAT-20 is also known as CMS-03 and GSAT-N2.
NET August
United States Electron "Owl For One, One For Owl" New Zealand Mahia LC-1B United States Rocket Lab
Japan StriX-5 Synspective Low Earth Earth observation  
Fourth of five dedicated launches for Synspective's StriX constellation.
Mid August [93][94] United States Falcon 9 Block 5 United States Cape Canaveral SLC-40 United States SpaceX
United States WorldView Legion 3 Maxar Technologies Low Earth Earth observation  
United States WorldView Legion 4 Maxar Technologies Low Earth Earth observation  
28 August[96][97] China Long March 12 Y1 China Wenchang Hainan LC-2 CASC
China TBA TBA Low Earth TBA  
Maiden flight of Long March 12.[95]
August (TBD)
United States Electron "A Sky Full Of SARs" New Zealand Mahia LC-1B United States Rocket Lab
United States Acadia-3 (Capella-13) Capella Space Low Earth Earth observation  
Third of four dedicated launches for Capella Space.
August (TBD) [99] United States Falcon 9 Block 5 Starlink Group 7-19 United States Vandenberg SLC-4E United States SpaceX
United States Starlink × ? SpaceX Low Earth Communications  
August (TBD)[100] United States Falcon 9 Block 5 Starlink Group 7-20 United States Vandenberg SLC-4E United States SpaceX
United States Starlink × ? SpaceX Low Earth Communications  
August (TBD)[101] United States Falcon 9 Block 5 Starlink Group 7-25 United States Cape Canaveral SLC-40 United States SpaceX
United States Starlink × ? SpaceX Low Earth Communications  
August (TBD)[102] United States Falcon 9 Block 5 Starlink Group 7-26 United States Cape Canaveral SLC-40 United States SpaceX
United States Starlink × ? SpaceX Low Earth Communications  
August (TBD) [103] United States Falcon 9 Block 5 Starlink Group 8-3 United States Vandenberg SLC-4E United States SpaceX
United States Starlink × ? SpaceX Low Earth Communications  
August (TBD)[104] United States Falcon 9 Block 5 Starlink Group 8-4 United States Cape Canaveral SLC-40 United States SpaceX
United States Starlink × ? SpaceX Low Earth Communications  
August (TBD)
United States Falcon 9 Block 5 Starlink Group 9-5 United States Vandenberg SLC-4E United States SpaceX
United States Starlink × ? SpaceX Low Earth Communications  
August (TBD)
United States Falcon 9 Block 5 Starlink Group 9-6 United States Vandenberg SLC-4E United States SpaceX
United States Starlink × ? SpaceX Low Earth Communications  
August (TBD)
United States Falcon 9 Block 5 Starlink Group 10-6 United States Cape Canaveral SLC-40 United States SpaceX
United States Starlink × ? SpaceX Low Earth Communications  
August (TBD)
United States Starship IFT-5 United States Starbase United States SpaceX
TBA SpaceX TBA Flight test  
Fifth Starship orbital test flight.
August (TBD)[109][110] India PSLV-XL C59 India Satish Dhawan FLP India ISRO
India ANVESHA DRDO Low Earth TBA  
United Kingdom SCOT TBA Low Earth TBA  
India CGUSAT TBA Low Earth TBA  
India LEAP-1 Dhruva Space Low Earth TBA  
Poland Sowa-1 SatRev Low Earth TBA  
August (TBD)[111][112] China Long March 4B China TBA China CASC
China HaiYang 3C[113] Ministry of Natural Resources Geosynchronous Earth observation  


1 September[115][116] Russia Soyuz-2.1b Kazakhstan Baikonur Site 31/6 Russia Roscosmos
Russia Bion-M №2 Roscosmos Low Earth Biological science  
30-day mission to observe the effects of the Van Allen radiation belts on mice.[114]
11 September
Japan H-IIA 202 F49 Japan Tanegashima LA-Y1 Japan MHI
Japan IGS-Radar 8 CSICE Low Earth (SSO) Reconnaissance  
11 September[118] Russia Soyuz-2.1a Kazakhstan Baikonur Site 31/6 Russia Roscosmos
Russia Soyuz MS-26 / 72S Roscosmos Low Earth (ISS) Expedition 71/72  
13 September [119] United States Falcon 9 Block 5 United States Cape Canaveral or Kennedy United States SpaceX
Europe Galileo FOC FM26 ESA Medium Earth Navigation  
Europe Galileo FOC FM28 ESA Medium Earth Navigation  
Second Galileo launch on a Falcon 9 and overall thirteenth launch of Galileo satellites, carrying two satellites. Originally planned to launch on Soyuz ST-B, but scrapped due to geopolitical factors. Then moved to Ariane 6, which was also scrapped due to delays. Europe contracted SpaceX to launch the two pairs aboard Falcon 9. Falcon 9 First stage Booster will be expended in this mission.
Early September [120][121][122] United States Vulcan Centaur VC2S[123] Cert-2
United States Cape Canaveral SLC-41 United States ULA
United States Mass Simulator ULA Low Earth Dummy Payload  
Vulcan Certification-2 mission. Originally scheduled to carry the first flight of Dream Chaser, but due to schedule delays with Dream Chaser, ULA will fly an inert payload, experiments, and demonstrations.[120]
Mid September [126] Europe Vega VV24 France Kourou ELV France Arianespace
Europe Sentinel-2C ESA Low Earth (SSO) Earth observation  
Third Sentinel-2 satellite.[124] Final flight of the base Vega launch vehicle.[125]
Mid September[127] Japan H3-24L F4 Japan Tanegashima LA-Y2 Japan MHI
Japan DSN-3 (Kirameki 3) DSN / JSDF Geosynchronous Communications  
29 September[130] United States New Glenn United States Cape Canaveral LC-36 United States Blue Origin
United States ESCAPADE Blue Space Sciences Laboratory Areocentric Magnetospheric science  
United States ESCAPADE Gold Space Sciences Laboratory Areocentric Magnetospheric science  
Maiden flight of Blue Origin's New Glenn rocket. Two Photon spacecraft compose the ESCAPADE mission to study Mars' magnetosphere. Part of NASA's Small Innovative Missions for Planetary Exploration (SIMPLEx) program.[128][129]
30 September[131][111] China Long March 7 Y9 China Wenchang LC-2 China CASC
China Tianzhou 8 TBA Low Earth (TSS) Space logistics  
China TBA Low Earth TBA  
September (TBD)[133][134] United States Falcon 9 Block 5 United States Cape Canaveral or Kennedy United States SpaceX
United States Philippines AGILA[135] Astranis / Orbits Corp Geosynchronous Communications  
United States NuView A Astranis / Anuvu Geosynchronous Communications  
United States NuView B Astranis / Anuvu Geosynchronous Communications  
United States UtilitySat[132] Astranis / Pacific Dataport Geosynchronous Communications  
Astranis Block 2 mission carrying four MicroGEO satellites, of which three are operated by Astranis and leased to paying customers, while UtilitySat is set to temporarily replace Astranis' Arcturus satellite after a malfunctioning of its solar arrays.[132]
September (TBD)[136][137] United States Falcon 9 Block 5 United States Cape Canaveral or Kennedy United States SpaceX
United States BlueBird × 5 AST SpaceMobile Low Earth Communications  
BlueBird Block 1 Mission.
September (TBD)
United States Firefly Alpha FLTA006 United States Vandenberg SLC-2W United States Firefly
United States TBA Lockheed Martin Low Earth Technology demonstration  
First of up to 25 launches of Low Earth Orbit technology demonstration satellites to be built and operated by Lockheed Martin.
September (TBD)[139][140] United States Electron New Zealand Mahia LC-1 United States Rocket Lab
France Kinéis × 5 Kinéis Low Earth IoT  
Second of five dedicated launches for Kinéis' IoT satellite constellation.
September (TBD) [141] United States Falcon 9 Block 5 United States Kennedy LC-39A United States SpaceX
United States SpaceX CRS-31 NASA Low Earth (ISS) ISS logistics  
September (TBD)[142] Russia Soyuz-2.1b / Fregat-M Russia Plesetsk Russia RVSN RF
Russia GLONASS-K 19L (K1 №7) VKS Medium Earth Navigation  
September (TBD)[143][144] United States Falcon 9 Block 5 United States Cape Canaveral or Kennedy United States SpaceX
United States Vigoride[44] Momentus Space Low Earth (SSO) Space tug  
United States Transport Layer Tranche 1 × 21 SDA Low Earth (SSO) Military communications  
First of six launches for the Space Development Agency's Transport Layer Tranche 1(Tranche 1A Mission).
September (TBD)[145][146] United States Falcon 9 Block 5 United States Cape Canaveral SLC-40 United States SpaceX
United States TBA NRO TBA Reconnaissance  
NROL-69 mission.
September (TBD)[147][148] United States Minotaur IV / Orion 38 United States Vandenberg SLC-8 United States Northrop Grumman
United States TBA NRO Low Earth Reconnaissance  
NROL-174 mission.
September (TBD)[149] United States Minotaur IV United States TBA United States Northrop Grumman
United States TBA United States Space Force TBA TBA  
STP-S29A mission.
September (TBD)[150][151] India PSLV-XL C62 India Satish Dhawan India ISRO
Europe PROBA-3 Coronagraph ESA Highly elliptical Solar observatory
Europe PROBA-3 Occulter ESA Highly elliptical Solar observatory
September (TBD) [153][154] Australia Eris Block 1 Australia Bowen Australia Gilmour Space
Australia No Payload Gilmour Space Low Earth Flight test  
First flight of Eris, and first orbital launch from Bowen.[152] First launch of an Australian developed launch vehicle, giving Australia satellite launch capability.
September (TBD)[155][156] China Tianlong-3 Y1 China Wenchang Hainan LC-2 China Space Pioneer
China TBA Space Pioneer Low Earth (SSO) Flight test  
Maiden flight of the Tianlong-3 launch vehicle.
September (TBD)[155][156] China Tianlong-3 Y2 China Wenchang Hainan LC-2 China Space Pioneer
China TBA Space Pioneer Low Earth (SSO) Flight test  
Q3 (TBD)[157][158] Russia Soyuz-2.1a / Fregat-M Russia Vostochny Site 1S Russia Roscosmos
Russia Obzor-R №1[159] Roscosmos Low Earth (SSO) Earth observation  
Q3 (TBD)[160] Russia Soyuz-2.1b / Fregat-M Russia Plesetsk Russia RVSN RF
Russia GLONASS-K 18L (K1 №6) VKS Medium Earth Navigation  
Q3 (TBD) [162][163] United States RS1 DEMO-2 United States Kodiak LP-3C United States ABL
United States VariSat-1B(2) VariSat Low Earth Technology demonstration  
Second flight of RS1, designated DEMO-2. Reflight of the VariSat-1B spacecraft lost in the previous launch. The upper stage will carry NearSpace Launch's DORSAT-01 as a hosted payload.[161]
Q3 (TBD)[164][165] China Gravity-1 Y2 China Bo Run Jiu Zhou platform, South China Sea China Orienspace
China Jitianxing AO1 (Jilin University 1) TBA Low Earth (SSO) TBA  
China Xingshidai-24 TBA Low Earth (SSO) TBA  
China TBA TBA Low Earth (SSO) TBA  
Scheduled rideshare opportunity.
Q3 (TBD)[166] Germany RFA One United Kingdom SaxaVord Germany RFA
Ukraine TBA[167] Lunar Research Service Low Earth (SSO) Technology demonstration  
 ▫  Germany ERMINAZ-1U[168] AMSAT-DL Geosynchronous Amateur Radio  
 ▫  Germany ERMINAZ-1V AMSAT-DL Geosynchronous Amateur Radio  
 ▫  Spain UNNE-1 (HADES-E) AMSAT-EA Geosynchronous Amateur Radio  
 ▫  Spain MARIA-G (HADES-F) AMSAT-EA Geosynchronous Amateur Radio  
 ▫  Greece QUBIK 5 Libre Space Foundation Geosynchronous Technology demonstration  
 ▫  Greece SIDLOC-PQ-1 Libre Space Foundation Geosynchronous Space situational awareness  
 ▫  Greece SIDLOC-PQ-2 Libre Space Foundation Geosynchronous Space situational awareness  
Maiden flight of Rocket Factory Augsburg's RFA One.
Q3 (TBD)[87] India LVM3 M5 India Satish Dhawan SLP India ISRO
NSIL Payload
Q3 (TBD)[87][169] India PSLV-XL C60 India Satish Dhawan India ISRO
India RISAT-1B[170] ISRO Low Earth (SSO) Earth observation  
Q3 (TBD)[87] India PSLV-XL C61 India Satish Dhawan India ISRO
India TBA ISRO Low Earth TBA  
ISRO Payload
Q3 (TBD)[171] India PSLV C63 India Satish Dhawan India ISRO
India SPADEX ISRO Low Earth Technology demonstration  
ISRO Payload
Q3 (TBD)[172][173] India PSLV N1 India Satish Dhawan India ISRO
India TDS-01 ISRO Geosynchronous Technology demonstration  
First fully privately built PSLV.
Q3 (TBD)[87] India SSLV S1 India Satish Dhawan India ISRO
India TBA ISRO Low Earth TBA  
ISRO Payload
Q3 (TBD)[174][175] United States Falcon 9 Block 5 United States Cape Canaveral or Kennedy United States SpaceX
Indonesia Nusantara Lima (Nusantara-5) PSN Geosynchronous Communications  
Q3 (TBD)


China Long March 3B/E / YZ-1 3B-Y96 China Xichang LC-2 China CASC
China BeiDou-3 M27 (Beidou-58) CNSA Medium Earth Navigation  
China BeiDou-3 M28 (Beidou-59) CNSA Medium Earth Navigation  
Q3 (TBD)[180] India Vikram 1 India Satish Dhawan FLP India Skyroot Aerospace
India TBA[181] Navars Edutech Low Earth Technology demonstration  
Maiden flight of Vikram 1.
Q3 (TBD)[182] United States TBA United States TBA United States TBA
United States EZIE × 3 NASA / JHUAPL Low Earth (SSO) Space weather / Electrojet research  
Heliophysics Mission of Opportunity for the Explorers Program.


Early October[183] United States Falcon 9 Block 5 Transporter-12 United States Cape Canaveral or Vandenberg United States SpaceX
Italy ION SCV-014[43] D-Orbit Low Earth (SSO) CubeSat deployer  
Italy ION SCV-016[43] D-Orbit Low Earth (SSO) CubeSat deployer  
United States LEO Express-3[51] Impulse Space Low Earth (SSO) Technology demonstration  
United States Vigoride[184] Momentus Space Low Earth (SSO) Space tug  
United States Acadia-6 (Capella-16)[185] Capella Space Low Earth (SSO) Earth observation  
United States Lyra-1[186] EchoStar Low Earth (SSO) Communications  
United States Lyra-2[186] EchoStar Low Earth (SSO) Communications  
United States Otter Pup 2[43] Starfish Space Low Earth (SSO) Satellite docking  
United States Ray[187] Inversion Space Low Earth (SSO) Reentry capsule  
Malaysia UzmaSAT-1[188] UZMA BERHAD Low Earth (SSO) Earth observation  
United States YAC-1 × 9[64] Loft Orbital Low Earth (SSO) Earth observation  
Australia Centauri × 3[189] Fleet Space Low Earth (SSO) IoT  
Denmark DISCO-2[190] Aarhus University Low Earth (SSO) Technology demonstration  
Canada FINCH[191] University of Toronto Low Earth (SSO) Earth observation  
United States Kestrel-0A[192] HawkEye 360 Low Earth (SSO) Earth observation  
United States LIME[193] NOVI LLC Low Earth (SSO) Technology demonstration  
United States MOXY-1[194] Low Earth (SSO) Technology demonstration  
United States NOCLIP-1[194] Pointblank LLC Low Earth (SSO) Technology demonstration  
United States Phobos[195] Aethero Space Low Earth (SSO) Technology demonstration  
United States Veery-0F Fledgling[196] Care Weather Technologies Low Earth (SSO) Meteorology  
United States TBA × 2[79] Low Earth (SSO) Meteorology  
Dedicated SmallSat Rideshare mission to sun-synchronous orbit, designated Transporter-12.
7 October [197] United States Falcon 9 Block 5 United States Cape Canaveral SLC-40 United States SpaceX
Europe Hera ESA Heliocentric Asteroid orbiter  
Europe Juventas[198] ESA Heliocentric Asteroid probe  
Europe Milani[199] ESA Heliocentric Asteroid probe  
10 October [200] United States Falcon Heavy FH-011 United States Kennedy LC-39A United States SpaceX
United States Europa Clipper NASA Jovicentric Jupiter orbiter  
15 October[201][202] United States Firefly Alpha FLTA007 United States Vandenberg SLC-2W United States Firefly
United States Elytra NRO / Firefly / Xtenti Low Earth Space tug  
NRO Responsive Space Mission, carrying Firefly's Elytra orbital transfer vehicle and Xtenti's FANTM-RiDE payload dispenser.
23 October
China Long March 2F/G 2F-Y19 China Jiuquan SLS-1 China CASC
China Shenzhou 19 TBA Low Earth (TSS) TBA  
Late October [205][206] United States Falcon 9 Block 5 United States Cape Canaveral SLC-40 United States SpaceX
United States Blue Ghost M1 NASA / Firefly TLI to lunar surface Lunar lander  
First flight of Firefly's Blue Ghost lunar lander. Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS) mission delivering ten payloads to Mare Crisium.[204]
Late October [207][208] United States Falcon 9 Block 5 United States Cape Canaveral SLC-40 United States SpaceX
United States Ax-4 SpaceX / Axiom Space Low Earth (ISS) Private spaceflight  
Axiom Mission 4, launching on Crew Dragon. 14-day commercial flight of four astronauts to the International Space Station.
Late October [209] India GSLV Mk II F15 India Satish Dhawan SLP India ISRO
United States India NISAR NASA / ISRO Low Earth (SSO) Earth observation  
October (TBD)[210] United States TBA United States TBA United States TBA
United States QS-1 Quantum Space Earth–Moon L1 Technology demonstration  


5 November [211][212] Russia Soyuz-2.1b / Fregat Russia Vostochny Site 1S Russia Roscosmos
Russia Ionosfera-M №1 IKI RAN Low Earth (SSO) Ionospheric research  
Russia Ionosfera-M №2 IKI RAN Low Earth (SSO) Ionospheric research  
15 November[214][126] Europe Vega-C VV25 France Kourou ELV France Arianespace
Europe Sentinel-1C ESA Low Earth (SSO) Earth observation  
Third Sentinel-1 satellite. Return to flight for Vega-C following the VV22 launch failure.[213]
21 November[88] Russia Soyuz-2.1a Kazakhstan Baikonur Site 31/6 Russia Roscosmos
Russia Progress MS-29 / 90P Roscosmos Low Earth (ISS) ISS logistics  
30 November [211][215] Russia Soyuz-2.1a / Fregat-M Russia Vostochny Site 1S Russia Roscosmos
Russia Kondor-FKA №2[216] Roscosmos Low Earth Reconnaissance  
November (TBD)[140] United States Electron New Zealand Mahia LC-1 United States Rocket Lab
France Kinéis × 5 Kinéis Low Earth IoT  
Third of five dedicated launches for Kinéis' IoT satellite constellation.
November (TBD)[217][218] United States Falcon 9 Block 5 United States Cape Canaveral or Kennedy United States SpaceX
Spain SpainSat NG I Hisdesat Geosynchronous Communications  
November (TBD)[219][220] United States Falcon 9 Block 5 United States Cape Canaveral or Vandenberg United States SpaceX
Taiwan FORMOSAT-8A TASA Low Earth (SSO) Earth observation  
November (TBD)[221] United States Falcon 9 Block 5 Bandwagon-2 United States Cape Canaveral or Vandenberg United States SpaceX
South Korea 425 Project SAR Sat 2 DAPA Low Earth Reconnaissance  
United States LizzieSat-2[222] Sidus Space Low Earth IoT  
United States LizzieSat-3[222] Sidus Space Low Earth IoT  
United States Hawk 11A,11B,11C HawkEye 360 Low Earth SIGINT  
United States SC1[223] GITAI Low Earth Technology demonstration  
United States CTC 0 Exotrail Low Earth TBA  
United States XCUBE-1[224] Xplore Low Earth Earth observation  
 ▫  Turkey TBA × 2[225] Hello Space Low Earth IoT  
Dedicated SmallSat Rideshare mission to a 45-degree mid-inclination orbit, designated Bandwagon-2. Third of Five dedicated launches for DAPA 425 Project (425 Project Flight 3).
November (TBD)
China Long March 7A 7A-Y? China Wenchang LC-2 China CASC
China XJY 6-02 TBA Geosynchronous TBA  
November (TBD)[165] China Gravity-1 Y3 China China Orienspace
China TBA TBA Low Earth TBA  
Scheduled rideshare opportunity.
November (TBD)[227][228] China Pallas-1 Y1 China Wenchang Hainan LC-2 China Galactic Energy
China Low Earth  
Maiden flight of the Pallas-1 launch vehicle.
November (TBD)[155][156] China Tianlong-3 Y3 China Jiuquan China Space Pioneer
China TBA Space Pioneer Low Earth (SSO) Flight test  


30 December[231] United States Electron New Zealand Mahia LC-1 United States Rocket Lab
United States Photon relay satellite Rocket Lab Heliocentric to Venus Venus flyby  
United States Venus Life Finder MIT / Rocket Lab Heliocentric to Venus Venus entry probe  
The Venus Life Finder atmospheric-entry probe will search for phosphine and other potential biosignatures for life on Venus.[229][230] First of three MIT missions to Venus.
Mid December [232] Europe Ariane 62 France Kourou ELA-4 France Arianespace
France CSO-3 CNES / DGA Low Earth (SSO) Reconnaissance  
Mid December [237] United States Falcon 9 Block 5 United States Kennedy LC-39A United States SpaceX
United States IM-2 Athena Intuitive Machines TLI to lunar surface Lunar lander  
United States Khon1[238][239] Intuitive Machines Selenocentric (ELFO) Lunar communications  
United States Lunar Trailblazer[240] NASA / Caltech Selenocentric Lunar orbiter  
United States Micro-Nova (μNova)[241][238] Intuitive Machines TLI to lunar surface Lunar hopper  
United States Finland M1 MAPP[242] Lunar Outpost / Nokia TLI to lunar surface Lunar rover
Technology demonstration
United States Odin (Brokkr-2)[243] AstroForge Heliocentric Technology demonstration  
United States AstroAnt[244] MIT TLI to lunar surface Lunar rover