List of optometric abbreviations
Certain abbreviations are current within the profession of optometry. They are used to denote clinical conditions, examination techniques and findings, and various forms of treatment.
Eye examination terms
[edit]Abbreviation | Term | Description (notes) |
AC | Anterior chamber | fluid-filled space between the iris and the endothelium |
AC 4/4 | Grade 4 anterior chamber angle | open angle between cornea and iris |
AC 3/4 | Grade 3 anterior chamber angle | |
AC 2/4 | Grade 2 anterior chamber angle | |
AC 1/4 | Grade 1 anterior chamber angle | |
AC 0/4 | Grade 0 anterior chamber angle | closed angle between cornea and iris |
AC/A | Accommodative convergence / Accommodation ratio | the portion of the range of convergence that occurs in response to accommodation |
Acc | Accommodation | process of changing optical power to maintain focus as distance changes |
Ad | Advised | |
Add | Addition | |
AIT | After-image transfer | |
ALT | Alternating | |
ALT ET/SOT | Alternating esotropia | |
ALT XT/XOT | Alternating exotropia | |
ARC | Anomalous retinal correspondence | |
A/V | Arteriole–venue ratio | |
BIO | Binocular indirect ophthalmoscopy | |
BSV | Binocular single vision | |
BV | Binocular vision | |
BVD | Back vertex distance | |
BVP | Back vertex power | |
CD | Centration distance | |
C/D | Cup–disc ratio | |
CF | Count fingers vision – state distance | |
c/o or c.o. | Complains of | |
CT | Cover test | |
c/u | Check up | |
CW | Close work | |
Δ | Prism dioptre | |
D | Dioptres | |
DC | Dioptres cylinder | |
DNA | Did not attend | |
DOB | Date of birth | |
DS | Dioptres sphere | |
DV | Distance vision | |
DVD | Dissociated vertical deviation | |
EF | Eccentric fixation | |
FB | Foreign body | |
FD | Fixation disparity | |
FF | Foveal fixation | |
FHG | Family history of glaucoma | |
FMH | Family medical history | |
FOH | Family ocular history | |
F/U | Follow up appointment | |
GH | General health | |
G(M)P | General (medical) practitioner | |
HA | Headaches | |
HARC | Harmonious abnormal retinal correspondence | |
HM | Hand motion vision – state distance | |
Hx | History | |
IOL | Intra-ocular lens | |
IOP | Intra-ocular pressure | |
ISNT | Inferior, Superior, Nasal, Temporal | rule used to assess optic disc appearance |
K | Keratometry | |
OS | oculus sinister (left eye) | |
LHyperT or LHT | Left hypertropia | |
LHypoT | Left hypotropia | |
LO | Lenticular opacity | |
L/R FD | L/R fixation disparity | |
L/R | L hyperphoria | |
Left ET | Left esotropia | |
LVA | Low vision aid | |
MDU | Mallett distance unit | |
MNU | Mallett near unit | |
M.Wing | Maddox Wing | |
MR | Maddox rod | |
NB: NAD | No abnormality detected | (is frequently used but is not recommended) |
NCT | Non-contact tonometer | |
ND | Neutral density filter | |
NLP | No light perception | No light perception is considered total visual impairment, or total blindness; see Visual impairment#Classification |
NPC | Near point of convergence or no previous correction | |
NRC | Normal retinal correspondence | |
NV | Near vision | |
NWT | Normal wearing time | |
o symptoms | Zero symptoms | |
Φ | Horizontal orthophoria | |
θ | Vertical orthophoria | |
⊕ | Horizontal and vertical orthophoria | |
OC's | Optical centres | |
Occ. | Occupation | |
OD | oculus dexter (right eye) | |
OH | Ocular history | |
OMB | Oculo motor balance | |
ONH | Optic nerve head | |
Oph | Ophthalmoscopy | |
OS | oculus sinister (left eye) | |
OU | oculus uterque (both eyes) | |
PD | Pupillary distance | |
PERRLA | Pupils equal, round, reactive to light and accommodation | |
PH | Pinhole | see Pinhole occluder and Visual_acuity#Legal_definitions |
PHNI | Pinhole No Improvement | see Pinhole occluder and Visual_acuity#Legal_definitions |
PHVA | Pinhole Visual Acuity | |
PL | Perception of light | |
POH / PrOH | Previous ocular history | |
PPA | Peri-papillary atrophy | |
Pt | Patient | |
RAPD | Relative afferent pupillary defect | |
OD | Right eye (oculus dexter) | |
Ret. | Retinoscopy | |
RHyperT | Right hypertropia | |
RHypoT or RHT | Right hypotropia | |
RNFL | Retinal nerve fibre layer | |
RPE | Retinal pigment epithelium | |
RSOT | Right esotropia | |
Rx | Prescription | |
SE | Spherical Equivalent | |
SLE | Slit lamp examination | |
SLM | Slit lamp microscope | |
EP | Esophoria | |
ET | Esotropia | |
Supp. | Suppression | |
V | Vision (unaided) | |
VA | Visual acuity | |
VA Dcc - VA Dsc | Visual acuity with Distant chart with correctors | Visual acuity with eye chart at Distant 20 feet (6 m) and with (cc: Latin cum correctore) correctors (spectacles); Dsc is without (sc: Latin sine correctore) correctors. See Visual_acuity#Legal_definitions |
VA Nsc - VA Ncc | Visual acuity with Near chart without correctors | Visual acuity with eye chart at Near 15.7 inches (400 mm) and without (sc: Latin sine correctore) correctors (spectacles); Ncc is with (cc: Latin cum correctore) correctors. See Visual_acuity#Legal_definitions |
VA OS | Left visual acuity | |
VA OD | Right visual acuity | |
VDU | Visual display unit | |
VF | Visual field | |
VPS | Variable prism stereoscope | |
WD | Working distance | |
X/12 | X months | |
X/52 | X weeks | |
X/7 | X days | |
XP | Exophoria | |
XT | Exotropia |
Clinical conditions terms
[edit]Abbreviation | Term | Description (notes) |
AH | Asteroid hyalosis | |
AMD/ARMD | Age-related macular degeneration | |
ACG/CAG | Angle closure glaucoma | |
BDR | Background diabetic retinopathy | |
BP | Blood pressure | |
BRAO | Branch retinal artery occlusion | |
BRVO | Branch retinal vein occlusion | |
Cat | Cataract | |
CLAPC/CLIPC | Contact lens associated/induced papillary conjunctivitis | |
CLARE | Contact lens associated red eye | |
CLPU | Contact lens associated peripheral ulcer | |
CNS | Central nervous system | |
CNV | Choroidal neovascularization | |
CRAO | Central retinal artery occlusion | |
CRVO | Central retinal vein occlusion | |
CSR | Central serous retinopathy | |
CVA | Cerebrovascular accident | |
Dx | Diagnosis | |
dDx | Differential diagnosis | |
DR | Diabetic retinopathy | |
ERM | Epiretinal membrane | |
ESR | Erythrocyte sedimentation rate | |
FTMH | Full thickness macular hole | |
FMNS | Fusion maldevelopment nystagmus syndrome | (Latent nystagmus) |
Fx | Family history | |
GPC | Giant papillary conjunctivitis | |
Hx | Hospital or History | |
HES | Hospital eye service | |
IDDM | Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus | |
ILM | Internal limiting membrane | |
IRMA | Intra-retinal microvascular abnormality | |
KCS | Keratoconjunctivitis sicca | |
KP | Keratic precipitates | |
LASEK | Laser epithelial keratomileusis | |
LASIK | Laser in-situ keratomileusis | |
LTG | Low-tension glaucoma | |
MH | Macular hole | |
MI | Myocardial infarction | |
MS | Multiple sclerosis | |
NIDDM | Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus | |
NRR | Neuro-retinal rim | |
NS | Nuclear sclerosis | |
NTG | Normal tension glaucoma | |
PDR | Proliferative diabetic retinopathy | |
PDT | Photodynamic therapy | |
PK | Penetrating keratoplasy | |
POAG | Primary open-angle glaucoma | |
PPDR | Preproliferative diabetic retinopathy | |
PRA | Pan-retinal ablation | |
PRK | Photorefractive keratectomy | |
PRP | Pan-retinal photocoagulation | |
PSCC | Posterior sub-capsular cataract | |
PVD | Posterior vitreous detachment | |
PXF | Pseudoexfoliative syndrome | |
RD | Retinal detachment | |
RK | Radial keratotomy | |
RP | Retinitis pigmentosa | |
SEAL | Superior epithelial arcuate lesion | |
SLK | Superior limbic keratoconjunctivitis | |
SMH | Submacular hemorrhage | |
SPK | Superficial punctate keratitis | |
SPEE | Superficial punctate epithelial erosions | |
Sx | Symptoms | |
TIA | Transient ischaemic attack | |
T1 diab | Type 1 diabetes | |
T2 diab | Type 2 diabetes | |
Tx | Treatment | |
Vx | Vomiting |
Contact lens terms
[edit]Abbreviation | Term | Description (notes) |
BC | Base curve | |
BOZD | Back optic zone diameter | |
BOZR | Back optic zone radius | |
BVP | Back vertex power | |
CLAPC/CLIPC | Contact-lens-associated/induced papillary conjunctivitis | |
CLARE | Contact-lens-associated red eye | |
CLPU | Contact-lens-associated peripheral ulcer | |
Dk | Unit of permeability | |
DW | Daily wear | |
EW | Extended wear | |
FOZD | Front optic zone diameter | |
FVP | Front vertex power | |
HEMA | Hydroxyethyl methacrylate | |
HT | Handling tint | |
HVID | Horizontal visible iris diameter | |
K | Keratometry | |
MWT | Maximum wearing time | |
OS/OD | Overall size/overall diameter | |
OZD | Optic zone diameter | |
PMMA | Polymethyl methacrylate | |
RGP | Rigid-gas-permeable | |
SCL | Soft contact lens | |
SiH | Silicone hydrogel | |
SEAL | Superior epithelial arcuate lesion | |
SLK | Superior limbic keratoconjunctivitis | |
SPK | Superficial punctate keratitis | |
SPEE | Superficial punctate epithelial erosions | |
TBUT | Tear break-up time | |
Tc | Centre thickness | |
TD | Total diameter | |
Te | Edge thickness | |
TWT/WTT | Today wearing time | |
VPA | Vertical palpebral aperture | |
WT | Wearing time |
Pharmacy and drug terms
[edit]Abbreviation | Term | Description (notes) |
A.d. | As directed | |
bd/bid | Twice a day | |
gt | One drop | |
gtt | drops | |
GSL | General sales list | |
Gutt/g | Guttae (drops) | |
Meds | Medications | |
Nocte/QHS | At night | |
Occ | Ointment | |
od/QD | Once a day | |
otc | Over the counter (bought medication) | |
P | Pharmacy (drug) | |
POM | Prescription-only medicine | |
prn | When required | |
q | Every (e.g. q2h – every two hours) | |
qds/qid | Four times a day | |
Rx | Prescription | |
tds/tid | Three times a day | |
ung | Ointment |
Examination types and enhanced care schemes
[edit]Abbreviation | Term | Description (notes) |
DFE | Dilated fundus examination | |
DFP | Digital fundus photograph(y) | |
DRS | Diabetic retinopathy screening | |
GIES | Glasgow Integrated Eyecare Scheme | |
PEARS | Primary Eyecare Acute Referral Scheme | |
WEHE | Welsh Eye Health Examination | |
WLVS | Welsh Low Vision Service |