List of sequenced animal genomes
This list of sequenced animal genomes contains animal species for which complete genome sequences have been assembled, annotated and published. Substantially complete draft genomes are included, but not partial genome sequences or organelle-only sequences.
[edit]- Amphimedon queenslandica, a sponge (2009[1])
- Stylissa carteri (2016[2])
- Ephydatia muelleri (2020[3])
- Xestospongia testudinaria (2016[2])
[edit]- Mnemiopsis leidyi (Ctenophora), (order Lobata) (2012[4]/2013[5])
- Hormiphora californensis (Ctenophora) (2021[6])
- Pleurobrachia bachei (Ctenophora) (2014[7])
- Bolinopsis microptera(Ctenophora) (2022[8])
[edit]- Trichoplax adhaerens, a Placozoan (2008[9])
- Hoilungia hongkongensis, nov. gen H13 Placozoan (2018[10])
[edit]- Hydra vulgaris, (previously Hydra magnipapillata), a model hydrozoan (2010[11])
- Nematostella vectensis, a model sea anemone (starlet sea anemone) (2007[12])
- Aiptasia pallida, a sea anemone (2015[13])
- Renilla muelleri, an octocoral (2017,[14] 2019[15])
- Stylophora pistillata, a coral (2017[16])
- Aurelia aurita, moon jellyfish (2019[17])
- Clytia hemisphaerica, Hydrozoan jellyfish (2019[18])
- Myxobolus honghuensis (2022[19])
- Nemopilema nomurai, Nomura jellyfish (2019[20])
- Rhopilema esculentum, Flame jellyfish (2020[21])
- Cassiopea xamachana (Scyphozoa) (2019[22])
- Alatina alata (Cubozoa) (2019[22])
- Calvadosia cruxmelitensis (Staurozoa) (2019[22])
- Dendronephthya gigantea, an octocoral (2019[23])
- Acropora acuminata (2020[24])
- Acropora awi (2020[24])
- Acropora cytherea, Table coral (2020[24])
- Acropora digitifera, a coral (2011[25][24])
- Acropora echinata (2020[24])
- Acropora florida, branching staghorn coral(2020[24])
- Acropora gemmifera (2021[24])
- Acropora hyacinthus, Brush coral (2020[24])
- Acropora intermedia, Noble Staghorn Coral (2020[24])
- Acropora microphthalma (2020[24])
- Acropora muricata, Staghorn coral (2020[24])
- Acropora nasta, branching staghorn coral (2020[24])
- Acropora selago, Green Selago Acropora (2020[24])
- Acropora tenuis, Purple Tipped Acropora (2020[24][26])
- Acropora yongei ,Yonge's staghorn coral (2020[24])
- Astreopora myriophthalma, Porous star coral (2020[24])
- Lophelia pertusa, Deepwater White Coral (2023[27])
- Montipora cactus (2020[24])
- Montipora capitata, Rice coral (2022[28][29])
- Montipora efflorescens, Velvet coral (2020[24])
- Orbicella faveolata, mountainous star coral (2016[30])
- Pocillopora acuta, Hosoeda Hanayasai coral (2022[28][31])
- Pocillopora damicornis, cauliflower coral (2018[32])
- Pocillopora meandrina, Cauliflower coral (2022[28][33])
- Porites astreoides, Mustard hill coral (2022[34])
- Porites compressa, Finger coral (2022[28][35])
[edit]- Saccoglossus kowalevskii, Enteropneusta (2015[36])
- Ptychodera flava, Enteropneusta (2015[36])
[edit]- Acanthaster planci, starfish (2014[37])
- Apostichopus japonicus, sea cucumber (2017[38])
- Plazaster borealis, Octopus starfish (2022[39])
- Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, a sea urchin and model deuterostome (2006[40])
[edit]- Branchiostoma floridae, a lancelet (2008[41])
[edit]- Ciona intestinalis, a tunicate (2002[42])
- Ciona savignyi, a tunicate (2007[43])
- Oikopleura dioica, a larvacean (2001[44]).
[edit]- Order Myxiniformes (Hagfish)
- Genus Eptatretus
- Eptatretus atami, Brown hagfish (2024[45])
- Eptatretus burgeri, Inshore hagfish (2024[46])
- Genus Eptatretus
- Order Petromyzontiformes (Lampreys)
- Petromyzon marinus, Sea lamprey (2009 draft,[47] 2013,[48] 2018,[49] 2023[50])
- Lethenteron reissneri, Far-Eastern brook lamprey (2021 draft[51])
Cartilaginous fish
[edit]- Order Chimaeriformes (Chimeras)
- Callorhinchus milii, Australian ghostshark (2007[52])
Selachimorpha (True Sharks)
[edit]- Superorder Galeomorphii
- Order Carcharhiniformes (Ground Sharks)
- Scyliorhinus torazame, Cloudy catshark (2018[53])
- Order Lamniformes (Mackerel Sharks)
- Carcharodon carcharias, Great white shark (2018[54])
- Order Orectolobiformes (Carpet Sharks)
- Chiloscyllium plagiosum, Whitespotted bamboo shark (2020[55])
- Chiloscyllium punctatum, Brownbanded bamboo shark (2018[53])
- Rhincodon typus, Whale shark (2017[56])
- Order Carcharhiniformes (Ground Sharks)
Batomorphi (Rays)
[edit]- Order Myliobatiformes
- Potamotrygon leopoldi, Xingu river ray (2023 draft[57])
- Order Rajiformes
- Leucoraja erinacea, Little skate (2023[58])
Ray-Finned Fish
[edit]- Order Anabantiformes
- Betta splendens, Siamese fighting fish (2018[59])
- Helostoma temminkii, Kissing gourami (2020[60][61])
- Order Anguilliformes
- Anguilla anguilla, European Eel (2012[62])
- Anguilla japonica, Japanese Eel (2022[63])
- Order Beloniformes
- Oryzias latipes, medaka (2007[64])
- Order Callionymiformes
- Callionymus lyra, common dragonet (2020[65])
- Order Carangiformes
- Caranx ignobilis, Giant trevally (2022[66])
- Caranx melampygus, Bluefin trevally (2021[67])
- Pseudocaranx georgianus, New Zealand trevally (2021[68])
- Order Centrarchiformes
- Order Characiformes
- Astyanax jordani, Mexican cavefish (2014[70])
- Astyanax mexicanus, Mexican tetra (2021[71])
- Colossoma macropomum, Tambaqui (2021[72])
- Hasemania nana, Silvertip tetra (2013[73])
- Petitella bleheri, Firehead tetra (2015[74])
- Psalidodon paranae, (2016[75])
- Order Cichliformes
- Oreochromis niloticus, Nile tilapia (2019[76])
- Metriaclima zeb, Lake Malawi cichlid (2019[76])
- Order Clupeiformes
- Clupea harengus, Atlantic herring (2020[77])
- Coilia nasus, Japanese grenadier anchovy (2020[78])
- Sardina pilchardus, European pilchard (2019[79])
- Order Cypriniformes
- Anabarilius grahami, Kanglang fish (2018[80])
- Danio rerio, zebrafish (2007[81])
- Leuciscus baicalensis, Siberian dace (2014[82])
- Megalobrama amblycephala, Wuchang bream (2017[83])
- Metzia formosae, (2015[84])
- Opsarius caudiocellatus, (2022[85])
- Oxygymnocypris stewartii, (2019[86])
- Pseudobrama simoni (2020[87][60])
- Rhodeus ocellatus, Rosy bitterling (2020[88][60])
- Triplophysa bleekeri, Tibetan stone loach (2020[89])
- Order Cyprinodontiformes
- Fundulus catenatus, Northern studfish (2020[90])
- Fundulus olivaceus, Blackspotted topminnow (2020[90])
- Fundulus nottii, Bayou topminnow (2020[90])
- Fundulus xenicus, Diamond killifish (2020[90])
- Gambusia affinis, western mosquitofish (2020[91])
- Heterandria formosa, least killifish (2019[92])
- Micropoecilia picta, swamp guppy (2021[93])
- Xiphophorus maculatus, platyfish (2013[94])
- Nothobranchius furzeri, turquoise killifish (2015[95][96][97])
- Order Esociformes
- Esox lucius, northern pike (2014[98])
- Order Gadiformes
- Gadus macrocephalus, Pacific cod (2022[99])
- Gadus morhua, Atlantic cod (2011[100])
- Order Gasterosteiformes
- Gasterosteus aculeatus, three-spined stickleback (2006, 2012[101])
- Order Gobiiformes
- Oxyeleotris marmorata, marble goby (2020[102][60])
- Periophthalmus modestus, shuttles hoppfish or shuttles mudskipper (2022[103])
- Order Gymnotiformes
- Order Lampriformes
- Lampris incognitus, Smalleye Pacific Opah (2021[105])
- Order Lepisosteiformes
- Order Osmeriformes
- Neosalanx tangkahkeii, Chinese icefish (2015[107])
- Protosalanx hyalocranius, clearhead icefish (2017[108])
- Order Osteoglossiformes
- Heterotis niloticus, African arowana (2020[109][60])
- Paramormyrops kingsleyae, mormyrid electric fish (2017[110])
- Scleropages formosus, Asian arowana (2016[111])
- Order Perciformes
- Centropyge bicolor, bicolor angelfish (2021[112])
- Chaetodon trifasciatus, melon butterflyfish (2020[113][60])
- Channa argus, northern snakehead (2017[114][115])
- Channa maculata, blotched snakehead (2021[115])
- Chelmon rostratus, copperband butterflyfish (2020[116][60])
- Dissostichus mawsoni, Antarctic toothfish (2019[117])
- Eleginops maclovinus, Patagonian robalo (2019[117])
- Epinephelus moara, kelp grouper (2021[118])
- Larimichthys crocea, large yellow croaker (2014[119])
- Lutjanus campechanus, Northern red snapper (2020[120])
- Naso vlamingii, bignose unicornfish (2020[121][60])
- Parachaenichthys charcoti, Antarctic dragonfish (2017[122])
- Seriola dumerili, Greater amberjack (2017[123])
- Sillago sinica, chinese sillago (2018[124])
- Siniperca knerii, Big-Eye Mandarin Fish (2020[125])
- Sparus aurata, gilt-head bream (2018[126])
- Order Salmoniformes
- Salmo salar, Atlantic salmon (2016[127])
- Oncorhynchus mykiss, rainbow trout (2014[128])
- Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, Chinook salmon (2018[129][130])
- Salvelinus namaycush, Lake Trout (2021[131])
- Order Scorpaeniformes
- Order Siluriformes
- Clarias batrachus, walking catfish (2018[133])
- Ictalurus punctatus, channel catfish (2016[134])
- Pangasianodon hypophthalmus, Iridescent shark catfish (2021[135])
- Silurus glanis, Wels catfish (2020[136])
- Order Spariformes
- Datnioides pulcher, Siamese tigerfish (2020[137][60])
- Datnioides undecimradiatus, Mekong tiger perch (2020[138])
- Order Syngnathiformes
- Syngnathus scovelli, Gulf pipefish (2016,[139] 2023[140])
- Order Tetraodontiformes
- Diodon holocanthus, Long-spine porcupinefish (2020[141][60])
- Mola mola, ocean sunfish (2016[142])
- Takifugu rubripes, a puffer fish (2002[143])
- Tetraodon nigroviridis, a puffer fish (2004[144])
Lobe-Finned Fish (Excluding Tetrapods)
[edit]- Latimeria chalumnae, West Indian Ocean coelacanth (2013[145])
Lungfish (Dipnoi)
[edit]- Order Ceratodontiformes
- Clade Lepidosirenoidei
- Lepidosiren paradoxalungfish, South American lungfish (2024[146])
- Protopterus annectens, West-African lungfish (2021,[147] 2024[146])
- Family Neoceratodontidae
- Neoceratodus forsteri, Australian lungfish (2021[148])
- Clade Lepidosirenoidei
[edit]Frogs (Anura)
[edit]- Taudactylus pleione, Kroombit tinker frog (2023[149])
- Leptobrachium leishanense, Leishan Moustache toad (2019[150])
- Limnodynastes dumerilii dumerilii, Eastern banjo frog (2020[151])
- Nanorana parkeri, High Himalaya frog (2015[152])
- Oophaga pumilio, Strawberry poison-dart frog (2018[153])
- Platyplectrum ornatum, Ornate burrowing frog (2021[154])
- Pyxicephalus adspersus, African bullfrog (2018[155])
- Rana [Lithobates] catesbeiana, North American bullfrog (2017[156])
- Rana kukunoris, Plateau brown frog (2023[157])
- Rhinella marina, Cane toad (2018[158])
- Vibrissaphora ailaonica, Moustache toad (2019[159])
- Xenopus tropicalis, western clawed frog (2010[160])
Salamanders (Urodela)
[edit]- Family Ambystomatidae (Tiger Salamanders)
- Ambystoma mexicanum, axolotl (2018[161])
Birds (Aves)
[edit]Ratites (Palaeognathae)
[edit]- Order Apterygiformes (Kiwis)
- Apteryx mantelli, North island brown kiwi, (2015 draft[162])
- Apteryx maxima, Great spotted kiwi, (2019 draft[163])
- Apteryx owenii, Little spotted kiwi, (2019 draft[163])
- Apteryx rowi, Okarito brown kiwi, (2019 draft[163])
- Order Casuariiformes
- Dromaius novaehollandiae, Emu (2021[164])
- Casuarius casuarius, Southern cassowary, (2019 draft[163])
- Order Rheiformes (Rheas)
- Rhea americana, Greater rhea, (2019 draft[163])
- Rhea pennata, Lesser rhea, (2019 draft[163])
- Order Struthioniformes (Ostriches)
- Struthio camelus, Common ostrich (2014 draft[165], 2015[166])
- Order Tinamiformes (Tinamous)
- Tinamus guttatus, White-throated tinamou (2014[165])
- Crypturellus cinnamomeus, Thicket tinamou, (2019 draft[163])
- Eudromia elegans, Elegant crested tinamou, (2019 draft[163])
- Nothoprocta perdicaria, Chilean tinamou, (2019 draft[163])
- † Order Dinornithiformes (Moas)
- † Anomalopteryx didiformis, Little bush moa (2024 draft[167])
Fowl (Galloanserae)
[edit]- Order Anseriformes (Waterfowl)
- Family Anatidae
- Subfamily Anserinae
- Anser cygnoides, Swan goose, (2024[168])
- Anser indicus, Bar-headed goose, (2022[169])
- Cygnus atratus, Black swan, (2023[170])
- Cygnus olor, Mute swan, (2023[170])
- Subfamily Anatinae
- Aix galericulata, Mandarin duck, (2022[171])
- Anas platyrhynchos, Mallard duck, (2013 draft[172], 2024[173])
- Aythya fuligula, Tufted duck, (2021[174])
- Cairina moschata, Muscovy duck, (2022[175])
- Netta rufina, Red-crested pochard, (2024[176])
- Subfamily Anserinae
- Family Anatidae
- Order Galliformes (Land Fowl)
- Arborophila rufipectus, Sichuan Partridge (2019[177])
- Gallus gallus, chicken (2004[178])
- Meleagris gallopavo, domesticated turkey (2011[179])
- Numida meleagris, helmeted guinea fowl (2019[180])
- Pavo cristatus, Indian peafowl (2018[181])
- Pavo muticus, Green peafowl (2022[182])
- Phasianus colchicus, Common Pheasant (2019[183])
- Syrmaticus mikado, mikado pheasant (2018[184])
- Tetrao tetrix, black grouse (2014[185])
[edit]- Order Accipitriformes
- Haliaeetus albicilla, white-tailed eagle (2014[165])
- Haliaeetus leucocephalus, bald eagle (2014[165])
- Aegypius monachus, cinereous vulture (2015[186])
- Aquila chrysaetos, golden eagle (2018[187])
- Order Apodiformes
- Chaetura pelagica, chimney swift (2014[165])
- Order Bucerotiformes
- Buceros rhinoceros silvestris, rhinoceros hornbill (2014[165])
- Order Caprimulgiformes
- Order Cariamiformes
- Order Cathartiformes
- Cathartes aura, turkey vulture (2014[165])
- Order Charadriiformes
- Order Ciconiiformes
- Nipponia nippon, crested ibis (2014)[189])
- Order Coliiformes
- Order Columbiformes
- Columba livia, pigeon (2014[165])
- Order Coraciiformes
- Merops nubicus, carmine bee-eater (2014[165])
- Order Cuculiformes
- Order Eurypygiformes
- Eurypyga helias, sunbittern (2014[165])
- Order Falconiformes
- Falco cherrug, saker falcon (2013[190])
- Falco peregrinus, peregrine falcon (2013[190])
- Order Gaviiformes
- Gavia stellata, red-throated loon (2014[165])
- Order Gruiformes
- Order Leptosomiformes
- Order Mesitornithiformes
- Mesitornis unicolor, brown mesite (2014[165])
- Order Opisthocomiformes
- Opisthocomus hoazin, hoatzin (2014[165])
- Order Passeriformes
- Acanthisitta chloris, rifleman (2014[165])
- Corvus brachyrhynchos, American crow (2014[165])
- Corvus hawaiiensis, Hawaiian crow (2018[191])
- Eopsaltria australis, Eastern yellow robin (2019[192])
- Ficedula albicollis, collared flycatcher (2012[193])
- Ficedula hypoleuca, pied flycatcher (2012[193])
- Geospiza fortis, medium ground-finch (2014[165])
- Hirundo rustica, barn swallow (2018[194])
- Lonchura striata domestica, Society finch (2018[195])
- Manacus vitellinus, golden-collared manakin (2014[165])
- Lycocorax pyrrhopterus, Paradise-crow (2019[196][197][198])
- Malurus cyaneus, superb fairywren (2021[199])
- Manacus vitellinus, golden-collared manakin (2014[165])
- Notiomystis cincta, stichbird or hihi (2019[200])
- Paradisaea rubra, red bird-of-paradise (2019[197])
- Pteridophora alberti, king of Saxony bird-of-paradise (2019[197])
- Ptiloris paradiseus, paradise riflebird (2019[201][197])
- Taeniopygia guttata, zebra finch (2010[202])
- Order Pelecaniformes
- Egretta garzetta, little egret (2014[165])
- Pelecanus crispus, Dalmatian pelican (2014[165])
- Order Phaethontiformes
- Order Phoenicopteriformes
- Phoenicopterus ruber ruber, American flamingo (2014[165])
- Order Piciformes
- Order Podicipediformes
- Order Procellariiformes
- Order Pterocliformes
- Order Psittaciformes
- Amazona leucocephala, Cuban amazon (2019[203])
- Amazona ventralis, Hispaniolan amazon (2019[203])
- Amazona vittata, Puerto Rican parrot (2012[204])
- Ara macao, Scarlet macaw (2013[205])
- Cyanoramphus malherbi, kākāriki karaka (2020[206])
- Melopsittacus undulatus, budgerigar (2014[165])
- Nestor notabilis, kea (2014[165])
- Strigops habroptila, kākāpō (2023[207])
- Order Sphenisciformes
- Aptenodytes forsteri, emperor penguin (2014[165])
- Aptenodytes patagonicus, king penguin (2019[208][209])
- Eudyptes chrysocome, Western rockhopper penguin (2019[208][210])
- Eudyptes chrysolophus chrysolophus, Macaroni penguin (2019[208][211])
- Eudyptes chrysolophus schlegeli, Royal penguin (2019[208][212])
- Eudyptes filholi, Eastern rockhopper penguin (2019[208][213])
- Eudyptes moseleyi, Northern rockhopper penguin (2019[208][214])
- Eudyptes pachyrhynchus, Fiordland-crested penguin (2019[208][215])
- Eudyptes robustus, Snares-crested penguin (2019[208][216])
- Eudyptes sclateri, Erect-crested penguin (2019[208][217])
- Eudyptula minor albosignata, white-flippered penguin (2019[208][218])
- Eudyptula minor minor, little blue penguin (2019[208][219])
- Eudyptula novaehollandiae, fairy penguin (2019[208][220])
- Megadyptes antipodes antipodes, yellow eyed penguin or hoiho (2019[208][221])
- Pygoscelis adeliae, Adélie penguin (2014[165])
- Pygoscelis antarctica, chinstrap penguin (2019[208][222])
- Pygoscelis papua, gentoo penguin (2019[208][223])
- Spheniscus demersus, African penguin (2019[208])
- Spheniscus humboldti, Humboldt penguin (2019[208][224])
- Spheniscus magellanicus, Magellanic penguin (2019[208][225])
- Spheniscus mendiculus, Galápagos penguin (2019[208][226])
- Order Strigiformes
- Tyto alba, barn owl (2014[165])
- Strix occidentalis caurina, northern spotted owl (2017[227])
- Strix varia, Barred owl (2017[227])
- Order Suliformes
- Order Trochiliformes
- Calypte anna, Anna's hummingbird (2014[165])
- Order Trogoniformes
[edit]- Family Alligatoridae
- Genus Alligator (Alligators)
- Alligator mississippiensis, American alligator (2012[229])
- Alligator sinensis, Chinese alligator (2013[230], 2014[231])
- Family Crocodilidae (Crocodiles)
- Crocodylus porosus, salt water crocodile (2012[229])
- Family Gavialidae (Gharials)
- Gavialis gangeticus, Indian gharial (2012[229])
Turtles (Testudines)
[edit]Crytodira (Hidden-Neck Turtles)
[edit]Trionychia (Softshell Turtles)
[edit]- Family Trionychidae
- Pelodiscus sinensis, Chinese softshell turtle (2013[232])
[edit]- Family Emydidae (Terrapins)
- Actinemys marmorata, Northwestern pond turtle (2022[233])
- Chrysemys picta bellii, Western painted turtle (2013[234])
- Family Platysternidae
- Platysternon megacephalum Big-headed turtle (2019[235])
- Family Geoemydidae
- Mauremys reevesii, Chinese three-keeled pond turtle (2021[236])
- Family Testudinidae (Tortoises)
- Aldabrachelys gigantea, Aldabra giant tortoise (2019 draft,[237] 2022 chromosome scale[238])
- † Chelonoidis abingdonii, Pinta Island giant tortoise (2019[237])
- Chelonoidis phantasticus, Fernandina Island Galapagos giant tortoise (2022[239])
Chelonioidea (Sea Turtles)
[edit]- Family Cheloniidae
- Chelonia mydas, Green sea turtle (2013[232])
[edit]- Sphenodon punctatus, tuatara (2020[240])
[edit]- Ahaetulla prasina, Asian vine snake (2023[241])
- Anilios bituberculatus, Prong-snouted blind snake (2021[242])
- Anolis carolinensis, Carolina anole (2011[243])
- Arizona elegans occidentalis, California glossy snake (2022[244])
- Azemiops feae, Fea's viper (2022[245])
- Boa constrictor (2019[246])
- Bothrops jararaca, Jararaca lancehead, (2021[247])
- Bungarus multicinctus, Many-banded krait (2022[248][249][250])
- Charina bottae, rubber boa, (2022[251])
- Chrysopelea ornata, Ornate Flying Snake (2023[252])
- Crotalus adamanteus, Eastern diamondback rattlesnake (2021[253])
- Crotalus mitchellii pyrrhus, southwestern speckled rattlesnake (2014[254])
- Crotalus tigris, Tiger rattlesnake (2021[255])
- Crotalus viridis, Great Plains rattlesnake (2018[256])
- Daboia siamensis, Eastern Russell's viper (2022[257])
- Deinagkistrodon acutus, five-pacer viper (2016[258])
- Dopasia gracilis, Burmese glass lizard, (2015[259])
- Dolichophis caspius, Caspian whipsnake (2020[260])
- Emydocephalus ijimae, Ijima's turtle-headed sea snake, (2019[261])
- Eublepharis macularius, Leopard gecko (2016[262])
- Protobothrops flavoviridis, Habu (2018[263])
- Protobothrops mucrosquamatus, Taiwan Habu (2017[264])
- Heloderma charlesbogerti, Guatemalan Beaded Lizard (2022[265])
- Hemicordylus capensis, Cape Cliff Lizard (2023[266])
- Hydrophis curtus, Shaw's Sea Snake (2020[267])
- Hydrophis cyanocinctus, blue-banded sea snakes (2021[268])
- Hydrophis melanocephalus, slender-necked sea snake, (2019[261])
- Indotyphlops braminus, Brahminy blindsnake, (2022[269])
- Laticauda colubrina, yellow-lipped sea krait, (2019[261])
- Laticauda laticaudata, blue-lipped sea krait, (2019[261])
- Morelia viridis, Green Tree Python (2022[270])
- Myanophis thanlyinesis (2021[271])
- Naja naja, Indian cobra (2020[272])
- Notechis scutatus, mainland tiger snake (2022[273])
- Ophiophagus hannah, king cobra (2013[274])
- Pantherophis guttatus, corn snake (2014[275])
- Pantherophis obsoletus, Leucistic Texas Rat Snake (2021[276])
- Pogona vitticeps, Central bearded dragon (2015[277])
- Phrynosoma platyrhinos, Dessert Horned Lizards (2021[278])
- Phrynosoma cornutum, Texas Horned Lizards (2021[279])
- Pseudonaja textilis, Eastern brown snake (2022[273])
- Python bivittatus, Burmese python (2013[280])
- Python regius, Ball python (2020[citation needed])
- Salvator merianae, Argentine black and white tegu (2018[281])
- Sceloporus undulatus, Eastern fence lizard (2021[282])
- Shinisaurus crocodilurus, Chinese crocodile lizard, (2017[283])
- Simalia boeleni, Boelen's Python (2022[284])
- Thamnophis sirtalis, Common garter snake (2018[285])
- Thermophis baileyi, Tibetan hot-spring snake (2018[286])
- Zootoca vivipara, Viviparous lizard (2020[287])
[edit]- Family Ornithorhynchidae
- Ornithorhynchus anatinus, platypus (2021[288])
- Family Tachyglossidae (echidnas)
- Tachyglossus aculeatus, short-beaked echidna (2021[288])
[edit]- Order Didelphimorphia
- Family Didelphidae (opossums)
- Monodelphis domestica, gray short-tailed opossum (2007[289])
- Family Didelphidae (opossums)
- Order Dasyuromorphia
- Family Dasyuridae
- Antechinus stuartii, brown antechinus (2020[290])
- Sarcophilus harrisii, Tasmanian devil ([291])
- Sminthopsis crassicaudata, fat-tailed dunnart (ongoing[292])
- Dasyurus hallucatus, northern quoll (ongoing[293])
- Family Myrmecobiidae
- Myrmecobius fasciatus, numbat (ongoing[294])
- † Family Thylacinidae
- † Thylacinus cynocephalus, thylacine ([295])
- Family Dasyuridae
- Order Peramelemorphia
- Family Peramelidae
- Perameles gunnii, eastern barred bandicoot (ongoing[296])
- Family Thylacomyidae
- Macrotis lagotis, greater bilby (ongoing[297])
- Family Peramelidae
- Order Notoryctemorphia, Family Notoryctidae
- Notoryctes typhlops, southern marsupial mole (ongoing[298])
- Order Diprotodontia
- Family Macropodidae
- Macropus eugenii, tammar wallaby (2011[299])
- Petrogale penicillata, brush-tailed rock-wallaby (ongoing[300])
- Family Potoroidae
- Bettongia gaimardi, eastern bettong (ongoing[301])
- Bettongia penicillata ogilbyi, woylie (2021[302])
- Family Petauridae
- Gymnobelideus leadbeateri, Leadbeater's possum (ongoing[303])
- Family Burramyidae
- Burramys parvus, mountain pygmy possum (ongoing[304])
- Family Vombatidae
- Vombatus ursinus, common wombat (ongoing[305])
- Family Phascolarctidae
- Phascolarctos cinereus, koala (2013 draft[306])
- Family Macropodidae
[edit]- Order Proboscidea
- Family Elephantidae (Elephants)
- Elephas maximus, Asian elephant (2015[307])
- Loxodonta africana, African bush elephant (2009[308])
- Loxodonta cyclotis, African forest elephant (2018[309])
- Family Elephantidae (Elephants)
- Order Sirenia (sea cows)
- Family Trichechidae
- Trichechus manatus, West Indian manatee (2015[310]
- Family Trichechidae
[edit]- Order Lagomorpha
- Family Leporidae
- Oryctolagus cuniculus, European rabbit (2010[311][312])
- Family Leporidae
- Order Primates
- Family Callitrichidae
- Callithrix jacchus, Common marmoset (2010,[313] whole genome 2014[314])
- Family Cercopithecidae
- Macaca mulatta, rhesus macaque (2007[315] & Chinese rhesus macaque Macaca mulatta lasiota in 2011[316])
- Macaca fascicularis, Cynomolgus or crab-eating macaque (2011[316])
- Papio anubis, olive baboon (2020[317])
- Papio cynocephalus, yellow baboon (2016[318])
- Rhinopithecus roxellana, golden snub-nosed monkey (2019[319])
- Family Galagidae
- Family Hominidae
- Subfamily Ponginae
- Pongo pygmaeus/Pongo abelii, orangutan (Borneo/Sumatra) (2011[321])
- Subfamily Homininae
- Gorilla gorilla, western gorilla (2012[322])
- Homo sapiens, modern human (draft 2001,[323][324] whole genome 2022[325])
- † Homo neanderthalensis, Neanderthal (draft 2010[326])
- Pan troglodytes, chimpanzee (2005[327])
- Pan paniscus, bonobo (2012[328])
- Subfamily Ponginae
- Family Callitrichidae
- Order Rodentia
- Family Caviidae
- Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris, capybara (2018[329])
- Family Cricetidae
- Microtus montanus, Montane vole (2021[330][331])
- Microtus richardsoni, North American Water Vole (2021[330][332])
- Peromyscus leucopus, white-footed mouse (2019[333])
- Family Heteromyidae
- Perognathus longimembris pacificus, Pacific Pocket Mouse[334]
- Family Muridae
- Mastomys coucha, Southern multimammate mouse (2019[335])
- Mus musculus Strain: C57BL/6J, House mouse (2002[336])
- Rattus norvegicus, Brown rat (2004[337])
- Family Caviidae
[edit]- Order Artiodactyla (even-toed ungulates)
- Family Antilocapridae
- Antilocapra americana, pronghorn (2019[338])
- Family Balaenidae
- Balaena mysticetus, bowhead whale (2015[339])
- Eubalaena glacialis, North Atlantic right whale (2018[340])
- Family Balaenopteridae
- Balaenoptera acutorostrata, common minke whale (2014[341])
- Balaenoptera borealis, sei whale (2018[340])
- Balaenoptera musculus, blue whale (2018[340])
- Balaenoptera physalus, fin whale (2014[341])
- Megaptera novaeangliae, humpback whale (2018[340])
- Family Bovidae
- Ammotragus lervia, Barbary sheep (2019[338])
- Antidorcas marsupialis, Springbox (2019[338])
- Bison bonasus, European bison (2017[342])
- Bos grunniens, yak 2012 ([343])
- Bos primigenius indicus, zebu or Brahman cattle (2012[344])
- Bos primigenius taurus, cow 2009 ([345])
- Bubalus bubalis, river buffalo (2017[346])
- Capra ibex, Goats (2019[338])
- Cephalophus harveyi, Harvey's duiker (2019[338])
- Connochaetes taurinus, blue wildebeest (2019[338])
- Damaliscus lunatus, common tsessebe (2019[338])
- Gazella thomsoni, Thomson's gazelle (2019[338])
- Hippotragus niger, Sable Antelope (2019[347])
- Kobus ellipsiprymnus, Waterbuck (2019[338])
- Litocranius walleri, Gerenuk (2019[338])
- Oreotragus oreotragus, Klipspringer (2019[338])
- Oryx gazella, Gemsbok (2019[348])
- Ourebia ourebi, Oribi (2019[338])
- Ovis ammon, Argali (2019[338])
- Ovis ammon polii, marco polo sheep (2017[349])
- Nanger granti, Grant's gazelle (2019[338])
- Neotragus moschatus, Suni (2019[338])
- Neotragus pygmaeus, Royal antelope (2019[338])
- Philantomba maxwellii, Maxwell's duiker (2019[338])
- Procapra przewalskii, Przewalski's gazelle (2019[338])
- Pseudois nayaur, Bharal (2019[338])
- Raphicerus campestris, Steenbox (2019[338])
- Redunca redunca, Bohor reedbuck (2019[338])
- Syncerus caffer, African buffalo (2019[338])
- Sylvicapra grimmia, common duiker (2019[338])
- Tragelaphus, Spiral-horned bovine (2019[338])
- Tragelaphus buxtoni, Mountain nyala (2019[338])
- Tragelaphus strepsiceros, Greater kudu (2019[338])
- Tragelaphus imberbis, Lesser kudu (2019[338])
- Tragelaphus spekii, Sitatunga (2019[338])
- Tragelaphus scriptus, Bushbuck (2019[338])
- Taurotragus oryx, Common eland (2019[338])
- Family Camelidae
- Camelus ferus, Wild Bactrian camel (2007[350])
- Family Cervidae
- Cervus albirostris, Tharold's deer (2019[338])
- Elaphurus davidianus, Père David's deer (2018[351])
- Muntiacus crinifrons, hairy-fronted muntjac (2019[338])
- Muntiacus muntjak, Indian muntjac (2019[338])
- Muntiacus reevesi, Reeves's muntjac (2019[338])
- Odocoileus hemionus, mule deer (2021[352])
- Rangifer tarandus, Reindeer (2017[353])
- Family Delphinidae
- Family Eschrichtiidae
- Family Giraffidae
- Giraffa camelopardalis, Giraffe (2019[338])
- Giraffa camelopardalis tippelskirchi, Masai giraffe (2019[356])
- Okapia johnstoni, Okapi (2019[338])
- Family Monodontidae
- Delphinapterus, beluga whale (2017[357])
- Family Moschidae
- Family Phocoenidae
- Family Physeteridae
- Family Suidae
- Sus scrofa, pig (2012[361])
- Family Tragulidae
- Family Antilocapridae
- Order Carnivora
- Family Felidae
- Acinonyx jubatus, cheetah (2015[362])
- Felis catus, cat (2007[363])
- Panthera leo, lion (2013[364])
- Panthera pardus, Amur leopard (2016[365])
- Panthera tigris tigris, Siberian tiger (2013[364])
- Panthera tigris tigris, Bengal tiger (2013[364])
- Panthera uncia, snow leopard (2013[364])
- Prionailurus bengalensis, leopard cat (2016[365])
- Family Canidae
- Canis familiaris, dog (2005[366])
- Canis lupus lupus, wolf (2017[367]).
- Lycaon pictus, african wild dog (2018[368])
- Family Ursidae
- Family Odobenidae
- Odobenus rosmarus, walrus (2015[310])
- Family Mustelidae
- Enhydra lutris kenyoni, sea otter (2017[374])
- Mustela erminea, stoat (2018[375])
- Mustela furo, ferret (2014[376])
- Pteronura brasiliensis, giant otter (2019[377])
- Family Felidae
- Order Chiroptera
- Family Megadermatidae
- Family Mormoopidae
- Family Pteropodidae
- Pteropus vampyrus, fruit bat (2012[354])
- Eidolon helvum, Old World fruit bat (2013[378])
- Family Rhinolophidae
- Family Vespertilionidae
- Myotis lucifugus, little brown bat (2010[379])
- Family Phyllostomidae
- Leptonycteris yerbabuenae, long nosed bat (2020[380])
- Leptonycteris nivalis, greater long nosed bat (2020[380])
- Musonycteris harrisoni, banana bat (2020[380])
- Artibeus jamaicensis, Jamaican fruit bat (2020[380])
- Macrotus waterhousii, Waterhouse's leaf-nosed bat (2020[380]
- Order Erinaceomorpha, Family Erinaceidae
- Erinaceus europaeus, western European hedgehog ([311])
- Order Eulipotyphla, Family Solenodontidae
- Order Perissodactyla (odd-toed ungulates)
- Family Equidae
- Equus caballus, horse (2009[382] 2018[383])
- Family Equidae
[edit]- Order Blattodea
- Blattella germanica, German cockroach (2018[384])
- Periplaneta americana, American cockroach (2018[385])
- Zootermopsis nevadensis, a dampwood termite (2014[386]
- Cryptotermes secundus, a drywood termite(2018[384])
- Macrotermes natalensis, a higher termite (2014[387]
- Order Coleoptera
- Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins, beetle (mountain pine beetle) (2013[388])
- Aquatica lateralis, Japanese aquatic firefly "Heike-botaru" (firefly) (2018[389])
- Photinus pyralis, Big Dipper firefly (2018[389])
- Protaetia brevitarsis, White-spotted flower chafer (2019[390])
- Tribolium castaneum Strain:GA-2, beetle (red flour beetle) (2008[391])
- Allomyrina dichotoma, Japanese rhinoceros beetle (2022[392])
- Order Collembola
- Family Isotomidae
- Desoria tigrina, (2021[393][394])
- Family Sminthurididae
- Sminthurides aquaticus, (2021[393][395])
- Family Isotomidae
- Order Diptera
- Family Calliphoridae
- Aldrichina grahami, Forensic blowfly (2020[396])
- Family Chironomidae
- Family Culicidae (mosquitoes)
- Aedes aegypti Strain:LVPib12, mosquito (vector of dengue fever, etc.) (2007[400])
- Aedes albopictus (2015[401])
- Anopheles darlingi
- Anopheles gambiae Strain: PEST, mosquito (vector of malaria) (2002[402])
- Anopheles gambiae Strain: M, mosquito (vector of malaria) (2010[403])
- Anopheles gambiae Strain: S, mosquito (vector of malaria) (2010[403])
- Anopheles sinensis, mosquito (vector of vivax malaria, lymphatic filariasis and Setaria infections), (2014[404])
- Anopheles stephensii
- Anopheles arabiensis (2015[405])
- Anopheles quadriannulatus (2015[405])
- Anopheles merus (2015[405])
- Anopheles melas (2015[405])
- Anopheles christyi (2015[405])
- Anopheles epiroticus (2015[405])
- Anopheles maculatus (2015[405])
- Anopheles culicifacies (2015[405])
- Anopheles minimus (2015[405])
- Anopheles funestus (2015,[405] 2019[406])
- Anopheles dirus (2015[405])
- Anopheles farauti (2015[405])
- Anopheles atroparvus (2015[405])
- Anopheles sinensis (2015[405])
- Anopheles albimanus (2015[405])
- Culex quinquefasciatus, mosquito (vector of West Nile virus, filariasis etc.) (2010[407])
- Family Drosophilidae (fruit flies)
- Drosophila albomicans, fruit fly (2012[408])
- Drosophila ananassae, fruit fly (2007[409])
- Drosophila biarmipes, fruit fly (2011[410])
- Drosophila bipectinata, fruit fly (2011[410])
- Drosophila erecta, fruit fly (2007[409])
- Drosophila elegans, fruit fly (2011[410])
- Drosophila eugracilis, fruit fly (2011[410])
- Drosophila ficusphila, fruit fly (2011[410])
- Drosophila grimshawi, fruit fly (2007[409])
- Drosophila kikkawai, fruit fly (2011[410])
- Drosophila melanogaster, fruit fly (model organism) (2000[411])
- Drosophila mojavensis, fruit fly (2007[409])
- Drosophila neotestacea, fruit fly (transcriptome 2014[412])
- Drosophila persimilis, fruit fly (2007[409])
- Drosophila pseudoobscura, fruit fly (2005[413])
- Drosophila rhopaloa, fruit fly (2011[410])
- Drosophila santomea, fruit fly ([414])
- Drosophila sechellia, fruit fly (2007[409])
- Drosophila simulans, fruit fly (2007[409])
- Drosophila takahashi, fruit fly (2011[410])
- Drosophila virilis, fruit fly (2007[409])
- Drosophila willistoni, fruit fly (2007[409])
- Drosophila yakuba, fruit fly (2007[409])
- Family Phoridae
- Megaselia abdita, scuttle fly (transcriptome 2013[415])
- Family Psychodidae (drain flies)
- Clogmia albipunctata, moth midge (transcriptome 2013[415])
- Family Sarcophagidae (flesh flies)
- Sarcophaga Bullata, Flesh fly (2019[416])
- Family Syrphidae (hoverflies)
- Episyrphus balteatus, hoverfly (transcriptome 2011[417])
- Family Calliphoridae
- Order Hemiptera
- Acyrthosiphon pisum, aphid (pea aphid) (2010[418])
- Ericerus pela, Chinese wax scale insect (2019[419])
- Laodelphax striatellus, small brown planthopper (2017[420])
- Lycorma delicatula, spotted lanternfly (2019[421])
- Rhodnius prolixus, kissing-bug (2015[422])
- Rhopalosiphum maidis, Corn leaf aphid (2019[423])
- Sitobion miscanthi, Indian grain aphid (2019[424])
- Triatoma rubrofasciata, assassin bug (2019[425])
- Order Hymenoptera
- Acromyrmex echinatior colony Ae372, ant (Panamanian leafcutter) (2011[426])
- Apis mellifera, bee (honey bee), (model for eusocial behavior) (2006[427])
- Atta cephalotes, ant (leaf-cutter ant) (2011[428])
- Camponotus floridanus, ant (2010[429])
- Cerapachys biroi, ant (clonal raider ant)(2014[430])
- Euglossa dilemma, Green orchid bee (2017[431])
- Harpegnathos saltator, ant (2010[429])
- Lasius niger, ant (black garden ant)(2017[432])
- Linepithema humile, ant (Argentine ant) (2011[433])
- Nasonia giraulti, wasp (parasitoid wasp) (2010[434])
- Nasonia longicornis, wasp (parasitoid wasp) (2010[434])
- Nasonia vitripennis, wasp (parasitoid wasp; model organism) (2010[434])
- Nomia Melanderi, Alkali bee (2019[435])
- Pogonomyrmex barbatus, ant (red harvester ant) (2011[436])
- Solenopsis invicta, ant (fire ant) (2011[437])
- Order Lepidoptera
- Abrostola tripartita Hufnagel, Spectacle (2021[438])
- Achalarus lyciades, Hoary Edge Skipper (2017[439])
- Ahamus jianchuanensis, Jianchuan ghost moth (2024[440])
- Antharaea yamamai, Japanese oak silk moth (2019[441])
- Arctia plantaginis, Wood tiger moth (2020[442])
- Bicyclus anynana, squinting bush brown (2017[443])
- Bombyx mori Strain:p50T, moth (domestic silk worm) (2004[444])
- Calycopis cecrops, Red-Banded Groundstreak (2016[445])
- Calycopis isobeon, Dusky-Blue Groundstreak (2016[445])
- Coenonympha arcania, Pearly Heath (2024[446])
- Cydia pomonella, codling moth (2019[447])
- Danaus plexippus, monarch butterfly) (2011[448])
- Heliconius melpomene, butterfly (2012[449])
- Keiferia lycopersicella, Tomato pinworm (2024[450])
- Melitaea cinxia, Glanville fritillary butterfly (2014[451][452])
- Megathymus ursus violae, bear giant skipper butterfly (2018[453])
- Morpho helenor, Common blue morpho (2023[454][455])
- Morpho achilles, Blue-banded morpho (2023[454][456])
- Morpho deidamia (2023[454][456])
- Papilio bianor, Chinese peacock butterfly (2019[457])
- Phthorimaea absoluta, Tomato leafminer (2024[450])
- Pieris rapae, small cabbage white butterfly (2016[458])
- Plodia interpunctella, Indianmeal moth (2022[459][460])
- Plutella xylostella, moth (diamondback moth) (2013[461])
- Scrobipalpa atriplicella, Goosefoot groundling moth (2024[450])
- Spodoptera frugiperda, Fall armyworm (2017[462][463])
- Thitarodes armoricanus, Himalaya ghost moth (2024[440])
- Thitarodes xiaojinensis, Xiaojin ghost moth (2024[440])
- Troides aeacus, Golden birdwing (2024[464])
- Eudocima phalonia, fruit-piercing moth (2017[465])
- Order Orthoptera
- Locusta migratoria, migratory locust (2014[466])
- Schistocerca gregaria, desert locust (2020[467])
- Gryllus bimaculatus, two-spotted cricket (2021[468])
- Order Phthiraptera
- Pediculus humanus, louse (sucking louse; parasite) (2010[469])
- Psocoptera
- Liposcelis brunnea, booklouse (2022[470])
- Order Raphidioptera
- Venustoraphidia nigricollis, black-necked snakefly (2023[471])
- Order Trichoptera
- Eubasilissa regina, purple caddisfly (2022,[459][472])
- Stenopsyche tienmushanensisi, Caddisfly (2018[473])
[edit]- Acartia tonsa dana, cosmopolitan calanoid copepod (2019[474])
- Cherax quadricarinatus, Red claw crayfish (2020[475])
- Daphnia pulex, water flea (2007[476][477][478])
- Eulimnadia texana, Clam Shrimp (2018[479])
- Macrobrachium nipponense, oriental river prawn (2021[480])
- Neocaridina denticulata, shrimp (2014[481])
- Parhyale hawaiensis, amphipod (2016[482])
- Pollicipes pollicipes, Gooseneck barnacle (2022[483])
- Portunus trituberculatus, swimming crab (2020[484])
- Procambarus virginalis, marbled crayfish (2018[485])
- Sphaeroma terebrans, a wood-boring isopod (2019[486])
- Tigriopus kingsejongensis, antarctic-endemic copepod (2017[487])
[edit]Order Xiphosura:
- Limulus polyphemus, Atlantic horseshoe crab (2014[488])
- Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda, mangrove horseshoe crab (2021[489])
- Tachypleus tridentatus, tri-spine horseshoe crab (2021[489])
Order Ixodida:
- Ixodes scapularis, deer tick (2016[490])
Order Mesostigmata:
- Tropilaelaps mercedesae, honeybee mite (2017[491])
Order Trombidiformes:
- Tetranychus urticae, spider mite (2011[492])
Order Scorpiones:
Order Araneae:
- Acanthoscurria geniculata, Brazilian whiteknee tarantula (2014[494])
- Argiope bruennichi, European wasp spider (2021[495])
- Dysdera silvatica, Canary Island nocturnal endemic woodlouse spider (2019[496])
- Latrodectus elegans, Black widow spider (2022[497])
- Nephila clavipes, (golden silk orb-weaver) (2017[498])
- Parasteatoda tepidariorum, (common house spider) (2017[499])
- Stegodyphus mimosarum, African social velvet spider (2014[494])
- Uloborus diversus, Cribellate orb-weaving spider, (2023[500])
[edit]- Epiperipatus biolleyi, peripatid velvet worm (1996[502])
- Euperipatoides rowelli, peripatopsid velvet worm (2023[503])
[edit]- Hypsibius dujardini, water bear (2015[504][505])
[edit]- Acanthopleura granulata, chiton (2020[506])
- Achatina fulica, giant African snail (2019[507])
- Architeuthis dux, giant squid (2020[508])
- Argopecten purpuratus, peruvian scallop (2018[509])
- Bathymodiolus platifrons, seep mussel (2017[510]
- Biomphalaria glabrata, a medically important air-breathing freshwater snail in the family Planorbidae (2017[511])
- Biomphalaria straminea, Ramshorn snail (2022[512])
- Candidula unifasciata, Land snail (2021)[513]
- Chlamys farreri, Zhikong scallop (2017[514])
- Conus ventricosus, Mediterranean cone snail (2021[515])
- Crassostrea angulata, Portuguese oyster (2023[516])
- Crassostrea gigas, Pacific oyster (2012[517])
- Dreissena rostriformis, Quagga mussel (2019[518])
- Euprymna scolopes, Hawaiian bobtail squid (2019[519])
- Elysia chlorotica, a solar-powered sea slug (2019[520])
- Haliotis discus hannai, pacific abalone (2017[521])
- Hapalochlaena maculosa, Southern blue-ringed octopus (2020[522])
- Kalloconus canariensis, Canary Island cone shell (2023[523])
- Kelletia kelletii, Kellet’s whelk (2023[524])
- Lottia gigantea, owl limpet (2013[525])
- Limnoperna fortunei, invasive golden mussel (2017[526])
- Liolophura japonica, Common chiton (2024[527])
- Margaritifera margaritifera, European freshwater pearl mussel (2023[528])
- Modiolus philippinarum, shallow water mussel (2017[510])
- Mytilus galloprovincialis, Mediterranean mussel (2016[529])
- Octopus bimaculoides, California two-spot octopus (2015[530])
- Octopus minor, common long-arm octopus (2018[531])
- Octopus vulgaris, common octopus (2019[532])
- Panopea generosa, Pacific geoduck (2023[533])
- Patinopecten yessoensis, Yesso scallop (2017[534])
- Pecten maximus, Great scallop (2020[535])
- Pinctada fucata, Pearl oyster (2012[536])
- Plakobranchus ocellatus, Kleptoplastic sea slug (2021[537])
- Pomacea canaliculata, golden apple snail (2018[538])
- Ruditapes philippinarum, Manila clam (2017[539])
- Saccostrea glomerata, Sydney rock oyster (2018[540])
- Scapharca broughtonii, Blood clam (2019[541])
- Tridacna crocea, Giant clam (2023[542])
- Venustaconcha ellipsiformis, freshwater mussel (2018[543])
[edit]- Clonorchis sinensis, liver fluke (human pathogen) (draft 2011[544])
- Echinococcus granulosus, tapeworm (dog pathogen) (2013,[545] 2013[546])
- Echinococcus multilocularis, tapeworm (2013[545])
- Hymenolepis microstoma, tapeworm (2013[545])
- Schistosoma haematobium, schistosome (human pathogen) (2012[547] 2019[548])
- Schistosoma japonicum, schistosome (human pathogen) (2009[549])
- Schistosoma mansoni, schistosome (human pathogen) (2009,[550] 2012[551])
- Schmidtea mediterranea, planarian (model organism) (2006[552])
- Taenia solium, tapeworm (2013[545])
[edit]- Ancylostoma ceylanicum, zoonotic hookworm infecting both humans and other mammals (2015[553])
- Aplectana chamaeleonis, amphibian parasite (2023[554])
- Ascaris suum, pig-infecting giant roundworm, closely related to human-infecting giant roundworm Ascaris lumbricoides (2011[555])
- Brugia malayi (Strain:TRS), human-infecting filarial parasite (2007[556])
- Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, infects pine trees (2011[557])
- Caenorhabditis angaria (Strain:PS1010) (2010[558])
- Caenorhabditis brenneri, a gonochoristic (male-female obligate) species more closely related to C. briggsae than C. elegans[559][560]
- Caenorhabditis briggsae (2003[561])
- Caenorhabditis elegans (Strain:Bristol N2), model organism (1998[562])
- Caenorhabditis remanei, a gonochoristic (male-female obligate) species more closely related to C. briggsae than C. elegans[563][564]
- Dirofilaria immitis, dog-infecting filarial parasite (2012[565])
- Globodera pallida, plant pathogen (2014[566])
- Haemonchus contortus, blood-feeding parasite infecting sheep and goats (2013[567])
- Heterodera glycines, soybean cyst nematode (2019[568])
- Heterorhabditis bacteriophora, (2013[569])
- Loa loa, human-infecting filarial parasite (2013[570])
- Meloidogyne hapla, northern root-knot nematode (plant pathogen) (2008[571])
- Meloidogyne incognita, southern root-knot nematode (plant pathogen) (2008[572])
- Necator americanus, human-infecting hookworm (2014[573])
- Onchocerca volvulus, human-infecting filarial parasite[574]
- Pristionchus pacificus, model invertebrate (2008[575])
- Romanomermis culicivorax, entomopathogenic nematode that invades larvae of various mosquito species (2013[576])
- Trichuris suis, pig-infecting whipworm (2014[577])
- Trichuris muris, mouse-infecting whipworm (2014[578])
- Trichuris trichiura, human-infecting whipworm (2014[578])
- Wuchereria bancrofti, human-infecting filarial parasite[574]
[edit]- Capitella teleta, polychaete (2007,[579] 2013[525])
- Helobdella robusta, leech (2007,[580] 2013[525])
- Eisenia fetida, earthworm (2015,[581] 2016[582])
- Paraescarpia echinospica, deep-sea tubeworm (2021,[583])
- Hirudinaria manillensis, Asian Buffalo leech (2023[584][585])
- Hirudo nipponia, Japanese blood-sucking leech (2023[584][586])
- Whitmania pigra, Asian freshwater leech (2023[584][585])
[edit]- Bugula neritina, bryozoan (2020,[587])
[edit]- Lingula anatina, brachiopod (2015,[588])
[edit]- Adineta vaga, rotifer (2013,[589])
See also
[edit]- List of sequenced bacterial genomes
- List of sequenced archaeal genomes
- List of sequenced eukaryotic genomes
- List of sequenced fungi genomes
- List of sequenced plant genomes
- List of sequenced protist genomes
- List of sequenced plastomes
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